Racial Discrimination Affects Virtual Reality Characters Too 251
vrml writes: You are looking for the exit of a building in a virtual reality experience when a virtual character gets stuck in a room and cries for your help. Could the color of the skin (black or white) of the virtual human influence your decision to provide or refuse help? That's what comes out from a new study published by the journal Computers in Human Behavior. White users were told that they had to reach the exit of the virtual building as soon as possible. The number of users who decided to help tripled when the virtual victim was white rather than black. Researchers tried also other conditions in which they did not put users under time pressure: this reduced the discrimination, although the number of users who helped remained more favorable for the white rather than the black virtual human. The paper explains these results in terms of the automatic categorization processes that originate from unwanted, unconscious social and cultural biases: putting people under pressure increases automatic responses, leading to more discrimination towards the black character.
My virtual character has green skin. (Score:2)
By extension of this research, the test subject not only won't stop to help, he'd probably attack me.
Moral of the story: racism is stupid.
Worthless Study (Score:5, Insightful)
Being of the same ethnicity as the helper makes the victim appear more similar, and people act more favorably toward people perceived as similar to them; furthermore, it makes the helper feel a member of the same (ethnic) group as the victim, and members of the same group are treated more favorably than non-members.
Any person with half a brain would ensure that the participant pool included members from all cultural backgrounds. But that wasn't the case:
The participants were Italian and white.
So they tested racial bias for white helping blacks, but they did not test for bias when blacks had to assist whites even though they KNEW there was a strong correlation in willingness to assist when similar cultural backgrounds are involved. Then, they take the test results (which were obvious before the study even began) and ran to the internet with cries of racism amongst Italian and white people. Ridiculous...
Re:Worthless Study (Score:4, Insightful)
I don't see anywhere that they claim only whites are racist or that they claim other races wouldn't behave otherwise. You seem to be reading that into it so you can angrily dismiss the article.
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I didn't "dismiss" the article; I read the whole thing and commented on it.
If you don't see anywhere they claim that whites are racist then you're illiterate. Racism consists of both prejudice and discrimination, and the article is FILLED from top to bottom of examples where white people exhibit both prejudice and discrimination toward black people.
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The degree of the biological component to racism is inconsequential to the "wrongness" of racism
True, but unless I'm missing something, these studies don't demonstrate a biological component of racism, they merely demonstrate the existence of racist behavior. That has no bearing on the 'nature or nurture' question.
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Did the tests present each participant with both black and white characters to help? Or only one?
Some people (especially if they are having to exit because of danger to their lives) wouldn't stop to help anyone.
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I mean, it is (or at least should be) common sense that people tend to relate to and help/associate with other beings that are more like them.
This is just basically innate behavior of humans. Why is anyone shocked at this? If you don't actually KNOW a either of two strangers you might be presented with, you're first reaction is likely to feel more at ease and more trusting of the person that visually resembles you the most.
When did political correctness overrule common sens
Re:My virtual character has green skin. (Score:5, Informative)
What about the race of the escapee? (Score:3)
If the person who is escaping is Asian, would they be more inclined to ignore white people while trying to get out?
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For me, the page is blank but then redirects to: http://www.sciencedirect.com/s... [sciencedirect.com]
From the PDF:
The participants were Italian and white. They were psychology students (N = 96; 48 women, 48 men) who volunteered to participate without any reward. Their mean age was 24 (SD = 2.82).
Nice of them to not even test black people saving white, that way white people can feel like shit.
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Us white devils should all feel bad because of our white privilege and stuff...
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Oh i did. Then i got over it and got a job. I aork alongside some black people too, so at least some of them also got over it. Or at least they got over it enough to be doing the same work for the same pay as i do.
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Blacks ignoring whites is not racist.
Orientals ignoring whites is not racist.
Arabs ignoring whites is not racist.
Indians ignoring whites is not racist.
Whites ignoring anyone else is racist. Whites are guilty by default. End of story.
Re:What about the race of the escapee? (Score:5, Insightful)
The article was sufficient to demonstrate racial bias even with virtual participants.
It says nothing about black versus white versus white versus black. That's you reading racism into a study where the people involved probably (a) don't care much about specific races and (b) didn't have the time or money to have a larger study covering more options.
Randomly complaining about racism where none exists. Does this mean I get to call you an SJW? Seriously, I don't know. SJW seems to get used more or less for everything at the moment.
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The study was, itself, racist. It only studied white participants.
I think Inigo Montoya would like a word with you.
Racism is prejudice against a certain race. Studying a race is not racism.
Re:What about the race of the escapee? (Score:4, Interesting)
You may not be aware that there is lots of openly expressed racism in Europe - apparently much more so than in the US. This includes Italy. One of Italy's top soccer strikers (Mario Balotelli), who happens to be black, has suffered a lot of racist chants, and he's by no means the only example.
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Blacks ignoring whites is not racist.
Orientals ignoring whites is not racist.
Arabs ignoring whites is not racist.
Indians ignoring whites is not racist.
Whites ignoring anyone else is racist. Whites are guilty by default. End of story.
Feel threatened much? :-)
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I am not threatened by false accusations. The most racist people I know are the ones crying "racism" everywhere.
By racist, I mean those that are crying for score adjustments on SATs for black students who score less than white/Asian people (on average). Basically they are saying that black students are LESS CAPABLE of getting good scores, and thus are inferior to white/Asian students.
This is appalling racism. It is insulting.
Or when Jesse Jackson says that "thugs" is racist term, when describing Michael Bro
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I'd like to tie in a new development too. Which was from a trend about blacks turning more to homeschooling. One of the reasons? Black students should be taught by black people so that they can learn self-confidence. It's crazy, but just find the the Atlantic article on it. Basically, we're back to separate but equal with that argument. It's sickening honestly.
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Wrong, they are all racists. I know there are some people who think that blacks can't be racist, but you don't earn any points for using them in your argument.
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it was a partially sarcastic point I was making.
And it isn't racist, it is tribal. Irish, Italians, Germans ... all experienced tribal resentments, but since it was English vs Irish, nobody gave a shit.
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The argument I've always heard for it is. If it's done by a group not in power then it's not racism or discrimination.
Re:What about the race of the escapee? (Score:4, Insightful)
Nice of you to frame it as "black vs. white". Not every study has to be comprehensive, and merely limiting the study is not evidence of an attempt to attack one group.
Seriously, grow up.
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White users were told that they had to reach the exit of the virtual building as soon as possible. The number of users who decided to help tripled when the virtual victim was white rather than black
In a study, I can understand stating that it was white users, for the sake of full disclosure and clarity. In a Slashdot summary, it's click-bait, so I put on my racism hat and reacted the way I was supposed to.
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Um, no. First of all, there is no indications that they excluded anyone. The study was done with volunteers, and presumably with the students they had available at the Italian university.
Secondly, it's not clearly "black vs white" - the situation was "white vs anything else". Black was not in a special situation, vs. brown, red, green, blue or anything else not white.
From what I can tell, the study notes a racial bias. That does not prove or preclude racism. The bias can have other causes, but this stu
Re:What about the race of the escapee? (Score:4, Insightful)
It also makes me wonder how else did the virtual people differentiate. Was the white one 5'2", skinny, and approximately 100 pounds; While the Black one was 6'3", 200 pounds, and looked infinity more capable of looking after himself? Or did they simply take the same model and change the skin color?
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> less than 100 participants
the study is worthless.
Re:What about the race of the escapee? (Score:4, Informative)
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There probably weren't enough black psychology student volunteers from the Italian schools they took data from to generate useful statistics.
My guess is that all people are kind of racist. There are all sorts of studies showing this. Does that make you feel better? Not me...
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you care more for your own kind, its science! (Score:5, Insightful)
They did this study with kids and dolls in the 80s.
We are programmed to prefer our own kind and ethnicity.
Its a tribal thing that protected man for hundreds of thousands of years..
Political correctness morons want to call it racism but political correctness is anti individualism and promotes group think.
Re:you care more for your own kind, its science! (Score:5, Informative)
They did this study with kids and dolls in the 80s.
We are programmed to prefer our own kind and ethnicity.
Actually, blacks favored whites too in those studies.
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Re:you care more for your own kind, its science! (Score:5, Interesting)
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That would be an interesting addition. I'd also like to see how varying the color of the player's character affects the results. In computer games, teams are often identified by color (red vs blue) so you'll be more cautious when someone of a different color appears -- they could be about to attack you. Also a racially neutral test where the characters are a completely artificial color like bright green would be good to include.
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I guess one way to tackle some of these questions is instead to make the doll different colors and different shades of those colors. Test a group with dark green and light green. Another with dark purple and light purple.
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Um, yeah wasn't that the same study where black kids thought of the black dolls as dirty, and tightly curled hair as nappy?
There are so many negative stereotypes thrown at people that they never even give themselves a chance to be free in their own minds
Look at the products, skin lighteners, hair straighteners, plastic surgery, things that can damage the skin, scalp and cause lifelong disfigurement, but that promise ine thing... to be whiter
You think that it is normal because you only hang with your white
Re:you care more for your own kind, its science! (Score:5, Insightful)
Look at the products, skin lighteners, hair straighteners, plastic surgery, things that can damage the skin, scalp and cause lifelong disfigurement, but that promise ine thing... to be whiter
also hair curling irons, skin bronzer, plastic surgery (can be used both ways) tanning, hair dye promising to be darker.
some people just aren't satisfied with who they are.
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I agree there that there are so many bad stereotypes, but stereotype do have a basis in reality (but perhaps self fulling though). We as humans make snap judgement based on looks all the time. They are called first impressions, they are generally fairly accurate and they natural, we need them to function, It is just not feasible to investigate everyone we meet thoroughly. There is nothing we can do about that, but realize they are there and try and compensate. The study even shows we do this, when time pres
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Yes, there are many stereotypes and the stereotype today seems to be that all white males are evil and ought to feel bad and guilty just because they are white males. As someone who tries hard to do the right thing and treat everyone the right way, I resent that stereotype, and that's true even though none of us are perfect and none of us succeed 100% of the time.
The study quoted may well be valid, but if the motivation was another case of "proving whites are bad" then it raises real questions.
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You think that it is normal because you only hang with your white tribe
Wrong, things like skin lighteners and hair conditioners are huge in non-white cultures as well. Maybe you need to hang out with some other "tribes" -- like try visiting your local Indian grocery store. You'll see far more skin lightening products than at any store commonly frequented by whites.
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I'd argue it's still a useful sense, no matter how desperately we try to rationalize it away.
While certainly the danger from someone you know isn't zero, strangers are many, many times more dangerous in many contexts.
Just because we've industrialized the proximity of strangers with our cities, doesn't change the simple fact that strangers are more risky than people you know. And while skin-color doesn't equate to "someone I know", even a 5% benefit is likely evolutionarily impactful.
What's curious is that
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They did this study with kids and dolls in the 80s.
We are programmed to prefer our own kind and ethnicity.
Its a tribal thing that protected man for hundreds of thousands of years..
Political correctness morons want to call it racism but political correctness is anti individualism and promotes group think.
Yes, and that's a problem in a multiracial society. Not understanding that is, by definition, racist.
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If we want to continue this experiment of a pluralistic society, then the behavior needs to be addressed, even if it is baked into us.
Re:you care more for your own kind, its science! (Score:4, Interesting)
Human beings are programmed for all kinds of undesirable behaviour. Resolving conflict through violence, males procreating with as many females as possible and preventing others from doing likewise, extreme tribalism etc. That's not an excuse for any of it though, because we are supposed to learn better during childhood and grow up into responsible adults.
If you can't get past someone's race and stop being biased towards them then there is something wrong with you as an adult. It's excusable in young children who don't know any better and don't control their emotions and instincts, but not in adults.
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If you can't get past someone's race and stop being biased towards them then there is something wrong with you as an adult.
Like the people who designed this study and only included white people as test subjects ?
Re:you care more for your own kind, its science! (Score:5, Interesting)
Resolving conflict through violence, males procreating with as many females as possible and preventing others from doing likewise, extreme tribalism etc.
The pre-European-contact Hawaiians and many other indigenous cultures (pre-European-contact usually) completely disagree with you. In Hawaiian culture, they didn't even have marriage; people just had sex with whoever, whenever, no one knew who kids' fathers were, and the kids were raised collectively by their villages. In some South American tribe, people think kids can have multiple fathers, so women wanting a kid have sex with a bunch of different men they like, hoping to endow the child with traits from each of them.
It's only various expansionist cultures which pushed the idea that women are owned by men and their sexuality is to be controlled by them.
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Fascinating, but missing the point entirely. Societies expect various things of adults that involve resisting animal instincts. One of those things is often not being racist or overly tribal.
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Societies expect various things of adults that involve resisting animal instincts.
And how exactly do you know that these primitive societies are the ones expecting things which resist animal instincts, and that other societies (with men hoarding women and restricting their sexuality) are the ones which aren't? How do you know you don't have it backwards?
Or maybe both societies are resisting animal instincts: maybe the pro-sex societies are resisting mens' instincts, while the anti-sex, pro-monogamy societi
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Yes, pre-civilization, everywhere, males had to compete for females and most failed never getting to procreate. And were killed or delegated to beta-male status. So yes there was no concept of monogamy, women just had sex with whoever they wanted. Civilization, almost synonymous with expansionist (they are highly related), sought to fully utilize society as much as possible and speed up the production of chi
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You seem to be arguing that monogamy is a good thing, which it is not. A 50+% divorce rate proves this.
In primitive communities, old women didn't need "one and only one man" to provide for her. The whole village provided for everyone. What you contend is an advantage is only so in Randian societies where people don't look out for each other, and everyone is out for himself.
Your comment also has a bit of very obvious misogyny in it.
Also, agriculture was a giant detriment to human societies at first. It d
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Because Europeans were sexually frustrated and channeled their energy into conquering, while the Hawaiians sat around in a paradise (Hawaii is warm and fertile year-round, unlike Europe and most other places) having orgies and generally being happy and not feeling any need to go steal other peoples' land and resources?
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What is natural is not the same as what is right. Sure, I can totally accept that the natural inclination of humans is to be racist. We don't have to search to hard in history for cases of tribes annihilating tribes, or nations annihilating nations. It's science, so we should not try to advance beyond this savagery.
I don't think you understand the point of 'political correctness'. The point is not to deny the base nature within you, but to fight it.
Re:you care more for your own kind, its science! (Score:4, Interesting)
Not saving an avatar doesn't show that you're biased against them, because they don't exist.
Discriminating between saving black vs white avatars does indicate some sort of bias. Deal with it.
Am I racist because I like green coloured avatars,
Adding green colored avatars would be an interesting experiment; would they similarly be discriminated against on average? Or would their introduction break the "real world to virtual world" parallel in the average mind and lead to any real-world biases not being applied; leading to no discernible bias... or perhaps you need to eliminate black and white as options and only have green, orange, and purple avatars... and then that might be interesting too. Would their be a bias... would people bias towards helping other avatars with the same color as their own avatar... would orange be universally favored regardless of the color of self? Would players own real life colorings affect the displayed bias or lack thereof. I couldn't say.
But if there is a definite bias displayed, then there is a definite bias. Racism is one possible and reasonable explanation that can't be discounted out of hand.
Although depending on the textures and lighting... maybe it was simply because the white ones were easier to see...?
or a criminal because I have a penchant for rogue classes?
A criminal? no. but it does say something about you; if you examine the reasons why you have a penchant for rogue classes; I'm sure you'll find something out about yourself reflected in that.
and I don't go around pickpocketing IRL either.
I find it interesting you mention pickpocketing at all. My interest in rogue classes tends to focus on their stealth and back stab attacks -- I have a friend who plays rogues and his interest is always in their fast-talk / deception skills. But you... you mentioned pickpocketing... interesting. ;)
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Uh... they're *fun*? That you read anything else into a game says something about you, wouldn't you think?
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Uh... they're *fun*?
Of course, but why are they *fun*? Do you really think it says nothing about you?
They certainly aren't universally viewed as fun; I know many people who would never choose to play one. And of those that do choose to play them their are a variety of motivations and reasons... I outlined some earlier; but there are lot more.
That you read anything else into a game says something about you, wouldn't you think?
That I even play games says something about me. Which games I choose, and how I choose to play them All reveal a great deal about me. Do I play them on easy or on hard? Do I care about "ac
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I guess you misunderstood the parent posting. The study says "the instinct tells 'whites' to help 'whites'", the parent says "the instinct helped people to stay with their tribe and do not help people of their enemies (which might have killed them afterwards)". This does not say, this is current behaviour, but it tries to explain the instincts observed by the study.
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There are people who treat all racists as if they were the worst kind of racists. Throwing anyone who fits the broad term of "racist" (and that is all of us) into the same category and treating them as such is no different from racism.
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You should look up the history of the term cracker before assuming that it is a disparaging remark.
The study didn't go into how black people respond due to no black people being in the study as another poster above linked to the study and said.
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That article supports what I said. Or did you just read the part about Shakespearean times and totally miss the part where a portion of the population of the US called themselves crackers? You could even point to the part of that article where Jimmy Carter was called out as being of cracker origin, and it was said that if he knew, he would have called himself a cracker.
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you're confusing an explanation of (instinctive) behaviour with an excuse for an (intential) behaviour. The tribal thing is nothing desired nowadays, it's only the explanation for the study results.
More than in real life? (Score:3)
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I wonder if some people would be *more* likely to discriminate in a VR environment than in real life.
Probably. But at least, in a VR environment, skin color is a choice.
Fight fight fight (Score:3)
LOL ... (Score:3)
Damned bastard Khajit and Argonians, can't trust any of them ... wait, what?
Even worse (Score:2, Funny)
The number of users who decided to help tripled when the virtual victim was white rather than black.
When the players themselves were black, they actually stopped to pop a cap in the black victims before they escaped.
The results are deliberately skewed (Score:4, Insightful)
The real racial bias is the study itself!
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Non-brown-skinned cops *are* evil. However, cops are not normal people, and the rest of us, regardless of our ethnicity, are not responsible for their behavior (beyond the collective responsibility we bear towards controlling our governments).
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I think there are some studies that show that even black cops shoot black people more than white people.
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Oh bullshit. *Most* cops are evil. Any time a cop does something evil, and his fellow cops defend him, don't testify against him, lie in testifying against him, or refuse to take a stand against him in any way, that makes *all* off them (in that department) evil.
This "small percentage" bullshit is just that, and I'm sick and tired of morons like you spouting that crap. A few bad apples spoils the entire bunch, and that's what's happened with cops. Departments which don't make sure to keep their ranks cle
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It's looking at the difference in opinion of the participants regarding white people and black people. They did one experiment. They changed a single factor (race). That affected the results.
Re:The results are deliberately skewed (Score:4, Informative)
This is how science works. The experiment does not make claims outside of the experimental parameters. If you interpret that as implying some sort of claim about white people versus black people, that's your problem. Go research other studies to fill in the gaps.
Racist (Score:2)
Opposite axioms lead to opposite conclusions (Score:5, Insightful)
Whenever statistics is used to talk about discrimination (sexual, racial, religious), two conflicting sets of axioms are employed by the people arguing. Allow me to enumerate:
Obviously, the first axiom — and conclusions — is the politically-correct official stance championed by the government [reuters.com]. And I'd like to share it too. But it contradicts some of the well-known facts:
So, the first axiom is shot by reality...
Maybe, it is all about single-parenthood — all human cultures were highly suspicious of bastard children (the very term is a derogatory one). And not because the mother "sinned" — if that were the case, her subsequent marriage would not have absolved the child — but because it is much harder for a single parent to raise a child into a decent human being. So, the "preconditioned" response this study exposed may not be so much about race per se, as about the likelihood of the person to be not right in the head — they are about 2.5-3 times more likely to have grown up without a father.
It'd be interesting, if the study used Whites, who've grown up in those parts of the world, where Blacks' incidence of single-parenthood is not so awfully lopsided. And compared them with the American Whites.
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The study apparently used whites from Italy, I am not sure if the incidence of single parenthood works out the same there, but the number of black people overall is much lower there.
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Maybe, it is all about single-parenthood â" all human cultures were highly suspicious of bastard children (the very term is a derogatory one). And not because the mother "sinned" â" if that were the case, her subsequent marriage would not have absolved the child â" but because it is much harder for a single parent to raise a child into a decent human being.
I'm not so sure it's bastard children but the decline of the multigeneration household. I think in centuries past, despite the social p
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Ah! Sorry, so there is an obscure culture of a whopping 40K people (or about 0.000625% of humanity), who are an exception.
Does it make a difference? Does my argument change in the slightest, if you replace the words "all human cultures" with "almost all human cultures"?
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Why can I not? I just did. If the amendment does not affect the argument — if the argument remains just a convincing with "almost" as it was without it — it is fine. We are, presumably, trying to improve our understanding of life here, not play a game.
I have,
First guns, now this (Score:2)
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They won't be banned, but they'll be required to have equal pixel value distribution.
D&D exception (Score:4, Funny)
"Bow, Nigger" is almost 10 years old. (Score:2, Interesting)
Nothing has changed.
http://phocks.tumblr.com/post/... [tumblr.com]
Gender (Score:5, Insightful)
They should make same experiment with helping man versus woman. I'm quite sure that male participants would rescue more females than males. I wonder how it would other way - there is a good chance that female test subjects would also rescue females more often.
If this is the case, we would have a perfect proof for gender discrimination and should invest into "leave women to burn" sensitivity trainings for everybody.
With further studies, they would determine than attractive females are more often rescued then ugly ones, by both sexes. We can then do obligatory anti-discrimination 102 course, "Let pretty ones burn to death". We could practice by burning barbie dolls, as they are promoting unhealthy body proportions. Which would be strange, because it would mean that they are pretty, which they should not be. So, we should be burning dolls with more realistic body build. But should they be white? If they are white, we will get sued for saying that only white ones are pretty. If they are black... HR sensitivity training based around burning black dolls... not good. We want WHITE pretty girls to die, not black pretty girls.
Marshmallows ! Maybe this will go into subconcious part of the mind - if you burn enough white marshmallows, it will come natural to you later with real fire.
Now, when I think about our last team building event, there was almost unlimited supply of marshmallows next to the bonfire... can it be already happening?
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Leaving women to burn was for most of recent history the default. During the Victorian Age Anglo-Americans really became obsessed with the notion of chivalry, and part of that was the idea that men should help women and children. If the Titanic had sunk in an earlier age you can bet that the life-boats would have been sausage fests. Outside of Anglo-American cultures women and children are often abandoned during strife, depending on how much of this aspect of Anglo-American culture has been adopted (or, of
No way! (Score:4, Insightful)
It's almost as if helping people survive who are similar to you could have an evolutionary advantage over helping people less similar to you.
Actually did RTFA. This experiment in aversive racism seems to assume broad definition racism, ie "us vs them", or group membership.
At this moment, colloquial use of word "racism" in clickbait media is essentially interchangeable with "bigotry". Sadly how words are used define their meaning, not the other way around. But yes, most people are bigoted. Even the pope is bigoted towards the idea of hell, fallen angels and satan (recently he promised to like gays; wh
Are we so sure about that? (Score:3)
Are we so sure that racism stems only from social and cultural biases? Could there not be a biological component to this as well? How does one affect the other? Can we ever know?
I'm just sayin' - people lay all the blame on society but I wonder how much stems from base instinct.
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On animal models its also demonstrated that sheer brute force often wins (ie both racism and rape is ok according to animal models).
The problem with using biological models, or nature-vs-nurture to justify behavior is that it reduces humans to animals and defy civilization as such, so it usually does not ca
Obvioius results but Italy probably more so (Score:2)
of course.. we are our avatars after all (Score:2)
We've seen many studies that most of the time we choose avatars that look like us when given the choice. Most people see avatars as extensions of their choices. When you see someone playing a black character you presume that 90% of the time the person is dark skinned in real life. Thus we carry our prejudices into our virtual worlds with us. I'd be more surprised if that wasn't happening. If we've learned nothing since the 90s and Second Life in the early 00s, it's that contrary to popular belief the intern
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I only ask for help from people wearing blue jeans and t-shirts. As long as they aren't wearing any kind of funny hipster hat or overpriced designer hoodie.
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Any color socks with any kind of footwear is acceptable to me. Barefoot is fine too, but it's harder to go to public places that way.
My friend has clipless cleats on his sandals for biking. And yes, he wears socks with them.