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NASA Space

NASA Pondering Two Public Contests To Build Small Space Exploration Satellites 127

coondoggie writes "NASA today said it was looking into developing two new Centennial Challenge competitions that would let the public design, build and deliver small satellites known as Cubesats capable of operations and experiments near the moon and beyond. The first challenge will focus on finding innovative ways to allow deep space communications with small spacecraft, while the second focuses on primary propulsion for small spacecraft."
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NASA Pondering Two Public Contests To Build Small Space Exploration Satellites

Comments Filter:
  • NO! (Score:3, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday February 05, 2014 @11:10PM (#46169793)

    If you move me to the beta slashdot abortion i'll add this place to the block list and never visit again.

    Too many other news sites regurgitate the exact same storys i see here. And all of them don't look as shitty as the beta slashdot.

    Stop being stupid

    • Re:NO! (Score:5, Informative)

      by Koen Lefever ( 2543028 ) on Wednesday February 05, 2014 @11:19PM (#46169877)
      I don't come here for the stories, I come here for the comments. Whatever trolling is going on, there always was somebody with relevant knowledge around.

      I have been reading /. since 1998 almost every day (changed userID when I changed e-mail address), loading everything in full at level 0 and summaries at level -1 (not because I love trolls, but because some really interesting AC comments never get modded up.) In the Beta, it just doesn't work like that anymore - that is a big difference with all previous /. restylings.

      Filled in the survey, like many others did, it seems we are being ignored. I would rather go back to a monochrome 40 character width screen than to the /. beta.
      • Agreed (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Anubis350 ( 772791 ) on Thursday February 06, 2014 @01:00AM (#46170543)
        I feel like the beta is being pushed simply because it's new, and they're ignoring that it's not *better*. I've seen this before: after enough money's been invested in something a company will move forward with it whether it is actually good or not simply to avoid admitting they were wrong and the New Thing needs work.

        I hope Dice doesn't keep pushing this without substantial changes. Outside of outraging their user base it will cost them in destroying /.'s brand and following - what they definitely paid more for than whatever they've thrown at the beta dev.
        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          by LordFlower ( 606949 )
          I just spent a little time with Beta again to see if I'd acclimate.

          Well, if it were some other site I'd shrug my shoulders, but I like being able to see more information on a single view as is possible on Classic.

          It feel claustrophobic. I'm out when Beta is in.

        • Speaking as someone who has been visiting this site daily for over 10 years, honestly I don't know what the hell they are thinking. If they want different fonts than make the make the article title sans serif and the article body serif like the really old slashdot from the 90s, not this bullshit of two slightly different sans serif fonts that clash with each other.

          Oh I almost forgot: They even got the wrong fucking green color!

        • Outside of outraging their user base it will cost them in destroying /.'s brand and following - what they definitely paid more for than whatever they've thrown at the beta dev.

          It's possible that the Dice has some ingenious plan to chase away all the old-guard Slashdot users, allowing them to claim the name and refashion it as a kind of "tech-cred" brand to sell products to Hipsters, Brogramers, and PHBs using the old Slashdot's reputation.

          Though it's more likely that no-one at Dice knows or cares about wha

    • Anybody have a greasemonkey script that will fix the beta site? I've tried to use it but just don't like it.
    • Slashdot fartbiter
      The Beta makes my clown weep
      Oh God, more whiskey

    • Seek out the guilty!

      Who is he?

  • Beta (Score:5, Insightful)

    by RyanFenton ( 230700 ) on Wednesday February 05, 2014 @11:12PM (#46169809)

    I'll join the crowd and help post in every thread that pops up, and upvote all the other comments I can find doing the same.

    Slashdot Beta is not fixable - it is trash code that should be abandoned as a "lessons learned" exercise. It's not even a close decision - it's pretty much unanimous amongst the users - the ones that provide 90+% of any meaningful content on this particular site in particular.

    If this advice that everyone is giving isn't honored by the local 'beta' admins, I believe it's time to start communicating with the people in charge, and pulling the levers of power a bit - and hopefully get these folks a stern talking to about what they were throwing away.

    Shorter version: THE BETA SUCKS. LOSE IT.

    Ryan Fenton

    • Re:Beta (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Bob9113 ( 14996 ) on Wednesday February 05, 2014 @11:23PM (#46169913) Homepage

      I *LOVE* Slashdot. That's why I have spent so much time creating comments that I hope add value to the discourse, and put so much effort into my otherwise tenuous self-restraint regarding flaming. I come here to read comments, and to add value to the comment trees. I am happy for Dice to make a profit selling ads on the content our community creates by playing host.

      That is a really good trade for all of us, Dice. Don't screw it up.

      As for my personal #1 gripe: Don't require Javascript to read comments. OpenStreetMaps is content that begs to be browsed dynamically. Reading a comment tree is an almost entirely static endeavor. Keeping Javascript disabled on most sites is something I'm guessing a large portion of the audience here does. And remember: The audience creates the content. Lose one, you lose the other.

      The Spirit of Mohdri Dragon [] Lives!

      • The redesign was ordered by a human.

        Who is he?

        • by arth1 ( 260657 )

          The redesign was ordered by a human.

          Let's not jump to conclusions here.

          Who is he?

          Nor that conclusion.

      • I have seen more 3, 4, and 5 digit user IDs in the past 24 hours lambasting the beta. It's amazing. I even saw a 2 digit user ID throwing in his two cents. (I should have marked the spot but can't find it now.)

        -- Common Joe

        Slashdot Valentines Day Massacre: Boycott Slashdot because "Fuck Beta!": February 10 - 17

        And Support Okian Warrior's Alternate Slashdot [] Idea!

    • by mrsam ( 12205 )

      Agreed that beta blows chunks. It's nothing more than change for the sake of change. It doesn't add any more features, it nothing but eye candy. Well, it's intended to be eye candy, but the problem is that eye candy is in the eye of the beholder. I challenge anyone to find any actual change in beta that's not eye candy.

      Having said that, I'm going to demand my money back. Oh wait...

      Thinking about this situation, a bit: as much as it sucks, I see no reason to really get excited about it. It's not like I'm pay

      • by Teancum ( 67324 )

        I gave my formal feedback on Beta and flat out pointed it was just awful all around in my replies. I don't mind promoting off-topic threads on the issue too as clearly the folks running Slashdot don't have a clue as to what it is that the site has been or what they can do to maintain the community.

        If the beta becomes the standard interface, they will lose most of the traditional audience. I'm sure some folks will continue to stick around, but it won't be the same place. It sure is a hell of a gamble and

      • Having said that, I'm going to demand my money back. Oh wait...

        Interestingly enough, Linux fanboys use the same argument when complaints about the state of various problems in Linux distros are raised... and then they wonder why not enough people use Linux.

        Just because you're not paying for something doesn't mean it's beyond criticism and reproach. Not only that, but Slashdot's probably one of the longest-service sites that a lot of people here would have gone to over the years. A lot are concerned that thi

    • I, for many, do not welcome our vile beta overlords.
    • srsly the beta sux

      ^ This comment looks ugly when viewed from the beta.

      I assure you that it's BEAUTIFUL when viewed from the classic version though!

      • I am viewing from classic, and I assure you your comment has all the beauty of a cup of coffee in the morning, lit by a soothing green glow.

        That's how I will always remember Slashdot when this place is gone. It will be just a memory, but such memories they will be: people like OG and Taco and Ethanol and the GNAA, copypasta tolling about Obama and Al Gore, hot grits and the slashdot effect.

        Good memories.
    • It's not even a close decision - it's pretty much unanimous amongst the users - the ones that provide 90+% of any meaningful content on this particular site in particular.

      Maybe we are not the customers any more. This is happening on cheezburger too. Every month they get rid of more sites with intelligent posting and replace it with something with fart jokes.

    • The beta doesn't add any useful new features. All it doors is remove them and severely fucks up the best part of this site: the commenting and moderation system. If the commenting system goes out the window, why would I come here? The stories are always several days or a week old, the editors are terrible at their job, and all of the actual articles are on other sites I could browse instead.

      What the hell, Dice?

  • Fuck Beta (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday February 05, 2014 @11:13PM (#46169817)

    Beta != Slashdot

    Once there's only beta, slashdot will cease to be slashdot. FUCK SOULLESS BETA

  • Buck Feta (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday February 05, 2014 @11:14PM (#46169829)
    Feta cheese was on sale today for only a dollar a pound.

    That's a dollar and a pound of cheese more than the Slashdot beta is worth.

    • Roses are red,
      Violets are blue,
      Slashdot Beta deals,
      Like fetid monkey poo.

      Tulips are pink,
      Bumstains are brown,
      Bury Slashdot Beta,
      Deep underground.

    • Glad to finally see someone finding a creative way to express the prevailing sediment. Though others may strive to be beta masters, you truly are the Master Beta.

  • Beta... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday February 05, 2014 @11:15PM (#46169837)

    Geez, when are they going to shit can this beta web site. It is total garbage.......

  • by nixon ( 12262 ) on Wednesday February 05, 2014 @11:16PM (#46169841)

    I've been a Slashdot quite a while, been so long I can't remember. This new beta site needs to go. The current layout works just fine. The new one looks like one of those SEO spam sites used to get clicks. Please make it go away.

    • This new beta site needs to go. The current layout works just fine. The new one looks like one of those SEO spam sites used to get clicks.

      I thought it was an SEO spam site the first time I saw it. I checked my browser address bar while muttering, "Shiiiit, hijacked," under my breath. I assumed those giant columns of white space on either side were jammed full of advertising banners that AdBlock had gleefully expurgated for me. In fact, I still think that.

      Come to find out it was real. I actually spent half an hour trying to use it. Found it not just stupidly ugly (if you're using fixed width on the web, you're DOING IT WRONG, ASSHOLES!),

    • by dmomo ( 256005 )

      OK. I've been on here forever... but looking at your id.. damn. Forever and a few years. I really hope beta bites it. Send all the people who like it over to []

      And it would be nice if they didn't try to force me to use it on my ipad. I stay away from this site on mobile devices.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    The Beta is not appealing to your base. Don't make your base stay home like Romney did. They'll go to Reddit or something other good site and stay there forever.


    There are only 47% of us left as it is.

  • by stastuffis ( 632932 ) on Wednesday February 05, 2014 @11:19PM (#46169873)

    I've been coming to this place for a while, mostly for the discussion.

    I don't post much at all, but without an effective and easy way to consume/produce comments, this place is fucking worthless.


  • by Anonymous Coward

    On February 5, 2014, Slashdot announced through a javascript popup that they are starting to "move in to" the new Slashdot Beta design.

    Slashdot Beta is a trend-following attempt to give Slashdot a fresh look, an approach that has led to less space for text and an abandonment of the traditional Slashdot look. Much worse than that, Slashdot Beta fundamentally breaks the classic Slashdot discussion and moderation system.

    If you haven't seen Slashdot Beta already, open this [] in a new tab. After seeing that, click

  • by fustakrakich ( 1673220 ) on Wednesday February 05, 2014 @11:21PM (#46169891) Journal

    I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window. Open it, and stick your head out, and yell, "I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" I want you to get up right now, sit up, go to your windows, open them and stick your head out and yell - "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!"

    • Yes, save the classic version. The beta has nothing going for it.

    • I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window. Open it, and stick your head out, and yell, "I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" I want you to get up right now, sit up, go to your windows, open them and stick your head out and yell - "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!"

      I would love to support your cause, but I need to ask you a question. What is the linux equivalent of this "go to your windows" step?

      • by adolf ( 21054 )

        I would love to support your cause, but I need to ask you a question. What is the linux equivalent of this "go to your windows" step?

        fvwm95 []

        (To remain on topic: fvwm95 is about as about as ugly and uninspiring as /. beta. NASA itself hates fvwm95 almost as much as it hates /. beta.)

      • by PingXao ( 153057 )

        "What is the linux equivalent of this "go to your windows" step?"

        The linux equivalent is, "... get out your shinebox, open it and stick your head in and yell - 'I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!'"

        Yes, the linux equivalent of "window" is now "shinebox".

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Someone told me that slashdot beta was developed by al-qaeda operatives. I don't want to support terrorists.
    Can anyone confirm this?

  • by denzacar ( 181829 ) on Wednesday February 05, 2014 @11:23PM (#46169911) Journal

    "NASA today said it was looking into fucking beta that would let the public fuck, bugger and dickplow beta known as "fucking beta" capable of sucking and being fucked near the moon and beyond. The first challenge will focus on finding innovative ways to allow deep fucking beta with small spacecraft, while the second focuses on fucking beta for small spacecraft."

  • Look I visit this site nearly every day and more than once a lot of days and have for nearly 10 years. I rarely log in, a few times in past couple of years. I also admit that I use adblockers so it is unlikely you have or will ever make any money off of me. BUT THE BETA SUCKS. You will lose my eyeballs if you implement it. It just has too much white spaces and is not information dense enough for me.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday February 05, 2014 @11:43PM (#46170045)

    Here is Dice's "Contact Us" page. [] Everybody be sure to call them tomorrow using whatever numbers from that page you can get to ring. Tell every darn receptionist in every darn one of Dice's holdings, along with anyone you can get them to connect you to, that the Slashdot beta is terrible and you won't shut up until it goes away. Fax them a well-illustrated complaint or two or three. Send them a choice letter via snail mail, along with whatever memorabilia you wish.

    They keep soliciting our feedback, they can get our feedback, right where it counts.

    Spread the word by mentioning this in every article's comments.

    The most obvious contact points are:

    Dice Holdings Inc.
    1040 Avenue of the Americas, 8th Floor
    New York, NY 10018
    T: 212-725-6550
    F: 212-725-6559

    594 Howard St Suite 300
    San Francisco, CA 94105
    Tel: +1-877-433-5638

    • Slashdot
      594 Howard St Suite 300
      San Francisco, CA 94105

      So they are no longer in Michigan? Is that just an empty office/mailing address? That is right by the BART Montgomery station. I think I will stop by tomorrow and see if any actual people are there.

  • Beta blows (Score:5, Insightful)

    by ( 682311 ) on Wednesday February 05, 2014 @11:44PM (#46170061)
    So I guess I still haven't been forced over to the dark side yet, but I went to try it out again to just see if it still sucks as bad as last time. And yup, it does. Completely unreadable, absurd amount of scrolling, ridiculous forced spacing, asinine column widths. Seriously, what's it going to take to make this die?
  • Buying Slashdot (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Gregory Arenius ( 1105327 ) on Wednesday February 05, 2014 @11:48PM (#46170083)

    What do you guys think a fair price for slashdot would be? I'm curious because I'm thinking about starting a kickstarter or something to buy slashdot and turn it into a community run forum.

    This site is valuable because of the community it has. I don't come here for the articles, I come here for the discussions. I know that the majority of the people who come here do so for the same reasons. DICE doesn't get that, and once they kill the community there won't be any real way to rebuild it. I think that would be a shame since I love this place. For all its flaws I think the community here is awesome.

    So, what do you guys think? Is it at all within the realm of reason to buy slashdot and make it ours?


    • What do you guys think a fair price for slashdot would be? I'm curious because I'm thinking about starting a kickstarter or something to buy slashdot and turn it into a community run forum.

      This site is valuable because of the community it has. I don't come here for the articles, I come here for the discussions. I know that the majority of the people who come here do so for the same reasons.

      Couldn't agree more... Except they'd never let us buy it... We apparently need to create a NewDot....

      DICE doesn't get that, and once they kill the community there won't be any real way to rebuild it. I think that would be a shame since I love this place. For all its flaws I think the community here is awesome.

      Amen, Brother....

      So, what do you guys think? Is it at all within the realm of reason to buy slashdot and make it ours?

      Highly unlikely.... Unfortunately.... Soon there will be nothing left here to be worthy of even an occasional visit and I find that very sad. :(

    • Damn fine idea. Dice bought it to fuck it up and doesn't have a mission, so they should be willing to sell it.

      We could return it to its former glory.

    • I'll wager 400 quatloos on the newcomer.

    • by c0lo ( 1497653 )
      Way to go, capt'n.
      Everybody complains about how beta has lots of empty spaces and you send a link for a page on mobile wikipedia with... you guessed right, lotsa empty spaces when opened on non-mobile computer.
      • Way to go, capt'n. Everybody complains about how beta has lots of empty spaces and you send a link for a page on mobile wikipedia with... you guessed right, lotsa empty spaces when opened on non-mobile computer.

        similia similibus curantur

  • Where has the option to disable advertising gone?
    Here's the funny thing. Out of appreciation of being given a choice, I chose to not disable. However, now that it's gone, I feel as if it's forced down my throat.
    I haven't tried Beta, but I'm gonna go ahead and join the revolt simply because "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". I'm satisfied with Slashdot Classic.
  • by drussell ( 132373 ) on Thursday February 06, 2014 @12:11AM (#46170243)

    This Beta garbage dies in a burning ball of galactic-temperature-infused inferno...

    I should have seen this coming for months and set up a slashdot clone we could all move to... Hmm, shortsighted!

    Shut it off... Turn it off NOW! Bad, BAD experiment!

  • by Chewbacon ( 797801 ) on Thursday February 06, 2014 @12:13AM (#46170257)

    Nuff said. You're just pouring gas on a fire with your base. Slashdotters are apparently happy with the site as is and appreciate its familiar usefulness. Beta fucks it up. FUCK BETA.

  • by Kotoku ( 1531373 ) on Thursday February 06, 2014 @12:16AM (#46170293) Journal
    Slashdot Beta is the worst thing I have encountered in years. It's like someone took the metrics for time on page, click through rate, and advertising sales stats for pages viewed and total hits to create this abomination which is in no way useful to the users. I can get the content of Slashdot on Reddit/TechCrunch/AndroidCentral and more. I come here for the comments and the discussion. If you insist on killing the community I will throw in the towel on this site myself. Even "Slashdot Classic" used to be better before it was rolled out. Stop making things worse! It's like common sense doesn't work on you people.
  • by Jadeus ( 58441 )

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque a rhoncus dui. Quisque aliquam lorem commodo tincidunt dignissim. Morbi nunc est, dignissim quis ullamcorper eu, varius sed mi. Vivamus tempor vehicula feugiat. Fusce dictum est faucibus mauris adipiscing ullamcorper. Phasellus id erat pellentesque dui ultrices dapibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nibh ante, malesuada eget lacinia ut, commodo nec diam. Proin fringilla metus nibh, ac sollicitudin lorem congue

    • by faedle ( 114018 )

      The argument can (and should) be made that I shouldn't have to use browser tools like NoScript to make a site "readable." And few people will:

      This "new look" for Slashdot pretty much guarantees Slashdot continues down the path of irrelevancy, as another wave of people decide the downsides of (say) Reddit now aren't nearly as bad as the Microsoft Windows 8-inspired Slashdot.

  • by 2phar ( 137027 ) on Thursday February 06, 2014 @12:21AM (#46170323)
    I guess Ars is the place to go, even though the comments system is nearly as bad as the Slashdot Beta, at least the stories are fresher. The beginning of the end was when they launched SlashBI and we all thought it was an April Fools gag.
  • I generally left the advertisements enabled because i wanted to support slashdot, heck some were even interesting occasionally. but until they shove beta up their ass i will keep ads disabled and definitely wont give them a click

  • If I wanted tons of wasted white space and larger fonts, I'd run windows 8 on a 50" TV. But I don't do that. Because I don't want that. Just like I DONT WANT THE BETA. Kill it, please.
  • Come back Jon Katz! All is forgiven! Screw Beta!
    • by Anonymous Coward

      Just because the Slashdot Beta site is remarkably shitty it does not mean we need to resort to something that drastic. Jesus Christ, son, be careful what you wish for!

  • hashtag buckfeta yes.
  • Fucking SlashBeta. Nobody wants to talk about tiny spacecraft. :(

    Where will I go to talk about tiny spacecraft where I can read just the gems, without having to wade through all the dross in some bullshit forum format? For that matter, where can I go to read about tiny spacecraft where the people posting actually know anything? So much of WannabeSpace is jammed full of know-nothings who wouldn't recognize the rocket equation if it bit them on the ass. Sure, even on Slashdot, I'd only expect 100 or so po

    • Beta is the current Charlie-Foxtrot the Slashdot community is dealing with, and we're nothing if not navel-gazing when it comes to change. Though usually that change isn't quite as damaging as Beta is in the current form. However, for /. to continue to be a useful source of information, the commentators should prove the necessity they are to the success of the site by actually posting useful content, along with the quite justified complaints about the new system being forced on the users.

      That having been sa

      • Just how much useful propulsion can you cram into a satellite that weighs 3 pounds? With cheap, consumer-level sensors and a few government waivers, I would think quite a lot. The potential of a swarm of mini-RTG-powered microsats zooming around the Solar System towards or around various planets could yield quite a lot of useful science.

        I wonder just how well a cubesat can survive out beyond Earth's Van Allen belts. And transiting them, for that matter. Especially given such choices as consumer-grade sensors and other electronics. Such chips really don't like hard radiation, and that form factor makes it rather difficult to wedge in any sort of effective radiation shielding, or sufficient redundancy to maintain sanity when you take a particle to the knee.

        And I suspect there's a minimum functional size for an RTG that is larger than a Cu

  • by adolf ( 21054 )

    Every attempt to improve Slashdot's display -except- for the Threaded view introduced by Taco well over a decade ago has been a dismal and utter failure that nobody actually likes.

    Even those that thought they liked the previous round of UI "improvements" because they had never seen Slashdot in its glory breath a sigh of relief when shown how to enable "Classic" with the old D1 discussion system.

    Seriously, Dice: We're all leaving once "beta" becomes the only reality. We'll build something else. And we'll

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
