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Databases Science

A Database of Brains 25

aarondubrow writes "Researchers recently created OpenfMRI, a web-based, supercomputer-powered tool that makes it easier for researchers to process, share, compare and rapidly analyze fMRI brain scans from many different studies. Applying supercomputing to the fMRI analysis allows researchers to conduct larger studies, test more hypotheses, and accommodate the growing spatial and time resolution of brain scans. The ultimate goal is to collect enough brain data to develop a bottom-up understanding of brain function."
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A Database of Brains

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  • by Tablizer ( 95088 ) on Friday June 14, 2013 @11:22AM (#44008169) Journal

    A restaurant locator for zombies

  • by Anonymous Coward

    I imagine that every MRI manufacturer has their own, proprietary software that creates the data from the responses from the MRI. How do these guys cover that hurdle? Anyone in working in the business know?

    BTW, if you've never seen an MRI play "Smoke on the Water", search for it -- it's pretty cool (expecially if you've ever had to endure an MRI while having a migraine).

    • by neurogeneticist ( 1631367 ) on Friday June 14, 2013 @11:51AM (#44008491)
      Images are collected in DICOM format (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine), which is an ISO standard for Health Informatics. []
      • The DICOM "Standard" is not all that "standard". There so many tags and semi-duplications. You can have two machines using different sections to accomplish similar things and not be able to communicate completely. I work with Medical Imaging and have had several issues with DICOM data being incompatible. We have two DICOM image viewers and sometimes I can't get a DICOM CD to load to one viewer but the other viewer handles it just fine.
        • I'm developing a rule about standards: Idontgno's Standards Laws.

          1. Any standard broad enough to be in wide use is too generic to be useful.
          2. Any standard specific enough to be useful is too narrow to be used outside of specific, usually proprietary, implementations.
          3. Idontgno's Interoperability Corollary: Interoperability is crap, often by design.
  • So...PACS plus Supercomputer? Holy IO, Batman! Then again, I don't know that MRIs use that much.
  • So they can start collecting brain metadata?
    • The NSA is not just satisfied with reading our mail . . . now they want to read our minds!

      Actually, maybe they could determine that certain brain patterns indicate that someone might think about committing an act of terrorism in the future . . . it would be better to lock them up before they think about committing the act . . . predictive law enforcement . . .

  • Where's Eliza Dushku when you need her?

    Isn't this how Dollhouse got imprints?
  • Sorry, couldn't resist,

  • Another meme rises like a zombie from its grave

"If you are afraid of loneliness, don't marry." -- Chekhov
