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Who Needs NASA? Exoplanet Detected Using a DSLR 108

Iddo Genuth writes Until 20 years ago even the best telescopes in the world could not detect a planet outside our solar system. Now, with the aid of a basic DSLR, low cost lens and some DIY magic, you just might be able to "see" ET's home planet for yourself. Your DSLR can do much more than just take a few nice portraits or the occasional vacation photos – if you have some DIY experience (O.K. a bit more than just "some"), you might be able to repeat what David Schneider was recently been able to do — that is, building his own planet finder using only inexpensive photo gear, low cost electronics, the right kind of software and a lot of patience. Although Schneider was "only" able to rediscover an already known exsoplanet (some 63 light-years away from us), what he did — and more importantly how he did it — might allow planet hunting to become closer to SETI@home than NASA's 550,000 million dollar Kepler space telescope project.
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Who Needs NASA? Exoplanet Detected Using a DSLR

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  • by Hartree ( 191324 ) on Monday December 01, 2014 @01:47AM (#48495531)

    "550,000 million dollar Kepler space telescope"

    I think you're about 3 orders of magnitude too high.

    • Re: (Score:1, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Depends. US and China uses period as decimal sign, South America, Europe and Russia uses comma.
      Perhaps it's just your interpretation of the numbers that is incorrect.

      • by abies ( 607076 ) on Monday December 01, 2014 @03:54AM (#48495815)

        Yes, for example when filling out census in Russia, it is very important to put that you have 2,000 children (Lena and Igor). If you put just 2, people would consider that you are just rounding it off.
        This even appears in the food market - you need to specify that you want to buy 1,000 egg, otherwise, given current economic troubles, they could cheat you and try to sell you only 0,945 of one, which you would notice only at home when your cake fails.

        • by Anonymous Coward

          0,945? Would that be a Russian bakers dozen?

        • Damn, where are my mod points? Maybe Slashdot should start rounding off instead of waiting to give me until I have exactly 5,000 mod points. Or was it 5.000?
      • This site is based in the US. Therefore, the convention it follows should be that of the US. Any use of a comma as a decimal delimiter here is simply wrong.

        Besides that, the use of six digits when only two or maybe three are actually significant is just clumsy.

      • by qvatch ( 576224 )
        We also only use two digits after the decimal marker, even when the backwards comma is used.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 01, 2014 @02:00AM (#48495559)

    The actual article is here, on ieee.og

    • by robbak ( 775424 ) on Monday December 01, 2014 @02:05AM (#48495573) Homepage
      • by butalearner ( 1235200 ) on Monday December 01, 2014 @09:55AM (#48497169)

        As someone posted below, here [] is the forum post with some data, and here [] is the raw data with more plots. This is really awesome, but you have to temper your enthusiasm when you realize he knew exactly when to look and how much the brightness should drop, and he chose a relatively bright star (apparent magnitude +7.676, which is just barely too faint to see with the naked eye) with a relatively large exoplanet to image. There is some wiggle room there, but the data is pretty noisy, so it will be pretty tough to spot new exoplanets like this.

        In comparison, Kepler-67b is a confirmed exoplanet 3610 light years away, orbiting a star with an apparent magnitude of +16. That is, take the light received from the star this guy imaged, divide it by 2000 (less than 0.05% the brightness), and Kepler can still detect exoplanets passing in front of it. The Hubble and Keck Telescopes have imaged stars with magnitudes of +30 or higher. So to answer the headline (in case it wasn't already obvious), we still kinda need NASA.

        • by jythie ( 914043 )
          Maybe it speaks to having reasonable expectations, but I find that the details of that accomplishment warrant no tempering since that is expletive impressive.
        • Also, from the Wikipedia page on HD189733b:
          - HD 189733 b orbits its host star once every 2.2 days
          - This planet exhibits one of the largest photometric transit depth (amount of the parent star's light blocked) of extrasolar planets so far observed, approximately 3%.

          What he did was cool but this exoplanet is probably one of the easiest to detect.

          There a plenty of nice things that can be done with a DSLR and a cheap lens and none of those will ever replace NASA or re

  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 01, 2014 @02:09AM (#48495585)

    This is a really cool project, with a terrible headline. Without NASA (or perhaps the ESA, or whatever space organization first found this exoplanet), David Schneider wouldn't have been able to look up the timing for the planet's transit. He wouldn't even have know to try taking pictures of that particular star. He'd have to take a lot more photos over a much longer time, over a much bigger area of the sky, and run a lot more image comparision software for a lot longer, before he's have found that transit.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Obviously. This is a called a TEST of a system. Now he has shown the system works he can look at other stars. He doesn't need to know the transit time up front, all he needs to look for is a regular pattern in the observations (although I'd wager you need a few orbits to get a good signal; there's a lot of atmospheric noise to contend with; and a few orbits could take months or years).

      But the point which you missed is that now a thousand guys with DSLRs can start searching for exoplanets, which scales th

  • by Spy Handler ( 822350 ) on Monday December 01, 2014 @02:09AM (#48495589) Homepage Journal

    a smartphone and an app!

    Well ok so some Italian already discovered Jupiter's moons, but if they hadn't, you could!

    • by hax4bux ( 209237 )

      +1 for "some Italian"

    • by Dogtanian ( 588974 ) on Monday December 01, 2014 @06:45AM (#48496195) Homepage

      Even with Slashdot's slightly hyperbolic headline, the summary correctly reports the planet as having been "detected" rather then "discovered", and clarifies that this was "only" an already-discovered exoplanet (as does the original article).

      If that was your implied criticism, then, it's not valid.

      If you understood this, but your point was that "detecting" an already-known exo-planet was pointless because it's alredy been done... even though the person involved did it with equipment orders of magnitude cheaper and lower-end than that originally used by NASA less than a decade back, and which few of us would have assumed possible, which *is* the point here... then Slashdot probably isn't the place for you.

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • Yes, part of it is depressing. All those planets out there so far away from us. Even worse, if intelligent life is out there, it is likely too far away for us to communicate with. We might not be alone in the Universe, but there might be tiny islands of intelligent life scattered around the Universe - each island unable to talk to the next island over.

          On the other hand, just think about how much we've progressed as a species. It wasn't too long ago that we'd see a comet in the sky and think "that's a ba

          • Comment removed based on user account deletion
            • Not to mention that whole "time dilation" thing. Even getting anywhere near a significant percentage of the speed of light, sure, the riders/astronauts in the ship will get there in whatever "shorter" time it ends up being...but those of us who sent them off will grow old and die before they ever reach the destination. So very completely and utterly depressing.

        • I feel that one, my friend. I'm always deeply fascinated by all we can see and find in the observable universe...then immediately depressed that we're unlikely to explore these worlds, solar systems, etc. [in my lifetime anyways].

        • Have faith, that Science does not already know everything in the universe.

          And, the increase in the amount of stuff that we -do- know, is increasing rapidly!

          Check out the NASA report, on the microwave resonators that produce thrust... and have hope. 8-)

  • A very nice use of existing and well known technologies and some clever manufacturing of other parts. "Well done that man!" as my father would say. Of course the naysayers who have't done a fucking thing as nifty as this will be "blah blah blah......".
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • What's the point of using the worlds best telescope to use it for taking pictures with the worlds worst digital camera? Wouldn't it be more sensible (and probably cheaper too) to use an average camera and a fitting telescope? That feels like using a P2 powered machine and then stuffing two bleeding edge graphics cards into it to get an average gaming experience.

  • He's built his own tracking mount, which is nice, but many astrophotographers do this and you can also buy gear that will do it for you. This isn't new in any way. What's different is that he's shown he can detect a star's dimming due to an exoplanet pass using cheap detector gear. That's more impressive. You can see his raw data here [].
  • by hooiberg ( 1789158 ) on Monday December 01, 2014 @02:53AM (#48495681)
    To actually *go* there!
  • by Tablizer ( 95088 ) on Monday December 01, 2014 @03:28AM (#48495765) Journal

    "Honey, I just discovered a planet and I'm going to name it after you. An entire planet."

    • "Honey, I just discovered a planet and I'm going to name it after you. An entire planet."

      Wife's response: "It's a gas giant? A GAS GIANT?!!! You named a gas giant after me?!!!" *beats husband with his DSLR*

  • by Neil Boekend ( 1854906 ) on Monday December 01, 2014 @04:13AM (#48495841)

    If the article is correct it's only useful for checking transit events. The article talks about "a target star". "A star" has a low probability of having a planet in an orbit that gives transit events. Depending on the orbit of the planet it is next to 0 to 10%.
    That is why the expensive systems check many stars at once. Kepler monitors 145,000 stars at once

    That doesn't mean much. NASA always lacks money to do awesome stuff. So I feel that cost is a good metric here:

    Kepler monitors 145,000 stars and costed $600,000,000. That means $4,138 per star
    This costs $300 + $100 + some work = +/- $500 per star. If the same software could be used then it might be possible to check more stars with a single DSLR. Maybe even a hundred.
    That means $6 per star (naively assuming his setup is sufficient for large scale deployment)

    I say: if and when Kepler dies we should stick a couple of them on every observatory we have and have full time monitoring across the planet. False positives drop with more data.
    False negatives would still require different detection methods since most exoplanets don't transit. However if we have this set up we might be able to add thousands of spectrometers to it to detect Doppler shift events. Then the only planets with low detection chance are the ones where we look directly on the top (or bottom) of their orbit.

    • A DSLR has managed to detect a large planet in a fast orbit around a small, close star. Kepler is sensitive enough to detect earth-sized planets orbiting G-type stars at 1AU, A DSLR (or even conventional telescope) can't replicate that.

      I suspect most (all?) of the transiting planets that today's DSLRs could detect have probably already been detected by sky surveys anyway.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    I really want to think that this was a great feat of hardware hacking, but the title of the summary is terrible. The capabilities of space telescopes are designed to overcome the obstacles which plague our earth-bound ones.

    Saying that this is a viable replacement for the data coming from a source with lesser disturbances is just undermining the work of a lot of people.

  • by Chrisq ( 894406 ) on Monday December 01, 2014 @04:20AM (#48495855)
    I must admit in skeptical. It is very easy to "see" something that you know is there in data, eliminating runs that you "know" are wrong, etc. Until this is reproduced by someone with similar equipment I will put this down to a fluke
    • I'm not at all. I've seen some crazy people do some stuff with strange equipment in the local astronomy club. I quizzed an older gentleman at the last Astro-fest who appeared to be taking photos of what I thought was nothing, no nebula, no galaxy, turns out he was recording the magnitude changes of variable stars for an open amateur database that effectively crowd sources science efforts.

      He did this photometry with a Canon 1000D. A lot of effort was put into characterising his sensor and detecting the optim

  • by Framboise ( 521772 ) on Monday December 01, 2014 @05:06AM (#48495979)

    One cannot escape the fact that bigger apperture telescopes can record fainter
    stars, and/or perfom the photometry of bright stars with more precision than a simple camera.

    To detect exoplanets one needs both large samples of stars recorded as continuously as
    possible over several years and high precision photometry. Besides being cheap, the advantage
    of a small camera is than the field is larger. But with a larger telescope in space like Kepler one
    can target regions of the sky with density of stars optimal for the CCD/camera combination, and
    observe continuously for months with the same instruments, which is crucial for differential
    photometry. Thousands of amateurs worldwide detecting as many new exoplantes as Kepler
    would face the problem of coordinating the analysis of huge amounts of heterogeneous and
    incomplete data (due to day/night and weather interruptions in differently dark and transparent skies).

    The real question is wether crowdsourcing planet detection is cheaper for global economy at equal scientific return than with state sponsored research. Perhaps the most important benefit of such an
    activity is educational and promotional for research in general.


  • by Anonymous Coward

    Many amateurs have already contributed to the effort. Variable Star Observers(VSO) have been collecting information for a very long time. This information has been useful for much more than just the search for exoplanets. Taking part in VSO efforts is one of the few ways that private individuals in their spare time can make real contributions to data used by current day scientists.

  • Although Schneider was "only" able to rediscover an already known exsoplanet

    Come on, really? In a story about exoplanets you can't even spell exoplanet??

  • That question was asked by Bruce L. Gary and the answer is what he wrote in his free book: EXOPLANET OBSERVING []

Ignorance is bliss. -- Thomas Gray Fortune updates the great quotes, #42: BLISS is ignorance.
