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NASA Names an Asteroid After 'Star Trek' Actor Wil Wheaton ( 126

"An asteroid going boldly through the universe now carries a new name that honors actor Will Wheaton, who played Wesley Crusher on Star Trek: The Next Generation," reports CNET. An anonymous reader quotes their article. The announcement showed up on Twitter Wednesday from NASA's Ron Baalke, who describes himself as a "space explorer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory". Wheaton is in good company with other Star Trek alumni. Asteroid 7307 Takei is named for Sulu actor George Takei and 68410 Nichols gets its name from Nichelle Nichols, who played Uhura. There's also asteroid 4659 Roddenberry for Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry.
"Today, I found out that I kind of get to be in space and live right here on Earth..." Wheaton wrote on his blog Wednesday, describing his life-long interest in space exploration. "As soon as it gets dark here, I'm going to walk out into my backyard, look up into the sky, just a little above Sirius, and know that, even though I can't see it with my naked eye, it's out there, and it's named after me."
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NASA Names an Asteroid After 'Star Trek' Actor Wil Wheaton

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  • Can't wait (Score:5, Funny)

    by michelcolman ( 1208008 ) on Sunday January 22, 2017 @09:36AM (#53715095)

    to see Sheldon's reaction!

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Haha didn't even think about that. If Sheldon doesn't get one named after him next I'm gonna be pissed.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Sheldon already has one. Minor planet 246247 Sheldoncooper

    • by Revek ( 133289 )

      The boy?

      Which one?

      The tool, the fool or SJW superstar? You decide.

      • Yeap, he's turned into a smarmy little bastard, fuck him, seriously.
        I've posted why previously, people perpetuating shared blocklists of groupthink are wankers.

  • Cool (Score:4, Informative)

    by Megane ( 129182 ) on Sunday January 22, 2017 @09:44AM (#53715119)
    But when are they going to name an asteroid after CleverNickName?
    • by hawk ( 1151 )

      They did--it doesn't get his name, it's named *after* him.

      The official name is "soDamendAnnoying" . . .


  • Asteroid Wilwheaton? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Ecuador ( 740021 ) on Sunday January 22, 2017 @09:46AM (#53715131) Homepage

    Huh, I'd expect the asteroid to be called "Wheaton", like they did with asteroids "Takei", "Nichols", "Roddenberry", but instead they went with "Wilwheaton" []. I guess it's not bad, just a bit strange ;)

  • Now we can tell an asteroid to shut up. []

    Unless Will hears about it and gets triggered. []

    Then he'll block you. []

  • NASA is saving a certain name for the best, classiest asteroid. At least I think they said "asteroid".

    • by Tablizer ( 95088 )

      "I know asteroids, I name asteroids the best, only the best. Everyone agrees with me. Wheaton is a loooser and therefore got a loser 'roid. I know smart people who tell me it doesn't even have silver in it. What kind of rock-head would get a roid without silver!? Terrible idea. They should name it 'Wil the Loser' or 'Will the Rock Head'. I like people who don't pick duds."

  • The very first sentence in the summary, "now carries a new name that honors actor Will Wheaton", misspells the name in the title directly above it. How hard is that one to catch?
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Everything that happens in space isn't done by NASA.

    NASA doesn't name asteroids, the IAU (International Astronomical Union) does. The IAU Minor Planet Center documents the names in a monthly list.

  • doesn't even have an asteroid yet.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Mr Worf, fire at Will !!

    Then the annoying little sprog dies in a hail of phaser blasts

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Didn't Wheaton leave Star Trek because he didn't like the work and thought it was holding back his career? I have to admit he has made a pretty good go of his career after leaving the show (though I think he had some significant difficulties early on) but if you were naming asteroids based on Star Trek Actors I would think that there would be quite a few more who are deserving of it before you got to Wheaton (Dorn, Brooks, Auberjonois, Meaney, Visitor, etc).

    • by Shane_Optima ( 4414539 ) on Sunday January 22, 2017 @11:04AM (#53715439) Journal

      Didn't Wheaton leave Star Trek because he didn't like the work and thought it was holding back his career?

      He apologized for that at a convention with most of the TNG cast there; it's on Youtube somewhere. And it's not like his concerns were entirely ungrounded given the hatred his character generated (which came as a surprise to me when I found out, perhaps because I was much younger than he was when I first watched TNG.)

  • by p51d007 ( 656414 )
    Scraping the bottom of the barrel if they named something after him. Other than the Star Trek Next Generation, WHAT has he done? NOTHING.
    • Re: (Score:1, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Scraping the bottom of the barrel if they named something after him. Other than the Star Trek Next Generation, WHAT has he done? NOTHING.

      You should not make the mistake of confusing the actor with the character.

      Yes the character "Wesley Crusher" was horrible. We all know that. Wil knows that!
      It would seem only the star trek writers didn't know that.

      Wil Wheaton the actor, and actual real person, has actually done quite a bit more and is in fact quite a technology geek - something you would think Slashdot readers would appreciate.

      He's been in the movie Stand by Me, which is a pretty big classic. He's been in Toy Story, also a big financial

      • Re: LOL (Score:3, Informative)

        He's a sanctimonious virtue signaling male feminist arse. He talks about his mental illness which would be great but then is all over a movement that declares that men don't have any problems even though white men were 70% of suicides in 2014.

        • ^^^^ He's transcended 'doing good for everyone' as a social justice person and become full warrior bastard, saying ignorant, shitty things about others because X is opressed, Y must be evil.

          He's become the brat people accused him of being all those years ago, fuck him.

      • by Misagon ( 1135 )

        Funniest thing he did, I think, was when he appeared at the club The DNA Lounge, in a mock fight against television's other most annoying character: Barney the Dinosaur.
        Wil/Wesley won, after someone had handed him a toy lightsaber.

        Again proving that Star Wars is better than Star Trek.

      • by Sartr ( 4784565 )
        Thanks Wil Wheaton. You could have just logged in to post all that instead of going anonymous though.
      • by Vairon ( 17314 )

        Wesley Crusher was awesome. I loved him when I was a teenage boy.

  • Didn't he fling a Federation ship into an asteroid, utterly destroying it? I mean, it's a bit rich naming an asteroid after such a vandal, no?

    (No wait, god damn it, that was a stellar core fragment. The depressing part is I actually remembered that. And yes I know it was necessary to buy Data enough time, blah blah blah.)
  • Let's inflate the egos of more sub-par "actors" that have long since passed from relevance.
  • Pathetic. Naming asteroids after a fake person.

  • Barclay (Score:5, Funny)

    by fnj ( 64210 ) on Sunday January 22, 2017 @11:13AM (#53715463)

    When will we see asteroid Barclay?

  • So many more deserving people to name asteroids out that have contributed to science.
    • by athmanb ( 100367 )
      There are already 20000 named asteroids http://www.minorplanetcenter.n... []
      Chances are whoever you are thinking about already has one.
      There are also half a million more asteroids currently waiting for a name so it's not like we're going to run out of opportunities soon.
  • Surprisingly not mentioned in the summary above, the name of the asteroid is "391257 Wilwheaton".

    See [] for more details on the asteroid itself.

  • Is the asteroid as annoying as his character was? Does it endanger us and then somehow save us?

We are not a clone.
