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The Epidemic May be Over, But Liberia Has New Ebola Cases 11

Three new cases of Ebola have been reported in Liberia. Reuters reports that despite the declared end to the Ebola outbreak in that country in May, the medical community is speculating that a cluster of infectious carriers somehow survived longer than was previously believed possible, or that there is a previously unknown means of transmission. Health officials "were monitoring 175 people believed to have come into contact with the three cases, though none had yet exhibited symptoms of the disease." The report notes that "A U.S. military operation aimed at helping Liberia's government counter the outbreak has mostly withdrawn. But the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a U.S. health body, said it was working with local authorities to study the origin of the cases and stop the virus spreading."
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The Epidemic May be Over, But Liberia Has New Ebola Cases

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  • I mean, don't get me wrong, the drinks and resorts are great and all. But the drinks and resorts in Somalia are just as good, and much less ebola.

    • Normally I wear protection, but then I thought, 'When am I gonna make it back to Haiti?'

    • If I want to go on a vacation I go down the street to Arby's then back to my house to play video games and watch marathons or things on Netflix. Why do people even travel? "Ohhh I just have to see the sights!" It's called Google images. I've never had to get a passport to use Google images nor did I ever get mugged, get pickpocketed, have my luggage lost or stolen by customs, caught a disease, had drugs stuffed into my luggage, gotten stuck by grounded planes, had my hotel bombed, been kidnapped, etc.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Maybe someone should show the doctors over there this Slashdot post from a month ago:


    During the Ebola outbreak last year, Dr. Ian Crozier was infected. He was eventually airlifted to Emory University for treatment, and a couple months later he was cured of the disease — or so physicians thought. Not long after he was released, his left eye began bothering him. His sight faded, and he felt intense pressure and pain in his eye. Examination of the eye found it teeming with Ebola. His doctors were surprised. Cured patients frequently deal with health issues long after the virus is gone, but this adds a new dimension to the course of the disease.

    Apparently, Ebola can still hang around your system, hiding in areas like the eyes or testicles which are "immune privileged". In the case of ebola replicating in the testicles, it can last in the semen for months, which I guess means that even for a survivor not currently exhibiting symptoms, they could infect sexual partners if they had s

  • "He medical community is speculating that a cluster of infectious carriers somehow survived longer than was previously believed possible, or that there is a previously unknown means of transmission."
    I have a crazy idea that apparently the group of "medical experts" haven't considered. Maybe someone who was infected traveled to Liberia from somewhere else. You know, instead of some sort of magical disease-resistant silent carrier bypassing the normal incubation period. Seriously, they didn't think maybe

Nobody said computers were going to be polite.
