Tooth Regeneration Coming Soon 289
Ponca City, We love you writes "For thousands of years, losing teeth has been a routine part of human aging. Now the Washington Post reports that researchers are close to growing important parts of teeth from stem cells, including creating a living root from scratch, perhaps within one year. According to Pamela Robey of the NIH. 'Dentists say, "Give me a root and I can put a crown on it."' In a few years dentists will treat periodontal disease with regeneration by using stem cells to create hard and soft tissue; they will take out a tooth that is about to fall, and reconnect it firmly to the regenerated tissue. Although nobody is predicting when it will be possible to grow teeth on demand, in adults, to replace missing ones, a common guess is five to ten years. Baby and wisdom teeth are sources of stem cells that could be 'banked' for future health needs, says Robey. 'When you think about it, the teeth children put under their pillows may end up being worth much more than the tooth fairy's going rate. Plus, if you still have your wisdom teeth, it's nice to know you're walking around with your own source of stem cells.'"
My opinion (Score:5, Funny)
Re:My opinion (Score:4, Funny)
Going rate... (Score:5, Funny)
My parents were good to me, they adjusted the 25-cents a tooth they got for inflation... wonder what I'll have to pay my kids?
Re:Going rate... (Score:5, Funny)
My parents were good to me, they adjusted the 25-cents a tooth they got for inflation... wonder what I'll have to pay my kids?
My six year old son says two dollars. But then he has a DS game buying habit to suppport.
Re:Going rate... (Score:5, Funny)
The tooth fairy is a smart, cunning businesswoman planning to cash in big on her investment!
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This sort of thing is likely to be pretty expensive. I'm thinking and arm and a leg (yours).
Re:A quarter? (Score:3, Interesting)
I got a dime. Kids.
A dime?! Luxury! (Score:5, Funny)
A dime?! That we could have been so lucky!
Re: Luuxury! (Score:3, Funny)
I always read that with a Yorkshire accent.
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The Jaws of Life? Oh; La-di-da! When I was a lad, the tooth fairy yanked out our teeth with a shifting spanner, cut off our legs, and took both our kidneys for transplants. Then when we came home to the used condom we had to live in, our father would beat us with sleep with a red-hot poker.
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Well, now that just SUCKS. (Score:5, Interesting)
Plus, if you still have your wisdom teeth
I don't have them ... my dentist finally convinced me to have them removed a couple years ago.
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Plus, if you still have your wisdom teeth
I don't have them ... my dentist finally convinced me to have them removed a couple years ago.
Wasn't there something recently about making stem cells from normal (I think) tissue in the reproductive system?
Re:Well, now that just SUCKS. (Score:4, Funny)
Plus, if you still have your wisdom teeth
I don't have them ... my dentist finally convinced me to have them removed a couple years ago.
Wasn't there something recently about making stem cells from normal (I think) tissue in the reproductive system?
Why must it always boil down to choosing between something cool and losing our fertility? :(
Re:Well, now that just SUCKS. (Score:4, Funny)
'Something cool' would seem to be the sensible choice in that case. :-P
Re:Well, now that just SUCKS. (Score:4, Funny)
Oh no, look at all the waste! I knew I should have saved it!
Re:Well, now that just SUCKS. (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Well, now that just SUCKS. (Score:5, Funny)
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Re:Well, now that just SUCKS. (Score:5, Informative)
My girlfriend swears she likes the taste... I've decided I can accept that.
Give her a treat by drinking lots of pineapple juice or eating bananas or papayas. Also, lay off the red meat, alcohol, and coffee.
The fruits will make it sweeter while red meat, alcohol and coffee will make it bitter.
What will you do when she wants more than you can produce? She will suck you out!
Wheat germ can help you produce more.
Re:Well, now that just SUCKS. (Score:5, Funny)
Somehow I just don't see it as a worthwhile goal to adjust one's diet to affect the taste of your sperm.
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If you have to evaluate your own results, then probably not.
If you have a partner to do the experimental analysis then it may well be worthwhile.
If you can gather a whole research team, then I'd say you should definitely go for it.
Re:Well, now that just SUCKS. (Score:5, Interesting)
If you can pull stem cells out of a wisdom tooth I don't see why you couldn't pull them out of any tooth you wanted. Sacrifice a back molar then regrow it, along with any other teeth you need replaced.
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I don't have them ... my dentist finally convinced me to have them removed a couple years ago.
I had mine pulled years ago as well. Now I keep them on a chain around my neck. I get lots of dates now!
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How/why did your dentist convince you to get them removed? Were they bothering you? Did you have other problems that they thought might be related? Has there been an improvement in your life?
I've been bothered by migraine and cluster headaches, and neck and back tension for a long time. However, they started when I was 13, about five years before my wisdom teeth came in.
Re:Well, now that just SUCKS. (Score:4, Interesting)
A friend of mine had his removed because he was having headaches. Since I was also having headaches, I asked a doctor and his reply:
No, that probably will not fix your head or jaw aches.
He still recommended that I have them removed for other reasons, including the fact that the longer you wait, the more dangerous it is. There's always a chance that removal will tear a nerve in your cheek giving you a permanently numb cheek, among other dangers.
As always, I am -not- a doctor. You should only take medical advice from a doctor.
With this research, I'm wondering if I should have waited, though. The advice above about getting the stem cells from another back tooth is a good idea, though. Even if they (for some reason) couldn't regrow that back tooth, I'd gladly trade a back one for a front one.
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I just turned 43, and no one's ever even suggested that I have them removed. I'm just lucky, I guess.
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Back in my day, when we wanted wisdom teeth, we had to walk 5 miles and pick them up ourselves. Uphill. Both ways. In the snow.
Still have mine too. Anchors for the future. (Score:2)
I still have all four of my wisdom teeth too. Fortunately they came in straight and strong and I have had zero problems with them. When they were coming in, my dentist said if they come in alright that it will be good to leave them alone because if I ever have any problems later in life with my the rest of my molars that result in their complete loss, then those 3rd molars might come in handy as anchors for bridges. I'm almost 40 yrs old now and I've already had to have some 1st and 2nd molar filings and a
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Three times, technically, though I'm not sure when the wisdom teeth start to develop. Could be they start at the same time and are just late in breaking through.
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The wisdom teeth are part of your permanent tier, they just erupt later. Back before we had good dentistry, it wasn't uncommon for an individual to be missing a tooth or two by the time they reached 25, and so when the wisdom teeth came in, they would rack in from the back and shift the others forward.
Now that tooth loss is uncommon, wisdom teeth are regularly extracted, since they're liable to become impacted if there isn't space (from missing teeth) for them to grow in.
And it's true that some people d
Re:I have a friend who grew a tooth. (Score:4, Interesting)
I'm not a dentist, but I have seen a child's skull with the mandible dissected at a museum. You can see a whole lot of adult teeth lined up under the baby ones.
I was looking for a picture of this on the net, but couldn't find one quickly on google images. But take a look at this picture Baby teeth [allrefer.com] and the x-ray on this dental site. [dentalcarekids.com]
So I'd guess the wisdoms are just waiting under the baby teeth to pop up. Just a little longer than the others.
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Re:I have a friend who grew a tooth. (Score:4, Interesting)
I had three full sets of teeth too. I got hit in the face by my little sister when I was ~16 (don't ask), and the front teeth came right out. I could feel and see the nubs of the new teeth coming in right beneath them, and the teeth that came out were clearly not adult teeth though they weren't exactly like baby teeth either. Ultimately I lost all my teeth that year. Oddly, when I was ~24 my canines got loose and came out, with a new set below them, so 4 sets of canines. X-Rays confirm I'm on my adult teeth now, which sucks. I liked having spares.
A few of my brothers and sisters had 3 sets of canines, but I was the only one with three complete sets out of 9 kids. I asked around my extended family, and on my mother's side heard of a few more people who had had three sets, so apparently there is some genetic basis for it.
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Anyway, after that my normal one came through.
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Hm. Great (Score:4, Funny)
Now the replacement after the painful procedure will ALSO be able to rot and hurt like the original. Fuck yeah !
(only half joking. I was really happy after a root channel treatment, as that damn think was finally dead and not able to hurt anymore. In constrast to the year before.)
Re:Hm. Great (Score:5, Interesting)
On the flipside, many of my teeth required some sort of work done on them after a course of treatment by a dubious orthodontist when I was a kid. Since then, even though dentists have always told me I have generally good oral hygiene, it seems like I have to get some filling or something replaced every few months, which is expensive and occasionally painful. I would give a lot to have real, intact teeth again, and articles like this give me some hope that one day it might even be possible. (I hear you on the root surgery thing, though: been there, done that too.)
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With the pace biotechnology has been moving in the last 2-4 years (stem cell research, regeneration, etc), I would expect that almost anything in your body (sans brain) will be able to be regenerated in say another 5 years. Not a bad thing in my opinion. I look forward to living forever.
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Instead of painful root canals you'd just yank the tooth and grow another in it's place.
painful root canals? (Score:2)
Maybe I got lucky or something, but my root canal (in a back molar with about 4 canals) didn't hurt at all. It hurt before because of the infection, but a bunch of ibuprofen plus local anaesthetic seemed to do the trick during, and it didn't really hurt at all afterwards (just somewhat sore, but not enough for me to need any painkillers).
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Less painful than some drilling, a filling or two, then later a root canal, or possibly repeated root canals if the first doesn't quite get it.
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Oral surgery, however, is different. It hurts when it happens, it hurts like hell afterwards, and Wendy's Frosties actually become medicinal by being the only thing you can eat to put any calories (even if they are empty) in you while at the same time being cold so you can leave it on the wound (with yummy results), causing 1 frosty to provide 30+ minutes of relief.
It looks pretty g
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"I think I need a root canal. I definitely need a long, slow root canal."
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I didn't notice at the time, but eventually, I'd get infections every few months, as the tooth slowly rotted from the inside out - regardless of how much I brushed, flossed & rinsed. The doctors would put me on massive dosages
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I think you got the wrong moral out of this story.
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I had a root canal and I am in my 20s. I have never lost a tooth, and I have only had two small cavities in my life. The reason for my root canal was an abscessed tooth, and the dentist said he has no idea how I got it, since I wasn't in a fist fight, I don't have dental problems, etc. It was a very painful event (the pain became very unbearable by the time I saw the dentist and he released the built up pressure in the tooth), but it had nothing to do with brushing/flossing...
Not to say that no one has
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21 and one root canal here, right eye tooth. Tooth was apparently killed somehow while I was wearing braces. Was a very easy thing (easier than any filling), being as the tooth was already completely dead.
Dental genetics (Score:5, Interesting)
One thing that's often ignored is that some people have naturally "harder" teeth than others. I, unfortunately, am "blessed" with the softer variety. I put out the effort: brush vigorously, regularly, flossing daily, etc. and my teeth are just horrible, and probably a third are basically just plastic. I am one of my Dentist's best customers.
My wife, on the other hand, simply doesn't have to spend nearly as much effort on her teeth. She brushes and all, but she has gorgeous teeth and puts in only modest effort. I see the same in our children. Some have her teeth, put out little effort and consistently have nice, white teeth and no cavities, while others have mine, and brush regularly only to have cavities every single visit.
Finally, I can grow new teeth!?!? Oh wait, they'll be *MY* teeth? With *MY* crappy-ass tooth genes?
(to my wife) Eh, babe? (Ahem) Mind if I have one of your wisdom teeth?
Same Here. (Score:2)
I inherited disease-prone teeth from my dad, but my wife has awesome teeth and hardly ever flosses. I'm 34, I brush and floss three times a day with the precision only a nerd can provide...still, I'm just barely holding my 'gum pockets' at 3mm.
I hope our kids get her teeth genes!
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Have you tried 30 seconds of Listerine after every brush? It's helped my teeth tremendously. I think the alcohol kills the bacteria.
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Re:Dental genetics (Score:4, Interesting)
Don't brush too vigorously: you'll end up with with completely different problem of receding gums. If you don't have a really good electric toothbrush, get one. I use an Oral-B Triumph. I was totally amazed at how much I liked it. I thought it would just be a gimmick, but it's not. It's the best investment I've ever made into a gadget.
I also find 30 seconds of Listerine after brushing helps a lot, too.
Another thing I use daily is Johnson and Johnson Stim-U-Dent sticks. They take a little getting used to, but I really like them.
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I too am blessed with soft teeth. Well, it was a blessing for my dentist anyway :-(
I think for me the ideal would be to grow a new tooth, then have it sealed in some way to prevent cavities from forming. Even if I had to go through sealing once a year it would be worth it.
Who you gonna call? Toothgrowers. (Score:4, Insightful)
Crown? (Score:5, Funny)
'Dentists say, "Give me a root and I can put a crown on it."'
This is the same thing that a king says when looking for a potential queen.
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Give me a root ...
I guess that depends on your definition of "queen"....
5 years my arse (Score:4, Insightful)
When are journalists going to learn that it takes 10 years to get from the lab to market? And when it comes to anything medical, add another 10 years for clinical trials.
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Fortunately, my dentist has a drug habit to support
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Specialization is a mystery that hasn't been cracked yet.. so stem cells are "magic".. in that they do impressive feats that we don't understand.
Damn... (Score:4, Insightful)
...I'm glad that I've still got all four of my wisdom teeth! Sounds like they will be good insurance towards healthy teeth in my later years. Actually, I wonder if this biotechnology will spell the end to the "convenience" removal of wisdom teeth.
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In many cases the removal of wisdom teeth is absolute necessity. There are many people born whose jaws simply are not large enough to accomodate the addition of wisdom teeth without serious dental problems. Add to that the number of people who have wisdom teeth growing in impacted, and there's a good reason why their removal is fairly standard.
I wouldn't have had mine removed, but unfortunately my jaw is both too small and the lower ones were impacted. Nothing like having 4 teeth extracted prior to eruption
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To echo the other replies...
I had no room for my wisdom teeth -- first time someone told me I *didn't* have a big mouth -- and they came in horribly impacted, and even fused to the bone. It was not a "convenience" removal.
Hooray (Score:2)
My teeth are crap.
I'm combining a weak enamel with deep crevices, a tendency to eat wrong and brush too rarely or too superficially, and apparently I gnash my teeth while asleep.
This degree of regeneration would be worth a great lot to me...
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Seriously go get an occlusal guard. I went for a long time without one due to not having insurance/not having spare cash, and now due to the grinding I have a tooth that was fractured above the gumline that became infected. They had to slice a flap in my gums to get to the damaged region, then because the damage was so progressed it required a root canal which was the worst experience of my life due to the tooth being "hot" (read: It was numbed properly but I could still fe
At a quarter a pop... (Score:2)
the tooth fairy cuold really clean up with a nice profit margin.
Where's my GM Strep Mutans? (Score:5, Informative)
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Re:Where's my GM Strep Mutans? (Score:5, Informative)
Where are they? In the final stages of FDA clinical trials.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caries_vaccine [wikipedia.org]
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Re:Where's my GM Strep Mutans? (Score:5, Informative)
> Is the ADA lobbying to keep it off the market because fillings and such are such a big
> money maker?
You mean the way they lobbied to block flouridation and flouride treatments?
(Hint for the dense: they didn't. Quite the contrary.)
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It's about time (Score:5, Interesting)
One thing that has always puzzled me is that despite all the advances in technology, getting a crown is still VERY expensive. There has been no appreciable reduction in cost due to better manufacturing techniques, or better/cheaper materials. Compare this to say, lasik - when it was first introduced it cost about 4K per eye I think. Now it's a few hundred.
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Unfortunately the crowns you have gotten probably cost the same for the actual prep, but lab costs have gone way up. The majority of crowns have a large portion of and/or are completely gold. Look at the cost of gold in the last couple years and you'll see why lab costs have gone way way up.
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My dad is a dental lab technician (the guys who make crowns) and to hear him tell it, there have essentially been no advances in technology or manufacturing techniques. Yes, the materials are better and the process is apparently more streamlined, with better models to w
No wisdom teeth? (Score:2)
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Second set of wisdom teeth (Score:2)
I had 4 wisdom teeth taken out when I was 17.
Luckily for me, two more grew in almost 10 years later...
Onion Headline..... (Score:2)
"Tooth Regeneration Coming Soon - Millions of Rednecks Rejoice!"
50 years + ~$35,000 to Redneck (Score:2)
I suffered from chronic gum disease and cavity prone teeth almost all of my first fifty years, spent thousands for just about every dental procedure you can imagine and was told over and over, "We can save your teeth".
I finally got tired of the constant pain and infection and had all but a couple of teeth removed. I have a full upper denture and a couple of teeth on the lower jaw to hold a partial in place. Best dental work I ever had done.
Question: Can I regrow custom-designed teeth? (Score:4, Interesting)
The question is, can I regrow custom-designed teeth? What if I don't like my teeth in the first place? I don't want to regrow the same set of teeth again.
I was born with a severe lack of calcium. By the age of 3, I still didn't have any tooth. Not that it didn't grow, but the teeth were just like powder. When I ate, the teeth that just appeared in the morning were smashed by any food and swallowed along.
After taking a lot of calcium supplement (still do on a daily basis), eventually, they grew. the shape are fine, but they are grey. They are weak, cavities and rotten root canal are nasty problems. And that causes all kinds of gum problems, even with daily Listerine or salty water mouth wash.
Since high school, I always have to work extra to make that extra 5000 to 6000 more than others, every year, to take care of the teeth. Not to mention that it had been an obstacle to self-confidence for so many years.
Now, if can regrow my teeth, I certainly don't want to regrow the same set. Can I custom-design mine?
Not in our lifetime (Score:2, Informative)
How to infuriate the next generation of parents (Score:4, Funny)
When I see people with extreme body modifications like subdermal beads and spikes that protrude from the scalp, I wonder what their children of those people could possibly do to frustrate them.
This article gives me the answer: in 30 years teenagers will grow teeth all over their body.
How to store teeth today? (Score:4, Interesting)
As someone who has smaller children in his extended family, I am wondering if there are any house-hold-compatible ways to save cells on teeth. Or should I just forget the whole thing?
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Edentulous. I always used edentate. Waddyaknow.
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Stem cells need not be gotten from aborted babies but from adult cells like wisdom teeth, brilliant!
FYI, the only fetal stem cells that have ever been considered for R&D or treatment purposes have been those of embryos created for in-vitro fertilization purposes that would have otherwise been destroyed anyway because the host mother got pregnant with one of the other embryos.
It seems to me that most of those opposed to fetal stem cell research would be thrown for a loop if they realized that the very same potential babies are being sacrificed in order to create one baby for a barren couple. Why is it
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An embryo is not a fetus. But you can make up whatever "definitions" suit you...
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When I'm trying to convince someone that saving a life is important, I forget about how much some people care about keeping perfect distinctions between adjacent stages of human development [wikipedia.org]. I will try to avoid this from now.
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When did Jesus ever say that using aborted fetuses is bad in the first place?
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Try counting. Mine came in without my even noticing, except for the last one, when I noticed that my jaw ached a bit when I yawned.
Re:If this is true... (Score:4, Funny)