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Medicine Science

Use of Male Mice Skews Drug Research Against Women, Study Finds ( 157

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: The male mind is rational and orderly while the female one is complicated and hormonal. It is a stereotype that has skewed decades of neuroscience research towards using almost exclusively male mice and other laboratory animals, according to a new study. Scientists have typically justified excluding female animals from experiments -- even when studying conditions that are more likely to affect women -- on the basis that fluctuating hormones would render the results uninterpretable. However, according to Rebecca Shansky, a neuroscientist at Northeastern University, in Boston, it is entirely unjustified by scientific evidence, which shows that, if anything, the hormones and behavior of male rodents are less stable than those of females. Shansky is calling for stricter requirements to include animals of both sexes in research, saying the failure to do so has led to the development of drugs that work less well in women. One example that the report mentions is with the sleeping drug Ambien, which had been tested in male animals and then men in clinical trials. It "was later shown to be far more potent in women because it was metabolized more slowly in the female body," the report says. "Across all drugs, women tended to suffer more adverse side effects and overdoses."
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Use of Male Mice Skews Drug Research Against Women, Study Finds

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  • In mice (Score:2, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward

    In mice

    • by Anonymous Coward

      IN MICE []

      • by Anonymous Coward

        What cynical, anti-science, non-consensus rot.

        • I'm a scientist, and I'm pretty sure the "in mice" movement is a drive to be more factual, clear with the public, scientific, and reflective of our collective scientific understanding that mice are not people.

  • Mice != humans. And lab mice are a special kind I believe.

    • by AHuxley ( 892839 )
      Yes the lab mice used have to be the same as used globally so everyone can see the results and then peer review.
      Who wants to find out that the "mice" are now "different" and the lab can do the review?
      Same mice as always, same results globally, all is good.
      New and different mice and its hard work to find the "same" mice needed and do the work.
      A common standard in lab mice is used for a very good reason.
      • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

        by Can'tNot ( 5553824 )
        The common standard is not based on gender, it's based on genetic line. Using female mice would not be an issue in this respect for most trials.
        • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • by AHuxley ( 892839 )
          Who wants to be the first lab to find that other aspect to "not be an issue" and what is their "trials"?
          Use the same mice, get the same result.
          Change up the mice and get what?
          Was it the new mice? The lab? The idea?
          Ask another lab to the test again? Do they have the "right" mice ready?
          Do they have to find the "right" mice before they can start?
          A common standard matters. Thats why its "common" and a "standard"
        • The common standard is not based on gender, it's based on genetic line. Using female mice would not be an issue in this respect for most trials.

          Of course, using up your female mice to do lab studies is a great way to limit the supply of mice. Remember, one male mouse can knock up a whole bunch of female mice. The reverse, not so much.

          Basically, same reasoning as to why farmers keep one bull and a lot of cows - it makes the bull happy, and lets you have the maximum possible number of calves....

          • Mice are known for their fecundity, I doubt that this would be such a problem. It does put an additional burden on testing though: you either need more mice to reach the same confidence, given that you now have an additional variable, or you'd need to do an additional experiment after all other testing was done to see if male and female mice responded to the drug differently.
      • by malkavian ( 9512 )

        That's the problem with that kind of testing. It applies only for the conditions that it's tested in.
        If you take a male mouse from an identified genetic line as the control, then you need to run comparisons against various other genetic lines and especially across sex.
        That'll give an idea of what kind of variability you'd expect in the human trials, or whether there are other confounding factors that simply don't show up in a single strain experiment.

      • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

        Yes... that gets at an issue that a lot of people seem to have trouble with. It's fine to use a very carefully controlled standard (e.g. male, genetically identical mice) so that your work can be easily replicated in another lab. *But* in order to make any kind of general statements about your findings its necessary to actually show that they hold in other populations.

    • by arglebargle_xiv ( 2212710 ) on Saturday June 01, 2019 @02:56AM (#58689754)

      Mice != humans. And lab mice are a special kind I believe.

      Exactly. Decades of feminists have told us that women are equal to men in every single way, how dare they experiment on unequal mice! And how dare these drugs be so sexist as to work differently in women!

      • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

        by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        Actually the Founding Fathers are to blame, they wrote "all men are created equal" which clearly means they think all men are just clones and the same in every single way.

        • Actually the Founding Fathers are to blame, they wrote "all men are created equal" which clearly means they think all men are just clones and the same in every single way.

          I think I may have found a new sig.

          • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

            I was trying to think of a way to phrase it for a sig but couldn't come up with anything good. If you have any ideas please feel free.

            • I was trying to think of a way to phrase it for a sig but couldn't come up with anything good. If you have any ideas please feel free.

              hm you're right, it's trickier than I thought. I love the sentiment though.

        • Actually the Founding Fathers are to blame, they wrote "all men are created equal" which clearly means they think all men are just clones and the same in every single way.

          That word does not mean what it would have to mean in order for that to make sense. Equal means equivalent, not identical.

          • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

            That's was my point. I was being sarcastic.

            Although to be honest it's not all that clear exactly what they meant... They didn't fully extend rights to women or black men, for example.

            • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

              They meant the same thing the ancient Greeks meant in their democracy:

              We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men* are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

              * men are defined as having penises, owning property and not being owned by another man. If you're not in ancient Greece, men are also white.

    • by Chas ( 5144 )

      The thing is, while a mouse's metabolism isn't QUITE human, it's close enough that, to a clinical researcher, you're essentially a 75 kilogram rat.

    • Indeed. Without checking wikipedia, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that mice, like most mammals, experience seasonal estrous. That's quite a bit different than homo sapien's monthly hormonal cycle.

      All drugs go through human testing anyway. So this is likely to be a complete non-issue but, you know. Teh sexisms.
  • Animal Cruelty (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Can we please do medical experiments on feminists instead of mice?
    • How about on shitty misogynists instead?
  • wow, just wow (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward

    It is a _stereotype_ that women are hormonal?

    Has the author of this article ever associated or lived with a biological "default" female?

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Use of Mice Skews Drug Research Against Humans, Study Finds

  • Look at the HPV vaccine. They didn't give it to males for years only females. Why? They just ran the trial on women so there was no data on males. Its almost as if their methodology is wrong and they can't identify why.

    • by Calydor ( 739835 )

      Maybe, just maybe, they could start keeping track of results on the mice depending on the gender of said mice.

    • Running a trial is expensive, and HPV (cervical cancer) kills women, not men.
      • No, it kills both men and women. It's just that when something kills women in greater numbers, everyone forgets about the men.

      • by rv6502 ( 5793142 )

        and HPV (cervical cancer) kills women, not men.

        Wrong. It also causes penile cancer in men and throat cancer in all sexes. But it's rarely mentioned because if something is perceived as affecting only women it gets much more funding and support to solve the problem.

  • Wait (Score:4, Insightful)

    by grasshoppa ( 657393 ) on Saturday June 01, 2019 @12:57AM (#58689540) Homepage

    I thought gender was a social construct.

    I'm feeling triggered, hitler.

    • Gender is a social construct, sex isn't.

      Government should be involved only in determination of sex, and prevention of discrimination, and otherwise stay out of gender entirely; just like government should be involved in contract resolution, but should otherwise stay out of marriage entirely.

  • by Jarwulf ( 530523 ) on Saturday June 01, 2019 @01:02AM (#58689554)
    because its retarded to additional variables to your billion dollar study just to please feminists (female mice on top of being an additional factor in themselves go through cycles like human women). Drug studies have several stages with additional human trials at the end with both men and women for drugs that will be for both sexes as standard anyway (if you didn't include women by this point you'd likely be in trouble) so there is no point in throwing in female mice for giggles. Dumb nonscience writer who knows nothing about the drug development process is obvious.
    • Dumb nonscience writer who knows nothing about the drug development process is obvious.

      Dumb slashdotter who knows nothing about biology is obvious.

  • How about (Score:5, Funny)

    by Vinegar Joe ( 998110 ) on Saturday June 01, 2019 @01:05AM (#58689556)

    Transfemale mice? Or mice who identify as cats?

  • by Anonymous Coward

    As someone who works on pharmaceutical data I thought this article could use some clarification.

    The article makes it sound like using male only test groups is the norm. While I'm not involved in animal testing itself I am involved in analysing historical rest results. Recently I have been working with a large dataset of a few thousand studies performed by most of the major pharmaceutical companies. It contains something on the order of 30,000 animals making it possibly the largest single dataset of this typ

    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

      Consider writing a response to the Science article. Those types of articles are usually rather light on actual numbers.

  • by johannesg ( 664142 ) on Saturday June 01, 2019 @04:11AM (#58689848)

    Right? It's all the same, no difference whatsoever, and death to those who dare suggest otherwise. So why would entities who self-identify with the female gender need different medication from entities who self-identify with the male gender? How about the other 1467 genders, should there be specific pills for all of those? Have they at least included brown and white mice in their studies, or is medicine in fact the hotbed of racism I'm beginning to suspect it is? /sarc

    (it's hard to be satirical when the real world is so unbelievably over the top...)

  • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Saturday June 01, 2019 @06:00AM (#58690092)

    And again, feminism fails to identify the real problem. Have you noticed that they absolutely exclusively test on white mice? Guess who really gets to suffer from side effects because their genetic and physiological percularities get underrepresented.

    Feminists are all racists, I tell you!

    • At least 60% of moderators understood the comment. My faith in /. is probably shaken but not destroyed yet.

  • The male mind is rational and orderly while the female one is complicated and hormonal. It is a stereotype that has skewed decades of neuroscience research towards using almost exclusively male mice and other laboratory animals

    Who came up with that silly line of reasoning? Someone trying to confirm the stereotype about women? I can understand that using only male test animals may introduce a bias in the research. But the reason for using male animals is completely practical. It has nothing to do with st

    • The male mind is rational and orderly while the female one is complicated and hormonal. It is a stereotype that has skewed decades of neuroscience research towards using almost exclusively male mice and other laboratory animals

      Who came up with that silly line of reasoning? Someone trying to confirm the stereotype about women?

      Someone trying to trigger people by introducing a complete non-sequitur.

    • Who came up with that silly line of reasoning?

      Fuck knows but it's a very pervasive myth.

      Male mice and test animals are used because the rate at which you can breed replacement animals is proportional to the female population and only the female population. That is, the more of your female animals you kill off, the more you reduce the rate at which you can breed replacement animals. OTOH killing off your male animals doesn't affect the rate at which you can breed replacement animals. You only need to save a

      • by rv6502 ( 5793142 )

        Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

        If that were true women would have volunteered to enlist in droves and not arduously lobbied the government during every war to conscript men.

        • If that were true

          You think is't not? You'd prefer to live as a slave then?

  • Yes, makes sense (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Sqreater ( 895148 ) on Saturday June 01, 2019 @07:51AM (#58690418)
    Men and women are NOT the same, regardless of what hyper-liberals and sociopathic feminists say we must believe. There has to be two research projects run on things that affect humans no - matter what the cost, one for men, and one for women. It is only logical. It is only right.
    • Men and women are NOT the same, regardless of what hyper-liberals and sociopathic feminists say we must believe. There has to be two research projects run on things that affect humans no - matter what the cost, one for men, and one for women. It is only logical. It is only right.

      Ahh, but we have greatly differing legal costs. You're kind of cavalier about the costs of any legal action of any problem occurring during humans with regard to reproductive issues. The natural sympathy of juries to any problems with children, even if they aren't provably harmed by the drug under test, is a lose lose situation.

  • by argStyopa ( 232550 ) on Saturday June 01, 2019 @09:36AM (#58690718) Journal

    1) males in a population are generally expendable, females less so until part reproductive age.

    2) at least in humans, the changes in bodily systems linked to hormonal/reproductive cycles are profound in females, far simpler in males. If you're doing an experiment, you want to control for as many variables as possible to make your results clearer. Using women - where your results could vary wildly depending on whether it's the 14th of the month or the 20th of the month, whether she might actually be pregnant or not, etc would increase the costs, complexity, and length of drug trials exponentially.

    3) let's not forget that women do get pregnant and don't realize it. If the new cold and flu medicine you're testing turns out to be the next thalidomide, how horrific would that be? (Setting aside entirely the likely financial liability.)

    I know that the consequences of male-dominated testing are negative for women, but at a certain point even 21st century "woke" hand wringing and implications of institutional sexism runs into the hard, cold fact of the innate biological differences between people with xx chromosomes and people with xy.

  • Is there anyone else from an industry lab here who thought we were reading a paper from the 1980s?

    Why do NIH researchers still do this? It's been the law in drug development since 1993 to have gender balanced studies. (The exceptions since '93 are very rare... Ambien was passed in '92).

    Why are they dragging drug development into this? This simply isn't true for commercial efforts. In addition to being illegal, OF COURSE it would be incredibly stupid to ignore half the population.

  • by AndyKron ( 937105 ) on Saturday June 01, 2019 @10:33AM (#58690968)
    "women tended to suffer more adverse side effects and overdoses." Sounds like your typical complex and hormonal female to me. HeeHawwww!
  • by jbssm ( 961115 )
    But, aren't we being told that there is no difference between male and female brains and that is only a false theory imposed by the patriarchy?
  • So is the difference in male vs female mice greater than the difference between a mouse and a human in general?

"I have just one word for you, my boy...plastics." - from "The Graduate"
