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'Extreme and Unusual' Climate Trends Continue After Record 2016 ( 373

From a report on BBC: In the atmosphere, the seas and around the poles, climate change is reaching disturbing new levels across the Earth. That's according to a detailed global analysis from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). It says that 2016 was not only the warmest year on record, but it saw atmospheric CO2 rise to a new high, while Arctic sea ice recorded a new winter low. The "extreme and unusual" conditions have continued in 2017, it says. Reports earlier this year from major scientific bodies - including the UK's Met Office, Nasa and NOAA -- indicated that 2016 was the warmest year on record. The WMO's State of the Global Climate 2016 report builds on this research with information from 80 national weather services to provide a deeper and more complete picture of the year's climate data.
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'Extreme and Unusual' Climate Trends Continue After Record 2016

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 22, 2017 @01:52PM (#54090203)

    When you visit 99 doctors who say you have cancer and one who says your lump is natural, and besides you just don't believe in medical science be cause religion/ideology/economics... whatever. That's pretty much the situation were in with climate science and climate change deniers. WAKE UP! Start treatment!

    • by amiga3D ( 567632 )

      Yes the world is getting warmer. That's pretty obvious, all you need is a thermometer. It's going to suck to be on the coast. We're looking at a significant rise in ocean levels somewhere around 20 inches most likely by 2100. It's not the end of the world but it'll suck for a lot of people. Best to start preparing for it now.

      • by Altrag ( 195300 )

        Biggest problem will be the food supply. Things that grow where they currently do may not, leading to farmers either having to move or switch crops. Which means our diets are going to have to change to match whatever the farmers come up with.

        Natural plantlife will have a much harder time since they don't get to pack up and drive 100 miles north when it gets too hot for them. They just die out and that's that. Animals that rely on that plantlife for food and shelter will of course die out as well, though

        • by amiga3D ( 567632 )

          Things will happen slowly enough. It's not the first time the world has been hot we know. They've found plant fossils in Antarctica. And we also know it was once a giant snowball. I think we wont see either of those two extremes for quite a while. Now if the oceans rose 20 inches tomorrow things would get dicey.

    • by Destoo ( 530123 )

      Deniers moved the goal posts.
      - They agree that it's happening.
      - They are denying it's caused by humans.
      It's a step in the right direction. I consider this a "small win".

      • - They agree that it's happening.
        - They are denying it's caused by humans.

        Followed by:
        - Okay, it's caused by humans, but it's not a big deal
        - Okay, okay, it is a big deal, but it's too late now.

        • - Okay, it's caused by humans, but it's not a big deal

          Followed by "if it's a big deal, why aren't we building more nuclear reactors? Replacing baseload coal with baseload natural gas is just delaying things slightly."

    • by Altrag ( 195300 )

      That's a terrible analogy. Mostly because there's a large chunk of the population who would listen to that one new-age homeopathic dingleberry over the opinion of actual doctors. Maybe not as many as climate change deniers but still a depressingly large number.

  • by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) on Wednesday March 22, 2017 @01:52PM (#54090209) Journal

    Until they can show peer reviewed research showing climate change, I'm not believing it.

    It's a Chinese hoax.

    • Until they can show peer reviewed research showing climate change, I'm not believing it.

      Well, good excuse from you. Most peer reviewed papers/researches are behind a pay wall. If you have academic access, then it is not difficult to find that there are many researches on the topic. Anyway your mind has already been set to not believe, so nothing will change your mind regardless. Why bother giving this kind of excuse?

    • by amiga3D ( 567632 )

      Does it really matter whether you believe it or not? You don't have to believe the sun will come up tomorrow either, it does that without your belief. We're on a warming trend, carbon in the atmosphere is causing it and man puts a lot of that carbon there. The only problem I have with the climate change evangelists is their "the sky is falling" hysteria. Life happens and you deal with it. The oceans will rise and we have to prepare for that. It's better to start before it gets really bad because it's

      • Or we could, you know, work to reduce CO2 emissions. In the end we'll have to do it anyways, so why not start now? Why just build higher levies and give the middle finger to brown-skinned people unlucky enough to have been born in developing nations?

      • by Altrag ( 195300 )

        Oceans will rise. Plantlife will die out. Atmospheric oxygen won't get replenished (at least not nearly as fast.) Billions could potentially face long-term droughts and famines.

        But yeah, the sky is unlikely to literally fall. Unless we also get slammed by a meteor. That would be just the cherry on top! Which is good because cherries might not exist by that point.

        If the only problem with increased global temperatures was a dip in Florida real estate prices, people wouldn't really care that much. But t

    • by Ichijo ( 607641 )

      NASA faked the moon landing, too!


    • Re:Junk Science (Score:5, Informative)

      by XXongo ( 3986865 ) on Wednesday March 22, 2017 @02:22PM (#54090463) Homepage

      Until they can show peer reviewed research showing climate change, I'm not believing it.

      It's a Chinese hoax.

      Here's the google scholar result, 1.4 million hits: [] Is that enough?

      Here's a summary of the peer-reviewed science: []
      and here's another: []

      I have the opposite question: is there any peer-reviewed research showing a credible alternative hypothesis to the greenhouse effect hypothesis? If so, I haven't seen it.

    • You apparently don't realize that until quite recently the Chinese have steadfastly refused to indulge in any CO2-limiting treaties, thus ensuring that very few other countries will do so either.

      Also, the Chinese probably *want* global warming - provided it can be kept from snowballing into a transition back to a "Hothouse Earth". Like Russia and Canada, much of their country is frozen wasteland that will benefit immensely from the warming.

  • by Hognoxious ( 631665 ) on Wednesday March 22, 2017 @01:53PM (#54090217) Homepage Journal

    If it's happening more often then it's not unusual any more, and it's not extreme either - it's just normal.

    Get in your Hummers and drive, folks. It'll be awesome.

    • Wow. That's the solution. Let's just redefine "normal".

      "Well sure, Bob, the black lesions all over your body would normally suggest you have some horrible disease, but seeing as this is the new normal, I don't think we need to worry about diagnosis and treatment. Have a great day, but make sure to pay my secretary on the way out... in cash."

  • by WrongMonkey ( 1027334 ) on Wednesday March 22, 2017 @02:01PM (#54090299)
    One of the website I check every morning is the daily Arctic sea ice extent. []

    And I have a really good feeling that this will be the year that humanity finally gains the upper hand in our millennial struggle against the Arctic ice cap. Once the ice cap melts completely, even temporally, it will shift the equilibrium of seasonal oscillations. Every winter it will freeze a little less; every summer it will thaw a little sooner. Until our final victory is inevitable. Congratulations everyone. And keep up the good work.

  • No, we're not solving climate change, we're just going to cut funding to the people telling us about it [] more and more until they stop telling us about it. ;)

    • No, we're not solving climate change, we're just going to cut funding to the people telling us about it [] more and more until they stop telling us about it. ;)

      I was visiting someone once and his college age daughter told us of an experience she had earlier that afternoon. She was driving along the highway and the engine started making a terrible noise. Her solution: keep turning up the radio so she wouldn't have to hear it. The reason: what else could I do?

  • Apt []

How many NASA managers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? "That's a known problem... don't worry about it."
