California Cracks Down On Genetic Testing 165
genie-out-of-the-bottle writes "California's Department of Public Health has sent cease-and-desist notices to 13 companies that market genetic testing directly to consumers. (We discussed these services when they launched.) Allegedly, under state law, California residents must submit a doctor's order to have a genetic test run. It will be interesting to see if the government will actually succeed in putting the genetic genie back in the bottle, given that all you need for testing is a few drops of saliva. The effort closely resembles US government attempts to block export of strong encryption product back in '90s." A Wired editor has up an opinion piece arguing that his DNA is his business and none of the government's.
You don't own your DNA (Score:5, Funny)
Sorry Tom, but the information isn't yours. Much of "your" DNA is patented. If you don't intend to pay the licensing fees, then you should expect to receive a C&D shortly.
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-- note: no I'm not interested in said service, no I don't really think it's that great of an idea, or feel any desire to use it. But it's still an issue of freedom.
Re:You don't own your DNA (Score:5, Insightful)
A lot of commercial genetic testing is scientifically worthless, even harmful if they give you bad information about what your genetics actually means for you or your children. There needs to be some kind of regulation (regarding claims they can make, information supplied to customers, actual evidence for the disease-test relationship they claim etc), but at the moment the public health people can't agree on what form that regulation should take, so there might be a lot of this 21st century snake-oil around for a long time.
I don't know anything about California, but it could be that the government is trying to protect people from possible harms of bad and unnecessary testing.
Re:You don't own your Democrat (Score:2)
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Do you have any actual data that backs this up?
Re:You don't own your DNA (Score:4, Informative)
The US Government Accountability Office compiled a report of genetic testing that is available here [gao.gov], although it's only a smallish snapshot of the current situation.
Both the positive and negative implications for widespread genetic testing are favourite subjects of Ron Zimmern and Muin Khoury, and if you're interested you'll find a lot of discussion of genetic test regulation by searching for them. There's a newspaper report of a study by Khoury here [guardian.co.uk], but annoyingly I can't find the original work.
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"To complete our work, we investigated a nonrepresentative selection of four Web sites selling nutrigenetic tests.
What's amusing is that they only had two DNA samples, from a 9-month old girl and a 48-year old man...but they submitted them 16 times to four separate sites with different profile information.
The short of it is: the four sites in question seem to base their results off of your profile questions, not your DNA. In addition, they attempt to cross-sell supplements to you.
I wish th
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Your DNA is only part of your risk factors for diseases. It will vary over time and change with your behavior and environment as well. I don'
All our base pair are belong to us? (Score:5, Informative)
The interesting thing is that this technology is evolving so rapidly that the type of testing California is cracking down on is going to look quaintly prehistoric in just a few years. Roche is expected to launch a commercial high resolution version of its 'sequence capture' platform in the next few months which, combined with a 'next generation' sequencing system (like Roche's own 454 machine), should allow complete human 'exomes' (all the well-defined mature gene transcript sequences in a sample) to be completely sequenced for a few thousand dollars. But this, of course, is just the first step. One or more of the future sequencing technologies currently in development is likely to bring entire human genome sequences into this price range:
http://genomics.xprize.org/ [xprize.org]
with the eventual Holy Grail of a '$1000 genome' now seeming pretty much inevitable. But some of the teams competing for the genomics X-prize don't intend to stop there - e.g., Reveo claims to be aiming to produce a practical nanotechnology-based instrument 'in 5-10 years that will cost less than $1000 and sequence the whole genome and simultaneously the epigenome (methylation code) nearly error free in a minute for pennies per genome.'
So what happens if it's possible to buy an extreme throughput sequencer for the price of a laptop, and decode a genome as effortlessly as cracking CSS on a DVD? Is this particular genie really likely to stay in the bottle? And is it in any case defensible that knowledge of an individual's genome should ('for his own good') remain the province of an exclusive medical priesthood, rather than of the individual himself?
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Is this particular genie really likely to stay in the bottle? And is it in any case defensible that knowledge of an individual's genome should ('for his own good') remain the province of an exclusive medical priesthood, rather than of the individual himself?
I don't know. It's a difficult question but as you rightly say one we'll have to deal with. But think about it like this: At the moment you could very easily get a complete blood test similar to what is routinely done for hospital admissions. They'll test maybe sodium, potassium, blood sugar, possibly white blood cell counts, and other stuff that I can't remember. Then add BMI, blood pressure, and heel ultrasound. These tests are all available now, are cheap, and will tell you far more about your
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I wouldn't compare it to a local psychic. I would however, agree that getting raw data and trying to interpret it yourself (or a non-trained person) is akin to trying to diagnose disease via medical textbooks. 'Hmm, the rash kind of looks like 1a and 5c but 5c is cause by AIDS - OH NOES
It's why the lab tech generally will never "read" your MRI/CAT/XRAY even when it's stupidly obvious and he's 3 months from getting
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I don't object to people knowing their genotypes. I only object to your genotype being sent to you by The Internet Genotype Company along with half truths and lies about the implications and guidelines for the $2000 per year 'supplements' that you need to buy from them to prevent your untimely death.
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I don't know anything about California, but it could be that the government is trying to protect people from possible harms of bad and unnecessary testing.
Bad testing I can agree with, and the proper way to go about this would be to prosecute the testers for fraud.
There is not really any such thing as unnecessary testing. If a company can conduct a test, and the results are accurate and as promised to the customer, how can that be construed as unnecessary? The only time I've every seen the concept of "unnecessary testing" come into play is when medical treatment is limited by cost, due to involvement by insurance companies and inflated medical costs. N
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OHHHHHH you mean from what their 'conclusions' are. (sarcasm) well if the company doing the testing sells the data as verified accurate then they're accountable. If they sell the data as 'entertainment purposes' or similar then people need to use their brains and understand that. Hell, if you believed everything on the news you'd be afraid to breathe because it might kill you (News at '11, Tune in and Don't Miss
Re:You don't own your DNA (Score:5, Funny)
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Re:You don't own your DNA (Score:5, Funny)
Re:You don't own your DNA (Score:5, Informative)
Re:You don't own your DNA (Score:5, Informative)
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Re:You don't own your DNA (Score:5, Informative)
What was being patented was a purified sequence of DNA for use in a diagnostic test. It's not the DNA itself--there's 10 million years of prior art for that--but the use of a particular sequence of DNA for diagnostics.
The total human genome is over 3 billion base pairs. Companies were racing to figure out which small sequences (100 or so pairs) would be useful in diagnostics and possibly in therapy. The use of DNA for that purpose was completely new at the time.
For example, check out this DNA patent application [uspto.gov]. The application refers to a specific DNA sequence, but the patent itself is for the use of that particular sequence for a specific kind of therapy.
It's still perfectly legal to reproduce, sell your DNA in a bottle, and so forth. The only thing the patent covers is the use of one very short sequence in a particular kind of therapy.
It might still be bad policy, but it's not as if you don't own your DNA.
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They claimed that they found a new procedure using them. If I were the first person to invent the Chevy El Camino ("it's a car and it's a truck") I would be able to patent the invention of a car/truck combination, even if I didn't invent wheels, headlights, doors, windshields, etc.
The only thing the patent covered was a new diagnostic test. They invented the never-before-seen diagnostic test by combining existing elements. Combining existing things is a perfe
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There are 3 types of patents:
Utility Patent - protects the way that your "invention" is used and works. Your "invention" does not have to be a machine or something tangible. It can be a business method or a process of doing something. For example, you can patent a method for making a pepperoni pizza so long as your method is novel. You did not have to have invented pepperoni pizza.
Design Patent - protects the way something looks. I'm not 100% c
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DNA guy: Y'uh huh. If you've ever handled a penny, the government's got
your DNA. Why do you think they keep 'em in circulation?
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Re:You don't own your DNA -the GIAA (Score:3, Funny)
thanks dude!
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Unless of course instead of bit torrent they send a hot blonde
wrong acronym (Score:2)
But They Don't Have Rights to Use It (Score:2)
If you think otherwise, try getting your hands on, and using to your advantage, the genetic information of some important or influential person. Say a CEO or a politician. How long after they discover your actions to you think you will keep your supposed rights?
Here's the problem with your observation (Score:2, Interesting)
I am the SUM if my genetic code, which is for all intents and purposes, unique. That the mortar and blocks and drywall and carpet are patented by someone else means nothing when I undeniably own the patent on the house.
"If you don't intend to pay the licensing fees"
What exactly am I going to be paying licensing fees for? Or did you throw this bit of fearmongering out there without really having any idea what it meant?
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lots of distance
your understanding of sarcasm
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You can, however, get a copyright on a particular sequence, if it were unique, and identified a specific variation, enhancement, cure that never existed before in written form.
There are only so many DNA sequences, which are then put together, like letters in an alphabet are used to cr
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When an Agri business, like Cargil patents a new genetic variant of corn, they aren't patenting corn, they are patenting the variant - the modification from the norm.
In this case, they've changed po-tay-toe, to po-tah-toe as it were.
Doctors contribute to government corruption. (Score:4, Insightful)
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While there are some half-decent arguments (reactionist people taking tests then making up their own "treatment" plan for their 1% chance of developing condition X), I agree this is for doctors.
These kind of rubber stamp things (since I assume most doctors would just say "yes" to simplify their lives) just raise health care costs. By requiring this signature you take up the doctor's time and it's harder for you to compare and get things done.
This seems like regulation for the sake of regulation to me.
Re:Doctors contribute to government corruption. (Score:5, Insightful)
Likewise if a family member has such symptoms or his side of the family has these traits, genetic testing is disallowed unless the person actually agrees to it. I.e. a wife wants to know if her husband has Huntington's, she cannot force him to take a test or bring a sample to a physician and ask for it to be tested. Even if she only wants the information for future conception, the doctor won't allow it.
What's to keep someone - anyone - your wife, boss, insurer, whoever, from taking that toothpick you used after lunch and sending it in to one of these companies?
I think the law is intended to protect YOU from others, not from yourself. If you actually have some problem then you can go to a physician and have total confidence that the only person who will know the result is you and him. Hell, you can even withhold it from him if you wish. As it is now a person can send in ANYONE'S DNA and get their result.
I'd rather go to a doctor than leave that second option as a possibility. That's the option that leads down the road to real Gattaca-style shit. It's a future I'd rather NOT live in.
Re:Doctors contribute to government corruption. (Score:5, Funny)
Please, that will never happen. You're just being paranoid. And of course, such irrational paranoia is exactly the type of behavior I would expect, given that you have a repeating ATTCAGGGATTAG sequence on your chromosome 3, which results in a 500% increase in the risk of developing paranoid schizophrenia.
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If you actually have some problem then you can go to a physician and have total confidence that the only person who will know the result is you and him. Hell, you can even withhold it from him if you wish.
With all the paperwork for insurance companies (both your health insurance and the doc's liability insurance) nobody takes your privacy seriously in the medical profession. Sure they claim to adhere to HIPPA, but that's not the same thing. True privacy would mean that:
1) The fact that you requested a test is never recorded
2) The sample being tested is not associated with you in any way
3) The results of the test are not recorded with any identifiable information
4) You can retrieve the results wit
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I think you have it backwards. I was deficient in B12 a few years ago and suffering memory problems as a result. While my doctor and I were talking about possible causes, she was taking notes on an insurance form. She said, "If I mark 'memory problem' on this chart, it'll follow you the rest of your life." so she marked fatigue as the reason for the blood
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The "Wired" editor arguing that his DNA is only his business is a fool. Your DNA is also your parents', your kids', siblings and other relatives.
Information wants to be free right? Well the information from your genetic test determines whether other family members are at risk, sometimes with 100% certainty.
Not telling your daughter that she should be closely watched for breast cancer (or any treatable disease that depends o
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While this _would_ increase the number of office visits, it's likely that it would not generate a great deal of revenue, since it would likely be coded at the lowest level.
I know a number of primary care physicians, and this just isn't the type of visit that they would try to encourage. Furthermore, most physicians I know (IMHO all responsible ones) would discourage unwarranted genetic testing, as well as any other type of medica
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Re:Doctors contribute to government corruption. (Score:4, Insightful)
It's a case of balancing the risks against the rewards. Sure you might find it interesting, but a lot of people will get tests which are often meaningless medically and which they will base lifestyle or health choices on.
I'm not sure on which side of the argument I'm on at the moment, but I'm very nervous about the prospect of people selling tests for disease genes without any requirement for evidence of the disease-gene interaction, and for the correct information for the implications to be supplied to customers.
Would you like to know your SORL1 genotype? What if I told you it was possibly liked to Alzheimer's disease? What if I told you it was definitely liked to young onset Alzheimer's disease, but I was lying? Would you like your wife's genotype? How would you interpret the information? I understand the intellectual curiosity and freedom points of view but this can do harm as well as good.
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"Tests for disease genes" would be a problem -- but that's a st
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"Tests for disease genes" would be a problem -- but that's a strawman here. Broad sequencing, marketed as informational, is quite a different matter.
Are you sure? I just copied this from the Navigenics (one of the companies mentioned in TFA and the first one I bothered to check) website:
Navigenics Health Compass helps you understand what your genes have to say about the future of your health, and gives you action steps to take control of your health today - so you can have a healthier tomorrow.
There is also a list of specific conditions they 'test' for. The small print then points out that they don't offer medical advice, although they are certainly claiming that their product will improve your health.
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If you don't think people would shit in their own drinking water, read a history book.
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..or visit London.
Maybe it's actually a good thing (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Maybe it's actually a good thing (Score:5, Insightful)
Perhaps what should be banned is accepting DNA samples indirectly.
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I would hope that's all ready banned. The question is how to enforce that. I would prefer the onus of accountability to be on the DNA analyzing company rather than a doctor, so I think the law could be better in that respect.
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And how are we to know if a company is violating someone's rights? If someone has given them a sample under false pretenses, they have no way of actually knowing whether or not they're testing who they think they're testing. It seems to me the most logical third party to take the samp
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Jail time, fines, the loss of his or her license.
Perhaps if corporations and their shareholders were more directly responsible, I'd be willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, but as it stands, I'd trust a doctor a helluva lot more than corporate governance.
Perhaps if fines for this sort of thing were in the order of 50% to 60% of gross earnings+assets, I'd s
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I concur on that corporate governance is, for the most part, highly unreliable towards such stuff... but in my anecdotal evidence, doctors aren't much far behind. Villains who twirl their mustaches are easy to spot. Those who clothe themselves in good deeds are well camouflaged.
50%-60% of gross earnings + assets? LOL. But will such a severe punishment ever become reality? Lesser, more 'reasonable' penalties then open up abuse from the richest companies/doctors etc. ... to them, the penalty is just the co
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Also, with a doctor involved, HIPPA would apply, and all the mandatory privacy laws that accompany that. I don't know about non-medical DNA testing.
And, IANAL, this post is not legal advice.
What's the alleged good reason... (Score:1)
Re:What's the alleged good reason... (Score:4, Insightful)
Because it would be very easy for me to collect saliva from someone whom I know in real life, and run tests on their DNA without their knowledge or consent. Also, there is a desire to prevent coersion towards that same goal.
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How do you propose to measure my weight without my discovering it? I assure you that your proposed scheme is more difficult then collecting some of my saliva. Also, what does my weight tell you, compared to my DNA?
I do support this, in some ways. (Score:5, Interesting)
What kind of crap is this? So, basically, I could collect the saliva (Don't ask how) of various people I know, send it in, and have ready access to their genetic information? HIPAA should be all over this like white on rice. With no actual strong safeguards on this stuff anyone could theoretically easily gain access to your genetic profile.
A better solution is to be able to do it freely, you actually have to show up at the lab and be able to certify you are who you say you are. Perfect? No, but better than how it was being done.
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A better solution is to be able to do it freely, you actually have to show up at the lab and be able to certify you are who you say you are.
Nice proposal: the part about actually having to show up at the lab. This makes it somewhat harder to spy on other people's genetic information.
The second part of parent's proposal, though, I think should be the exact opposite: the lab shall not require the identity of the customer. That way, only you have the power to attach a name to your genetic data.
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Re:I do support this, in some ways. (Score:5, Insightful)
Say, for instance, your employer were able to collect you DNA. How is immaterial at the moment. Your company does this, and gets you profiled. Uh-oh, high risk for cancer. So they fire you so their insurance premiums won't go up. Also, can you imagine how much that information is worth to your insurance company?
Yes, there are already some laws on the books against genetic discrimination, but a lot of places don't have to tell you why they fired you, and if you didn't know they got the DNA...
Besides, it's just plain a privacy issue. My DNA is my business. Not yours. However, with the mail-in DNA testing, if you were to get some of my DNA, you could find out what's in my DNA. Why do you think you should have that right?
Re:I do support this, in some ways. (Score:4, Insightful)
If you're a bad driver, should you not be charged more for liability insurance. If you've a genetic redisposition towards an expensive for of cancer, should you not pay more for the that? If you've have a genetic condition that carries the certainty of expensive treatment, then insurance isn't even relevent, you need a budget (or charity) not proection against risk.
Why people what to conflate health insurance and charity is beyond me - insurance companies are just about the worst possible choice as charity providers.
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I do, however, agree. The insurance situation in this country is beyond FUBARed. Of course, it's like that in a lot of countries. The biggest problem is health insurance in particular. Frankly I'm not sure how we could make it better. Japan, for instance, has pretty much all private practices, and health care is cheap as dirt, but that's because all treatments are strictly price-controll
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The flaw in that particular argument, as I see it, would be that driving is a choice, while having been conceived/born is not. If you drive badly because of poor skill or simply bad behavior, that can be addressed by the choices you make (defensive driving lessons, anger management, staying off the road). What choice did
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Medical care *cannot* be an inalienable right, as it requires others to perform a service for you. Would yo
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To be fair, I don't think I said anything about medical care being an inalienable right, but was taking the premise of your analogy and illustrating what, to me, was a particularly sizable disparity. Choice is a huge differentiating factor there, though one could argue that it might well be irrelevant (which you've done quite cogently).
I think there are plenty of arguments to be made for medical care being a right insofar as it's a requirement for the support
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You can get a card from the government that gives you access to a system that functions as a government-run HMO. It's exactly as bad as you'd expect from combining "government" and "HOM", but that's the secret of its success. Getting any care requires a lot of waiting in long lines, but that care is almost always free. The burden on the taxpayers is quite low, because no one is going
No (Score:2)
Not just with genetic testing (Score:5, Informative)
Heck, in a few states (Cali included) we can't even send the client their report, we have to send it to the doctor's office.
I am pretty sure this law is in effect partially to protect the interests of the doctors in general.
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I am trying to see the other side of this issue... (Score:3, Insightful)
Self Testing? (Score:2)
Let's say if I have some near-future technology or perhaps today a biochemist friend or two, would the law keep me from running a genetic test on myself?
Really, how long before a home test becomes viable? After all, one can already do this [utah.edu] at home.
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Using the ten-year rule (it takes about 10 years for technology to
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Also, I do wholeheartedly agree with you on the eugenics argument, and the subsequent difficulty in enforcement (perhaps some kind of affirmative action using random employee testing or something might help - but that can is of worms). This hits home as a good friend of mine is not so healthy, surprisingly unattractive and yet so brilliant and friendly...well, friendly to me at lea
The Nanny State Strikes Again (Score:2, Insightful)
I live in CA and I do want a safety net, but not a nanny state.
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Genetic Law Just Signed? (Score:2, Insightful)
Duh? (Score:2, Insightful)
I don't want people testing my DNA without my consent. When you involve a doctor, you add a barrier against unscrupulous people. Presumably, a doctor will take the sample themselves before sending it off. No worries about someone finding my hair and
Of course, it will be done anyway, just like when people cheat drug tests. And of course, there are unscrupulous doctors, too.
The fact that the law is there is a good thing. If someone steals a sample of my DNA, has it checked, and finds out
Why should we expect otherwise? (Score:3, Interesting)
The state (sub federal government) doesn't want you self reliant. If you are then your not beholden to them or subject to their regulation. They foster an entitlement mentality and that of reliance on government by stepping in the way of any private attempt to get the job done. My own doctor refuses new patients covered by government health agencies because the paperwork and forced low fees make even the most virulent HMO look better.
Don't worry, pretty soon besides not being able to own your own dna you won't even get to pick the doctor who does. worse, many of the people you know will happily go down that road because its one less thing they will have to be responsible for. laziness and lack of self reliance are the truest ways we lose our freedoms
Now I'm worried (Score:2)
So does this mean if I try to cross the border with saliva on my tee-shirt they are going to arrest me? Some of us could be in trouble here.
In CA you also need a prescription for a drug test (Score:2)
What's your point? (Score:2)
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Maybe I should have mentioned the complicity on the part of PRIVATE companies in regards to the Nazi regime?
I.G. Farben, Kruup, etc.
Trust me, if the money is there, these companies do not care who their customers are.