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Earth Science

Study: Antarctic Sea-Level Rising Faster Than Global Rate 302

An anonymous reader writes with this bit of good news for everyone who is waiting for their homes to one day be on the beach. Melting ice is fuelling sea-level rise around the coast of Antarctica, a new report in Nature Geoscience finds. Near-shore waters went up by about 2mm per year more than the general trend for the Southern Ocean as a whole in the period between 1992 and 2011. Scientists say the melting of glaciers and the thinning of ice shelves are dumping 350 billion tonnes of additional water into the sea annually. This influx is warming and freshening the ocean, pushing up its surface. "Freshwater is less dense than salt water and so in regions where an excess of freshwater has accumulated we expect a localized rise in sea level," explained Dr Craig Rye from the University of Southampton, UK, and lead author on the new journal paper.
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Study: Antarctic Sea-Level Rising Faster Than Global Rate

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  • by turkeydance ( 1266624 ) on Monday September 01, 2014 @12:08PM (#47800531)
    the Arctic sea level demands compensation.
    • Actually, there is a lot to learn about the accusations of institutional racism in Silicon Valley here.

      If you compare the demographics of both areas, the Arctic is predominantly "white" (polar bears), while the Antarctic is overwhelmingly "black" (penguins). Thus, if institutional racism was responsible, you would expect the Arctic to be rising faster. Since this is not the case, researchers are forced to search for a more scientific explanation of the observed behavior.

      Part of the answer could be found

  • What will it take? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Livius ( 318358 ) on Monday September 01, 2014 @12:23PM (#47800657)

    So much freshwater from melting glaciers that sea level isn't even level anymore, and some people still don't want to believe there might be a climate problem.

    (I don't mean the people who question how to address the problem - that's still legitimately an open question - or the severity of the problem, I mean the people still in denial that there's a problem at all.)

    • The truth is, they just don't care because they'll be dead before it gets bad.
      • You'll be dead long before the Sun expands and envelops the Earth. What are you doing about it today?
        • by itzly ( 3699663 )
          Is there anything we can do to prevent this from happening ? And if there's something we can do, do we need to start right now or would it be okay to wait a few million years ?
        • by gtall ( 79522 )

          You are comparing 50 years to a few billion. The word "proportion". The idea, learn it.

    • by ArcherB ( 796902 )

      So much freshwater from melting glaciers that sea level isn't even level anymore, and some people still don't want to believe there might be a climate problem.

      (I don't mean the people who question how to address the problem - that's still legitimately an open question - or the severity of the problem, I mean the people still in denial that there's a problem at all.)

      So if there's less ice, it's because of global warming. But if there's more ice, it's because of global warming.

      Just curious, if global warming were not a thing, what would the ice caps be doing?

      • by Lumpy ( 12016 )

        The Ice age boogie...

      • by itzly ( 3699663 )

        But if there's more ice, it's because of global warming.

        citation needed.

      • playing a game of pong, what else?
      • by Bender0x7D1 ( 536254 ) on Monday September 01, 2014 @01:44PM (#47801209)

        So if there's less ice, it's because of global warming. But if there's more ice, it's because of global warming.

        Yes. There is less ice in some areas due to global warming and more ice in other areas due to global warming.

        Think of it this way: Imagine the entire planet heated up by 20C, we wouldn't expect to see any permanent ice outside of Antarctica. (The North Pole might get some seasonal ice, but the much warmer oceans would melt it fairly quickly.) Now, with all of the oceans that much warmer, think how much additional water vapor would make it into the atmosphere. When the additional water vapor ends up over the South Pole, it will be cold enough for it to freeze and fall as snow. As the snow accumulates, it compacts into ice and we end up with a LOT more ice at the South Pole.

        So: Less ice everywhere but Antarctica due to global warming, but a lot more ice in Antarctica due to global warming.

        (And, yes; I do realize that this example is a vast simplification - and overstatement - I just used it to illustrate the point.)

      • by Livius ( 318358 )

        It's called global climate change. The 'global' part means that it affects more than one place.

    • Do what I do, stop caring and move inland. Let the deniers settle at the shore and shoot them when they try to outrun the flood.

    • What will it take? (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Climate change "skepticism" is highly organized and well funded. It's a billion dollar effort. All those people who glibly tell you it's not real aren't skeptics at all, they're just kool-aid drinkers.


      And ... guess what? It's mo

    • (I don't mean the people who question how to address the problem - that's still legitimately an open question - or the severity of the problem, I mean the people still in denial that there's a problem at all.)

      Careful what you wish for - the next, and final stage in the evolution of climate denialism is for it to take a rather different, more difficult form:

      Climate obstructionism.

    • by zr ( 19885 ) on Monday September 01, 2014 @02:14PM (#47801457)

      the next story on slashdot—on iCloud nude pics leakage—collected more comments. ..i'm sorry to disappoint you but it really is not more complex than that..

    • I don't see it as a "climate problem" any more than I see aging as a "chronology problem".

      It's climate.
      It changes.
      Adapt or die.

      Building a city on a coastline might be incredibly convenient, but it is exactly like building it on the edge of a volcano. The only difference is a matter of scale.

Pascal is not a high-level language. -- Steven Feiner
