Scientists Have Detected a New Particle At the Large Hadron Collider At CERN (bbc.com) 86
New submitter ag144 writes: First time witnessed, the Large Hadron Collider finds predicted double-heavy particle. BBC reports: "Nearly all the matter that we see around us is made of neutrons and protons, which form the centers of atoms. These are made up of three smaller particles called quarks which can be either light or heavy. There are, however, six different types of quarks which combine in different ways to form other kinds of particle. Those that have been detected so far contain at most, one heavy quark. This is the first time that researchers have confirmed the existence of one with two heavy quarks. The research team will now measure the properties of the Xi-cc++ to establish how this new arrangement of quarks behaves and how the strong force holds the system together. They also expect to find more double heavy quark particles. Another unusual property of the particle is that it has two positive charges double that of the proton and it is four times heavier."
Two Positive Charges? (Score:3)
I wonder if there's a similar particle with two negative charges, that could be used instead of electrons for a more powerful replacement for electricity, or something. Any EEs that could speculate on the potential (no pun intended) effects of that?
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Re: Two Positive Charges? (Score:3, Informative)
Particles like these are very explody, and are detected by analyzing the debris from their disintegration.
There is a phenomenon where two electrons pair up to act as one. It's called superconductivity.
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You're thinking way too small.
If this is real, and stable (given that they didn't even bring up the question, and that the article is at the traditional Slashdot-level of understanding, I'm guessing it's not, because these articles are never anything excition), it'd absolutely transform our understanding of quantum mechanics. Things we think are impossible would become easy.
But it's not, and it's not, and it won't, and they aren't, at least not in any way that will ever show up on Slashdot.
Also... really?
Re:Two Positive Charges? (Score:4, Informative)
According to
the particle, called Xi cc++ lasted for 0.0000000000005 seconds.
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Since it's just a combination of two known elementary particles (quarks), it's not that big of a deal.
Yeah, because having your decades old prediction being verified is just so much hype! /s
We should be celebrating, instead we just want instant gratification and nothing else.
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This observation is just one more example of slamming things together to see what kind of oddball combinations we can get. Basic tinker-toy stuff. Interesting but not earth shattering. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of quark combinations to go!
Real but not Stable (Score:2)
If this is real, and stable
Real, yes, stable absolutely not! Heavy quarks in bound states decay very rapidly. For example the other well known bound states containing two heavy "quarks" (actually a quark and anti-quark so the headline is technically correct, which of course is the best form of correct) have lifetimes of 7.2e-21s (J/Psi) and 1.2e-20s (upsilon) although a better comparable lifetime would be 2e-13s which is the Lambda_c which contains a single c quark and so, unlike the mesons, has to decay through weak interactions ra
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There will be. The anti-matter equivalent will correspond to that but that doesent actualy do what you want.
However electricity is actual a function of electrons (a leptron called electron neutrino) and they carry a negative charge... SO, these new particles with two positive charges will attract twice as many elections and that is more along the lines as you are thinking.
Unfortunately, that also means that it would take twice as much energy to force the electrons to move (i.e. electricity). In the end,
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With the same leakage rates, generating the same amount of loss/heat? Does it then react the same at all temperatures?
Electron, NOT electron neutrino (Score:2)
However electricity is actual a function of electrons (a leptron called electron neutrino) and they carry a negative charge
No, the electron neutrino is neutral, just like every neutrino. It's the electron which carries the charge. The reason electrons carry charge is because they can move through a conductive material. Apart from being exceedingly unstable this particle will only ever carry electric charge in a plasma because in materials baryons have enormously higher masses and are subject to the strong nuclear force.
The far higher mass and the strong nuclear charge means that they bind together to form nuclei which are s
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The reason electrons carry charge is because they can move through a conductive material
Uhh no. Electrons carry charge intrinsically. Moving through a conductive material is not necessary (though a moving charge -- whether from an electron or any other charged particle -- gives rise to magnetic forces. Which is not the same as the intrinsic magnetic moment that an electron also has due to its spin, though the two types of magnetism being named similarly is definitely not coincidence either.) Check out this [youtube.com] Veritasium video, and the related minutephysics video he links to, for a bit of a gr
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Uhh no. Electrons carry charge intrinsically. Moving through a conductive material is not necessary...
Oh dear. Electricity is the motion of charge through a conductor. Hence the reason an electron carries the charge in a conductor is because (a) it has a charge and (b) it can move through materials. The video you linked is nothing more than a description of how electric and magnetic fields are linked via a Lorentz boost which has almost nothing to do with what we are talking about but note how it did say that the electrons moved to carry the current, no neutrinos in sight!
in materials baryons have enormously higher masses and are subject to the strong nuclear force
this is not why, or at least not the immediate issue. We need to figure out a way to keep these kind of particles around long enough...
No actually we don't because natur
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OK so this is old but just.. wow..
Electricity is the motion of charge through a conductor.
I guess that's one way to define it. But that's not the same as the charge of the electron, which is intrinsic.
it is the electron, and not the proton, which is the charge carrier
They're both charge carriers. Equal and opposite charges, to be exact.
in materials baryons have enormously higher masses and are subject to the strong nuclear force
No, baryons have (relatively) the same mass regardless of whether they're in a material or not. The strong force energy is certainly responsible for generating much of that mass (via E=mc^2) but its also a very short-range force.
The strong force holds quarks together within a nucleon, and it a
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There are particles with double negative charge. They are too massive to conveniently carry charge around like an electron, are hard (very expensive) to create, and even more significantly have extremely short lives. Sorry, but this sort of particle physics doesn't have technology applications.
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Sorry, but this sort of particle physics doesn't have technology applications.
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Well, the particle is a sibling to the Proton and Neutron and not fundamental (as far as we know) like the quarks and leptons (electrons are leptons).
They do not go into detail but I guess this would be a Top Top Charm combo to get the ++ charge with 2 heavy and one light quark.
Also, there is no statement on the lifetime of the particle. Probably that means that the particle exists for such a short time that it is useless for anything but fundamental science.
No funny name for it yet? I will name it Skippy!
Re:Two Positive Charges? (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Two Positive Charges? (Score:5, Informative)
The top quark has a lifetime on the order of 10^-25 seconds, so short they don't hadronize [wikipedia.org]. So doubt there's any chance we'll make tt particles.
Re: Two Positive Charges? (Score:1)
Okay, but if we do, can name it Skippy?
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All you'll need is a few million large hadron colliders in your living room to keep producing the unstable particles for your electronics. Unfortunately your house is going to explode before anything useful gets done.
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No, that won't work. A double negative makes a positive, naturally.
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A double negative makes a positive, naturally.
Yeah, right.
Stupid title.. (Score:1)
All of I can think of is how redundant that title is.
I'd suggest: 'New Particle Detected the Large Hadron Collider'
Unless there is a second(third? How many of these things are there?) LHC I haven't heard of and maybe the Janitors or random people off the street are coming in at night to play?
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'New Particle Detected the Large Hadron Collider'
I wasn't aware that particles were actively looking for particle accelerators in the Geneva region.
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Woops! Should have proof-read my own snark. :)
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CERN has 6 particle accelerators, of which the LHC is the biggest.
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In Soviet Geneva, Particle detects Collider.
A little bit more background (Score:5, Informative)
Quarks come in three "generations". The first, lightest generation has down (mass 4.8 MeV) and up (mass 2.4 MeV). The second generation has strange (95 MeV, a heavier version of down) and charm (1275 MeV, a heavier version of up.) The third generation has bottom (4180 MeV, heaver version of down and strange) and top (172440 MeV, heaver version of up and charm.)
When they combine into particles, you either get paired quark+anti-quark (e.g. up+anti-down is a pi+ particle) or a triple of same type: quark+quark+quark or anti-quark+anti-quark+anti-quark. (E.g. a proton is up+up+down.)
This [newsweek.com] article says the new particle has two charm quarks.
This [wikipedia.org] article says Xi baryons are a class of particles which have a single up or down plus two more massive quarks: either strange, charm or bottom, and Xi baryons have been known since 1952.
From this I conclude that when they say "light" quarks they mean down, up and strange. (I was very frustrated that they didn't say what they meant by "light" quarks.)
Re:A little bit more background (Score:5, Informative)
Inside protons and neutrons you could say yes, they're free
http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.g... [gsu.edu]
But protons and neutrons wouldn't be described as free inside the nucleus. That's more like electrons in an atom.
Much more complex (Score:2)
Inside protons and neutrons you could say yes, they're free
It's nowhere near as simple as that. Quarks are subject to asymptotic freedom which means that the higher the energy the less bound they become. However, the size scale you look at is directly related to the energy: the smaller the scale you look at a proton the higher the energy you need. So if you just look at a little below the size of the proton the quarks will still be relatively strongly bound but, as you ramp up the energy, the quarks will become more free...but something stranger also happens.
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Love your comments in this thread, but you're making me wish H.P. Lovecraft could have studied modern particle physics.
Re:A little bit more background (Score:4, Informative)
IIRC quarks stay confined in regular nuclei. The "strong force" that holds together nuclei is actually a residual force from the real strong force holding the quarks together.
To get a quark soup, called a quark-gluon plasma, you need an accelerator.
Quark stars have been hypothesized as a state intermediate between neutron stars and black holes, with some oddly behaving neutron stars hypothesized to actually be quark stars.
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Where do physicists get the stuff they smoke when they describe the world!
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They actually are "up", "down", "charm", "strange", "truth" and "beauty". :)
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So its not Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Alpha, Bravo?
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Top and Bottom honey
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I prefer Truth and Beauty, much as I prefer gigabytes as 2^30 bytes, and calling certain dinosaurs brontosauri.
Besides, I named the cats Truth and Beauty.
Re:A little bit more background - fries with that? (Score:2)
From this I conclude that when they say "light" quarks they mean down, up and strange. (I was very frustrated that they didn't say what they meant by "light" quarks.)
And when they describe a particle as "heavy", they really mean it has extra cheese.
FOOLS! (Score:5, Funny)
I know you guys are excited about all this cool stuff but it won't be long until they cause a triple heavy quark particle to emerge and it's game over. I know you guys like to have fun with the "universe" but you're effectively about to cause a memory rehash which the system can't handle. To be honest, I blame myself for this. I mean, when I was constructing this sim, I skimped on memory thinking that 640 zettaquads ought to be enough for everybody. ;)
Re:FOOLS! (Score:5, Funny)
Just ouf of curiosity ... how long ago was the last backup?
Re:FOOLS! (Score:4, Funny)
Well, let's say it that way, the last partial restore was about 2000 years ago when the death of a guy was retconned for ... reasons.
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So that guy in the desert who got another message 600 years or so later, he is just talking crap then?
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I think he held the book upside down. My indicator was when he started reading on the right edge.
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Quark Lives Matter!?!
double charge of proton and four times heavier (Score:1)
> Another unusual property of the particle is that it has two positive charges double that of the proton and it is four times heavier
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I'm suspect you're joking, but in case anyone takes you seriously.. this is quite different from Helium. This is a single heavy nucleon with a +2 charge, whereas Helium is 4 (or occasionally 3) individual light nucleons, two of which hold a +1 charge each (and the remaining 1-2 are neutral of course.)
Nearly all the matter.... (Score:2)
I thought what bound the universe together was midicholrians?