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The Story of the First Human Head Transplant Won't Die (theoutline.com) 66

Stories about the first human head transplant operation, supposedly coming in December 2017, are circulating again. From a report on the Outline: But despite what you might have read or seen, humanity is not much closer to transplanting a human head to a new body than we were last year. Sorry to disappoint anyone looking to get their head transplanted. The story is based on the work of one man: Italian neurosurgeon Sergio Canavero. Canavero started making headlines in 2013 with ambitious claims about the process he designed for a transplant of a human head -- as in, moving a healthy human head from a subject with an unhealthy body to an otherwise-healthy, brain-dead donor body. Canavero's claims have been alternately regarded as sensationalist, spurious, and ethically murky. Since then, the doctor has periodically resurfaced in the news. Once, when he found a willing patient in Valery Spiridonov, a Russian man with spinal muscular atrophy in the form of Werdnig-Hoffmann disease; other times when he published papers, including two proof-of-principle studies last year as well as articles reviewing preliminary work on animals relating to his proposed procedure. Though published in the internet-only journal Surgical Neurology International, an important distinction here is that none of these actually involve a successful full transplant of any kind despite his claim to have successfully transplanted a monkey's head. The papers addressing work with animals are, broadly speaking, about treating spinal cord injuries and issues.
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The Story of the First Human Head Transplant Won't Die

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  • "Simple" proof (Score:2, Redundant)

    by mi ( 197448 )

    All the good doctor needs to do to prove his story is hold a joint press-conference with Mr. Spiridonov after the successful operation.

    • Re:"Simple" proof (Score:4, Interesting)

      by TWX ( 665546 ) on Wednesday March 29, 2017 @03:30PM (#54137779)

      Even showing the results of the procedure on an animal would be helpful, assuming that the subject lived long enough to justifiably call it successful.

      I'm no medical man, but aren't there rather severe problems with tissue rejection even when transplanting things as simple as kidneys and other organs? Aren't there also some severe complications rising from the autonomic functions that the brain stem controls in the body? How would the body handle losing that stimulus and regulation?

      Can't remember if it was this good doctor or someone else that had showed a "iiving" head of one animal attached to the body of another animal, but while blood vessels were connected and blood flow to the head was sustained by the beating heart of the body, there was no control of that body by that head and the body instead had to be controlled artificially. The result didn't live long anyway.

      If the good doctor's intentions are indeed above-board then it's noble to want to help people, but what he researches is so niche that it's difficult to see how much benefit would be brought even if the subject survived the procedure and with nerve damage problems we already can't treat, how that patient would be anything more than a head attached to an entirely paralyzed body. Given the number of conditions that could benefit from research, where significant numbers of patients could really see improvements in quality of life in addition to mere survival it seems like his pursuits are at-best misguided. What he proposes reminds me of the discussion in Mel Brooks' film Young Frankenstein when the medical student is arguing with Gene Wilder's character about the reanimation of tissue and Wilder's character responds how the work with kidneys etc are tinker-toys compared to the central nervous system.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    To be fair, a head transplant involves about the most severe spinal injury possible...

  • by NoNonAlphaCharsHere ( 2201864 ) on Wednesday March 29, 2017 @03:07PM (#54137575)
    Just put it in a jar - it worked for Nixon.
  • Rober Heinlein already wrote this story. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org]
    • by vux984 ( 928602 )

      Well.. he started out with this story as a premise and it had lots of real hard SF promise about the implications ethical, practical, psychological, both for the transplantee and the people around them... , but then the book mostly ended up just being about fucking everything that moved. Not his best work, and its not the only Heinlein book that fell off the rails like that either.

  • by rs1n ( 1867908 ) on Wednesday March 29, 2017 @03:26PM (#54137743)
    ...err hang on a sec... hmm...
  • have to remain alive? otherwise, yeah, it would work, but it might be as successful as my gardening transplants. crumpled and dead.
  • by Solandri ( 704621 ) on Wednesday March 29, 2017 @03:31PM (#54137783)
    I guess this is slightly on-topic.

    From Steve Jackson Games website....

    Many years ago (back when we all were still playing D & D), I ran a game where I pitted two groups against each other.

    Several members of Group One came up with the idea of luring Group Two into a trap. You remember the Hand of Vecna and the Eye of Vecna that were artifacts in the old D&D world where if you cut off your hand (or your eye) and replaced it with the Hand of Vecna (or the Eye) you'd get new awesome powers? Well, Group One thought up The Head of Vecna.

    Group One spread rumors all over the countryside (even paying Bards to spread the word about this artifact rumored to exist nearby). They even went so far as to get a real head and place it under some weak traps to help with the illusion. Unfortunately, they forgot to let ALL the members of their group in on the secret plan (I suspect it was because they didn't want the Druid to get caught and tell the enemy about this trap of theirs, or maybe because they didn't want him messing with things).

    The Druid in group One heard about this new artifact and went off in search of it himself (I believe to help prove himself to the party members...) Well, after much trial and tribulation, he found it; deactivated (or set off) all the traps; and took his "prize" off into the woods for examination. He discovered that it did not radiate magic (a well known trait of artifacts) and smiled gleefully.

    I wasn't really worried since he was alone and I knew that there was no way he could CUT HIS OWN HEAD OFF. Alas I was mistaken as the Druid promptly summoned some carnivorous apes and instructed them to use his own scimitar and cut his head off (and of course quickly replacing it with the Head of Vecna...)

    Some time later, Group one decided to find the Druid and to check on the trap. They found the headless body (and the two heads) and realized that they had erred in their plan (besides laughing at the character who had played the Druid)...The Head of Vecna still had BOTH eyes! They corrected this mistake and reset their traps and the Head for it's real intended victims...

    Group Two, by this time, had heard of the powerful artifact and decided that it bore investigating since, if true, they could use it to destroy Group One. After much trial and tribulation, they found the resting place of The Head of Vecna! The were particularly impressed with the cunning traps surrounding the site (one almost missed his save against the weakest poison known to man). They recovered the Head and made off to a safe area.

    Group Two actually CAME TO BLOWS (several rounds of fighting) against each other argueing over WHO WOULD GET THEIR HEAD CUT OFF! Several greedy players had to be hurt and restrained before it was decided who would be the recipient of the great powers bestowed by the Head... The magician was selected and one of them promptly cut his head off. As the player was lifting The Head of Vecna to emplace it on it's new body, another argument broke out and they spent several minutes shouting and yelling. Then, finally, they put the Head onto the character.

    Well, of course, the Head simply fell off the lifeless body. All members of Group Two began yelling and screaming at each other (and at me) and then, on their own, decided that they had let too much time pass between cutting off the head of a hopeful recipient and put the Head of Vecna onto the body.

    SO THEY DID IT AGAIN!... [killing another PC]

    In closing, it should be said that I never even cracked a smile as all this was going on. After the second PC was slaughtered, I had to give in (my side was hurting)...

    And Group Two blamed ME for all of that...

  • The Mi-go go one step further - they remove the brain from the body.

  • Can he do something for me?

  • by Gravis Zero ( 934156 ) on Wednesday March 29, 2017 @03:46PM (#54137911)

    This procedure could be made a reality if we had the technology to properly integrate nerves quickly on a "large" scale, meaning at least partial spinal column. Without this, the transplanted head would be unable to command even the most basic function needed: breathing. Sure, you could have a machine breath for you but your odds of survival and quality of life go waaay down... unless you have money to afford all the assistive care you would need. I appreciate medical advancements as much as the next guy but even if this procedure worked, it wouldn't be advancing anything except for a doctor's ego.

    • Exactly. Long before a body transplant, we'll see spinal repair.

      You walk before you run, you crawl before you walk. Right now, we're barely crawling and anyone who says we can go run a marathon is a liar.

    • In another article [theatlantic.com] it's claimed that they've solved this problem through a combination of a special scalpel to make very clean cuts of the nerves, and polyethylene glycol which promotes healing. They've only tried it on mice though.
  • Just wanted to point out that a successful head transplant does not necessarily result in a body with only one head. Just ask Roosevelt Grier and Ray Milland. [youtube.com]

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Isn't this just a body transplant as viewed by the head?

  • Body transplant (Score:5, Informative)

    by enriquevagu ( 1026480 ) on Wednesday March 29, 2017 @04:04PM (#54138051)

    It's obviously a body transplant, not a head transplant. The donor donates the body, not the head.

  • by foxalopex ( 522681 ) on Wednesday March 29, 2017 @04:27PM (#54138199)

    I think the main problem with a head transplant is how do you reconnect all the nerves you've broken. They've found that broken nerves don't tend to reconnect. Nerves aren't exactly like wires, they're more like a living tree. If you chop down a tree but change your mind, you'll need to glue the tree together and hope that it grows back together. If it doesn't want to do that like as in nerves, that is not going to work.

    Having your head disconnected from the body (even if you have all the blood vessels in place) is a problem. A lot of functions like breathing, heatbeat, and processing food is controlled by your brain and the lack of one isn't going to be great for the body.

    • by kkoo ( 4352157 )
      Broken nerves don't reconnect, but surgically severed one do if treated properly after the operation.
  • I would call it a body transplant.

  • of transplanting my head to Oprah's body :-(

  • yeah, going OT with a silly comment but this reminded me of "The Thing with Two Heads" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt00... [imdb.com]
  • I think I only saw it on MST3K. I still remember the wise cracks about "neck juice".

  • and the body will die.

    Visionaries are never taken seriously the first time.

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