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Robotics Science

Paralyzed Patients Control Robot With Brain Waves 49

sciencehabit writes with a writeup of a French research paper in Science. From the article: "They're not quite psychic yet, but machines are getting better at reading your mind. Researchers have invented a new, noninvasive method for recording patterns of brain activity and using them to steer a robot. Scientists hope the technology will give 'locked in' patients ... the ability to interact with others and even give the illusion of being physically present ... with friends and family." The really interesting thing here is that people who had not used their limbs in years were able to learn how to control the robot (as well as the control group did) after being trained only an hour a week for six weeks.
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Paralyzed Patients Control Robot With Brain Waves

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Any circuit design must contain at least one part which is obsolete, two parts which are unobtainable, and three parts which are still under development.
