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Wisconsin's Department of Natural Resources Site No Longer Says Humans Cause Climate Change ( 371

The website of Wisconsin's Department of Natural Resources has been updated with new language and no longer says that humans and greenhouse emissions cause climate change. Instead, the site says that the causes of global warming "are being debated and researched by academic entities." The problem is that almost all climate scientists agree that human-made greenhouse gases are responsible for climate change, and that global warming is a big issue that needs to be addressed. Prior to the revision, the site said "human activities that increase heat-trapping ("green house") gases are the main cause." The Verge reports: DNR spokesperson Jim Dick told the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel in an email that the "updated page reflects our position on this topic that we have communicated for years, that our agency regularly must respond to a variety of environmental and human stressors from drought, flooding, wind events to changing demographics." This does not address the question of why the new language implies that we do not know what causes climate change. This is the latest anti-environment move from Wisconsin's government, which has de-emphasized global warming since Republican Gov. Scott Walker took office in 2011. So far, Wisconsin is the only state that appears to be revising its website, but more states could follow suit now that it's clear climate science will be attacked under President-elect Donald Trump.
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Wisconsin's Department of Natural Resources Site No Longer Says Humans Cause Climate Change

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  • Execution (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Kunedog ( 1033226 ) on Thursday December 29, 2016 @09:16PM (#53576341)
    We know how to deal with their kind around here. []
  • Misleading Summary (Score:3, Informative)

    by hackwrench ( 573697 ) <> on Thursday December 29, 2016 @09:16PM (#53576347) Homepage Journal
    I did not read the article, but the website does not say that the causes of "global warming" are being debated, just unspecified changes, of which global warming is only a portion. I doubt I need to point out also that global warming and climate change are not the same thing, but there you go.
  • by Patent Lover ( 779809 ) on Thursday December 29, 2016 @09:23PM (#53576393)
    If you repeat a lie long enough it becomes fact.
    • I hear it's pretty cold this time of year in 'Sconsin to be standing in line for unemployment benefits.

      There people here and also in the Faculty Senate at the "U" who simply won't be happy until we are all reduced to eating birdseed, pedaling to work in the snow, and having the lights flicker on or off depending on how hard the wind is blowing.

      People don't want that. We like our rich diet powered by Wisconsin dairy cows and enjoy driving our SUVs, powered by fuel liberated from the ground by good ol'

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by coastwalker ( 307620 )

        You confuse knitted yogurt uneducated environmentalist activists with climatologists. The science says CO2 is driving climate change but says nothing about how to achieve a reduction in emissions. Sure the knitted yogurt brigade want us to live short brutish lives in caves to achieve this. Most scientifically literate people prefer the direction we have actually taken with a mix of better building insulation, electric cars, cheaper renewable energy sources, safe nuclear power, telecommuting, even fracking i

  • Journalism (Score:5, Insightful)

    by CanadianMacFan ( 1900244 ) on Thursday December 29, 2016 @09:36PM (#53576487)

    This is what happens when the news tries to show balanced coverage on a topic where there is so much scientific consensus on a topic. The broadcaster brings in a scientist who is an expert in the field to explain why they believe climate change is happening and they start to go on about probability which sounds like they really aren't that sure about it at all. In reality with the numbers they are reaching the scientists would most likely bet their homes on it. Yet in the "interest of balance" the broadcaster brings on the skeptic who works in a different field and talks in absolutes. So the viewer thinks that the issue is really much more like 50/50 and it's even worse because only the skeptic is convinced in their work.

    If the news were to show you what the climate science was really like then you would rarely see a denier debating a scientist. Same thing for the vaccinations.

    And if you think the scientists aren't trying to disprove climate change you can think again. They would all love to find out that man-made climate change was wrong because it would be an easy Nobel Prize for showing what it was.

    • by gtall ( 79522 )

      This is the game plan for just about any hearing chaired by Jeff Sessions, Sen. from Alabama and to be new Justice of the Piece (and not Peace). He always brought in a ringer and then led them through the argument he wanted in the record and that would get reported. He's the worst sort of scum, no wonder Trump picked him.

  • The stupid people are in charge now. It takes a special level of stupitidy to deny teh greenhouse effect.
    • "These are simple people -- the salt of the earth -- you know, morons."

      gonna be an interesting 4 years (sigh).

  • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Thursday December 29, 2016 @09:55PM (#53576577)

    People have made up their mind and no amount of evidence could sway them, so why bother?

    Reality or facts don't really matter anymore, do they? People won't believe anything that doesn't fit their personal reality bubble anyway, so why bother trying to convince them? Evidence doesn't matter anymore, especially in areas that are hard to understand in the first place and people are quite unwilling to learn.

    I stopped trying and caring a long ago. I have no kids. I am old enough that any climate change will only hit big time after I'm long dead. Trash this planet any way you like, I don't give a shit anymore. If you can't be assed to care about your planet, why should I, and why should I try to make you care?

    • by 32771 ( 906153 )

      There are always people/cultures around that are more successful at delaying gratification or are more capable at avoiding far away consequences. Maybe the outcome of our latest experiment with nature will be that those will be favoured.

      But overall I would agree we are screwed to the degree it doesn't matter anymore. It is kind of amusing to watch how many of the models like LtG or some plans to curb CO2 output follow the BAU scenario they offer. In other words mankind is totally incapable to act on knowled

    • Apparently it matters enough for you to post 132 words going on about how much you don't care.

  • If there's one variable that affects the Earth's climate, it's the output of the Sun. If there's a second variable that affects the Earth's climate, it's the kinematics of the Earth about the Sun. Neither should be considered constant. The real hoax was that climate is constant, predictable, and controllable. The real debate should be whether civilization is prepared for a unpredictable, Climate change alarmists are doubling down on more command and control.
    • by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) on Thursday December 29, 2016 @10:15PM (#53576695) Journal

      Climate change alarmists are doubling down on more command and control.

      Reading this article, I don't see that it's "climate change alarmists" that are scrubbing references to AGW from public documents.

      It kind of sounds like the climate deniers are the ones trying to exercise command and control.

      In Florida, the GOP government went so far as to ban the term "climate change". []

    • You'll waste your time here trying to convince these loons that the selective data "science" is not settled. Its a religion now. They must operate on unchallenged blind faith. If they choose to be intellectually honest then they know there is no such thing as settled science.
    • by dbIII ( 701233 )

      The real hoax was that climate is constant, predictable, and controllable

      The climate scientists have not been saying that since the field got started over a century ago. Changes such as El Nina/ La Nina and the monsoons are the things that turned it into a major field of study around the start of the 20th century.

      It's not the scientists pushing a hoax. It's commercial interested insisting that everything has always been the same, especially the commercial outliers of Religion who went after geology, biol

    • If there's one variable that affects the Earth's climate, it's the output of the Sun.

      Just received official word NASA stereo satellites are part of a false flag climate hoax launched into orbit around a sound stage transmitting illuminati approved disinfo to the world.

      I hope Trump shuts all this worthless science shit down. We need real data not bullshit from dishonest scientists.

      If there's a second variable that affects the Earth's climate, it's the kinematics of the Earth about the Sun. Neither should be considered constant.

      Thanks for letting everyone know because before you spoke up nobody was monitoring or accounting for these things.

      The real hoax was that climate is constant.

      Nobody doubts in a billion years or so an irreversible moist earth runaway greenhouse effect will

    • If there's one variable that affects the Earth's climate, it's the output of the Sun. If there's a second variable that affects the Earth's climate, it's the kinematics of the Earth about the Sun. Neither should be considered constant.

      I don't get this. Neither are considered constant. The kinematics are sending us towards an ice age (15Kyears). The solar output is falling - slightly (which would lead to cooler temperatures) although I don't know whether that is expected to be a long (centuries) or short (ye

    • by gtall ( 79522 )

      BS. The effect of the Sun can be calculated. It isn't the driving factor, CO2 is. The only hoax is the one you are puling on yourself.

  • ... the incidents of brown noses is expected to rise dramatically after January 20, 2017.
    • It would certainly be interesting to see what effect a change of incentive would have on Climate Science research. I.e., suppose that being *skeptical* of Global Warming is what got you funding. How severely would the supposedly pure researchers prostitute themselves to the new order to get the funding? And how severely have they prostituted themselves to Obama's order to get funding?
  • Thank you Wisconsin. I do enjoy your cheese.
  • before the sea level rise reaches Wisconsin

    • by arth1 ( 260657 )

      before the sea level rise reaches Wisconsin

      The ocean, yes, but inland sea is a different and more threatening scenario. With moderate global warming, the water levels are expected to continue to fall. However, if it reaches a certain threshold, precipitation in Canada will increase and cause serious flooding, especially of Lake Superior. Add the instability of the fault lines on the Wisconsin east coast, and changes to Lake Michigan has the potential to cause a future flood catastrophe.

  • So Very Sick (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Jim Sadler ( 3430529 ) on Thursday December 29, 2016 @11:10PM (#53576903)
    It is beyond my capacity to grasp that anyone can be such a coward or married to an idiotic philosophy that they simply can not face truth. We are, right now, in huge trouble due to the global warming that has already occurred and we know full well that it is going to get much worse. Our weather is destroying our ability to raise crops and livestock, our oceans are almost lifeless and we are being contaminated with all kinds of poisons that wreck health and rob people of their lives. Many of these nay sayers can accept the fact that termites have a big influence on environment and that algae also is a big player, yet somehow they fail to be able to face off against the fact that humans are having massive impacts on every facet of nature including temperatures in our air and in our waters. People fear that they, or their lifestyle, will be lessened, displaced or eliminated. Somehow that fear causes them to become a mob of brain dead fools. That in turn assures that their lives and lifestyles will fall even faster and deeper.
  • Maybe... (Score:2, Insightful)

    by argStyopa ( 232550 )

    ...they've just started that campaign against "Fake News"?

  • Well, at least NASA's site still says its humans.

    see here []

    and to be honest I think more people would trust NASA than the State of Wisconsin or whatever.

    To be honest I'm a little surprised and a lot pleased that the NASA site clearly lays out its humans that are the cause. Yeah, yeah, we'll see what happens with the new administration, but no matter what a lot of Slashdotters think I still have a lot of respect for the individual scientists and engineers at NASA.

  • If you're a billionaire you can pretty much do what you want with enough trolls on social media. To quote George Orwell:

    He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.

    Recent ignorance towards human driven climate change is stupid and money will probably not fix the damage.

  • by jandersen ( 462034 ) on Friday December 30, 2016 @04:00AM (#53577541)

    We can deny the reality of, well, reality as much as we like, but it is still reality. Climate change is real, and humans being the cause is real, even if it makes you uncomfortable.

    BTW: The subject line is the motto of Galileo Academy of Science and Technology ( - according this is what Galileo said on the way out, after having been ordered to deny that Earth moves around the Sun: "And yet it moves".

  • The lengths we as a species go to uncover new depths to our sleaziness is mind-boggling.
  • by MoarSauce123 ( 3641185 ) on Friday December 30, 2016 @08:12AM (#53578115)
    Is it really that simple? Just ignore facts and deny reality and all problems go away? Maybe the ignorant Republicans are on to something...
  • by foxalopex ( 522681 ) on Friday December 30, 2016 @10:30AM (#53578859)

    I've read about the science from reputable sources and I have somewhat of a science background myself but even if I didn't believe in that, my own common sense suggests that it's more than likely that climate change is real. Why would I think that? We're burning millions of tonnes of fossil fuels everyday that nature has locked away in our planet for millions of years. Fossil Fuels in nature isn't remotely being produced at the same rate, our entire human species hasn't even remotely been around that long and somehow out of some miracle releasing that much carbon into the atmosphere by some miracle isn't have some effect? It's like saying oh well I'll just cut down the whole forest, it grows back right, no loss? The amount of energy Fossil Fuels release is incredible, I'm sure you've heard or thought of the expression you can't move mountains. Well the truth is we can and we do, thanks to this "cheap" energy, our mining equipment can actually move mountains. The problem is nothing is truly "cheap", there's always a cost even if we can't directly see it.

    I also dislike the folks who panic and say the world is ending. The world isn't going to end with climate change but it's going to get expensive and uncomfortable for us. For my city it already has, they've had to spend millions for upgrading the storm sewer system to deal with a massive increase in nasty downpours in the last few years to hopefully prevent flooding and while yes I'm sure we've had this sort of flash flooding before, I've lived here long enough to notice that it seems to be an increasing trend. No amount of no it's not happening is going to save folks from being flooded. It's ended up putting the city in debt but no one thinks of it that way. All folks argue about is how taxes are going up.

Business will be either better or worse. -- Calvin Coolidge
