Simulation Suggests 68 Percent of the Universe May Not Actually Exist (newatlas.com) 106
boley1 quotes a report from New Atlas: According to the Lambda Cold Dark Matter (Lambda-CDM) model, which is the current accepted standard for how the universe began and evolved, the ordinary matter we encounter every day only makes up around five percent of the universe's density, with dark matter comprising 27 percent, and the remaining 68 percent made up of dark energy, a so-far theoretical force driving the expansion of the universe. A new study has questioned whether dark energy exists at all, citing computer simulations that found that by accounting for the changing structure of the cosmos, the gap in the theory, which dark energy was proposed to fill, vanishes. According to the new study from Eotvos Lorand University in Hungary and the University of Hawaii, the discrepancy that dark energy was "invented" to fill might have arisen from the parts of the theory that were glossed over for the sake of simplicity. The researchers set up a computer simulation of how the universe formed, based on its large-scale structure. That structure apparently takes the form of "foam," where galaxies are found on the thin walls of each bubble, but large pockets in the middle are mostly devoid of both normal and dark matter. The team simulated how gravity would affect matter in this structure and found that, rather than the universe expanding in a smooth, uniform manner, different parts of it would expand at different rates. Importantly, though, the overall average rate of expansion is still consistent with observations, and points to accelerated expansion. The end result is what the team calls the Avera model. If the research stands up to scrutiny, it could change the direction of the study of physics away from chasing the ghost of dark energy. "The theory of general relativity is fundamental in understanding the way the universe evolves," says Dr Laszlo Dobos, co-author of the new paper. "We do not question its validity; we question the validity of the approximate solutions. Our findings rely on a mathematical conjecture which permits the differential expansion of space, consistent with general relativity, and they show how the formation of complex structures of matter affects the expansion. These issues were previously swept under the rug but taking them into account can explain the acceleration without the need for dark energy." The study has been published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. You can view an animation that compares the different models here.
Physics trolling? (Score:2)
That is new for an April Fool's prank :D
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The date on the linked article is March 30th, so even taking different time zones and daylight savings etc into account, it was not published on April 1st. Unless they modified the date stamp to fool us.
It is a well-known pseudo-scientific trope, I think even xkcd has made fun of this "theory". I am guessing slashdot included it today to troll physicists, since this tends to piss them off.
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Interesting (Score:2)
It seems the sims are running simulations in my simulated universe.
- The creator.
bs (Score:1)
Nah, it is the Zigerions. They nest 3 simulations just to be extra safe. And still fail.
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"Maybe nothing can go faster than the speed of light because that's the tick-rate of the server our simulation is running in."
Re: Interesting (Score:1)
More accurately: dark matter/energy is gone. (Score:5, Funny)
This was published March 30, 2017 so it's not a April fools joke.
Suck it, dark matter! You ain't real, bro! *High-fives girlfriend* Aww, she's not real either. ;(
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No, just the dark energy
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I was at a Carnegie Institute open house a year ago and was chatting with the lead scientist, and I asked him to describe Dark Energy in terms that my 10 year old son could grasp. He said "it's a correction to our equations so that our math agrees with our observations."
That's when I stopped believing in dark energy. They just haven't made enough observations.
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Replying to myself is bad style, I know, but I just want to add:
They'll figure it out eventually. Those people are NOT idiots.
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They'll figure it out eventually. Those people are NOT idiots.
Many of them are not. Many of them realize that when they have a correction factor, like Einstein's Cosmological Constant, that those numbers represent "future work required to determine the cause of the need for this adjustment".
But enough of them start to believe that the mathematical adjustment is a real phenomena that a significant group of people starts to go off the rails. We see a new phlogiston crop up every few decades and then it goes
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If you are stating that "hidden information" is possessed by the entangled particles, Bell's Inequalities https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org] refutes that. Or at least it refutes "local hidden variables".
IOW, Bell's experiment showed that the entangled particles can't be established as opposites at the time of creation.
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"That's when I stopped believing in dark energy. They just haven't made enough observations."
Dammit! Just when I was hoping to unload my leftover luminiferous aether.
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Phlogiston! Luminiferous Aether! Dark energy! You guys goofed when you ruled out spirits and gremlins motivating everything.
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The Cosmological Constant, which is the part of the equation that requires dark energy, is a fundamental part of the Einstein field equation. It is as real as a constant of integration is. There is no question mathematically that this term is required. The real question is what is its value, because theory does not predict that. Scientists tend to think it is one of 0, ~10^35, or ~10^88, but the question is very much open. The big range in predicted values is the problem, not the fact that there the fi
Dark Matter (Score:2)
That is one of the dumbest things I've read. If that's literally all the research you've bothered to do into the phenomenon, you're a complete retard to even begin to have an opinion on it. Your "lead scientist" was clearly has also not done any astrophysics.
More accurately: dark matter/energy isn't. (Score:3, Funny)
This was published March 30, 2017 so it's not a April fools joke.
In your face, dark matter! You ain't real, bro! *High-fives girlfriend* Aww, she's not real either. ;(
Re:No way the simulation is wrong (Score:5, Insightful)
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I think 100% of the universe exists.
You existists may have the upper hand now, but history will vindicate nonexistencism.
Imaginary creatures unite against ontological oppression! We're not here! Get used to it!
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Rather, the author of the article decided that. The scientists decided that instead of a 5/27/68 distribution it was actually a 16/84/0 distribution.
So this means my bitch of an ex-wife... (Score:1)
...really doesn't have a heart, just like I suspected? Not that I'm bitter or anything.
Google (Score:1)
Why does everyone think it is hilarious to post bullshit on April Fools Day?
I was frantically trying to get my young daughter to a Hospital and accidentally hit the "Game" icon in Google Maps.
Anyway, it worked out well, my daughter died, and I am saving at least $5,000 to $10,000 a year!
Thanks Google!
Don't DownVote Me, Bro (Score:5, Funny)
Black Matter Lives!
This orange is not bright enough (Score:2)
Can you make it brighter, so it makes my eyeballs bleed?
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Is this the new beta? Guess /. hired too many programmers and web "designers" who have nothing better to do, and got to keep redesigning over and over to justify their pay.
Oh, yeah, the new look SUCKS, I guess everyone already knew that.
soylent news (Score:1)
thank goodness its april 1st, I was just heading back to soylentnews.org
Not a physicist, but curious (Score:1)
If the expansion of the universe is not consistent, what causes the variation?
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If the expansion of the universe is not consistent, what causes the variation?
Its the inconsistency in the acoustic whooshing of the matter that causes it to be expansive.
Re:Not a physicist, but curious (Score:5, Interesting)
If the expansion of the universe is not consistent, what causes the variation?
Einstein's equations are non-linear. The metric expansion of space-time depends on how much matter and energy there is inside that portion of space-time.
Also, quantum fluctuations in the hot dense "quantum soup" before the big bang grew into large scale structures: mass seems to be concentrated in the walls of huge bubbles, as super-clusters of galaxies, with very little mass/energy inside.
At the largest scales, the universe is still homogeneous, so on average, the expansion rate should be constant. But on the scale of the "bubbles", the differences in mass/energy density cause differences in the metric expansion of space-time.
Until recently, this was ignored in simulations, because Einstein's equations are currently impossible to solve exactly at that scale. So now they used better approximations than before, that include this varying metric expansion, and found they don't need dark energy flows to explain some observations. Instead, differences in expansion rates make it appear that some regions "flow" towards other regions, despite everything expanding.
From our point of view expansion appears to be accelerating because of this, causing us to believe that the cosmological constant Lambda (a.k.a. Dark Energy) is not zero. So now it seems they can explain a seemingly accelerating expansion with Lambda=0 using normal metric expansion.
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Attempt at serious reply... (Score:4, Informative)
There didn't seem to be enough matter to explain the evolution of the universe, so scientists guessed at what might be causing it. It looked like there was more matter that we couldn't see, so they invented the idea of 'dark matter', which was something that had mass but was otherwise pretty inert so we didn't see it. BTW: 'dark' here is an old use meaning 'unable to be seen', such as 'the dark side of the moon' being the side that faces away from earth, not the side that is not lit by the sun. The other possibility was that gravity was somehow slightly different when operating over very large distances and times. This was settled because astronomers got better at calculating the distributions of mass in the universe when they thought there was something interesting to find, and found there were cases, such as the 'bullet nebula' where there were very significant amounts of mass in different places to the star-like matter we could see. This gives credence to the idea that 'dark matter' is a real sort of 'stuff', our can be treated as a sort of stuff, rather than just an systematic difference in the equations.
Okay, suppose we assume for now there is lots of invisible stuff that has mass and momentum, but otherwise does not interact with anything else much (think of neutrinos, but more so). If we take our best assumptions as to the right amount of dark matter, then there is a slight error which means something else is pushing the universe apart. If it looks like extra energy, we call it 'dark energy' and astronomers start looking for ways to detect it. In the meanwhile, other people look for a rival model where there is a systematic error in the equations for very large distances and times. That's pretty much where we are now. Indeed, the two explanations are not different - one just describes the error as 'extra energy' and the other one does not - until we get some new experimental evidence that shows which explanation is more useful.
Dark energy is a small correction term to our universe. If you want something we really don't understand, try the inflationary period of the early universe. We know it got really big, really fast, but really evenly; but we don't have any of the details.
Dark energy (Score:1)
Anybody who understands science and the scientific method, and isn't just an acolyte of the One True Religion of Science, must have surely seen something like this coming. Think about the reasoning:
1. Our mathematical models of the vast and ancient universe, invented by us bald apes that are lucky to live a century, do not fully agree with observation.
2. Therefore, to account for this discrepancy, the universe must consist primarily of unknown, invisible substances whose only interaction with our visible un
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This is an intrinsic problem in observational sciences such as medicine and astronomy, where experiments cannot be performed: all of the postulated mechanisms are plausible hypotheses, rather than theories. The only way to falsify an hypothesis is to happen to make an observation that is at variance with the hypothesis. In experimental science, one can typically designs experiments that either provide or fail to provide such observations; in observational science, all one can do is watch and wait.
Simulation Suggests 68 Percent ... (Score:2)
Sounds like fraud to me. Call the Science Police!
Did 68% of what wasn't there disappear? (Score:1)
Yipee! (Score:2)
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Being married to a physicist:
Wife: "Does this universe simulation make my ass look fat?"
Husband: "Mind if I tweak a few sim parameters before I answer?"
Wife: "Sounds like a waffly 'yes'. You can tweak your own parameter tonight!"
public domain benefit (Score:2)
Regardless of conflicting theories, Dark Energy will live on. This is for two reasons: 1- Dark Energy is rather essential to some science fiction fantasy; and 2- Dark Energy is not copyrighted by Disney or any other litigious entity. Try using 'the Force', 'the Spice Melange', 'Sonic Screwdriver' or 'the One Ring' to explain your scifi miracles and legal problems arise.
And, hey, It's Dark, and it's Energy; what's not to like?
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Look at how much Freud and Jung live on in pop psychology. Dark Matter/Energy aren't going anywhere in the public consciousness, even if they are fully debunked tomorrow. That said, they don't have much presence in the public consciousness, and there's always the good-old fallback explanation: aliens.
Stupid Title (Score:2)
If it doesn't exist, then by definition it's not part of the universe.
Better title. Researchers estimate the mass of the Universe be be 32% of the previous consensus models.
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You're just afraid of owning 32% of a cat.
simulations, illusions... and ??? (Score:1)
Same thing even at the top (Score:1)
Even God has deficit problems.
Spherical Cow Error on Line #91340673 (Score:2)
Wait until they find out... (Score:1)
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a very questionable understanding of this reality
Wait, do you have an understanding of this reality that agrees with observation? That would be revolutionary.
what happened *prior* to the "Big Bang"
*prior* is a function of time. Time didn't exist until the Big Bang. Hawking's equations suggest that time only approaches a limit of zero at the Big Bang but never achieves it. Ergo, the question you're asking doesn't even make sense semantically. cf. "do you have an understanding of this reality that agrees
Re:I can't take any of this seriously anymore... (Score:4, Funny)
"Time didn't exist until the Big Bang. "
Of course it did. What preceded Big Bang was Seinfeld.
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My wife would've said Friends, but your point is a decent one.
She has an illogical, almost pathological hatred of Seinfeld, which stands in stark contrast to actually like Jerry Seinfeld's standup.
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So at a coffee counter, does she stick cash in the tip jar without making sure the barista is looking her way?
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No, she doesn't drink coffee.
But she does seem to enjoy it when associated with comedians driving cars to get it.
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*prior* is a function of time. Time didn't exist until the Big Bang. Hawking's equations suggest that time only approaches a limit of zero at the Big Bang but never achieves it. Ergo, the question you're asking doesn't even make sense semantically. cf. "do you have an understanding of this reality that agrees with observation?"
Ergo, it's fucking stupid. If you suppose that some initial state of the Universe existed at some fundamental T0, before the clock started ticking, then:
How was it set into motion? Who created the initial state? Why does the Universe exist at all?
These aren't questions for science to answer. This is the realm of religion. To suggest that the universe we're in is a simulation is no different than suggesting some deity created everything. These questions are by their nature unanswerable. If we pierce t
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Im starting my new religion thanks to you. We pray to the god of simulation! Im going to make scientology look like a fool. and disprove aliens or us for that matter really exist. and we can do anything we want and it will have no effect on the simulation running on the next thread of the master machine that controls the universe. We need to find a way to injecting a patch into the simulator that gives us interstellar transportation so we can get tho the edge of the memory we reside in to be able to inject
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I applaud your strategy of getting the hard stuff done first.
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The shit I come up with when im drunk and stoned on the weekends is always the best! lol i vaguely remember typing that dont remember whats all in it. dont know if i want to even read it O.o
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What's a Reddit and does it get you stoned?
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Maybe that's because Bertrand Russell died 40 years before you were born.
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I have never encountered an atheist who has any understanding of philosophy. I wish every atheist would take at least one philosophy and one logic class.
As a lover of logic and philosophy, I'm going to start off by suggesting your premise is flawed. There's little reason to think that atheists as a group have less exposure to philosophy than the general population. Limiting analysis to the sample of those you have encountered is neither representative nor logical. If anything, I would wager the opposite: my guess is there's at least a slight correlation between people who have thought about the world enough to come to an atheist stance and those who have al
Re: I can't take any of this seriously anymore... (Score:1)
Same ac here. Sorry I didn't mean to say 'atheist' I meant to say 'cat'. I must have dribbled on my keyboard. I have never met an atheist, they don't go to my church . However I have met many cats, and they don't know shit about philosophy.
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As a creator of a simulation, you are that simulation's god.
Technology outside of the simulation that is able to affect it, is both unattainable and impossible to model by those within the simulation. It is magic.
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These 'suggestions' allow you certainty? You understand he could be wrong, correct? Kinda like the physicists suggesting dark energy could be wrong.
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Consensus doesn't mean true, it just means that it's our best bet with current insight.
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