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Protesters Block Effort To Restart Work On Controversial Hawaii Telescope 305

sciencehabit writes: An attempt to restart construction on what would be one of the world's largest telescopes was blocked yesterday, after state authorities escorting construction vehicles clashed with protesters blockading the road to the summit of Hawaii's Mauna Kea volcano. Officers from Hawaii's Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), and construction workers for the Thirty-Meter Telescope (TMT), turned back from the summit shortly after noon Wednesday, citing concerns for public safety after finding the road blocked by boulders. The withdrawal followed several hours of clashes with Native Hawaiian protesters blockading the road, culminating in the arrests of 11 men and women, including several protest organizers. The protesters have said the $1.4 billion TMT would desecrate sacred land.
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Protesters Block Effort To Restart Work On Controversial Hawaii Telescope

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  • In other words (Score:5, Insightful)

    by dwywit ( 1109409 ) on Friday June 26, 2015 @09:10PM (#49999945)

    $Bignum will appease the gods.

    • Re:In other words (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Dutch Gun ( 899105 ) on Friday June 26, 2015 @09:32PM (#50000031)

      It's a little sad to see people fighting so hard for the cause of ignorance... not that it's so rare, I guess. It's almost more depressing if you consider that some of them are probably sincere, instead of simply wanting either payola or publicity.

      • Re: In other words (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Maleko ( 40958 ) on Friday June 26, 2015 @10:14PM (#50000207)

        They are fighting for their land, sovereignty, and culture. It's all being stripped from them day in and day out. Not 500 years ago, still today.

        • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

          by russotto ( 537200 )

          They are fighting for their land, sovereignty, and culture. It's all being stripped from them day in and day out. Not 500 years ago, still today.

          Now they know how Southerners feel.

          • by Uberbah ( 647458 )

            Now they know how Southerners feel.

            Except the Hawaiians aren't a bunch of willfully ignorant racists, unlike the dumbfuckers you're referring to. Protip: you're as free today as you were last month to fly a symbol of oppression and chattel slavery, even if your state government isn't doing it for you.

        • Re: In other words (Score:5, Insightful)

          by Dutch Gun ( 899105 ) on Saturday June 27, 2015 @12:28AM (#50000671)

          They're opposing the building of a modern institution of science and learning for the sake of "sacred land". I can't think of a better way to describe this than "ignorance". Or, they could admit this is a political issue of the separatist movement, and not really a cultural one.

          The Hawaiians had their nation stolen from them about five generations ago. US citizens overthrew the Hawaiian constitutional monarchy, then the US annexed the territory. I feel bad about, and even the US government has apologized at this point. Yes, I have some sympathy with those who feel disaffected because of this, but after five generations... sorry, we're not going to hand the state back to the native Hawaiians.

          • Re: In other words (Score:5, Interesting)

            by Fire_Wraith ( 1460385 ) on Saturday June 27, 2015 @12:50AM (#50000731)
            On top of that, the native Hawaiians, and even those of mixed ancestry, constitute a small minority of the state population (5.9% according to the 2010 census). Interestingly, the largest ethnic block is Asian at about a third of the population, and Euro/White at around a quarter, and multiracial at a quarter. Do they deserve considerations because their ancestors got screwed over? Yes, absolutely. But that doesn't mean absolute veto over everything. At some point they need to compromise with the rest of the population.
            • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

              by drinkypoo ( 153816 )

              On top of that, the native Hawaiians, and even those of mixed ancestry, constitute a small minority of the state population (5.9% according to the 2010 census).

              So it's OK to fuck people over because you moved in on their land and made them a minority? MIGHT MAKES RIGHT RAH RAH RAH!

              Do they deserve considerations because their ancestors got screwed over? Yes, absolutely.

              Make up your fucking mind.

        • Re: In other words (Score:5, Insightful)

          by ChromeAeonium ( 1026952 ) on Saturday June 27, 2015 @12:53AM (#50000743)

          They are fighting for their land, sovereignty, and culture.

          Their land? I was unaware that land could be racially owned, I'm sure that xenophobic nutjobs around the world will be overjoyed to hear that. I have French genetics in me; does that mean I can tell a Frenchman of Nigerian descent what they can and can't do with 'my' land because he is not of the native ethnicity?

          And sovereignty? Sovereignty is derived form the will of the people, not genetic happenstance. If people want to claim that Hawai'i should declare independence, they're free to do it. I don't see that though, I see a push for race based nationalism, and that's always a bad thing.

          It's all being stripped from them day in and day out. Not 500 years ago, still today.

          Bad shit happened in the past, and that was wrong, but you know what? Two wrongs don't make a right. The villains and victims are dead. And even if we do accept that point of view, what the hell does that have to do with a telescope? And furthermore who, exactly, is going around stealing the land of Hawaiian people and preventing people from freely expressing Hawaiian culture? Because you should report them to the police.

          • Their land? I was unaware that land could be racially owned,

            Lawyers have demanded that Europe must be returned to it's rightful owners - the Neanderthals, Britain to the druids, and North America to the small camel like creatures who once lived there.

          1. It's not their land.
          2. They are not sovereign.
          3. And I never understood the deal with fighting for culture.
            That's like fighting to ensure your kids believe the same thing you do. With violence. The same argument is made when Christian folks bemoan the lack of church attendance. You don't have a right to force your meme's down everyone's throat, but that's what 'defending culture' means. It means you want the guarantee that your children will believe the same thing you do by removing dissenting beliefs. It's bull
    • There is that risk that the effects of a black hole could be amplified through a telescope optic potentially sucking the viewer right through the optic so no one would be around to warn anyone. Building this would certainly anger the volcano gods potentially triggering an occult anarchy situation. All hell would break loose starting a tsunami that takes out the entire pacific rim before sucking half the earth through the optic.

    • It's not just about money; it's largely about the Hawaiian sovereignty movement. There are people who believe that the State of Hawai'i is not a US state, but rather an occupied kingdom, and that the islands should become an independent Kingdom of Hawai'i again. They are using this to draw attention to themselves. Not that holding science hostage for the petty power struggles and race based nationalism make makes it any better, in fact, I would find it less distasteful to deal with appeals to religion o

  • Irony (Score:5, Interesting)

    by BlueCoder ( 223005 ) on Friday June 26, 2015 @09:18PM (#49999963)

    They block the very thing that would likely keep the area underdeveloped. I think it likely they actually want more development and more money.

  • Sacred cows (Score:3, Insightful)

    by penguinoid ( 724646 ) on Friday June 26, 2015 @09:23PM (#49999991) Homepage Journal

    make the best hamburger.

  • Then a telescope?

  • by PPH ( 736903 ) on Friday June 26, 2015 @09:31PM (#50000025)

    But ... those are sacred boulders! They shouldn't be rolling them around willy-nilly across white man's roads. If the natives aren't going to respect every last little part of Mauna Kea, then why should we?

  • A better compromise (Score:4, Interesting)

    by presidenteloco ( 659168 ) on Friday June 26, 2015 @09:35PM (#50000047)

    The governor of Hawaii tried a compromise where they would decomission 4 old telescopes, to be able to build this new one.

    It was rejected.

    My suggestion is, ante up on the compromise. Promise to build the new one on the site of one of the old ones. In other words, don't create any more development on undeveloped land, which seems to be a big part of the what the protestors object to.

    • by ShanghaiBill ( 739463 ) on Friday June 26, 2015 @10:00PM (#50000141)

      My suggestion is, ante up on the compromise. Promise to build the new one on the site of one of the old ones.

      Nobody would accept that compromise. The protesters don't really care if the telescope is built, they just want a payoff. Any compromise that does not include some cash, is not going to be accepted. They should have paid off these groups at the beginning of the process, not when they are ready to start construction. It would have been much cheaper.


      • im not sure i agree with paying ransom to people to make them go away so you can get work done is the right way to go about things
  • by Dereck1701 ( 1922824 ) on Friday June 26, 2015 @09:52PM (#50000113)

    There are over a dozen telescopes at the same site where they intend to build the TMT, some of which have been there since the late 60s. Their complaints that their "most sacred site will be desecrated" seem to be a bit late. I think there has already been an agreement to remove quite a few of the current telescopes to revert a significant portion of the site to a more natural state. There is another larger mountain on the same island, something tells me if they began building telescopes on that mountain it would suddenly become a "most sacred site". This to me smells much more like a NIMBY group using vague religious/cultural references to try to get there way.

    • Actually, the Hawaiians have been protesting the telescopes since the 60's. And Kaho'olawe bring blown apart too.

      Just because you haven't heard about the protests, doesn't mean they aren't happening.

  • should be fucking outlawed.

    I REALLY want to go off on a rant here, but I think that sums it up pretty well. I'm fucking sick of the NIMBY crowd, I bet they don't even live in sight of the mountain.

  • loud vocal minority (Score:4, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 26, 2015 @10:09PM (#50000183)

    That sad thing is this isn't even all native Hawaiians or even a majority. It's just a small minority of extremely loud native Hawaiians. Plenty of native Hawaiians have no problem with the observatories and actually want them built

    • thats how everything works these days

      look at the ruling that took place today or amazon and wallmarts decision to stop selling a flag (while still selling other items that represent hate)

      the louder you are, the more power you have, even if you make up a rounding error worth of a percentage
      • the louder you are, the more power you have, even if you make up a rounding error worth of a percentage

        Welcome to the world. You don't get a manual, but you do get a bunch of pithy sayings, like "The squeaky wheel gets the grease". However, you also get "the nail that sticks out gets hammered down"

        At some point, you may become angry enough about something to stand up and shout, too. Will you get greased, or hammered?

  • The Cat should make short work of the piled-up rocks, and the high-pressure hoses would be ready in case the demonstrators start throwing anything.

    Now that science itself is under attack, we need to be prepared to defend it.

    • The Cat should make short work of the piled-up rocks, and the high-pressure hoses would be ready in case the demonstrators start throwing anything.

      Now that science itself is under attack, we need to be prepared to defend it.

      The scoops are coming. The scoops are coming. []

  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 26, 2015 @10:11PM (#50000193)

    The protesters are claiming things like pollution from the telescope will kill fish in Hilo bay. WTF? You can't even sneeze on the MK summit w/o a permit. All the facilities up there get regular inspections, and can get in trouble for even a wayward piece of trash. Construction vehicles must be parked on plastic to catch oil drips. Not so on the rest of the island. Hell, when they change the oil in cars around here, they just dump the oil on the ground. They don't give a damn. Yet they'll claim the telescopes are killing fish half way across the island? They claim it's a watershed, yet the site's chosen b/c of 300 days/year of clear skies, and how dry it is?

    Hmph. Nutcases.

  • Jason Momoa [] A Hawaiian native, has posted a YouTube video in opposition to the TMT.
    Seriously, You don't want to mess with Khal Drogo!
  • helocopters (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Karmashock ( 2415832 ) on Friday June 26, 2015 @11:33PM (#50000497)

    I live in california where we always have some group of hairy drugged out morons protesting something. And the construction companies out here just expect it.

    They plan for it... they say"well, we need this much cement, this many men, so many machine... and oh yeah, bolt cutters and an overtime budget to bring people in at midnight to do the job when all the hippies are sleeping.

    The college campuses for example can't knock down trees on the premises during the school year. So they wait until the summer break then knock the trees back. The hippies come back and possibly see a stump. No discussion. No protest of consequence.

    In Canada they had a bridge that needed to be widened. And some trees to the right of the bridge needed to be taken down. Of course the fucking trees were swarming with dreadlocked buffoons. So the city said "you win, we won't take the trees down, everyone go home"... hippies cleared out... and at midnight that very night the city just cut all the trees down that were in the way of the bridge.

    And this is what the social discussion is at this point.

    The stupid mountain in question is covered with fucking telescopes. Go up there and look at it. There are loads. Saying "oh not one more or it will anger our impotent god!'... please.

    • Trees? That's nothing. In Chicago they bulldoze entire airfields at night. []

      If you want an omelette...

    • I live in california where we always have some group of hairy drugged out morons protesting something. And the construction companies out here just expect it.

      They plan for it... they say"well, we need this much cement, this many men, so many machine... and oh yeah, bolt cutters and an overtime budget to bring people in at midnight to do the job when all the hippies are sleeping.

      The college campuses for example can't knock down trees on the premises during the school year. So they wait until the summer break then knock the trees back. The hippies come back and possibly see a stump. No discussion. No protest of consequence.

      In Canada they had a bridge that needed to be widened. And some trees to the right of the bridge needed to be taken down. Of course the fucking trees were swarming with dreadlocked buffoons. So the city said "you win, we won't take the trees down, everyone go home"... hippies cleared out... and at midnight that very night the city just cut all the trees down that were in the way of the bridge.

      And this is what the social discussion is at this point.

      The stupid mountain in question is covered with fucking telescopes. Go up there and look at it. There are loads. Saying "oh not one more or it will anger our impotent god!'... please.

      Your argument is flawed. First you use the word "hippies" in a derogatory way to evoke emotion. This is demonstrated by your entire post. So, from the start I can see your argument is on weak ground -- if the argument was solid you would not need to resort to such tactics.

      In the case of the Canadian government lying to get the protesters away... yeah, great example. At least the so called (in your words) "hippies" have seemed to have some ethics and morals! The Canadian government in your example: they were

  • by Chas ( 5144 ) on Saturday June 27, 2015 @05:16AM (#50001161) Homepage Journal

    Okay. We've sued and lost.
    We've sued again and lost.
    We've appealed to every political figure available and lost.
    We've tossed up every roadblock imaginable and lost.
    So now, despite what the law says and the fact that it's obvious other people want this, we're still going to interfere and be assholes because we didn't get our way.

    At this point, I'm with the social darwinists. Just roll over the fuckers. You'll be doing the species good by ridding it of obvious mental defectives.

To be awake is to be alive. -- Henry David Thoreau, in "Walden"
