New Plastic to Cut CO2 Emissions and Purify Water 120
Roland Piquepaille writes "Researchers have lots of imagination. After developing plastic as solid as steel, other scientists from in Australia, Korea and in the U.S. have created a plastic which could cut CO2 emissions and purify water. Their new material mimics pores found in plants and is exceptionally efficient. As said one of the lead researchers, 'it can separate carbon dioxide from natural gas a few hundred times faster than current plastic membranes and its performance is four times better in terms of purity of the separated gas.' Now it remains to be seen if commercial companies are interested, either for water desalination or for natural gas processing plants."
Esculation of promises (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Esculation of promises (Score:5, Interesting)
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Also, to be filed under Something gained in translation:
"analysed the material, which was initially engineered by Ho Bum Park"
Or maybe file it under 3rd grade humour.
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so, in other words, its not cost feasible now, but, we can raise taxes on CO2 emissions to make it that way.
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The current Australian government has shifted CSIRO's focus from working in the interest of all Australian citizens to working in the intrests of corporate profits. Where as before they would immediately have gone on to develop mass production techniques due to the obvious benef
Which is why you'd hope for sanity (Score:2)
What the F%$K (Score:1)
Hey, people, so far, in reading the comment sections, I have yet to see a single anti-MS rant. Can we get it together and start bashing MS?
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1. you can just dump it into the deep cold ocean where it will just sit on the bottom in a puddle
2. you can pump it into empty oil or gas fields
3. you can pump it into oil fields to push out more oil
4. you can feed it
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I'll wait until it does the dishes too.
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Release misleading, but discovery is interesting (Score:2)
Editorial Sensationalism (Score:4, Informative)
From the Article:
"This plastic will help solve problems of small molecule separation, whether related to clean coal technology, separating greenhouse gases, increasing the energy efficiency of water purification, or producing and delivering energy from hydrogen," Dr Anita Hill of CSIRO Materials Science and Engineering said.
"The ability of the new plastic to separate small molecules surpasses the limits of any conventional plastics."
"It can separate carbon dioxide from natural gas a few hundred times faster than current plastic membranes and its performance is four times better in terms of purity of the separated gas."
All wishy washyness about the abilities of the substance is the editorialising of slashdot and the writer of the article
(802.11n link with a fairly complete look at the picture: http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20070924-dark-australian-patent-cloud-looms-over-802-11n-spec.html [arstechnica.com] though it does kind of skirt around the fact that the CSIRO were ripped off in the past by the worldwide adoption clause and they are attempting to avoid the same again )
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Well, if we had a really good filter...
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Re:Editorial Sensationalism: not necessarily (Score:2, Insightful)
What this presumably means is that a properly used filter could be used to clean up combustion related gases, etc., returning the unburned hydrocarbons to a burner perhaps, and allowing the the remaining C02 and water molecules to be further processed later on.The next step in the line is the one
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obligatory charlie brown (Score:2, Insightful)
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That's just too far off topic for me to agree with you this time.
Though I will also say
In soviet Russia, Charlie Brown down moderates YOU
Artificial Kidney? (Score:2, Interesting)
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Your kidneys, for example, do much more than just filter blood. They keep the pH livable, help control blood volume and consistency, secrete a few hormones, and help maintain blood pressure.
This material could be reworked to possibly improve the function of dialysis machines, however, if its not just right or flexible enough to become just right, even that will be far fetched..
Nothing in your body has just one purpose.
Obligatory 'Graduate' Quote (Score:2, Funny)
So it can cut CO2 and purify water.. (Score:1, Offtopic)
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'Nah', say industry groups. (Score:2)
"We've got enough money." They elaborate.
Honestly though - if this works out, these inherently filtering plastics would become the new... well, plastics sub-industry. Assuming the filters don't break down too rapidly, and wouldn't be inherently too limited in terms of materials/temperatures they can sort with, the variety of functions they could perform would mimic what we see in life all around us.
In addition the potential use in farming and the sciences would produce a direct
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Ryan Fenton
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The hope is that the may be the or one of the few steps necessary to making water desalination reasonable on a massive level. For example, the Western States of the US are in constant bickering over limited water rights. This and similar technologies may bring water desalination costs down to a point where such worries about fresh water are unnecessary.
I know a lot of people love to point to conservation, but cities like Los Angeles are already conserving a lot of water. Urban areas in California only
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There _are_ other issues with desalination, other than cost. Like, what do you do with the salty brine by-product? Tip it back into the ocean? That could cause environmental problems.
Still, on a small scale, a cheap and efficient desalination product would be brilliant! I'd certainly buy a handheld version, when I go camping near the ocean.
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Similarly, high-concentration brine is an excellent source of salt. Other sources of salt are currently economically com
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Re:'Nah', say industry groups. (Score:4, Informative)
Well, you _are_ changing the total amount of water in the sea, otherwise what is the use of desalination? But that is a nit-pick, because you are correct, if you consider the _entire_ sea, the net effect will be close to zero.
But I'm not talking about net effect. Concentrated brine will kill life on the seabed, and it will kill it for many kilometres around the pipes, depending on the topography, of course. It sounds like you don't understand how concentrated brine acts in seawater. If you think it'll naturally disperse quickly, you've got a big surprise waiting. If unagitated, brine will sink to the bottom of the sea, and will hang around for a long, long time. You'll actually have a lake of brine form, and it is visibly different to the normal seawater above it. All this can quite quickly disrupt or kill off the ecosystem in a much larger area than the brine itself takes up.
The net salt content of the whole sea will be close to the same as before, but now you've destroyed any life in the area. Now you know the dangers of thinking in terms of "net effect".
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Thus only aprox 3% of all water is fresh-and-not-frozen.
So, yeah, if you where to make -MASSIVE- freshwaterstores, there'd be a sligth difference. Desalination ain't that cheap though. Besides, currently the oposite thing is happening: freshwaterice is melting, ijn nprinciple making the oceans somewhat less salty. doub't its really noticeable though.
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There's a lot of water in the sea. You fail to grasp the magnitudes.
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Besides, if you want to combat sea-rise that way, it'd be easier to collect and store the water running off from melting glaciers, such as on greenland. That water is -ALREADY- fresh, so you've got only the problem of storing it, not the problem of des
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Economists also have a problem with that. If you amortize at 5% a year, then anything that is more than a decade or two into the future is irrelevant, or very nearly so. Because at that rate, for example, owning a piece of land for the next 100 years is 99.
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Certainly - but when you can better filter the Canadian oil shale...
Ryan Fenton
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Essentially a plastic version of a plant membrane (Score:5, Informative)
So in essence, this plastic is a plant membrane in plastic form, which is not a radically advanced concept, but a really clever one and if it works as advertised, kudos to the research teams.
Re:Essentially a plastic version of a plant membra (Score:2)
Net reduction -vs- Net produced (Score:1, Interesting)
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What I want to know is ... (Score:5, Insightful)
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Copying Nature (Score:5, Insightful)
Well, those who innovate turn once again to Parental Nature for inspiration; not entirely surprising seeing Parental Nature either has:
I just hope enough of Parental Nature is around the place for long enough before we lose the wealth of knowledge and technology which we can copy.
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Comment removed (Score:4, Funny)
They mean it's not a liquid, gas, or plasma (Score:4, Insightful)
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Wrong link (Score:2)
Lead scientists? (Score:3, Funny)
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purify things other than water (Score:5, Interesting)
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I assumed all slashdot
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You have no clue what
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In other words - it's not very interesting when you just say to someone "you are wrong." It's much more interesting when you give *reasons* for disagreeing.
Try to be a little more interesting, ok?
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Higher sugar content == less processing to convert starches into sugars. Also sugar cane has much higher carbohydrate yield per unit area than corn does.
This is stuff we already know, and is proven in numerous publications written on the subject. In addition it is easily confirmed independently.
Where do farms get the energy to boil their fermented corn to distill the ethanol? Solar, wind, hydro, nuclear. That would be ideal, but the most cynical of us think burning coa
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Difference needed in distillation steps between sugarcane and corn == zero.
Very little processing is required to convert starches into sugars - one merely malts, or uses enzymatic processes directly.
In addition it is handwa
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Sugarcane ethanol is distillated 3 times. But I don't know how many times corn ethanol is distillated. Anyway, the distillation of a solution with a bigger concentration of ethanol uses less energy than one with bigger concentration of water.
Moiling sugarcane is easier tough. But that isn't probalty t
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A membrane separation method would be a big boon here.
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I want to have not understod (Score:1)
If that is right then we are facing the possibility of solid-rock-ice-earth.
Then What? (Score:4, Interesting)
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It looks a lot like a nanopatterned plastic zeolite [wikipedia.org] actually.
separate CO2 from air? (Score:1, Interesting)
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The many small sources would be a lot harder, of course.
Oh Great, Something New to Make Prices Go Up (Score:1)
I'm sure some bright spot will be able to explain it away. How now they have a new technology that can do it faster, cheaper and better than ever before-- and yet somehow, in the end, it will translate to more cost to the consumer.
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3 words: Patent License Fees
Desalination is huge (Score:2)
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Yes. This is missed on most readers in the U.S., but getting fresh water when you mostly have salt water around is no picnic. Depending on how much the pore shape improves flow, this could make reverse osmosis desalination [wikipedia.org] much more energy efficient. Such high pressures are required (about 60-80 atmospheres, according to Wiki) that a strong and more efficient membrane could make a big difference.
In the end, that's a big way this membrane could reduce CO2 emissions -- by saving energy and preventing us
That's nice and all, but... (Score:4, Informative)
How about we bring back the glass bottles? We're already losing the glass beer bottles to plastic ones. I say we reverse the tide, and go back to glass Coke bottles. And wouldn't it be nice if those milk jugs were actually re-used?
I'm not trying to say that we shouldn't find better plastics. All I'm saying is that I think, in addition to researching new plastics, we take time to look at the alternatives to plastics. Sometimes the old-fashioned methods work just as well, if not better, than new methods. You havn't seen a more efficient wheel invented in the last few thousand years, have you?
Wait... what?? (Score:3, Informative)
I hold in my hands a plastic bottle and a glass bottle, both used to have beer in them.
I take my butane lighter, spark it, and hold the flame to the bottom of the plastic. Within seconds, it's melting and burning. I do that to the glass bottle, and I'll burn thru that whole lighter's fuel supply (which is energy) before I even turn the glass red.
I'll say it probably takes more energy to melt glass rather than plastic.
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Perhaps what he really meant was that a glass bottle can be recycled to become a glass bottle again, while a plastic bottle cannot without great expense and thus is not.
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Plastics in water supply (Score:2)
Could be used to make an artificial nose (Score:2)
Perhaps, if these plastics were non-toxic, you could even have a plug in test that gave an immediate bacteriological or viral assay of a blood sample. So, instea
I see one problem....pollution (Score:1)
Anyone have links about the recycling of plastics, would be a welcomed response, as I have a small interest in knowing about this.