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Physicists Measure Gravity With Record Precision ( 161

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Gizmodo: A team of scientists in China are reporting that they have now performed the most precise measurement of gravity's strength yet by measuring G, the Newtonian or universal gravitational constant. G relates the gravitational attraction between two objects to their masses and the distance between them. The new measurement is important both for high-powered atomic clocks as well as the study of the universe, earth science, or any kind of science that relies on gravity in some way. The values measured by the team "have the smallest uncertainties reported until now," according to the paper published in Nature.

In the new study, scientists performed two independent calculations of G using a pair of pendulums in a vacuum, one pendulum setup for each test. Each pendulum swings back and forth between a pair of massive objects whose positions can be adjusted. The pendulums measure the force of gravity in two ways. First, they measure the difference between how quickly the pendulum swings to the "near," or parallel position, versus the "far," or horizontal position. They also measure how the direction of the pendulum's swing changes based on the pull of the test masses. The researchers ended up measuring 6.674184 and 6.674484 hundred billionths (10-11) for the time-of-swinging and angular acceleration methods, respectively. These measures were both very precise, but are still different from one another for unknown reasons. This might have had something to do with the string used for the pendulum.
The paper's reviewer, Stephan Schlamminger from the National Institute of Standards and Technology, wrote in a commentary: "Li et al. carried out their experiments with great care and gave a detailed description of their work. The study is an example of excellent craftsmanship in precision measurements. However, the true value of G remains unclear. Various determinations of G that have been made over the past 40 years have a wide spread of values. Although some of the individual relative uncertainties are of the order of 10 parts per million, the difference between the smallest and largest values is about 500 parts per million."
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Physicists Measure Gravity With Record Precision

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    ... or it would be repeatable.

    These measures were both very precise, but are still different from one another for unknown reasons.

    Also, precision is not accuracy.

  • Wer mist mist Mist (Score:4, Interesting)

    by gweihir ( 88907 ) on Friday August 31, 2018 @01:22AM (#57229428)

    Rough English translation: "Those who measure measure crap". Doing good measurements is difficult and you learn a lot refining your methods. You may also find effects you did not expect. That is why Physicists actually highly respect those that seem to do nothing than refine some measurement. It is effort well spent.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      I know that proverb as well, but the first two "mist"s have to be written "misst":

      • by gweihir ( 88907 )

        You are right, of course. That happens when I write German (I am a native speaker) while thinking in English...

    • Except that this is really a bit of a crap measurement so far. The large discrepancy between the two measured values means that neither can be trusted with much accuracy. If you take the difference between the two values as due to an unknown systematic error, which seems likely, then the uncertainty you get (500 ppm) is MUCH larger than the currently quoted uncertainty on G which is 46 ppm [].

      While the individual measurements may be very precise the clear systematic difference between the two means that nei
      • Except that this is really a bit of a crap measurement so far. The large discrepancy between the two measured values means that neither can be trusted with much accuracy. If you take the difference between the two values as due to an unknown systematic error, which seems likely, then the uncertainty you get (500 ppm) is MUCH larger than the currently quoted uncertainty on G which is 46 ppm [].

        This aren't the only measurements that have done that. They are all over the place. There'a nice chart at the top of this page []. As the Wikipedia page you linked to says:

        Some measurements published in the 1980s to 2000s were, in fact, mutually exclusive. Establishing a standard value for G with a standard uncertainty better than 0.1% has therefore remained rather speculative.

        • by gweihir ( 88907 )

          And that _is_ something interesting! Why are these measurements all over the place? Nobody knows at this time.

          • Most likely because gravity is incredibly weak making measuring its coupling exceedingly hard to do because any gravitational effect can be very easily overshadowed by EM effects. I suspect this leads to many of these experiments underestimating their uncertainties.
  • A mystery (Score:5, Informative)

    by burtosis ( 1124179 ) on Friday August 31, 2018 @02:33AM (#57229576)
    It's actually quite interesting how the force required to accelerate one kilogram at 9.8m/s^2 is the same force required to keep it stationary under standard earth gravity whose free fall acceleration is (9.8m/s^2). The idea that they could be identical and indistinguishable is a significant part of what led Einstein to develop relativity. It seems simple, on one hand due the same force being applied, but to realize a theory relating accelerating reference frames would then also be a working theory of gravity was revolutionary. Its always bothered me that the majority of constants, like big G, must be measured and not derived, perhaps with enough precision measurement and enough eyes on it someone or some group will find a way to derive them with a unified theory. Until then, minor discrepancies can be quite interesting and provide valuable insight.
    • Its always bothered me that the majority of constants, like big G, must be measured and not derived

      There is no other way. Science is the description of what we see. A model is a systematic description of many events observed over time. Even if you could find a way to derive G, it would be ultimately derived from other things that were observed.

      • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

        The gravitational constant would only be constant relative to the part of the universe it is in. So it is likely to vary quite a lot in the space between galaxies, simply due to the absence of significant gravitational masses for quite an extensive relative distance. Then in terms of the multi verse, would also have to take into account surrounding universes and how they shift over time, all be it, extremely, extremely, slowly. Relative to us not moving at all, relative to the mutli-verse probably quite an

      • by GuB-42 ( 2483988 )

        To follow up on that, it is possible to derive G.
        From Wikipedia "The gravitational constant is taken as the basis of the Planck units: it is equal to the cube of the Planck length divided by the product of the Planck mass and the square of Planck time"
        In Planck units, by definition, they are all 1, so G=1. However, we still need precise measurements for everything else, I mean I can't tell your height in plank lengths without first knowing how long a plank length is.

        • So Newton managed to get his name used for the unit of force, Joule for energy, etc. They at most one unit each. Until Planck comes along and somehow gets his name stamped on units for length, mass, time and according wikipedia pretty much all the others too. The man's a branding genius!
    • Re: A mystery (Score:4, Interesting)

      by jd ( 1658 ) <> on Friday August 31, 2018 @03:53AM (#57229776) Homepage Journal

      Ultimately, G must be derivative, a consequence of some deeper theory. And it may well be that this accounts in part for the errors in measurement. If forces are to be unified, each force derives from a single common theory that can generate the somewhat bizarre strong nuclear force as well.

      Another likely source of errors is relativity. Relative velocity changes relative mass, relative time and relative distance. How to avoid Newtonian assumptions?

      Also, how to measure velocity accurately enough to not change things at the fifteenth or sixteenth decimal point? The act of measuring changes the system, as does the gear used to make the measurement.

      Time measurements are a problem, as the more accurate the clock, the greater it impacts the gravitational field. So a clock good enough to measure time accurately enough to give us the precision needed is a clock that isn't an inert part of the experiment but a direct contaminant.

      I'm sure some of this is explained in the article in Nature, but it does show the difficulty.

      • by Wulf2k ( 4703573 )

        "Also, how to measure velocity accurately enough to not change things at the fifteenth or sixteenth decimal point?"

        Observing will change what you observe, but shouldn't it be possible to know 'how much' observing it will change and factor that in?

        • by jd ( 1658 )

          Well, the more accurate the observation, the greater the energy you put in and so the greater the error you create.

          Relativistically, the energy will depend on the actual relative velocity of the observer to the observed. So in order to calculate the energy and thus the error, you need the velocity. You can probably derive the value, since you know the range of possibilities and can get a computer to binary search that range for one where all the values match observation.

          That's before factoring in the gravit

      • Time measurements are a problem, as the more accurate the clock, the greater it impacts the gravitational field. So a clock good enough to measure time accurately enough to give us the precision needed is a clock that isn't an inert part of the experiment but a direct contaminant.
        The Heisenberg uncertainty principle is between time and energy, not between time and gravity.

    • |burtosis said: Its always bothered me that the majority of constants, like big G, must be measured and not derived...

      Hypotheses non fingo []
      I have not as yet been able to discover the reason for these properties of gravity from phenomena, and I do not feign hypotheses. For whatever is not deduced from the phenomena must be called a hypothesis; and hypotheses, whether metaphysical or physical, or based on occult qualities, or mechanical, have no place in experimental philosophy. In this philosophy par
  • There seems to be some confusion over them. Since they're impacted by G and since you need them to measure G, they're an important part of the story. [] []

    Basically, they work off state changes. Caesium atoms that generated pulses of radiation as they changed energy level, the wobble of aluminium atoms, the motion in a quantum gas of strontium.

    They do not, and never have, work(ed) from radioactive decay.

    • Wow - thanks for that. For some reason I always thought it was atomic decay they were measuring (Now that I think about it I only recall being taught that the atomic clocks were extremely accurate and nothing about learning about the mechanism itself - maybe I just presumed that or crossed it with carbon dating methods...)
      • by jd ( 1658 )

        I think secondary school/high school textbooks do teach it as decay, using very ambiguous language.

  • They dropped a Golden Delicious, because the old variant Newton used is difficult to find.

    • by jd ( 1658 )

      I know people who own trees grown from cuttings from Newton's.

      I've stayed in one of Newton's country houses. Whoever did the dendro date for the fireplace did a horrible job.

    • It is not difficult to find a cutting of the apple variety that inspired Newton.

      The real problem for commercial growers, however, is that the darned thing keeps dropping its apples . . .

    • Well DUH! Golden things are always better and more accurate. Just ask Monster cable whose gold tipped fiber optic cables offered better connectivity!
      Platinum is even better. Then black. No wait, that's credit cards...
  • Although some of the individual relative uncertainties are of the order of 10 parts per million, the difference between the smallest and largest values is about 500 parts per million."

    Do any of these experiments keep running for a long period of time? Years for example, continually taking measurements.

    I am not suggesting that G does change, but to just assume it is a constant could be a gap in our complete understanding of the concept.

  • Five hundred parts per million. Hundred billionths. Ten parts per million.

    In the following years, researchers would invent a clear and compact way of representing these numbers.

  • This might have had something to do with the string used for the pendulum.

    Well, "Doh!", it took me about 3 minutes once I'd downloaded the paper (using my OpenAthens login via my professional body) to establish that in one of the two experiments (time-of-swing) they used a fused silica "piece of string", and in the other (angular-acceleration-feedback) they used a tungsten "piece of string". There were other treatments (e.g. a conductive germanium-bismuth coating on the silica fibres to reduce noise from st

Nobody said computers were going to be polite.
