Addicting Mice To Light 92
Al writes "In an attempt to better understand how the reward system in the brain functions in people suffering from addiction, scientists at Stanford have created mice that are addicted to light. They engineered light-sensitive proteins to trigger signaling pathways in the nucleus accumbens, a part of the brain that responds to pleasurable stimuli. They then connected a fiber-optic cable to this part of the brain and delivered a blast of light whenever the mice wandered into a 'reward chamber.' In previous experiments the mice have been given drugs like cocaine or amphetamine when they enter these rooms. The light treatment works in exactly the same way but lets the researchers very precisely control timing and dose of reward administered to the brain. The approach could also provide a way to probe receptors that cannot be accessed using existing drugs."
Overengineered? (Score:1)
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The cure for Slashdot! (Score:2, Funny)
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Yeah, that's why the room has to be dark...
Re:The cure for Slashdot! (Score:5, Funny)
The trick is to get women addicted to nerds.
Re:The cure for Slashdot! (Score:5, Funny)
There is a drug for that. It's called "Cash".
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Problem is it's one of the more expensive drugs money can buy.
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Why buy? It's cheaper to rent.
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Love can't be bought or rented. Did you mean to say sex?
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Maybe you need to be reminded.
Re:The cure for Slashdot! [slashdot.org] (Score:0)
by Anonymous Coward on 20.03.2009 7:52 (#27266975)
Can't buy me love...
Re:The cure for Slashdot! [slashdot.org] (Score:3, Funny)
by Atrox666 (957601) on 20.03.2009 8:50 (#27267549)
Why buy? It's cheaper to rent.
Re:The cure for Slashdot! [slashdot.org] (Score:2)
by clone53421 (1310749) on 20.03.2009 9:23 (#27267951)
Love can't be bought or rented. Did you mean to say sex?
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Personally I think the easiest solution is to get nerd girls to be pretty and have good social skills.
As a giant dork myself, I am inherently addicted to nerdy, geeky, dork men. I don't need genetic engineering to help me along that path. I just need a good kick in the pants to ask out one of the hot geeky scientists I work with, since most of them are too shy to do it themselves.
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It's probably true overall. But in my experience there are so many more non-geeks than geeks, that you don't notice that most of them don't make the first move, because enough of them do to keep you busy. But the geeks are fewer and farther between, so you have time to notice their lack of being forward.
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This would get thousands of people out of their basements this summer, and some of them might even get laid!
I seriously doubt that. /.
This is
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From TFS
"...lets the researchers very precisely control timing and dose of reward administered to the brain."
Oops, sorry, didn't mean to make "Rat Pr0n FTW" even less funny.
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Oops, sorry, didn't mean to make "Rat Pr0n FTW" even less funny.
Don't worry. The only way you could make "Rat Pr0n FTW" less funny is if you punched me in the face while I was reading it.
Re:why light? (Score:5, Funny)
I can just see it now. Slashdot user 'clem' is reading a particularly unfunny comment. As a sneer of disdain crosses his face, something moves in the gloom behind him, dimly lit by monitor glow. With a sudden lurch, interkin3tic crosses the distance to clem's chair. Clem barely has time to look up in horror before internik3tic shouts "RAT PR0N FTW!" and punches him in the face.
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Morning people (Score:3, Funny)
Do they bounce out of bed at the crack of dawn and show up in the office all bright and sunny with plenty of time to spare for some horrid 9 AM meeting or something? Oh, wait, that's light-addicted humans.
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bounce out of bed at the crack of dawn and show up in the office all bright and sunny with plenty of time to spare for some horrid 9 AM meeting
Ah, you're thinking of sadomasochists.
Re:Morning people (Score:4, Informative)
Heh. I doubt it. In my experience, BDSM events tend to be just getting started by midnight.
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Sadomasochists have to work too, so just shut the fuck up and hurt me.
Re:Morning people... It COULD be worse...hehe (Score:2, Funny)
We COULD addice lice to might! We'd be in a MITEY mighty bite of trouble... itchin' for trouble and cruisin' for a bruisin'...
Nucleus Accumbens (Score:5, Interesting)
The mice associating the rooms with the effects of the drug is directly applicable to humans. Anyone who has tried to quit smoking may have had a difficult time during smoke break time because the context cues one to expect/desire their fix. Good way to kick the habit, if you're looking to do so, is not to hang out in the same spots you did your drug, not to hang out with the same people, so on and so forth. Otherwise, you'll likely fall back into your own habits.
Re:Nucleus Accumbens (Score:5, Interesting)
The thing with such things is, that it is adjusted and you cannot "avoid" situations; it requires to create new associations by overriding them by entering those situations and acting differently in them, otherwise you're just avoiding and running from it.
I've quit smoking too, after 8 years of smoking, and realized how the associations trigger the way you explained and made sure once I got comfortable with my new "identity" to face these situations and create new associations until I could transpose myself into that situation without imagening a cigarette with it. Never had the urge to smoke again.. It did some recallibration of my life, but by making some acts contious and realizing I could "override" certain less desired quirks or habits, I felt liberated to be freed from routine in that way and maximize my personal experiencing (you are missing out alot of detail when you're doing something routinely, if you change your routine, do things which are extraordinary to you, or by breaking what you are used to, more sticks and there is a much broader spectrum to hook associative information to instead of overloading and saturating a limited amount of recurrent happenings/items/impressions/... making them harder to access in your mine, plus you're contiously aware of much more in the same way you rely on routine and discard alot of information as "recurrent", when it's not outside of your limited perception.).
Concerning my "new identity": my uncontious still struggled to adjust: I would smoke in my dreams because it was the way I had perceived myself like that for years. But the changed reality would collide and would wake me up in my dream, resulting in a lucid dream because my contious mind started wondering why there was a sigarette, trying to figure out wherever I did smoke or not).
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Just trying to help: there's no "t" in either "conscious" or "unconscious". There's also one's "conscience" which seems to want to be wrong for not being pronounced con-science. They are difficult words, easily leading to confusion. Then there's "conscientious" which does have a "t". "Consensual" is another troubling word in the group, especially with the root "consent" having its "t" change to an "s" and feeling wrong for being more like "sense" than "sent".
I look upon all those words with suspicion when I
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"Consensual" is another troubling word in the group, especially with the root "consent" having its "t" change to an "s" and feeling wrong for being more like "sense" than "sent".
That's because "consent" is from the Latin "consentire" while "consensual" is from the Latin "consensus". My Latin isn't all that sharp, but if I had to guess I'd suspect the difference is because one of them is an action taken by one person while the other indicates several people acting together.
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Now for the sharks (Score:3, Funny)
Next step: do this with sharks
Step after next: reverse it, such that every time a shark does a line of coke, it shoots a laser out of it's brain.
All I can say (Score:5, Funny)
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Feel free to visit the nearest pet shop and try that, but I doubt the mice are going to pay much attention.
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Wirehead? (Score:2)
Why the fuck is this not tagged Wirehead yet?
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Actually, this is kind of scary when you think about it. If the mice are actually addicted to the jolt to the pleasure center of the brain, wouldn't that imply that anything that produces a similar jolt could be addictive?
Personally, I always assumed there was a fundamental difference between "I'm addicted to cocaine" and "I'm addicted to World of Warcraft". If this research is confirmed that would mean the difference only one of degree, the cocaine just hits your pleasure center harder and faster. I sup
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Not physical withdrawal symptoms, maybe...
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Why scary? (Score:1, Troll)
The difference is (we would assume) that light is not poisonous.
If you didn't know that most of the addiction function is mental, and that the poison of choice is only useful in suppressing the conscious mind from questioning the mental addictive processes, you're not understanding the whole process.
(I'd mention something about something called repentance here, but I'm sure that would earn me a few -1 trolls.)
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Personally, I always assumed there was a fundamental difference between "I'm addicted to cocaine" and "I'm addicted to World of Warcraft". If this research is confirmed that would mean the difference only one of degree, the cocaine just hits your pleasure center harder and faster.
There would still be a fundamental difference... WoW, if you were addicted to it, would make you feel good by "naturally" causing your body to produce the chemicals that made you feel happy. Taking drugs short-circuits that by dumping a load of chemicals in your brain and watching the circuits light up.
My thoughts exactly (Score:2)
Yeah, that or "droud". Immediately thought of Niven :)
OT (Score:4, Funny)
I guess if Fiber-to-the-Home isn't fast enough, you've got to try Fiber-to-the-Brain.
Stream porn straight to your visual cortex. Backup your memories with Google Hippocampus Beta. I guess mobility might be a bit of a problem, though. I wonder if it comes with one of those cool head jars?
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*pssst* dude... ya gotta try some of these photons. premium stuff, straight from Columbia!
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Strange Days (Score:2)
I guess if Fiber-to-the-Home isn't fast enough, you've got to try Fiber-to-the-Brain.
Have you ever jacked in? Have you ever wire tripped? No? [smirk] A virgin brain. Well, we're gonna start you off right.
This isn't like "TV only better", this is life. Yeah, this is a piece of somebody's life. Pure and uncut, straight from the cerebral cortex. You're there! You're doing it, seeing it, hearing-hearing it. You're feeling it.
It's about the stuff you can't have, right? Like running into a liquor store with a .357 magnum in your hand, feeling the adrenaline pumping through your veins. I can make
Where can I get my "Pleasure Light" hookup? (Score:2)
I mean if you have the ability to just flip a switch and make me happy, I'd sure like that. I've been feeling kinda low lately and would surely enjoy having a nice button I could press... press... press... press... pressssusss... my precious...
Lit rooms (Score:3, Funny)
That Explains Everthing (Score:1)
Return of the Las Palmers Seven (Score:2)
your mind is not your own
your whiskers twitch, your body shakes
another hit is what it takes
Whoa, you like to think that you're immune to the stuff, oh yeah
it's closer to the truth to say you can't get enough,
you know you're gonna have to face it, you're addicted to cheese^w light
In other news... (Score:2)
... Mice get addicted to a random stimuli that causes the pleasure centers in the brain to release their happy chemicals. Therefore, mice like to feel good. OMG!!!!
What if the mice like light naturally? (Score:2)
Reminds me of a study done long ago, when calves were kept in small pens in the dark to make 'white' veal. Whilst many people found this rather shocking, supporters claimed that it was OK since the calves 'did not know better'.
The researchers rigged up a light with a time switch, and a button that the calves could press to turn the light back on when it automatically switched off after a few minutes. The calves quickly learned to switch the lights on, and showed a marked preference for them staying on.
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Of course animals prefer to be in the element that suits them.
Our #1 method of detecting predators is by sight. If we're in the dark, its no longer the #1. We must rely on hearing, smell, touch, etc. And most likely if you smell the predator, as a human, you're about to become lunch.
Evolution favored people that feared and respected the dark.
So They've Made... (Score:5, Funny)
Bender? (Score:1)
(citation [wikiquote.org])
Frequency (Score:1)
It's always the same. They get you hooked with the primo stuff and then slowly start feeding you water.
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Mouse enters reward chamber, and grimaces: "what is this slow crap?? I want UV! and it better be shorter than 300nm or I'm outta here!!"
One mouse meets another: I've got some UV bulbs, let's get high!
The other mouse: Man, UV is for kids, this X-ray tube rulz!
Over-engineered? (Score:1)
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The real breakthrough here has to do with the fact that they can, like you mentioned, activate only one signaling pathway at a time. An electrode can only excite the whole cell, and not even one one kind of cell.
Attaching the light sensitive bit onto different pathways, they even mention that some of the pathways they tried didn't produce the "addiction" behavior. It can provide a whole lot more information on exactly which signals are the ones that make you addicted, versus other pathways that activate t
Research Sponsored by Blizzard? (Score:1)
Coming to the next version of WoW...reward based rewards. When you complete your quest to collect 17 butt plugs of doom or whatever, the screen will flash in a precise way, leaving the player high and content.
We know random reward systems in games are as addictive as those in real life (eg. slot machines), but we can take it to the next level and introduce physical rewards.
"Lightheads" sit and stare at intersection lights. (Score:1)
Sharks (Score:2)
Finally, sailing ships can resolve their stowaway rat problems simply by strapping freakin' lasers to the sharks' heads!
In other news (Score:2)
Tanning delegalized. Everyone not wearing a sunscreen will be found guilty of drug posession.