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Medicine Science

Scientists Induce New Hair Growth In Balding Men 232

sciencehabit writes "Scientists have successfully grown new hair follicles from the skin cells of balding men. While the research team (abstract) hasn't yet shown whether the structures, which produce strands of hair on our bodies, are fully functional and usable for transplants onto a scalp, experts say the discovery is a significant step toward finding new treatments for hair loss. Previous attempts used standard two-dimensional cell culturing techniques, but the new works grows the follicles in suspended droplets, better replicating the 3-D environment of the body. Using one's own cells to generate new follicles is useful because hair color and thickness will match perfectly with the rest of someone's head of hairs. And with the new technique, clinicians would be able to take just a few dermal papilla cells from a balding patient and expand the number of hair follicles available for transplant, rather than only be able to move follicles around."
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Scientists Induce New Hair Growth In Balding Men

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  • by Mr D from 63 ( 3395377 ) on Monday October 21, 2013 @06:45PM (#45194967)
    Could they grow hair on my elbows using this technique? It would be nice and comfortable whilst leaning against my desk.
  • Which color? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Valdrax ( 32670 ) on Monday October 21, 2013 @06:46PM (#45194981)

    Using one's own cells to generate new follicles is useful because hair color and thickness will match perfectly with the rest of someone's head of hairs.

    Assuming that you take samples from the same area, I'd guess. After all, a good number of people have very different hair color and thickness at different parts of the body, like men with dark hair and reddish beards. Do we actually know what controls that?

    • Possibly you are only seeing sun bleaching?

      Do the men with different colour beards wear hats all the time?

      • Possibly you are only seeing sun bleaching?

        Umm, no.

        Do the men with different colour beards wear hats all the time?

        The hair on my head is darker. Alas, I don't wear hats all the time, but I DO wear pants all the time...

    • by pspahn ( 1175617 )

      I don't know, but it must be based on *something*. The other morning I scratched my ear and I felt a strange hair. Lo and behold I went looking for more and there were a couple dozen gray hairs, nearly an inch in some cases, growing right out the edge of my earlobe.

      WTF? Where the hell did those come from?

      Study hair growing properties of ear lobes and you will find the answer.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 21, 2013 @06:49PM (#45195001)

    He's also a client. --dept

  • Fabio and I are relieved! We've been pulling our hair out worrying over this..

    Seriously, are we not past this, I got to have hair to be a man thing yet? I guess in today's plastic surgery, photo shop and fake tan world this is par for the course. Vanity of vanities, all is vanity. Folks, generally you are as attractive as you THINK you are (with some notable exceptions who have egos which are too big). Personally I prefer the company of folks who take care of themselves but are not preoccupied with appea

    • > Seriously, are we not past this, I got to have hair to be a man thing yet?

      True story: A friend and I have finished an afternoon of skiing and we're sitting in the bar afterwards enjoying irish coffee. Discussion drifts to this very subject, how much society appears to demand a full head of man-hair and how much money is spent on products trying to achieve this. We had both agreed that this was all silly and narcissistic and although we're both going a little bald we'd never do any of those things.


      • by geekoid ( 135745 )

        The world cars less everyday. 30 yeas ago? yeah, outcast. Today? pffft. Once action movie stars starting appearing bald(Bruce Willis) people cared less.
        Anyone can find a vapid waitress.

    • Um, okay.

      I like my hair. It's really just about as simple as that. I use Rogaine for that, and it seems to have stalled the loss for a while. It won't work in the long term. If the cost becomes unreasonable, I would stop.

      To me, it's exactly the same as paying to keep/obtain other things I like, such as pets or clothing. I don't understand why wanting to keep it is necessarily a proxy for my insecurity. I'd like to keep my fitness level too, but that also will inevitably decline.

      All is vanity in the end anyw

  • And looks damn good with a bald head, I say: bring it on! The only way I will ever have hair again... is if I can have a JESUS-MANE of hair! Damn straight! I'll grow that out down to my shoulders! Hell yeah!!! Go long, or go bald--No in-betweens!!!!
    • And looks damn good with a bald head, I say: bring it on! The only way I will ever have hair again... is if I can have a JESUS-MANE of hair! Damn straight! I'll grow that out down to my shoulders! Hell yeah!!! Go long, or go bald--No in-betweens!!!!

      How about long and bald? At the local hippy-fair I see a lot of heads that are bald on the top with a long fringe tied back in a rather stringy pony tail. I haven't decided whether it's a common fashion statement or part of the uniform.

      • by jamesh ( 87723 )

        And looks damn good with a bald head, I say: bring it on! The only way I will ever have hair again... is if I can have a JESUS-MANE of hair! Damn straight! I'll grow that out down to my shoulders! Hell yeah!!! Go long, or go bald--No in-betweens!!!!

        How about long and bald? At the local hippy-fair I see a lot of heads that are bald on the top with a long fringe tied back in a rather stringy pony tail. I haven't decided whether it's a common fashion statement or part of the uniform.

        I basically stopped getting my hair cut at around 14, and had a pony tail from then until my late 20's. Then my hair started thinning on top - probably not noticeable to most but I could definitely tell there was less up there than there used to be. Then I got a crop of sebaceous cysts (i have very oily skin which is apparently a contributing factor). I got all those cut out, waited for the stitches to come out, then shaved it all down to a #2 clipper cut. No way I was going with the bald top and pony tail.

      • It's part of the uniform, especially for uptight Seattleites. I refuse to go that route though... I want my Jesus-mane, or nothing at all.
    • by gmhowell ( 26755 )

      You want a head with hair? Long beautiful hair? Shining, gleaming, streaming, flaxen, waxen?

      • I want a head with hair so badass that I could get away with saying "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful".
  • by roc97007 ( 608802 ) on Monday October 21, 2013 @07:14PM (#45195269) Journal

    Wake me when they've managed to grow chest hair.

  • Idiocracy (Score:3, Informative)

    by wisnoskij ( 1206448 ) on Monday October 21, 2013 @07:23PM (#45195357) Homepage

    "but sadly the greatest minds and resources where focused on conquering hair loss and prolonging erections."

    • Thats exactly what came to my mind. I cant understand why people obsess over that shit so much. I went bald when i was just getting into my 20s and never cared.
      • by geekoid ( 135745 )

        It's seems pretty meaningless now. In the 50's, being bald would pretty much make you an outcast.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Was reading various news sources about this. It is strange that a lot of people attack this research. They say that we should be trying to fix more important things and baldness isn't important. You don't see that kind of reaction for women's makeup or even digital devices. How about movies? According to people like you, if it isn't a cure for poverty or disease, we shouldn't be researching it.

      • Actors and directors don't work in the science field, making movies does not reduce the number of scientific researches.

    • "but sadly the greatest minds and resources where focused on conquering hair loss and prolonging erections."

      So, by your example, they should instead be commenting on news stories that don't interest them?

      Research that improves peoples' lives is great. Sometimes that means curing diseases and saving lives, exploring space and inspiring awe, but other other times that means letting old people get it on and making people happy.

  • by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) on Monday October 21, 2013 @07:57PM (#45195661) Journal

    The good news is it grows hair. The bad news is you now have pubic hair on your head.

  • when I see it!
  • Stop judging people based on hair.

  • by PPH ( 736903 ) on Monday October 21, 2013 @08:15PM (#45195805)

    I've spent the last few decades cultivating a natural reverse Mohawk.

  • by Greyfox ( 87712 )
    What if I wanted more hair, like, EVERYWHERE? Can I have it done in time for my Chewbacca costume this Halloween?
  • ...and everyone uses it. I'd love to be the last bald man in the world. A rare breed.

    Seriously, what the hell? It's not a disease. It make convertibles more comfortable. It costs a drop of sunscreen or a hat.

    I guess some people will cry over anything.

  • "After a few days, the cultured papillae were transplanted between the dermis and epidermis of human skin that had been grafted onto the backs of mice. In five of the seven tests, the transplants resulted in new hair growth that lasted at least six weeks."

    "More work needs to be done before the method can be tested in humans, according to the researchers. “We need to establish the origins of the critical intrinsic properties of the newly induced hairs... blah blah blah."

    Did the OP even read the linked

  • by oogoliegoogolie ( 635356 ) on Monday October 21, 2013 @11:47PM (#45197187)

    I question how honest someone is being to themselves when they say that they are going bald or are bald and yet state it has not affected them. I've been bald for since the 90's. Do I worry about being bald? No. Am I aware I am bald? Every day.

    I have no guilt about money being spent on 'unbalding' research. We're not talking about cosmetic surgery or injections, but instead returning something that has been lost to me.

    To all the people, bald or hairy, that think going bald is no big deal. If the world was a fair place then yes, having no hair would not matter, and neither would other superficial things, but we don't reside in some fairy-tale realm. Unfortunately we have to deal with the real world and deal with real people that judge you on you appearance which includes height, body weight, the clothes you wear, swagger, body decorations like tattoos an piercings, and of course YOUR HAIR!

    Baldness adds years to your age. I'm not talking about shaved heads. I mean being bald and still letting your hair grow at the back and sides. 5-10 year easily gets added on.
    Thankfully shaved-heads have been an acceptable style for the past 20 years. Unfortunately not everyone can shave their head and still look good. Many men have Charlie Brown heads.
    As much as women say they find bald men sexy, those women are few and far between, and the bald men they are attracted to are usually 'larger than life' men like movie stars. In the real world the majority of women consider balding men unattractive.

    Everyone knows that baldness is very emotionally debilitating, but it also affects you physically.
    -You're colder in the winter because of the lack of hair thus less insulation. Sometimes I even have to wear a hat or toque indoors. I find hats uncomfortable. Debilitating no, but it is annoying.
    -the sun quickly cooks your cranium in the summer because there's no hair to insulate you from the sun's rays. Wear a hat you say? Well hat's make it worse if you shave your head because the hat forms an air-tight seal with your shaven head, preventing any air circulation underneath your hat. It's either shade or a bandanna or put up with the sun beaming down on the cranium for us baldies.
    -Hair acts as a cushion your head when you bang your head on something. Hair also has sensory functionality and warns you when something is about to touch it. When you have a chrome-dome, that sensory function is gone. Don't believe me? Hold your hand out and slowly move it towards your head and you hair will pick up and feel your hand while it is still inches away.
    -Hair hides stuff on your head. I have numerous acne scars on the back of my head that make me feel uncomfortable if others see. A coworker recently had a tumor removed from her brain. They went in through the upper back of her skull. Her scar is not visible because she has thick long flowing hair which hides the scar. That scar would be visible from thirty feet away on my shaved head.

    Those above items will seem trivial to many, but they are things I have to be conscious of and work around at times. You don't realize what a full head of hair does for you until it's gone.

    • by Inda ( 580031 )
      First, if there was a magic pill for hair growth, I'd probably take it. Then again, I probably wouldn't as there are better things to spend my cash on.

      Started losing my hair at 19. It didn't bother me then; it doesn't bother me now. It's in no way "emotionally debilitating". I haven't been to a barbers in 15 years and I don't miss the monthly waste of time.

      Hats in the cold: Where I live, everyone wears a hat in the cold. It doesn't matter if you have hair or not.

      Hats in the hot: You should wear one even if
    • The one thing that certainly looks worse than losing your hair is pretending that you didn't lose it.

      "something that has been lost to me" this applies to those desperate fools who pay for cosmetic surgery too. They "lost" non-saggy tits, a flat stomach, absence of crow's feet etc and believe mutiliating themselves somehow looks better than having dignity.

      Sensory function: most of us are very aware of things being near your head anyway and the number of times you rely on such sense input must be pretty ti

    • Shave your head, wear a hat, and stop whining.

      You think you feel your hand when it's several inches away because you know where it is, fool. Your hand has the same charge as the rest of you, you can't feel it. You're imagining things because you miss your hair. Now, your hairs may well pull towards or away other people, that's a real thing.

  • Patrick Stewart, Bruce Willis and all the other bald or shaved head actors - Thank you.

Nobody said computers were going to be polite.
