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Space Technology

How We'll Someday Be Able To See Past the Cosmic Microwave Background 64

StartsWithABang writes: When it comes to the farthest thing we can see in the Universe, that's the Cosmic Microwave Background, or the leftover glow from the Big Bang, emitted when the Universe was a mere 380,000 years old. But what, exactly, does this mean? Does it mean that we're seeing the "edge" of the Universe? Does it mean that there's nothing to see, farther back beyond it? Does it mean that, as time goes on, we're going to be able to see farther back in time and space? The answers are no, no, and yes, respectively. If we want to see farther than ever before, we've got two options: either wait for more time to pass, or get moving and build that cosmic neutrino background detector.
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How We'll Someday Be Able To See Past the Cosmic Microwave Background

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    As soon as somebody replaces the 17 year old microwave in the cafeteria of the observatory, since scientists can't be bothered to wait until the cycle is done.

  • Slashdot (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Your #1 source for links to medium.com

    Can we lose the daily barrage of pop-sci please.

    • I'd mod you up. The constant stream of HughPickens, StartsWithABang and (bogus) "anonymous reader" posts is getting even more annoying than the /. BETA ever was. It's obvious that these posts are tied to ad revenue and are contrived submissions. The whole point of /. was to find things that weren't everyday articles that were relevant to the community. Now, it's, "Here's the new thing the company wants to promote." Completely anti-/.
    • Medium.com: Because Small.com and Large.com don't exist.

  • Gee... I wonder who the linked astronomy-related Slashdotted story will have been written by.
    Yup. Thought so. Is there nobody else writing astronomy blogs these days? Or is Slashdot just in love with Ethan?

  • by Njorthbiatr ( 3776975 ) on Monday May 18, 2015 @04:48AM (#49716489)

    It's not like it's going anywhere, right guys?

  • So how do they know that the "background" microwaves are from the edge of the universe? I thought that the primordial microwaves are scattered throughout the universe, so what we see when we look in some direction is the sum of all the background microwaves coming from that direction.

    If we're actually seeing the edge, doesn't that shoot down the idea that the universe doesn't actually have an edge, and everywhere appears to be at the "center" of the universe? How was this idea disproved? I seem to hav

    • by Livius ( 318358 )

      It's the limit of what's observable.

      It's like how a light beam can have an edge, but it doesn't mean there isn't anything in the shadow.

      • by rossdee ( 243626 )

        "It's like how a light beam can have an edge, but it doesn't mean there isn't anything in the shadow."

        In this case the shadow is in front of the pulse of light that was the big bang.
        We will never be able to see further than that since it is moving away at the speed of light.
        Unless we can invent a (much) faster than light drive, and go chase it down.

    • by burtosis ( 1124179 ) on Monday May 18, 2015 @07:58AM (#49717121)

      So how do they know that the "background" microwaves are from the edge of the universe? I thought that the primordial microwaves are scattered throughout the universe, so what we see when we look in some direction is the sum of all the background microwaves coming from that direction.

      If we're actually seeing the edge, doesn't that shoot down the idea that the universe doesn't actually have an edge, and everywhere appears to be at the "center" of the universe? How was this idea disproved? I seem to have missed the discovery of an actual edge, somehow.

      The cmb is simply the first light that was able to freely travel through space. There is no actual 'edge' but there is always the apparent virtual edge beyond which you cannot see. It's easiest to think of it as space being infinite in size but finite in age. Light needs to travel to your eye to see so the farthest you can see is simply the age of the universe x the speed of light. As the universe cooled right after the Big Bang, initially light could not directly pass through all the hot plasma, only after it cooled and became transparent to visible light did light spread out in significant amounts. The heavily red shifted version of this light is the cmb we see today. Your own two eyes see a slightly different virtual 'edge' as every point in the universe looks as if it is the center.

      It took about 380k years for the universe to become transparent to light neutrinos pass through ionized material easily and the surface of last scattering is nearly as old as the Big Bang. It's a very old concept but has been researched lately as each kind of neutrino would have a slightly different background. The article is just random click bait there is nothing new or interesting about it really.

    • Imagine a hot Universe at an early time (which may be very large, even infinite). Photons are suddenly released and go in all directions.
      The Universe expands (meaning the distance between everything increases). The photons are still traveling through the Universe.
      At any point in time you can observe photons arriving at your position, and they are as old as their origin is away in light-distance (well, space expanded in the meantime, that makes it a bit harder to imagine).
      So, you can observe the background a

    • Oblig. Weird Al [youtube.com].

      Wait is that not The Edge you were talking about?
    • by Maritz ( 1829006 )
      The 'edge' you're talking about is the Cosmic Horizon. The further away you look, the more ancient the light, and if you look further than 13 and a bit billion light years, you're "looking" at a place where the light hasn't had a chance to reach us yet. It's still in transit. So it isn't an 'edge' to anyone other than us. As I understand it, the Universe is consistent with being (at least) a hypersphere; finite in extent but with no boundary - analogous to how the Earth's surface is finite but without a bou
  • >> The answers are no, no, and yes, respectively.

    If I'm reading this right, you just said:
    But what, exactly, does this mean? no
    Does it mean that we're seeing the "edge" of the Universe? no
    Does it mean that there's nothing to see, farther back beyond it? yes
    Does it mean that, as time goes on, we're going to be able to see farther back in time and space? (no response)

    • Does it mean that, as time goes on, we're going to be able to see farther back in time and space?

      Obviously the answer is yes because, as time goes on, the period at which the CMB was emitted moves further into the past so obviously we are seeing "further back in time" but only at the rate of one year further per year past (on average). Since the universe is also expanding we are also looking further. This is about as insightful as pointing out that as time goes by I can remember events further back in time.

  • Amongst all the /. arguments, I would like to say that that is a well written article. It gets a very complex point across in a way that is easily understood. I didn't realize previously that our view of the CMB would change over time. Makes sense, we see the CMB who's light happens to get here now.
    • by dargaud ( 518470 )
      Yeah, but it doesn't say how we are supposed to build a cosmological neutrino detector...
      • We already know how to build one. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I... [wikipedia.org] Current ones are looking for neutrinos at a different energy level, since we are looking for solar and supernova neutrinos. We need a very large one built to a different standard. The hard part is determining the direction where each neutrino is coming from.
  • IANAP, but from what I read in most models of inflation there should be primordial gravitational waves, which could be indirectly detected based on the polarization of the CMB (b-modes). These waves (if they exist) would go all the way back to the inflationary period itself.

    The BICEP2 experiment was designed to look for these, and last year announced detecting b-modes in the CMB. Of course, as we now know thanks to Planck their discovery is probably due to dust polarization. Are there any current or plan

People who go to conferences are the ones who shouldn't.
