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Wayward Satellites Test Einstein's Theory of General Relativity ( 99

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Scientific American: In August 2014 a rocket launched the fifth and sixth satellites of the Galileo global navigation system, the European Union's $11-billion answer to the U.S.'s GPS. But celebration turned to disappointment when it became clear that the satellites had been dropped off at the wrong cosmic "bus stops." Instead of being placed in circular orbits at stable altitudes, they were stranded in elliptical orbits useless for navigation. The mishap, however, offered a rare opportunity for a fundamental physics experiment. Two independent research teams -- one led by Pacome Delva of the Paris Observatory in France, the other by Sven Herrmann of the University of Bremen in Germany -- monitored the wayward satellites to look for holes in Einstein's general theory of relativity.

Einstein's theory predicts time will pass more slowly close to a massive object, which means that a clock on Earth's surface should tick at a more sluggish rate relative to one on a satellite in orbit. This time dilation is known as gravitational redshift. Any subtle deviation from this pattern might give physicists clues for a new theory that unifies gravity and quantum physics. Even after the Galileo satellites were nudged closer to circular orbits, they were still climbing and falling about 8,500 kilometers twice a day. Over the course of three years Delva's and Herrmann's teams watched how the resulting shifts in gravity altered the frequency of the satellites' super-accurate atomic clocks. In a previous gravitational redshift test, conducted in 1976, when the Gravity Probe-A suborbital rocket was launched into space with an atomic clock onboard, researchers observed that general relativity predicted the clock's frequency shift with an uncertainty of 1.4 x 10-4. The new studies, published last December in Physical Review Letters, again verified Einstein's prediction -- and increased that precision by a factor of 5.6. So, for now, the century-old theory still reigns.

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Wayward Satellites Test Einstein's Theory of General Relativity

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  • ...does there need to be an "answer" to the US GPS? Is there something the EU member want to do that the current GPS network cannot or declines to do?
    • Because (Score:5, Insightful)

      by sjbe ( 173966 ) on Monday February 11, 2019 @09:12AM (#58103252)

      Is there something the EU member want to do that the current GPS network cannot or declines to do?

      Yes. Not have an important piece of technology controlled by a (potential) rival nation. Maybe not an ideal reason but NIH [] is sometimes a strong motivation.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      > Is there something the EU member want to do that the current GPS network cannot or declines to do?

      Being independent of a warmonger that has all the incentive to scramble GPS when they see fit.

    • Re:Why... (Score:5, Informative)

      by XXongo ( 3986865 ) on Monday February 11, 2019 @09:47AM (#58103406) Homepage

      ...does there need to be an "answer" to the US GPS? Is there something the EU member want to do that the current GPS network cannot or declines to do?

      Yes: when President Clinton opened the high-resolution GPS up to all users (instead of just military) in May 2000, he reserved the right of the U.S. to selectively turn off the GPS system in the event of war or another national emergency (specific words [] were: "capability to selectively deny GPS signals on a regional basis when our national security is threatened"). The Europeans at that point committed to making their own system, which they could control, and turn of when they think it's necessary, not us.

    • Re:Why... (Score:5, Informative)

      by caseih ( 160668 ) on Monday February 11, 2019 @10:22AM (#58103588)

      There are a lot of reasons for having their own system, including control. But regardless of the reasons, right now there are pieces of five different positioning systems in operation right now. There's GPS (US), GLONAS (Russia), Galileo (Europe), Beidou (China), and QSZZ (Japan). New crops of GPS units, including the very impressive ZED-F9P chip from U-Blox, can see all of these satellites, allowing for more accurate and faster fixes. Also more satellites provides more redundant information for weeding out any bad satellite data, overcoming deliberate jamming, or when a country intentionally degrades the signal. Apparently recently near Georgia and South Carolina there was some GPS jamming going on as part of a naval exercise. Having more systems to work with mitigates this somewhat, although they all use similar frequencies to GPS's L1, L2, and L5 bands.

      And recently the FCC has finally allowed American users of GPS receivers to be able to use these other satellites. Odds are your phone is now using GPS, Galileo, and Glonass for positioning. It's a really a win win for those that rely on this technology. I can't see a downside, either for end users or countries to have more of these systems up and running, other than cost.

    • Re:Why... (Score:4, Insightful)

      by jd ( 1658 ) <imipak@yaho[ ]om ['o.c' in gap]> on Monday February 11, 2019 @10:45AM (#58103724) Homepage Journal

      Yes. GPS has low reliability and is controlled by a lunatic. By having an alternative, high-precision, system that actually works and is not controlled by a lunatic, you have what's called a benefit.

  • yes, relativity reigns supreme. Other than not being able to predict the orbits of any stars or galaxies correctly. Look at all this invisible shit over there -> DARK MATTER MAKES MY CALCULATIONS CORRECT!
    • by XXongo ( 3986865 )
      When orbits have been seen as being perturbed from the calculated orbit, hypothesizing a not (yet) seen object doing the perturbing has been, so far, a pretty good prediction, dating back to the discovery of Neptune based on the perturbations of the orbit of Uranus in 1846: []
    • by jd ( 1658 )

      Stars are predicted just fine, as are galaxies. Don't know what you're bitching about. There are a few exceptions, where the difference is predictable and follows a fixed rule. There is a little uncertainty as to why that rule is there. This may be Dark Matter, MOND, Emergent Gravity, etc. Precisely the same reason Newton's laws broke down. So unless you reject gravity and believe in mutant space weasels pulling things around, that's simply not even remotely passable as an excuse. So go find one that is acc

      • How is it my responsibility to explain the error of someone else's theory? The theory IS a theory of gravity. It does not explain ANY orbits of any stars accurately. YOU can call the discrepency "predictable" but that does not mean it is not there. Simply noting that the theory is incorrect DOES NOT EQUAL me saying space weasels exist. Physicists are the ones point at the invisible shit to explain the 'discrepency'.
        • by fazig ( 2909523 )
          The wording in your comment makes it sound like Relativity is garbage at even predicting something as simple as planet orbits accurately.

          Do you happen to know a hypothesis that does provide better predictions as a whole?

          That kind of is what physics is about. We choose apply and test the models that have proven to be accurate enough for a lot of things. And then you may have some exceptions here and there.
          There's probably a good deal of trust in Relativity because the models provided by relativity are se
          • From what I can see it does predict planetary orbits correctly. It's the whole rest of the cosmos it is inaccurate about. The bottom line -the whole reason for dark matter- is that relativity is incapable of predicting something as simple as the rotation of a star about it's galactic center. If the model of relativity is incapable of predicting the motions of any stars or galaxies then it is not serving well or accurately. How can you say there is trust in a theory that is 100% wrong all of the time?
            • by fazig ( 2909523 )
              In my line of work its predictions are right perhaps 95% of the time when I work with inertial navigation systems and GPS. And in those other cases it is usually human, hardware, or some other external influence that leads to inaccuracies.
              Not being able to predict orbits of objects lightyears away with accuracy is mostly irrelevant for me for example. If you have a better explanation for the rest of the cosmos and can't also account for the relativistic effects of motion and gravity, your model won't be us
              • So no star was named. Relativitiy has a 100% failure rate for describing 99.99999% of the cosmos. (basically anything not sitting within 5 AU of the earth) All I'm saying is that precludes it from being celebrated as a foundational theory of the cosmos that is revered for it's accuracy. That is in no way to take away from the discovery of the theory of time dilation. I wonder though, how exactly do you use relativity for calculating GPS? I use GIS a lot. As far as the Lorentz transformation used to c
                • by fazig ( 2909523 )
                  Well, time dilation and length contraction are part of Special and General Relativity. And that's exactly what those wayward satellites affirm. At least these particular news are not about some grand theory of the cosmos. That is until you brought up relativity reigns supreme.

                  The mathematics and the current system is enough to give us a certainty of about 5m, which is used in conjunction with various types of accelerometers and fibre optic gyroscopes. Accurate enough. We probably would be able solve devia
  • I haven't heard of the former. I already assume there's no conflict with the claim that the universe is expanding because distance light is more red than expected but I just kinda want to confirm. Is that so? =P

    Once upon when learning about gravitational waves / bosons / whatever there was something I wondered but eventually forgot. I hate that because I wanted to have it answered =P

    • by HiThere ( 15173 )

      Gravitational redshift was the first version predicted, and has been more thoroughly tested. Expansion based redshift was predicted later, and is harder to test directly (because we lack a time machine + FTL drive so we can't look at the same source from two significantly different times and places). But it's passed every indirect test so far.

      In a way, this is a pity, because we know that either relativity, quantum theory, or both are flawed, because they differ in their predictions over things we have no

  • So, if I mine bitcoins far from the sun and earth... I will get more bang for my cpu cycles ;)?
    • by HiThere ( 15173 )

      Well, far from the sun would help, but if you're also far from Earth you'll need to find some other way to shed heat. Radiation is pretty slow unless you build a huge emitter, and use a heat pump to move the heat from your CPU to the radiator.

  • by omfglearntoplay ( 1163771 ) on Monday February 11, 2019 @10:20AM (#58103576)

    So I was wondering about the time slowing effect of the speed of the satellites vs. our on the surface of the Earth closeness time slowing effect. So the effects partly cancel each other out. General relativity is the norm/aka the general rule (with gravity comes acceleration) and special relativity is the special case one I learned in high school where speed with no acceleration slows down time. I really love this stuff.

    This guys explains it well I believe: []

    "Keith Norfolk
    Keith Norfolk, former Educational Specialist at European Space Agency
    Answered Aug 22, 2017 Author has 250 answers and 87.4k answer views

    There are actually two effect that (partly) cancel each other. Yes, the satellite is moving at a particular speed and than means that from Earth its clock will run slower (according to special relativity). However it is also higher in the Earth’s gravitational field and this is the domain of general relativity is needed (special relativity is only valid in inertial reference frames (i.e. no acceleration and no gravitational differences). According to general relativity, time deep in a gravitational well will run slower and so, reversing the reasoning, time for the satellite (that is higher in the gravitational well) will run faster.

    From the point of view of an observer on Earth the two effects partly cancel each other but not fully and so there is a time rate difference for the satellite and the observer on Earth. This is why GPS satellite clocks have to be set to the ‘wrong’ rate in the factory so that they will run at the right rate when operating on orbit.

    Curiously, the higher the satellite is, the greater the rate differential is for the gravitational effect. However the higher the satellite is the slower its orbital velocity will be and so the smaller the special relativistic effect will be. So, there should be an orbit at which the two effects exactly cancel each other out. Now that would make an interesting question!

    By the way, it is not that there is Special Relativity on the one hand and General Relativity on the other. Special Relativity, as I said earlier, is only valid if there is no acceleration. General Relativity allows for situations where acceleration (e.g. gravitational fields) are present. Special relativity is a special case not the general case. That’s where the two names come from!"

    • by jd ( 1658 )

      Earth has no significant acceleration and relativity only applies in an accelerating frame of reference.

      • by XXongo ( 3986865 )

        Earth has no significant acceleration and relativity only applies in an accelerating frame of reference.


        Gravitational time dilation is the g_00 term in the metric, in which the deviation from 1 is proportional to gravitational potential. You get the same time dilation whether you are deep in a gravity well at high surface acceleration or at low. (In fact, you would get gravitational time dilation even if you were at the exact center of a planet, where acceleration is zero.)

    • There are actually special- and general-relativistic effects that need to be taken into account, though. The fact that the satellites are in motion relative to the ground means that the clocks run slow by 7 microseconds/day, but the fact that they experience a lower gravitational field means that they would run fast by about 45 microseconds/day. So, combined they're fast by 38 microseconds/day.

  • by rnturn ( 11092 ) on Monday February 11, 2019 @10:23AM (#58103602)

    I'd love to find a source of ephemerides for their satellites. It'd be interesting to plug it into the GPS coverage software I wrote back in the '80s. Just to see for myself how "useless" the Galileo system is because of this $11B screw-up.

    • by caseih ( 160668 ) on Monday February 11, 2019 @10:48AM (#58103746)

      Apparently this data can be found in RINEX format here: [].

      Despite these satellites being lost as far as the constellation usability is concerned, the ESA plans to have the system completed by 2020, and that would mean 100% coverage across Europe and most of the world. Right now my phone uses Galileo as well as GPS and Glonas. I just noticed that Glonas reports nearly 100% coverage of the globe right now also.

      Some of the GPS units I'm working right including the U-Blox M8T with RTKLIB and the ZED-F9P (integrated RTK) see satellites from GPS, Glonass, Galileo, Beidou, and QZSS. In fact I was able to briefly get an RTK fix on my M8T (Reach RS+) using only Beidou observation data from my base unit, apparently. With cheap receivers like the ZED-F9P, lots of satellite constellations, it's really a golden age for low-cost, high-accuracy GNSS work for agriculture, drones, etc.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Ephemeral data from NASA Here:

      Free on-line trial of STK here (need to create an account)

  • by foxalopex ( 522681 ) on Monday February 11, 2019 @11:54AM (#58104248)

    At this point with all the overwhelming evidence, most would agree that Einstein is probably correct. The reason they keep doing things like this is to see if they can find something unusual or unexpected. It's often the weird / unexplained phenomena that leads to new theories or even technology that we can use. So yes, it seems redundant but it's how new things are discovered.

    • by HiThere ( 15173 )

      No. Nobody knowledgeable would assert that Relativity is correct. Just that every prediction that it has made that we have checked is correct.

      The problem is that Quantum Theory has a track record at least as good as Relativity, and they disagree about predictions for some things we can't check. So one of them has to be wrong.

      OTOH, they are both extremely, extremely, extremely good theories. They've both been checked in a huge number of instances, and they've both passed every check. They are both used

