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Moon Science

Researchers Build Objects With 3D Printing Using Simulated Moon Rocks 59

MarkWhittington writes "It has been a truism among space planners that future space settlers will have to build things on other worlds out of as much local materials as possible, saving the cost of transporting things from Earth to the moon or Mars. Two professors at the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at Washington State University have taken a step forward toward developing that technology using laser enabled 3D printing using simulated moon rocks to create simple objects."
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Researchers Build Objects With 3D Printing Using Simulated Moon Rocks

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 28, 2012 @11:25PM (#42126561)

    SIMULATED moon rocks? *sigh* If only Cave Johnson knew about those before it was too late...

    • by c0lo ( 1497653 )

      SIMULATED moon rocks?

      Way better than VIRTUAL moon rocks... with the later, one would print those objects in the Cloud.

    • by Gerzel ( 240421 )

      He did. Are you implying that CAVE JOHNSON cuts corners?!

      • He did. Are you implying that CAVE JOHNSON cuts corners?!

        He tried rounding them off first, but then Apple found out...

  • by crispytwo ( 1144275 ) on Wednesday November 28, 2012 @11:45PM (#42126647)

    First Post?

    This may be one more step towards a replicator.

    Also, I think we could use the sun to help out http://www.kidstatic.com/2011/06/solar-3d-printer-egyptian-desert-as-materials/ [kidstatic.com] - wouldn't this be a similar idea?

  • Mooncraft (Score:2, Funny)

    by jsepeta ( 412566 )
    Minecraft... on the MOTHERFUCKING moon
  • They can print using simulated materials now? Forget nanomachines, it's only a matter of time before we turn the planet in to a macro-scale grey goo made out of 3D printers!

  • Nader Khalili [treehugger.com] already worked out the basics of building moon habitats using lunar materials...

    • by lxs ( 131946 )

      I'd like to see mr.Khalili build a fire on the moon. You know that they have water up there [wikipedia.org] do you? He'd never get his kindling to light no matter how many moon trees he chops down to build his fire.

  • There are 3d printers that use concrete media, and can print you a house?
    • There are 3d printers that use concrete media, and can print you a house?

      That's right, using only some detailed blueprints, many tons of reinforced concrete and a team of builders they can "print" you a house in a way that has been almost impossible up to now using only the old-fashioned methods of some detailed blueprints, many tons of reinforced concrete and a team of builders.

  • Strictly speaking, it's 4D printing.
    • The finished product does not change in the 4th dimension, it would be like calling a plane 3D because you can change your reference point.
  • The future is starting to look more and more like minecraft...

Sentient plasmoids are a gas.
