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Nobel Prize in Chemistry Awarded to Trio of Evolutionary Scientists ( 78

Three scientists have won the Nobel prize in chemistry for their work in harnessing evolution to produce new enzymes and antibodies. From a report: British scientist Sir Gregory P Winter and Americans Frances H Arnold and George P Smith will share the 9m Swedish kronor ($1 million) prize, awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Half of the prize goes to Arnold, from the California Institute of Technology, for her work on directing the evolution of enzymes -- proteins that speed up chemical reactions. In a nutshell, Arnold introduced genetic mutations into enzymes, and then looked to see what effect the mutations had. She then selected the cases where a particular mutation proved useful -- for example, allowing the enzyme to work in a solvent it would otherwise not work in. Her work has made it possible to cut out the use of many toxic catalysts and has led to the development of enzymes for all manner of fields, including the development of biofuels and the production of pharmaceuticals.

The other half of the award goes to Winter and Smith, for their work on "phage display of peptides and antibodies." A phage is a virus that can infect bacteria, "tricking" bacteria to reproduce it. Smith genetically engineered phages so that they would include a certain molecule on their outer capsule which allowed him to that encompasses out particular proteins crop up on the outer. Winter used this technology to develop new drugs that have transformed medicine, offering therapies for diseases ranging from cancer to autoimmune conditions. Arnold is only the fifth woman to be awarded the prize for Chemistry -- the last female scientist to scoop the award was Ada E. Yonath in 2009 who shared the prize for her work on understanding the structure of ribosomes: the protein-manufacturing structures inside cells.

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Nobel Prize in Chemistry Awarded to Trio of Evolutionary Scientists

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  • Maybe the phage treatment will get the attention it deserves as a viable alternative to antibiotics!

    • by Anonymous Coward

      You missed the important part: "which allowed him to that encompasses out particular proteins crop up on the outer". This was clearly generated by random evolutionary processes.

  • by davide marney ( 231845 ) on Wednesday October 03, 2018 @05:37AM (#57416542) Journal

    Half of the prize goes to Arnold, from the California Institute of Technology, for her work on directing the evolution of enzymes -- proteins that speed up chemical reactions. In a nutshell, Arnold introduced genetic mutations into enzymes, and then looked to see what effect the mutations had. She then selected the cases where a particular mutation proved useful...

    IANAC, but wouldn't it be more accurate to say she programmed those enzymes?

    • by Anonymous Coward

      No. Mutations are incorporated randomly or pseudorandomly and the functioning enzymes are then selected. No programming involved.

      • by Anonymous Coward
        Kind of how most people "program" in the first place. Make a change, see if an issue goes away or a desire feature happens to occur. Why design?
      • But she didn't introduce the mutations randomly, she introduced them intentionally.

    • If you code by banging out random changes until it compiles and then delete the branches that compiled but didn't execute properly and repeat over and over...
  • Here in Sweden.

    Considering both this prize and the previous on yesterday include a female one gotta ask whatever they went with merits and it's just a coincidence it happened now or whatever these are kinda forced political choices due to media/political pressure.

    • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Wednesday October 03, 2018 @06:27AM (#57416702)

      Yes, this is exactly the question. And the problem.

      There should be no doubt that these women deserve those laurels. Their accomplishments are groundbreaking, both in physics and chemistry those Prizes went to the right people. This will change the world and we will soon see research jump forwards due to those accomplishments. These women worked hard for those goals and I do not doubt that they dedicated years if not decades of their life to be where they are now.

      And without the constant whining from the alleged feminists (I can't in good faith believe they actually give a shit about the advancement of gender equality anymore, sorry), this would stand by itself. There would be NO doubt, from anyone, that these merits are fully deserved.

      Thanks. Thanks a lot, you whiny, self absorbed bitches who never accomplished, or ever will accomplish, anything in your lives for ruining this for these great women. Thank you so much. You know that you'll never amount to anything and can only ever hope to get any kind of accolades if you skew and twist the rules until you get your participation trophy for belonging to a certain group. And you don't give a FUCK about anyone else from the group that actually CAN and DO accomplish anything.

      Go to hell, assholes!

      • by Jahoda ( 2715225 )
        from anyone, that these merits are fully deserved. Thanks. Thanks a lot, you whiny, self absorbed bitches who never accomplished, or ever will accomplish, anything in your lives

        The irony is positively staggering.
      • This post getting a +5 insightful is just an embarrassment. Ever stop to think that all of these doubts swirling around in your head weren't put there by the "feminists", and may be more about the frustrations of not getting a date until you were out of high school?

    • Really, do we "gotta ask" that question? Because that question sounds insecure as hell to me.

  • by sittingnut ( 88521 ) <> on Wednesday October 03, 2018 @06:20AM (#57416672) Homepage

    "arnold is only the fifth woman to be awarded the prize for chemistry. the last female scientist to scoop the award was ada e. yonath in 2009"

    does that matter? it shouldn't. in my opinion.
    and shouldn't be highlighted. as if noting the fulfillment, or not, of some quota.

    • I read it as more of an interesting fact. Kind of like baseball statistics...they come up with the most convoluted pieces of information that have almost no bearing to anything...but "Hey, cool, number 5!"
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Jahoda ( 2715225 )
      Poor, poor sad slashdotters. So threatened by the mean women. So angry that society continues to exclude them and fails to recognize their inherent greatness at every turn!
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday October 03, 2018 @06:57AM (#57416796)

    what is wrong with this sentence?: "Smith genetically engineered phages so that they would include a certain molecule on their outer capsule which allowed him to that encompasses out particular proteins crop up on the outer."

  • Wikipedia (Score:3, Informative)

    by DNS-and-BIND ( 461968 ) on Wednesday October 03, 2018 @07:11AM (#57416832) Homepage
    I notice that Wikipedia politically corrected itself already today. Earlier, it had the story of this (joke of an) award on its front page, with one of the men's photos featured. His photo has been deleted and been replaced with the woman's photo. Not because she's the best, but because she's a woman.
    • Re:Wikipedia (Score:5, Interesting)

      by pjt33 ( 739471 ) on Wednesday October 03, 2018 @07:30AM (#57416910)

      Are you sure it's not because she's the best? She won half of the prize, and the other two shared the other half.

      • Nope. Occam's Razor: the simplest explanation is TV most likely.
        • TV = the on my stupid auto correct.
          • Well, the edit history [] does show that the picture was changed because of an article on However, the picture of Gérard Mourou lasted for 13h 24m. The picture of Donna Strickland has as of now only lasted 6h ~50m. As Wikipedia is largely a community effort, any of the administrators could change it to, say, the third guy's picture (which currently isn't available) if there was a reason to, or maybe to whatever subject is interesting tomorrow. You shouldn't speculate so wildly that Wikipedia as a

        • by DRJlaw ( 946416 )

          Nope. Occam's Razor: the simplest explanation is [the] most likely.

          Nope. Won the most money, therefore must be the best. You can't beat objective measures of success, and we all know that money is the sina qua non of objectivity.

    • Can the feminists and the anti-feminists get sent to an island to NOT BREED and just glare at each other for decades? Thanks, asking for a friend.

    • Don't use Wikipedia, it's a hopeless mess now.
  • They should use evolution feedback to continuously respond to bacteria that are developing immunity to antibiotics.
  • Sharing a prize for research in the same field I've seen plenty of times before, but these are clearly two entirely separate areas of research. Is this split weird or have I just been paying too little attention?

  • Smith genetically engineered phages so that they would include a certain molecule on their outer capsule which allowed him to that encompasses out particular proteins crop up on the outer.

    Sounds complicated indeed!

  • It needs ERs to appreciate its antibacterial value.

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