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Medicine Science

Some Bees Are Addicted to Caffeine ( 114

mdsolar shares a new article about plants which produce caffeine to attract bees and encourage repeat visits to help with their pollination. "Scientists at the University of Sussex said they thought the plants produce the caffeine in their nectar to fool bees into thinking it contains more sugar than it actually does," reports the Albany Daily Star. In addition, bees communicate by "dancing" for their colleagues, and the caffeinated bees danced faster, inadvertently directing the other bees to revisit those flowers, even after nectar had run dry. "If they just had one, three-hour exposure to the caffeinated nectar on the first day," one researcher said, "they would come back for many more days, and more often within each day."
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Some Bees Are Addicted to Caffeine

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    They literally repost months-old stories as if they're brand new. This one was posted on CNET [] in October.

    • They literally repost months-old stories as if they're brand new. This one was posted on CNET [] in October.

      Not only is it garbage, their own "about" page talks about a different news organization that doesn't appear to exist. I am pretty sure this is just a Facebook clickbait news generator. []

  • Maryland has passed the first restrictions on neonicotinoids to help avert Colony Collapse Disorder. []
    • Something I have learned from living here for most of my life, in Maryland, it is more important to look like you are doing something positive, than to actually do something positive. This is just yet another example. Science says this might be a contributing factor, so let's ban it! Science hasn't even come out with a study that actually links this chemical to CCD, but what does that matter, even when CCD is happening in places that don't even use these chemicals, we must DO SOMETHING!

  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 03, 2016 @08:53PM (#51835397)

    You and bee both. Mee both. Be mothe! Me both!!

  • by jfdavis668 ( 1414919 ) on Sunday April 03, 2016 @08:53PM (#51835399)
    So bees add tea to their honey?
  • Just say No
  • by Anonymous Coward

    That explains a lot.

  • Cool :D (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 03, 2016 @09:13PM (#51835463)

    Makes sense. Plants didn't evolve to produce caffeine without there being a selection pressure towards it. This is presumably how that pressure originated, before humans got involved.

    • Caffeine is an insecticide, it kills insects that eat too much of the plants leaves (it's bitter too). These bees seem to have built up a tolerance large enough to get the positive effects without dying. Don't forget that a few ounces (few dozen grams) of pure caffeine is enough to kill almost any human.

  • by blindseer ( 891256 ) <blindseer AT earthlink DOT net> on Sunday April 03, 2016 @09:19PM (#51835473)

    No wonder bees are so easily attracted to my Mountain Dew.

  • Based on the long line I see walking past my local Starbucks every day.
  • The original article has no published date but the source view shows "2016-04-02T20:32:01-04:00" which smells a lot April 1st fodder to me.
    • by ukoda ( 537183 )
      Oh dear, some double checking suggest it may be real. The references actually check out and appears to date back to October 2015. I hate reading news at this time of the year as I never trust half what I read...
      • by Anonymous Coward

        The rest of the year you shouldn't trust 90% of what you read.

  • So bee worker bees are addicted to caffeine in just the same way as human worker bees?

    I'm not surprised. Sometimes I think caffeine is the only thing that lets me survive the office with my dignity and sanity intact.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Sometimes I think caffeine is the only thing that lets me survive the office with my dignity and sanity intact.

      Count yourself lucky, along with the other 95% of humanity that just gets a nice "pick me up" from caffeine. Unfortunately, I'm part of the estimated 5% of humanity that has adverse affects from any caffeine and is hypersensitive to it. Specifically, I get quite anxious when I drink ANY caffeine. For the longest time I didn't know what was wrong with me. After doing some self psychology observation, various experiments on myself (i.e. how do I react to one 20 oz soda a do I react to do I

      • Sometimes I think caffeine is the only thing that lets me survive the office with my dignity and sanity intact.

        Count yourself lucky, along with the other 95% of humanity that just gets a nice "pick me up" from caffeine. Unfortunately, I'm part of the estimated 5% of humanity that has adverse affects from any caffeine and is hypersensitive to it. Specifically, I get quite anxious when I drink ANY caffeine. For the longest time I didn't know what was wrong with me. After doing some self psychology observation, various experiments on myself (i.e. how do I react to one 20 oz soda a do I react to do I react to no soda, etc), I found out that I get quite anxious after ingesting any caffeine. So I had to go "cold turkey" on it, which was not easy. You find out just how addicting caffeine really is when you need to get off of it. Luckily, I finally got off of it and it's made quite a difference in my life. Like I said, for most of humanity, caffeine is quite harmless and a nice "pick me up" drug. But for a small subset of humanity, we can't have it. I just wish they could find us hypersensitive people before it really screws with our lives.


        That's quite interesting. I wonder how many people who experience some form of anxiety are unwittingly exacerbating their problem with caffeine intake.

        You're making me want to temporarily sacrifice my sanity and dignity to see if I experience any positive affects from removing coffee from my diet!

        Have you found a substitute? Do you even need one anymore?

        • Not advisable to quit caffeine cold turkey.

          Quitting cold turkey can give some people permanent incurable migraines.

          Better to ease off it. Get down to a half a cup (or even a quarter cup) per day before you go cold turkey.

          Given the (low) risk of a (horrible, drastic, life ruining) event, I'd be very cautious. I might even cut back by 50% every 3 days until I was down to a tablespoon.

      • "So I had to go "cold turkey" on it, which was not easy. You find out just how addicting caffeine really is when you need to get off of it."

        Please elaborate. Judging from my symptoms during holidays, I'd expect two days of mild headache and a bit more sleepiness before lunch time in the first few days.

  • FYI roaches seem to get drunk on coffee -- they can even overdose themselves to death.

    • FYI roaches seem to get drunk on coffee -- they can even overdose themselves to death.

      Good to know.

      Know of any 'folk recipes' for a caffeine-based insecticide for roaches or ants?

Them as has, gets.
