Why Don't Scientists Kill The 'Demon In The Freezer'? 287
HughPickens.com writes: Smallpox was one of the most devastating diseases humanity has ever faced, killing more than 300 million people in the 20th century alone. But thanks to the most successful global vaccination campaign in history, the disease was completely eradicated by 1980. By surrounding the last places on earth where smallpox was still occurring -- small villages in Asia and Africa -- and inoculating everyone in a wide circle around them, D. A. Henderson and the World Health Organization were able to starve the virus of hosts. Smallpox is highly contagious, but it is not spread by insects or animals. When it is gone from the human population, it is gone for good. But Errol Moris writes in the NYT that Henderson didn't really eliminate smallpox. In a handful of laboratories around the world, there are still stocks of smallpox, tucked away in one freezer or another. In 2014 the CDC announced that vials containing the deadly virus had been discovered in a cardboard box in a refrigerator located on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) campus in Bethesda, Maryland. How can you say it's eliminated when it's still out there, somewhere? The demon in the freezer.
Some scientists say that these residual stocks of smallpox should not be destroyed because some ruthless super-criminal or rogue government might be working on a new smallpox, even more virulent than existing strains of the virus. We may need existing stocks to produce new vaccines to counteract the new viruses. Meanwhile, opponents of retention argue that there's neither need nor practical reason for keeping the virus around. In a letter to Science Magazine published in 1994, the Nobel laureate David Baltimore wrote, "I doubt that we so desperately need to study smallpox that it would be worth the risk inherent in the experimentation." It all comes down to the question of how best to protect ourselves against ourselves. Is the greater threat to humanity our propensity for error and stupidity, or for dastardly ingenuity?
Some scientists say that these residual stocks of smallpox should not be destroyed because some ruthless super-criminal or rogue government might be working on a new smallpox, even more virulent than existing strains of the virus. We may need existing stocks to produce new vaccines to counteract the new viruses. Meanwhile, opponents of retention argue that there's neither need nor practical reason for keeping the virus around. In a letter to Science Magazine published in 1994, the Nobel laureate David Baltimore wrote, "I doubt that we so desperately need to study smallpox that it would be worth the risk inherent in the experimentation." It all comes down to the question of how best to protect ourselves against ourselves. Is the greater threat to humanity our propensity for error and stupidity, or for dastardly ingenuity?
Truly Epically Dumb to Destroy It (Score:5, Insightful)
It could be highly useful in future medical research, and the damage it could cause if it gets back into the wild would be minimal.
Re:Truly Epically Dumb to Destroy It (Score:5, Interesting)
As to minimal damage in the wild? That's B.S.. Have you been vaccinated against smallpox in the last decade? Probably not as routine vaccinations were stopped in 1972, and unfortunately the high level of resistance it gives only lasts 4-7 years. Nobody really knows what the resistance level, if any, is after 20 years, much less than 45+ years.
We currently don't have stockpiles of the vaccine, and as such, if there was an outbreak, it would run rampant long before enough vaccine to matter had been made. There would be a lot of dead people. Ok, you say, let's just stock up on it ahead of time. Well, there's a couple of issues with that. First, it might expire, so you'd have to keep making it constantly. I don't know what it's actual shelf life is, but vaccines of any kind aren't exactly canned peas and some of them are positively short time get it while it's fresh only.
Then there's your second big problem. Cost. You'd have an expensive production facility, and storage, and security, and you'd have to keep replacing the stock once you'd built it up enough, and probably some other things you'd have to pay for. Now mind you that this is all for a virus that is dead in the wild, and has very limited lab samples remaining. That's like making 14k gold Tasmanian Tiger repellents for everyone in Australia! It's a very expensive exercise for something that's about as likely as a meteor strike at this point.
But it gets worse. One of the big issues with all vaccines is they work best before you get exposed. (Many only help if you've had them before you've been exposed.) I've seen some stuff saying that the smallpox vaccine takes close to a week before it's protecting you. So that means you're going to have to be vaccinating the population, and revaccinating them about every 7 years to keep the immunity levels high. DO YOU HAVE AN IDEA HOW EXPENSIVE AND FREAKING DIFFICULT THAT IS THESE DAYS, ESPECIALLY WITH ANTI-VAXXERS?
Yeah, we can't get them to vaccinate for Polio and Whooping Cough, two other diseases that were on the fast track to oblivion before those morons made a whole new generation of potential victims and cut down the herd immunity system.
The scientists that had the samples had a death date set. There was going to be a celebration afterwards. Then some fools pushed through an injunction to prevent the total and final extinction of smallpox.
By the way, if you don't know, the longer something is around, and the more it's fooled with, the more likely there will be an accident. Smallpox is currently sitting in locked freezers and they don't even like to move the samples around. What do you think will happen when they have to start culturing large quantities of it to start making vaccines? Yep, it's probably going to get loose. (I don't know their current setup, my info on their storage was before they started making limited quantities of the vaccine for certain 'key personnel' in 200X (two thousand something).
If you want to find out more, there are plenty of science articles, even some real video journalism and the like on it, but please avoid the flaky sites out there, especially the conspiracy nut dumps.
Re: Truly Epically Dumb to Destroy It (Score:5, Insightful)
The likelihood of a large outbreak is small, because the most likely exposure would be to a lab tech in a 1st world country that has a sample. It's effectively contained and has been for nearly 40 years.
As for it's usefullness, I have no idea other than making more vaccine in the event the known samples are not the only samples. But, it's precisely that we don't know what it could be useful for that we shouldn't destroy it.
Re: Truly Epically Dumb to Destroy It (Score:2, Interesting)
I agree that in an accidental exposure that it could be contained. We were successful in containing ebola in isolated exposures, so I believe we would successfully contain smallpox, too. The summary indicates that smallpox might be needed to create vaccines in the event that smallpox or a similar virus was used as a biological weapon. That's where I think there would be a lot more difficulty in containing the spread of the virus. If a laboratory technician handling the virus was exposed, there would be reas
Re: Truly Epically Dumb to Destroy It (Score:5, Informative)
Smallpox vaccine is NOT made from smallpox. It is made from cowpox. In fact, the word "vaccine" is Latin for "from cows".
There may be good scientific reasons to keep the smallpox samples, but making vaccines is not one of them.
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Interestingly most anti-vaxxers live in a first world country, not a third world country.
Remember we eradicated this disease? Why would I pump my child full of chemicals when someone told me it was eradicated and OMG teh mercurys!
Re: Truly Epically Dumb to Destroy It (Score:5, Insightful)
That's not interesting, that's logical. If you're in a third world country where actual diseases run rampart and you SEE first hand what diseases do to your neighbor's kids, you want yours vaccinated. Against everything, and then some. Mercury? Aluminum? Fuck that shit, plug that needle in, doc!
Re: Truly Epically Dumb to Destroy It (Score:5, Insightful)
That and most anti vaxxers are dumb as a box of rocks. The IQ of those types is very very low.
Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)
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-- Proverbs
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That and most anti vaxxers are dumb as a box of rocks. The IQ of those types is very very low.
A smallpox epidemic would therefore be a handy way of scrubbing the ring around the gene pool.
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A smallpox epidemic would therefore be a handy way of scrubbing the ring around the gene pool.
Except that practically no one under the age of 40 is vaccinated against smallpox. So no, releasing smallpox wouldn't just attack anti-vaxers. Now releasing mumps or measles might....
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Can you put some context on 'large numbers' for the purposes of this discussion?
Re: Truly Epically Dumb to Destroy It (Score:4, Interesting)
This is not completely true. In fact, there are large numbers of people in the third world resisting vaccination because people got polio from the oral vaccine.
[citation needed]
From the WHO : http://www.who.int/features/qa... [who.int]
"What is vaccine-derived polio?"
"Since 2000, more than 10 billion doses of OPV [Oral Polio Vaccine] have been administered to nearly 3 billion children worldwide..... resulting in fewer than 760 VDPV [vaccine-derived poliovirus] cases "
I make that 0.00003%. I'm not particularly scared, and anyone who is is ignorant
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(Score:-1, Dumbass)
Re: Truly Epically Dumb to Destroy It (Score:5, Informative)
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*points to the scar on his right arm*
Bingo. I got the bifurcated needle in 2005.
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mine didn't scar much. hands down the most annoying vaccination ever. it was close to a month before that thing healed properly and I didn't have to worry about touching it.
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Because some things that we have eliminated in our corner of the world still exists in others "in the wild". It doesn't take an evil genius type villain to get malaria in some areas of the planet, no matter how impossible it may be in all the developed countries that used to be malaria zones a century ago.
Re: Truly Epically Dumb to Destroy It (Score:5, Insightful)
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Did they vaccinate specifically against smallpox or was it a "catch-all" vaccination against anything that might pop up?
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Re: Truly Epically Dumb to Destroy It (Score:5, Interesting)
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But that is contrary to the official view that small pox was eradicated in the wild in the early 70's. In other words it's supposedly not in the wild in other parts of the world.
Do you have any evidence to the contrary? Otherwise, your language is deceptive.
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As to my language, it just echoed that of the person I was replying to. Pointing out the fact that their response about it being "in the wild" is contrary to what the global medical community has stated for decades.
Re: Truly Epically Dumb to Destroy It (Score:4, Informative)
A few years ago the US Military decided, for reasons never publicized, to resume vaccinations of personnel deploying to certain regions of the world. If the only stores are in known 1st world labs under high level containment protocols why would they have started doing that?
Because they know it's been weaponized. We're certain the Russians have done it, and it's possible China, Pakistan, India, and Iraq have too.
Re: Truly Epically Dumb to Destroy It (Score:4, Interesting)
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pm... [nih.gov]
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Their argument was based on the assumptions being made by those who are promoting getting rid of all KNOWN stocks of the smallpox virus. You argued against those assumptions. Those who assume that
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My comment does counter their position, the concern is not exposure of a lab worker at the CDC or USAMARIID, but in the weaponization of samples stolen from the Russian stock. And weaponizing is not hard. Blankets with pox scabs served to spread it quite effectively when Europeans arrived in the western hemisphere. We ha
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Next time on hoarders. Scientists who have been collecting frozen smallpox and other samples for 40 years.
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They didn't want to reveal their exposure because they wanted to get somewhere it could actually be treated. If they caught it in the US, they would've reported it immediately.
Re: Truly Epically Dumb to Destroy It (Score:4, Informative)
Trained BSL-4 lab staff != random physician.
Re: Truly Epically Dumb to Destroy It (Score:5, Interesting)
Agreed. In practice, viruses have a tendency to never go away. Just take a look at the people who have been "cured" of ebola. Months or years later, some of them start showing symptoms again, because the virus found a reservoir inside an eyeball or some other random part of the body where the immune system is not as effective.
Also, the claim that smallpox can only infect humans is naïve. It can, in fact, infect other primates [umn.edu]. So the fact that it is no longer found in humans does not mean that it can't come back on its own. It is unlikely, but not impossible. In fact, it is highly likely that the initial smallpox epidemics were caused by the virus making its way into humans from some other animal species. If it happened once, it could happen twice....
So the assertions upon which the author built the argument against smallpox are somewhat dubious, IMO. With that said, that doesn't mean that the conclusions are wrong. The important question is whether we can continue to manufacture smallpox vaccines indefinitely without the actual virus. If the answer is yes (and I believe that it is), then destroying the most likely way for the virus to end up spreading among the population does make sense.
Any recurrence of the virus, whether natural or artificial, would either be different from the known smallpox strains in meaningful ways or it wouldn't. If it is different, then the current smallpox virus probably won't be of any real benefit in developing a vaccine for the new variant; they would need samples of the new virus instead. If it isn't different, then the existing vaccine will "just work", and we don't need the current smallpox virus.
Either way, the only plausible future use for smallpox would be as a biological weapon, and IMO, we owe it to future generations to destroy it.
And as I post this, I'm struggling to avoid laughing. Because of a bit of over-editing, that last sentence almost ended with "... and IMO, we owe it to future generations to do so." Yikes!
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Also, the claim that smallpox can only infect humans is naÃve. It can, in fact, infect other primates.
Smallpox, like several other, serious, epidemic viruses, probably originated in animals (rodents, according to Wikipedia). There no reason to think that it cannot happen again.
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Any recurrence of the virus, whether natural or artificial, would either be different from the known smallpox strains in meaningful ways or it wouldn't. If it is different, then the current smallpox virus probably won't be of any real benefit in developing a vaccine for the new variant; they would need samples of the new virus instead. If it isn't different, then the existing vaccine will "just work", and we don't need the current smallpox virus.
Right. Exactly right. I don't get why this isn't blatantly obvious to the author. I had a hard time even reading the article. I couldn't parse the poor logical constructs. "We might need this old smallpox sample for which we already have an effective vaccine just in case someone creates a new, incompatible strain we don't know about." Say what now!?
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. If it is different, then the current smallpox virus probably won't be of any real benefit in developing a vaccine for the new variant; they would need samples of the new virus instead.
Comparing the structure and genome of an old smallpox sample to a new smallpox sample would help isolate what makes the new one different and resistant to the previous vaccine. That information would be helpful to anyone trying to develop a new vaccine.
Re: Truly Epically Dumb to Destroy It (Score:5, Funny)
Man, you haven't seen any movies at all, have you?
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I'm more concerned about the undead apocalypse when someone forgets to pay the electricity bill at the Alcor cryo facility.
But at least we might find out posthumously from Hal Finney, the age old question, "Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?"
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Craig Wright http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/tech... [bbc.co.uk]
The summary answers the question (Score:5, Informative)
In 2014 the CDC announced that vials containing the deadly virus had been discovered in a cardboard box in a refrigerator located on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) campus in Bethesda, Maryland. How can you say it's eliminated when it's still out there, somewhere?
Even if you eliminate all the stocks you know about there's still the stocks you don't know about, if it ever gets out it probably came from a forgotten sample.
I don't think it's a huge deal either way but if we want to understand how a truly nasty virus works then you can't really do it without a really nasty virus to study.
Re:The summary answers the question (Score:5, Insightful)
If that storage method was a surprise, the clearly efforts to burn all stored samples wouldn't have included that one..
Obviously, though we really should increase control, regulation and security around these things.
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Can we rebuild it? (Score:2)
I don't know enough about the smallpox virus, but is it something where we can just map the genome and destroy the real-world copies, then recreate it if we ever need to?
If so, storing it on a USB stick instead of in a test tube might reduce the risk of accidentally killing a few million people.
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Fun fact: Necrophiles classify themselves into two groups: Gooey Louies and Moldy Oldies.
Why Don't Scientists Kill The Demon In The Freezer (Score:5, Insightful)
Why Don't Scientists Kill The 'Demon In The Freezer'?
Because this isn't Resident Evil or some stupid Hollywood movie?
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Or the NYT bestseller "I Am Pilgrim". In which the antagonist jihadist steals one of these vials to unleash smallpox on humanity again.
(But he cuts out some guys eyes first to get through the lab's retina scanner and we all know that can't happen IRL.)
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[blockquote](But he cuts out some guys eyes first to get through the lab's retina scanner and we all know that can't happen IRL.)[/blockquote]
Well theres the Capt America version where a bunch of heavily armored dudes just smash into the CDC through the front door.
Just make sure Scarlet witch stays at home incase she accidently explodes some dudes building.
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Because this isn't Resident Evil or some stupid Hollywood movie?
Pretty much. Random people who happen to catch a rare disease that the doctor would never have seen before nor have any real reason to believe the pasient has instead of something more common could spread a while before anyone realizes the severity. The people who work on these kinds of diseases in a lab would quickly raise all the warning flags and the incident be shut down real quick. The only truly dangerous situation would be if someone stole it, mass produced it and intentionally caused a mass infectio
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The only truly dangerous situation would be if someone stole it, mass produced it and intentionally caused a mass infection
Fortunately, a government lab worker with inside access stealing a deadly bioweapon and using it in a terrorist attack is the kind of thing that only happens in the movies [wikipedia.org]. Right?
Re: Why Don't Scientists Kill The Demon In The Fre (Score:3)
and only 'Hollywood' thinking leads to the idea that there could be some global agreement to destroy it all. Anybody who thinks that nation-states with official-secrets regimes would actually destroy all of their samples is a special kind of stupid.
The article is as meaningful as asking why scientists don't simply block gravity - all available evidence points to the idea being impossible.
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You seem to forget that it was a global agreement to eradicate it in first place. Not, Hollywood thinking, but real life. A soviet member of the WHO has suggested this, WHO accepted the suggestion and despite the cold war western countries and ussr worked together to make it happen. In fact, the soviets have donated a large part of the required vaccine. This kind of cooperation was unheard of before.
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But one would think that folks with Aspergers would learn that they should perhaps think twice...or more before making a literal response.
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The problem is that you never know when it's meant literal and when it's a figure of speech. The best a "normal" person could relate to it is thinking of it as if you're dealing with a foreign language where you don't know the idioms, and where you'll have to strain your vocal chords when a Russian talks about you having to howl with the wolves.
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...or what to wear when he's going to introduce you to Kuzka's mother.
(Hint: Stop thinking and RUN!)
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But one would think that folks with Aspergers would learn that they should perhaps think twice...or more before making a literal response.
We don't even expect women to remember that they get emotional every month and you want aspies to remember that they aren't masters of conversation?
Couldn't we just reconstruct it if needed? (Score:2, Interesting)
Then we could destroy all the actual samples, but no information would be lost. If it became necessary for research at a later date, whatever couldn't be simulated could be made from scratch.
Don't need it for just-in-case (Score:5, Insightful)
Some scientists say that these residual stocks of smallpox should not be destroyed because some ruthless super-criminal or rogue government might be working on a new smallpox, even more virulent than existing strains of the virus. We may need existing stocks to produce new vaccines to counteract the new viruses
This is the one I have to wonder about.
The vaccine for smallpox is not smallpox, It is vaccinia which is closely related to cowpox.
If someone releases smallpox and you need to vaccinate, then you still don't need to have any smallpox.
If someone makes a new type of smallpox and releases it, then you want the new smallpox to develop a defense against and test and now you have it from the infected people.
And it seems unlikely that the old smallpox (deadly) would be used to make a vaccine against any new smallpox, but I admit the possibility.
Smallpox is a member of the poxviridae family. If you need a virus like smallpox to fool around with in your lab, there are 28 genera and 69 species of pox.
On the other hand, smallpox is not the only disease we have eradicated.
Rinderpest is the other. Rinderpest is closely related to measles and measles probably evolved from rinderpest.
Stocks of Rinderpest remain, but rinderpest vaccine is made from a rinderpest virus variant, so it makes sense that we would keep some of that for just in case.
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Until it develops into a strain that is different enough from cowpox that the current vaccine does not work.
Come on people, influenza mutates every single year to that point and it makes all of the major media outlets - surely you can connect the dots.
Re: Don't need it for just-in-case (Score:2)
Different viruses have different mutation rates. The major cause of that difference between influenza and smallpox is that one uses DNA and one uses RNA. RNA viruses are very sloppy copiers while DNA viruses like smallpox are much more consistent. If you look at the history of smallpox vaccination it mutates so slowly that over centuries the same vaccination methods, like accidental exposure to cow pox, are still effective.
That doesn't mean that there's no utility in keeping samples, but there's so littl
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Maybe we need to keep it around to use in the impending alien invasion.
It's amusing that this is probably the strongest argument to date for keeping this crap around.
Re: Don't need it for just-in-case (Score:2)
Wish I had mod points
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Except they would very probably not have compatible cell structures, which is inherently necessary for all viruses.
seems dumb (Score:3)
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Where do you think the unknowns come from? Tomorrow's unknowns are today's knowns.
You got Alzheimers?
sequence it (Score:3)
sequence it's genome, then destroy all samples of it. If some criminal mastermind breaks out a new strain of it, you culture the strain from the unfortunte souls who have been infected and fight it off with by comparing it to the sequence of the original strain.
If we ever get to the point that we can reconstruct any virus from the digitized sequences, then we've got way bigger problems on our hands than smallpox.
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My understanding is that this has already been done: smallpox has been sequenced, and if all samples were destroyed and then for some reason we really needed to have smallpox again, we could reconstruct it. It eight years since scientists created a synthetic bacterial genome [jcvi.org] of 580,000 base pairs. Smallpox is (according to Wikipedia) 186,000 base pairs.
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If 'new smallpox' is dangerous, there isn't any need to culture it - you can just take samples from the myriad of victims.
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There are some things we simply should not destroy (Score:5, Insightful)
This is one of them...
Now that being said... stockpiles of the live virus should not be kept very many places and there needs to be a "destroy plan" in the event these locations become compromised. (such as war, civil unrest, the end of the world, etc.)
Perhaps in the US, UK, France, Russia, and China... Each nation can have stored samples of the virus in known locations under guard.
For the same reason we'll never really get rid of nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, or anything else, there is a greater than non-zero value to having them. But we don't need "lots" of them.
Genocide... when's it OK? (Score:3, Insightful)
Leaving aside, for the moment, the question of whether or not a virus is 'life' -- this question would apply to a bacterial disease as well -- how is this any different than the attempts in the last century to eradicate the North American wolf? They were dangerous (and quite inconvenient) to humans. Thankfully (to some...) we failed, and many people are happy they are returning. The reasons we wanted them gone haven't changed (although hardly as much an issue with the hugely reduced numbers).
If it's not OK to eradicate a species that looks like the family dog, what about if they were squirrel-sized? Insects? Where's the line, exactly, where we say 'OK, on this side, it's good and right to completely remove this species from existence, but on the other side of the line, it's a 'protected species' to be preserved, and we just control it? One could argue that wolves served a purpose in the ecosystem by controlling deer and other game population -- but honestly, we will never allow the grey wolf population to grow to a number to have any real effect on that anymore.
Not really taking a side on whether or not to eliminate the stocks we have of smallpox, but I feel like there certainly is an ethical question in whether or not it's OK to do so.
(As a side note, I think 'genocide' only applies to killing humans, but you get the idea, I'm sure)
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Normally local versus introduced species. For example the Australian Brushtail Possum is about as cute as a Koala but the greenest of the green New Zealanders don't bat an eyelid at people selling possum fur to tourists. An introduced pest in large numbers is an introduced pest no matter how cute it is.
That said a lot of people object to culling feral horses and it caused a bit of a scandal near where I live when a Park Ranger didn't get rid of the bodies before some tourists cam
Re:Genocide... when's it OK? (Score:5, Insightful)
A virus is about as 'alive' as the average piece of computer software, and when it comes down to the choice of the death of hundreds of people, or the virus, the choice should be easy enough. That some people apparently have so much trouble with their moral compass that they believe there is in fact some kind of ethical trade off here scares me.
Not that size matters: I'm also happily in favor of fully eradicating other diseases and parasites, including multicellular ones. Anything that only causes untold grief and misery, and has no benefit other than its own miserable existence, I have no compunction removing from the planet.
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I think 'life' is an ambiguous term, and confuses moral issues. Bacteria are biologically alive, but so are individual human cells (e.g. skin cells), and individual human cells do not have a right to life. A person could be brain dead, but their body might be kept o
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How did "antibiotics" get extended to "cleaning products" in your mind?
Re: Genocide... when's it OK? (Score:2)
Sadly he might just be thinking of antibiotic laced soaps. Not sure those have caused any resistance themselves, but they're shown to be no more effective that regular soap and we still made obscene amounts of the stuff. He's wrong but not quite crazy as you imply.
How do we know, (Score:2)
there is not some colony of wild pigs, horses, or monkeys which are incubating the virus.
Keep it around, you don't know if there is a time when you need it.
Archive its DNA (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Archive its DNA (Score:5, Interesting)
Verbose! (Score:2)
For the love of Dog, compress it! tar cvfz / tar xvfz, how hard can it be ?
And maybe drop the verbose flag...
Re:Archive its DNA (Score:4, Funny)
For the love of Dog, compress it! tar cvfz / tar xvfz, how hard can it be ?
I've found the bzip2 algorithm far more effective in compressing DNA-based tarballs. And I find the verbose option to be particularly annoying while creating or restoring jigawatt-sized tarballs.
So allow me to suggest tar cjf / tar xjf as an alternative.
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And THIS thread is why The Verge and Ars Technica can never replace /. for me.
Only two samples (Score:2)
Do we have the right to play God? (Score:2)
And decide which species live or die? I know we have done it before, e.g. wiping out the tasmanian tiger, but is morally and ethically defensible?
Synthesize smallpox? (Score:2)
Re:Think about it (Score:5, Interesting)
The thing is, the existing vaccines aren't even derived from smallpox. They're derived from a related virus that isn't fatal. We don't need smallpox to exist just to produce vaccines unless somebody genetically engineers a modified smallpox virus that doesn't contain any of the same markers as cowpox, monkeypox, or vaccinia. And if somebody does that, the odds are very high that A. having a sample of smallpox won't help in creating the vaccine either, and B. the organization that someday creates that modified virus wouldn't have been able to get their hands on it if we had destroyed all the samples in a timely manner instead of keeping it around just in case we need to engage in biowarfare....
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This, in a nutshell. Who knows who has a copy of the samples, and destroying all of them can lead to blackmail. All it takes is a rogue lab that may or may not have gotten a sample, and then tells everyone to pay up, or they will start selling it to $EVIL_ORGANIZATION, and with no samples to make vaccines from, it would leave everyone SOL.
Plus, there are other versions of smallpox out there. Cowpox comes to mind. Might as well work on some vaccines anyway, because one never knows if cowpox might mutate
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They don't just have scabs.
According to the source, they had railroad tanker cars.
Not of V. minor and V. major, but the "heated up" versions of the two.
That...is an awful lot of virus to dispose of. And it's not something you can just let your average grunt hook up to a drain hose, either. You have to use highly-trained and supremely-qualified personnel, who are going to know exactly what they're dealing with.
Highly-trained and supremely-qualified personnel who haven't seen a paycheck in months, aren't li
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Re: No such thing as 'vaccination' (Score:3)
I'm feeding a troll here, but you know that the earliest "vaccine" for smallpox was.... smallpox. The fatality rate for that method, called variolation, was on the order of 1-2% and there are records of intentional smallpox infection to induce immunity going back to at least 1500. The first real vaccine was infection by cowpox and was introduced in 1796. I imagine your dates are a bit cherry picked, but the Jenner vaccine wouldn't have reached places like India and China immediately so I suspect they stil
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Re: And delete all the digital copies of it too? (Score:2)
I think we computer people over simplify the task of taking a digital genome and remaking the original cell, but it should be simpler with a virus than just about anything else. I suspect we're safe from random weirdos recreating smallpox in a home lab for quite a while but I agree that the time is coming. As for your vaccination, high immune response lasts 3-5 years with decreasing immunity after that so your probably about as screwed as the rest of us.
Re: Tigers vs. Smallpox (Score:2)
Cute fur
Re: ... because more vacciness will be needed? (Score:2)
One missed person is not enough for two big reasons. One, we have a concept of quarantine and how diseases spread, but more critically in this case the vaccine is a different virus. We can produce that virus, vaccinia, in whatever quantity we want without any access to smallpox. People use it for lab research now without a ton of precautions. Even unattenuated vaccinia only calls for biosafety level 2, I.e. the same level as e coli or various hep strains.