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Woman Claims Ownership of the Sun 17

JayRott writes "From Raw Story: 'After billions of years the Sun finally has an owner — a woman from Spain's soggy region of Galicia said Friday she had registered the star at a local notary public as being her property.' Awesome! Now I finally have someone to sue when I get skin cancer."


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Woman Claims Ownership of the Sun

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    Slashdot claims that 49-year old Spanish woman talking crazy stuff is science news...


  • I call dibs on Earth!
    • I'll just claim "Everything" than. Even you. Universe, and even stuff not in the Universe, if such stuff exists, I'm claiming it.

      I think the issue arises when someone challenges and we need to defend our claims.

      Anyone could simply say "Okay you've been granted the Sun. I now challenge your claim, the Sun is mine."

      Which is one thing that kind of bothered me about the space race. How hard would it have been for the Russians to get up there, topple the flag and plan their own and say "Okay, now we own the moon

  • I would like to subscribe to this woman's newsletter. And then we should fuck while I read it in a silly voice.

  • Does that mean I can sue her for the sunburn I got last week? (really, leaving an unsheilded nuclear reactor hanging around like that is just asking for trouble).
  • I would like to sue her for the punitive damages arising from all the pain and suffering I have incurred from her property projecting radiation onto my property causing me bodily harm in the form of sunburns and skin cancer. I would like Spanish government to pay 20 percent of the fee for not enforcing nuclear safety regulations on her property and will dedicate 10 percent to research of skin-cancer treatments and another 10 percent to educating people on the importance of considering the consequences of y
  • ...then how much for any of the other planets? I'll put a down payment on Mars right now...

"If value corrupts then absolute value corrupts absolutely."
