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Medicine Science

Schizophrenia Is Not a Single Disease 222

An anonymous reader writes: New research from Washington University has found that the condition known as schizophrenia is not just a single disease, but instead a collection of eight different disorders. For years, researchers struggled to understand the genetic basis of schizophrenia. This new method was able to isolate and identify the different conditions (each with its own symptoms) currently classified under the same heading (abstract, full text). "In some patients with hallucinations or delusions, for example, the researchers matched distinct genetic features to patients' symptoms, demonstrating that specific genetic variations interacted to create a 95 percent certainty of schizophrenia. In another group, they found that disorganized speech and behavior were specifically associated with a set of DNA variations that carried a 100 percent risk of schizophrenia." According to one of the study's authors, "By identifying groups of genetic variations and matching them to symptoms in individual patients, it soon may be possible to target treatments to specific pathways that cause problems."
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Schizophrenia Is Not a Single Disease

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  • by toonces33 ( 841696 ) on Monday September 15, 2014 @10:07PM (#47914431)

    that schizophrenia itself has a bit of a split personality.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 15, 2014 @10:58PM (#47914689)

      I'm schizophrenic with mild hallucinations but I hear shit around the clock and it gets extremely annoying. I know it's not real, but there are days where I'm like leave me the fuck alone. I'd be cool with it if it were Ed Harris but everything I hear is abstract so I keep it pretty loud in my room to drown it out. Luckily my case is not too bad, but it's bad enough that I can imagine what people with serious cases go through. I feel extremely bad for people that have been drove out of their minds.

      The feeling of knowing what you're seeing or hearing is fake is indescribable.

      • The feeling of knowing what you're seeing or hearing is fake is indescribable.

        Odd I seem to remember, in my youth, that acid was pretty much that to a T and I can describe it as pretty awesome.
        That said I KNEW why it was happening and I am sure that is much different that having it happen for no good reason :(

      • I'd be cool with it if it were Ed Harris

        If you're referring to Pollock [], hee came across in the movie as being manic-depressive, not schizophrenic.

      • The feeling of knowing what you're seeing or hearing is fake is indescribable.

        You make it sounds like it's a problem.
        Personally, I'm a meditator, and I *know* that everything is fake and I accept this as a fact, so I concentrate on my perception of the "reality".

      • Thank God those of us who are not afflicted do not know what it is like to be overwhelmed with voices and visions. It has to be painful beyond understanding. The social losses also must be awful. And with this now found to be eight different diseases I wonder what effect the medications applied must have been having as the chances of getting the right meds for a particular disease must be really lousy. I fear that this new understanding may cause a lot of patients to cease taking ther
      • I have a feeling that part of what afflicts people like you is a superior ability of pattern recognition. Unfortunately, that means you can "hear things" in the background noise of the world and they are recognized as voices and words.

        I would assume that it's closely related to genetic advantages that would allow you to learn people's faces more easily.

    • > that schizophrenia itself has a bit of a split personality.


      Schizophrenia is when you hear "god" telling you to kill that actress.

      DID is when at times you really believe you are god, then a moment later you believe you're a receptionist at a law firm, then you believe you're a construction worker - and your personalities may or may not know one another and be friends. It's a really messed up condition - I had a friend with DID once and it was unnerving because I'd wonder who I would be talking to

  • by jaeztheangel ( 2644535 ) on Monday September 15, 2014 @10:09PM (#47914443)
    well, when i say 'I', its more of a consensus decision.
  • by mod prime ( 3597787 ) on Monday September 15, 2014 @10:20PM (#47914497)

    AKA Dissociative identity disorder. There is a slight comorbidity between the conditions, but depression and anxiety are also comorbid.

    • by tepples ( 727027 ) <> on Monday September 15, 2014 @10:26PM (#47914527) Homepage Journal
      I wonder if the depression and anxiety are more side effects of the medications used to treat schizophrenia, or effects of trying to avoid discrimination against people with schizophrenia due to its misrepresentation by Hollywood, as a recent Cracked article [] suggests.
      • by mod prime ( 3597787 ) on Monday September 15, 2014 @10:50PM (#47914641)

        Well - they make you feel a little sluggish, and quite drowsy for about 8 hours (more at higher doses) after they kick in (so don't take them for breakfast if you have plans), but not depressed. It is possible to feel despair because of your chronic condition and the prospect of long term sluggishness I suppose but

        Schizophrenics who seek help often do so for anxiety and depression rather than psychosis. There is often a history of these issues predating medication, but not always.

        It's not just Hollywood, it's everywhere. The psychotic=violent myth is in every media that has discussed the issue. Newspapers only mention schizophrenia if someone was hurt, furthering the association in people's minds. My current employer refused to let me work without supervision because I had advised them I have had psychotic episodes and am undergoing treatment until I gave them a psych's letter telling them they were being morons (small and new business, so I forgave and educated instead).

      • Part of the problem is that some schizos ARE dangerous - we just don't know ahead of time who they are. If this lets us tell the two apart, awesome. Of course, there's the problem of false positives, as well as the question of environment (does a tendency to be dangerous still need an environmental trigger to manifest itself)?

        Unfortunately, all meds have side effects. It's up to the patient, in consultation with their doctors and therapists, to find the right balance, which can change over time. "I f

    • "I have dissociative identity disorder, and so do I"

      Meh. That just isn't as funny as the old one.

  • DNA? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by sumdumass ( 711423 ) on Monday September 15, 2014 @10:21PM (#47914505) Journal

    If it is embedded in DNA, is it hereditary?

    If it is, I hope it does not bring back Eugenics or the forced sterilization practices of the early 19th century. That didn't end well on several fronts.

    • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

      Let's be honest there is quite a bit of difference on a planet with 7 billion people to enact laws making procreation and child rearing a privilege and responsibility only for those appropriate to do so versus you can spit out all the ones you want expecting the rest of society to care for them and take responsibility for them, this versus extermination camps.

      Suck it up, despite all the whining about how badly it was done in the past it will not ever stop all of us or future generations from biting the b

      • Re:DNA? (Score:4, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 15, 2014 @11:39PM (#47914861)

        You will be amazed at how few babies people have once you give them (especially women) access to birth control (and the realistic ability to use it without terrible social stigma), as well as a livable income.

        The stats have shown this throughout history....high birth levels are associated with poverty, and also with the unavailability of (completely voluntary) birth control. The wealthy class across the globe generally has zero or one child per couple, whereas indigents generally have 5 or more per couple. And government funded birth control being freely given to the populace has also been shown to significantly reduce birth rates.

        Before you go sterilizing people, consider that there may be a much more just and humane way of achieving the exact same goals, and making everyone involved a whole lot happier about it.

      • by sjames ( 1099 )

        Waiting to put on a black shirt?

        Who is first on your extermination list?

      • Let's be honest there is quite a bit of difference on a planet with 7 billion people to enact laws making procreation and child rearing a privilege and responsibility only for those appropriate to do so versus you can spit out all the ones you want expecting the rest of society to care for them and take responsibility for them, this versus extermination camps.

        Suck it up, despite all the whining about how badly it was done in the past it will not ever stop all of us or future generations from biting the bullet, it is a matter of inevitability or total collapse from the 20 billion idiocracy taking over and an extinct species replacing them.

        A whole lot of problems can be safely easily eliminated in a generation or three or we can continue to fail future generations with them.

        Absolutely. Let's start with you. Seems reasonable to me. Do I hear a second?

        • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

          I'll second that moron, check before you make statements and if you can't check don't assume otherwise you'll make an ass out of yourself.

    • It's been known to be hereditary for a long time, as have many other diseases that haven't caused us to have forced sterilization. Why do you think we'd start now?
    • That's one way to look at it. Another is that we'll strive to develop the techniques and technology that can be used to correct this problem through medical intervention. That ability would go a long way towards being able to cure several other hereditary diseases as well. Perhaps being able to meddle with our own genetics will end even more poorly, but we'll likely learn something along the way.
    • oh is crazy genetic?

      no...but this study is from the University of Washington St. Louis wants to say it is...they analyzed data and this is what they conclude, from full text:

      Schizophrenia is a group of heritable disorders caused by a moderate number of separate genotypic networks associated with several distinct clinical syndromes

      That's what they say..."group of heritable disorders" reminds me of when I studied Mendell in HS science and fruit flies and hemophilia.

      It sounds fish as hell to me..

      • those quotations are from page 2 and 3 of the full text of the study respectively

      • by Risha ( 999721 ) on Tuesday September 16, 2014 @04:05AM (#47915671) Homepage
        Do you actually know anything about psychiatry, or are you just going by this particular article about a study that you think is iffy? Because it's not news that schizophrenia is at least partially hereditary, they've known that for decades. The same is true of bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder. The only debate is to what degree they are caused by hereditary versus environment. You can compare it to how diabetes runs in families, but in general can be triggered or not depending on your lifestyle. But some people will develop the disease even if they treat their body like a temple. This study has made the news because they're claiming to have identified the specific genes involved, not because there wasn't already general agreement that there were genes involved in predisposing someone to get schizophrenia.
        • Because it's not news that schizophrenia is at least partially hereditary, they've known that for decades

          if it is such common knowledge, you should easily be able to point me to some sort of proof

          lets see me proof

          also, after you paste a link to support your claim, I'd like for you to addess this as well: you're taking a complex situation, over-simplifying it, then telling me all the ways it becomes complex but just using your own rhetoric

          in one sense, i agree, everyone knows that your genes deter

      • "That's what they say..."group of heritable disorders" reminds me of when I studied Mendell in HS science and fruit flies and hemophilia."

        "Heritable" doesn't mean exactly the same as "genetic".
        "Heritability" refers to how much of the variation of a trait in a population is due to genetics. The number of heads or legs a person has is most definitely "genetic", but not really "heritable" at all; if you meet someone with one leg or two heads,the reason for that is almost certainly NOT because of a mutat

        • "schizophrenia" as you are trying to explain it to something like hemophilia

          some disorder that is not based on perception of behavior

          so...hemophilia...the English royal family famously inbred so much that hemophilia became a problem genetically

          is hemophilia "heritable" or is it "caused" by me in comparison to hemophilia how schizophrenia is "heritable" and "genetic"

  • Helps explain why my dog reacts differently to different people with the diagnosis of schizophrenia. Some he's very friendly with, others he makes it abundantly clear that he wants nothing to do with them - or with them being around me.

    Dogs can sense a lot of things we miss - maybe they can pick up something about the dangerous ones that we can't. And yes, one of the ones he kept growling at eventually went looking for a gun. Told my neighbor (who has 3 registered hand guns) that he hated my guts and where could he buy a gun? Stopped a few weeks later after dusk walking around with a holster with what appeared, in the dark, to be a gun. Knees on the ground, hands in the air, the whole bit. Apparently he wasn't happy that I had reported him to Youth Protection for moving back to the neighborhood after he had assured the court he wouldn't be having any more contact with a kid living in the next building.

    • Or your dog could just not like certain people because they smell bad to him. Some schizophrenic people have poor hygiene. Or maybe the dog doesn't like the color of their skin. I met a racist dog once -- it was hilarious :)

      In any case, I think it's more likely a coincidence of some sort than the dog peering into someone's soul. Remember, we're the species with orders of magnitude more neurons than everyone else, and dogs are about as smart as small children.

      • Dogs have had many more generations of breeding to tailor their responses to us than we have had to them - something like 10x as many generations, since they breed about 10x quicker than humans. So they can read us much better than we can read them - they've self-selected for that ability, since the ones that can read us best know best how to suck up to us and get us to feed and shelter them and pick up their poop. Todays dogs are specialists - and their specialty is humans.

        Given this, dogs are probably better judges of people than we are.

        • by ignavus ( 213578 )

          Given this, dogs are probably better judges of people than we are.

          Clearly dogs should be employed in recruitment departments.

        • by linuxrocks123 ( 905424 ) on Tuesday September 16, 2014 @12:05AM (#47914953) Homepage Journal

          That's an interesting hypothesis. But I don't buy it, certainly without some scientific testing (versus emotional, speculative anecdotes from people with dogs). Evolution doesn't work like leveling up in a video game. Once a local maximum is reached, further generations have no impact. I would also wager that, while there may have been some selection pressure to "read" a person's immediate emotional state, selection pressure for reading general personalities, etc. was likely much weaker. And, of course, the selection pressure for humans to "read" other humans would have been much, much greater. After all, we have to mate with each other. Dogs don't have to mate with us. They do, however, have to mate with other dogs, and interaction with other dogs probably dominated the selection pressure on dogs' social intuition faculties. So, I would speculate people are likely better judges of people than dogs are.

          What probably happened with the schizophrenic people was perhaps they were anxious, because of delusions or whatever, and the dog picked up on that. You probably also did. That you had a single negative interaction with one person your dog didn't like is not an important piece of information, if we're going to go about this scientifically. But, hey, I'm speculating too. Someone would have to research this. How and why, I have no idea. But my speculation can beat up your speculation :P

          • > Once a local maximum is reached, further generations have no impact.

            Except when they do, of course. Cross breeding can profoundly remix different 'local maxima' and even produce new breeds. Environmental changes, or changes in other species, can also interact profoundly with inherited characteristics, and some genes are even activated or de-activated by environment. And canine behavior isn't merely genetic, it's trained by the limited culture in dog families, and by the humans they interact with.

            Dogs a

            • The local maxima for specific traits don't continue to "level up". 20/20 vision is about the best we're going to evolve (with a few minor outliers), because there's no genetic advantage to having better.

            • Both humans and dogs have had ample opportunity to cross-breed. Dogs' opinions of people are likely to based on the primitive, intuitive brain. I don't know how different their criteria would be. Their main purposes in judging people are probably going to be something like, "Is this person going to feed me, kick me, or kill me or my master?" Hardly conducive to a job interview situation. If you really think the dog is better at judging new hires than yourself or other humans, I suggest you let the dog

    • "Helps explain why my dog reacts differently to different people with the diagnosis of schizophrenia. Some he's very friendly with, others he makes it abundantly clear that he wants nothing to do with them - or with them being around me. "

      Or, most likely, your dog just picks up on your attitude towards those people. They're great at that.

      • He wasn't picking up on my attitude. The guy who eventually went looking for a gun because he hated me? I had previously invited him and two of his relatives into my home, and had NO clue whatsoever as to why my dog was growling at him, and only him. I had pretty much an "open door" policy at the time, and he was one of several people he'd let come in, but not get close to me.

        He came in handy when another neighbor tried to "squeeze the Sharmin" and didn't want to take no for an answer. Could have use

    • by Reziac ( 43301 ) *

      Undoing some mod points to reply here, but anyway...

      Aside from how dogs have been selected to "read man" (see the results of testing police dogs, where it was found most were alerting not on drugs, but on handler expectations), a dog's nose can pick up even the slightest difference in a person's metabolism -- half a dozen molecules are sufficient for some dogs' noses to distinguish. In crude terms, when there's something "wrong" with the human's chemistry, which includes brain chemistry, they smell differen

  • by macraig ( 621737 ) <> on Monday September 15, 2014 @10:39PM (#47914587)

    Next this needs to be done with what we call "autism". There's a reason it's called the "autistic spectrum"; it's a MUCH bigger but nebulous target than schizophrenia. There's so much symptomatic comorbidity that the diagnoses would be funny if the consequences weren't so depressing.

  • by sg_oneill ( 159032 ) on Monday September 15, 2014 @10:47PM (#47914627)

    One of the problems of Psychiatry is that because the brain has been bit of a black box to us for so long (We can see the input, we can see the output, but the gears and cogs inside remain a bit of a mystery) disorder classification has been mostly about symptomology rather than causes, most of the time. Docs have long suspected that "schizophrenia" was a collection of disorders with similar-ish results. This finding appears to confirm it.

    See also: ADHD and Autism.

    • by jbeach ( 852844 )
      Influenced by an earlier comment above, I originally read this as "Dogs have long suspected as much" : ) Perhaps they have. Perhaps they have.
  • Old news (Score:4, Informative)

    by mescobal ( 1516701 ) on Monday September 15, 2014 @11:57PM (#47914925) Homepage
    Please stop repeating something like it is new. Since its origins the concept is called "the schizophrenias". We knew that 100 years before now: http://schizophreniabulletin.o... []
  • by briancox2 ( 2417470 ) on Tuesday September 16, 2014 @12:03AM (#47914951) Homepage Journal
    When you don't need to prove anything ... and it only needs to be "evidence based" ... a diagnosis can change as frequently as insurance billing requirements.
  • It might be very valuable for treatment if the condition didn't come as a mystery and a surprise. It also raises the question of testing in the early stages of fetal development and abortion being used by "carrier" couples to select for lower risk children. I honestly have no idea of what the ethical choices are there but I would lean towards multiple tries if it meant bringing a child to term that doesn't have such a high probability of suffering in its future.
  • by John Allsup ( 987 ) <slashdot&chalisque,net> on Tuesday September 16, 2014 @05:07AM (#47915841) Homepage Journal

    Bipolar Disorder, Psychosis and Schizophrenia for Dummies who know a little physics etc.

    Life is generally in a good position when it has potential (like gravitational potential in the case of high ground) and the capacity to use it in a controlled fashion. That means balancing in a position that would otherwise be considered an unstable equilibrium in the sense of dynamical systems theory. Our bodies are at their most efficient when well balanced (just watch a good dancer to see this in action) and our brains are at their best when similarly balanced. If something disturbs the equilibrium, this disturbance and the required correction can be used to understand the disturbance. This is how stimulation affects us.

    Now consider a simple example of a balancing physical object, but with no control mechanism: a spinning top. This has three states--spinning upright (when the gravitational potential is near its maximum), wobbling (when the gravitational potential is slightly lower, in which case it behaves erratically and gives up its energy randomly until...) finally we have the fallen over state. This is what medical people term depression. The simple solution is to get upright and balanced again, but this is hard in our modern overly complex society, and the result of trying to get up is often a lot of wobbling, which gets diagnosed as things like mania, psychosis and schizophrenia depending on how exactly this wobbling manifests itself. The key is to get balanced before you get pushed over, and that is hard when the medical mental health people seem to have the idea that you fix a wobbling spinning top by knocking it over and gluing it to the floor.

    Trying to understand mental health in a 'sum of the parts' way is just dumb, but it is the obsession of the medical fraternity, and is to the extent that it is politically very difficult to suggest otherwise. How our genetic code creates us is an approach that misses the point that without the environmental context in which that genetic code develops, it won't develop, so you need to understand the environment as well (and that means understanding the entire world in complete detail, which is rather a long way the other side of impossible).

    Viewed as an equilbrium seeking system, 'mental illnesses' like mania and schizophrenia are just seen as things like oscillations and resonant modes that are being excited by either an appropriate drive, or are resonating within the equilibrium seeking system. The biological stuff is just an implementation detail in much the way that transistors on a chip are implementation details of your python program that you are running that you can safely ignore in most cases. Medication is basically trying to solve a software problem by randomly pumping noise into the processor. A computer will crash instantly if you do this, but humans are rather more robust, and can survive for a long time in an unbalanced state. They are, however, rather unproductive in this state and won't tend to find life enjoyable. But they can survive for a long time, but can become desperate to get out of such states.

  • ...they're looking for a way to introduce and re-legitimise the term "sociopath" so it sews up the trainwreck that is the DSM.

  • Probably at least a few of those sub-disorders are actually nutritional deficiencies. We have this myth (perpetuated by MDs who have ZERO training in nutrition) that we don't have nutritional deficiencies in America. In fact, the American diet is horrible, and we all know it. B12 deficiencies are common (which is one of the reasons shots are often prescribed), as are deficiencies in magnesium, along with numerous other vitamins and minerals. Since the mid 90's, the FDA has mandated "enrichment" of foods

  • I couldn't find it in the article, and I'm not well versed enough in the science to pull it out of a quick scan of the doc.
  • We have "Schizo-Affective Disorder" in which we get to claim that the various "schizophrenias" and the various mood disorders are just one big unhappy diagnosis!

    Makes things easy for the diagnostician - just one diagnosis, and you can prescribe lithium and anti-psychotics to everyone. And then you can pile on more drugs to treat the side-effects from the drug combinations you started with. And then of course, there are the side-effects of the side-effect treating drugs. Eventually you can work your way up t

"The pathology is to want control, not that you ever get it, because of course you never do." -- Gregory Bateson
