Own Your Own 128-Bit Integer 477
Byte Swapper writes "After all the fuss over the AACS trying to censor a certain 128-bit number that now has something over two million hits on Google, the folks at Freedom to Tinker would like to point out that you too can own your own integer. They've set up a script that will generate a random number, encrypt a copyrighted haiku with it, and then deed the number back to you. You won't get a copyright on the number or the haiku, but your number has become an illegal circumvention device under the DMCA, such that anyone subject to US law caught distributing it can be punished under the DMCA's anti-trafficking section, for which the DMCA's Safe Harbor provisions do not apply. So F9090211749D5BE341D8C5565663C088 is truly mine now, and you can pry it out of my cold, dead fingers!"
5D 09 7F B4 60 B8 FB BD D0 2B 6A A3 F2 F6 AB CA (Score:5, Funny)
Remember kids, no one else out there can ever use 5D 09 7F B4 60 B8 FB BD D0 2B 6A A3 F2 F6 AB CA to play the lotto, to decrypt anything
I'll be googling 5D 09 7F B4 60 B8 FB BD D0 2B 6A A3 F2 F6 AB CA everyday until I win that lotto jackpot
Eat it! (Score:5, Funny)
Ha! You'll never catch me coppahs!
Re:Eat it! (Score:5, Funny)
Don't you just love it!
Re:Eat it! (Score:5, Funny)
We represent WrongSizeGlass Freedom-To-Tinker Content System Licensing Administrator, WCS LA. WFCS is an integrated set of technological protection measures that controls access to and prevents unauthorized copying of copyrighted Haikus.
It is our understanding that you are providing to the public the above-identified tools and services, and are thereby providing and offering to the public a technology, product, service, device, component, or part thereof that is primarily designed, produced, or marketed for the purpose of circumventing the technological protection measures afforded by WFCS (hereafter, the "circumvention offering"). Doing so constitutes a violation of the anti-circumvention provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (the "DMCA"), 17 U.S.C. 1201(a)(2) and 1201(b)(1). Providing or offering the circumvention offering identified above, and any other such offering that is primarily designed or produced to circumvent protection measures, or which has only limited commercial significant purpose other than to circumvent, or which are offered to the public with knowledge that it is for use in circumventing, violates the rights of WCS and any others harmed as well. See 1201(a)(2), 1201(b)(1), and 1203.
In view of the foregoing apparent anti-circumvention violations, we demand that you immediately:
1) remove or cause to be removed the above-specified WFCS circumvention offering and any other circumvention offering which is designed, produced or provided to circumvent WFCS or to assist others in doing so, and/or any links directly thereto, and
2) refrain from posting or causing to be provided any WFCS circumvention offering or from assisting others in doing so, including by direct links thereto, on any website now or at any time in the future.
Failure to do so will subject you to legal liability.
Please confirm to the undersigned in writing no later than noon a week from the above-indicated date that you have complied with these demands. You may reach the undersigned by telephone at [private] or by email at [private]@proskauer.com. WCS LA reserves all further rights and remedies with respect to this matter.
Very truly yours,
Counsel for WFCS LA
Re:Eat it! (Score:5, Funny)
Please send royalty payments to:
128 Infinite Alley.
Fort Meade, MD 20755
Re:Eat it! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:5D 09 7F B4 60 B8 FB BD D0 2B 6A A3 F2 F6 AB CA (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:5D 09 7F B4 60 B8 FB BD D0 2B 6A A3 F2 F6 AB CA (Score:5, Interesting)
Pasting the text of this page [loc.gov] into a word processor, I learn that it is 177,926 characters long, with spaces. That's a 1,423,408-bit key.
Better get started.
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Re:5D 09 7F B4 60 B8 FB BD D0 2B 6A A3 F2 F6 AB CA (Score:5, Funny)
Oddly enough, I believe it can then be argued that ROT-26 is also an encryption device:
1. Rot-13 is an encryption device, assuming your comment is correct.
2. ROT-13 is a simple substitution cypher. Decryption is defined as subtracting 13 characters, wrapping at A, where ROT13 encryption is defined as adding 13 characters, wrapping at Z.
3. By extension, any substitution cypher is a DMCA-approved cypher.
4. ROT-1..infinity follow the same algorithm as ROT-13. They simply aren't symmetrical in the way that ROT-13 happens to be (re-encryption leads to plaintext). The symmetry of ROT-13 is purely coincidental due to the fact that 13 is 1/2 of 26. It is not necessarily an intended function of the cypher. This phenomenon will also exhibit periodically in ROT-26, ROT-39, ROT-52, and all later ROT-type algorithms with a key which is a multiple of 13.
5. ROT-26 is included in the set of ROT-1 through ROT-infinity. Coincidentally, it also exhibits the quirk of symmetry, where re-encryption reveals the plaintext.
Q.E.D. - ROT-26 is an approved DMCA cypher, and can be used to protect copyrighted materials.
This post is copyrighted material which has been encrypted using ROT-26. By reading it, you have circumvented my copy protection device. Please cease and desist immediately.
Re:5D 09 7F B4 60 B8 FB BD D0 2B 6A A3 F2 F6 AB CA (Score:5, Insightful)
Your logic is flawed.
The fact that a member of a class has a certain property (ROT-13 being a DMCA approved encryption device) does not mean that all the members of that class have the same property. I am a member of the animals' group, I can use a computer therefore all animals can use a computer..... I don't think so.
Nobody said that ROT-14 would be considered an encryption device by the DMCA.
Your best chance to prove ROT-26 is a DMCA approved encryption method would be to read the legalese and find the definition of "encrpytion" in the text and hope it is not a very good definition. Something like "a function INTENDED to prevent observation by an untrusted party" would be enough, especially if they do not mention keys. In that case, it doesn't have to work successfully to be an "encryption device".
If that is the case, I propose the identity function as the new DRM standard.
C0 88 56 63 C5 56 41 D8 5B E3 74 9D 02 11 F9 09 to everyone, and remember, Intel CPUs are little endian!
Isn't Rot13 enough? (Score:5, Interesting)
For safety's sake, the following should be done on an encrypted partition, and you should still shred the files afterwards.
Go take your favorite movie (DVD is easy, but high def if you can), rip it -- doesn't matter much how, raw bits would be especially insulting, but re-encode if you like. Take your shiny new DVD rip, add a note saying "Enjoy! And if anyone from the MPAA is reading, HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR DMCA NOW, YOU CUNTS? IT'S ILLEGAL TO READ THIS, I'LL SEE YOU IN COURT!!"
Zip/rar it all up, so it's one file, to make it simple, and run that one file through rot0x80. Save the shiny new crypted file on your hard drive somewhere, maybe give it a
Now, if everyone takes equal care when playing the movie -- and I imagine we could add rot0x80 support to mplayer/vlc, if you only did it on the media file itself -- then while I am not a laywer, I don't see how they could legally get any kind of conviction against you. Simply don't put the "key" in the players, and require the person to input it every time they play -- then, you can claim you didn't know (since the file was legal to redistribute, just not legal to open), and if they accuse you of piracy, you can immediately turn it around and accuse them of DMCA violations.
Not really an original idea, mind you. I can't point to the person who first used it to encrypt The Number, thus making it illegal for the MPAA to stop its spread. But the point here is, legally, I don't see a way out of this unless they subpeona (which is why all the disk encryption), and you can get around that easily enough -- simply use a temporary partition/filesystem, and throw away the key when you're done with that particular disc. In fact, leave the machine on and generate a random number, so you can truthfully say that you never did know the key, meaning they have absolutely no evidence you did something wrong, except the glaringly obvious bit that they're not allowed to use.
Re:5D 09 7F B4 60 B8 FB BD D0 2B 6A A3 F2 F6 AB CA (Score:4, Funny)
Re:5D 09 7F B4 60 B8 FB BD D0 2B 6A A3 F2 F6 AB CA (Score:4, Funny)
I have a different problem. I was trying to seek copyright protection for MY two numbers. I had my lawyer do the standard due diligence routine for numbers- you know, the sum, product, quotient, difference, all that stuff. I don't want a third party coming in and laying claim to my numbers.
So anyway I'm talking to him today, and he starts off with, "well, the good news is, the product, modulo, difference, and quotient all worked out...", and I'm like, whaaa... wait a minute, the good news? What do you mean? And so he says, "well, when you add these two numbers, you end up with this other number that happens to be someone else's property." And I'm like, no way, that sucks! Who? "And," he adds, "if you OR them you get the same thing, and if you XOR them you get the same thing! So that could count as three infringing acts right there."
"But AND was OK?"
"AND is zero, so you're OK with AND."
"What about greatest common denominator?"
"I spoke to them; they were quite reasonable and willing to work something out."
"So it's just the sum/OR/XOR people then?"
"Yeah, basically just them."
Now you can't let yourself get pushed around by corporations like this. They want to control as many numbers as they can, the hell with the rest of us. If you aren't pushy about protecting your number these days you won't know when your number's up. They can bust a man for using his own two damn numbers if they can be converted into one of their numbers in any way. And once a corporation gets a hold of a number, it effectively seizes control of the number multiplied by two, by four, by eight, by sixteen... an infinite amount of numbers are disappearing into the hands of private corporations. We'll all be facing retirement and a number line with no free numbers left until you get to primes with thousands of digits. It isn't right. So I thought about it and called him back, and said, let's stand up to these bastards.
Anyway, to make a long story short, after a long round of mediation and arbitration I got to keep 09-09-01-02-0d-04-03-0b-08-01-06-05-03-06-08-00, but they got to keep 00-f0-10-00-90-70-e0-50-d0-40-50-c0-60-50-80-c0. Figures I got stuck with the one further away from zero.
Re:5D 09 7F B4 60 B8 FB BD D0 2B 6A A3 F2 F6 AB CA (Score:4, Insightful)
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HAH! I'd like to see you search and find that text! Mwahahahahaha!
Wait... does parent get a reply for this post? Oh shit.
There, fixed it for me!
Re:5D 09 7F B4 60 B8 FB BD D0 2B 6A A3 F2 F6 AB CA (Score:5, Funny)
Oh, and don't try C3 either, that's taken too.
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Yes, but his copyright was registered a long time ago so it has expired. Let alone the fact that it was in a galaxy far, far away so earth law do not apply. However he could sue under the trade federation law.
Re:5D 09 7F B4 60 B8 FB BD D0 2B 6A A3 F2 F6 AB CA (Score:4, Insightful)
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On the other hand I think you'd be able to successfully sue any other winners who shared the jackpot with you for their share since they used the winning lottery numbers without your permission.
In fact I suspect, under DMCA, you could (legitimately) sue lottery players for winnings even if you didn't play, but merely if you had a previous claim on the numbers.
I think I'll take 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 (Score:5, Funny)
Re:I think I'll take 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 (Score:5, Funny)
I hereby give you permission to try and hack me on that IP address!
503 is mine now, dogs! (Score:5, Funny)
And if my luck holds out, I'll own "404" next.
no longer naked and petrified (Score:5, Funny)
Now she's mine! Those of you who invoke hot grits will be hearing from my lawyer.
Re:no longer naked and petrified (Score:5, Funny)
But context IS IMPORTANT!!! (Score:5, Insightful)
It's not the number - it's the context of the number. Yes, I can use this number for my WEP key. I can print it on my T-shirt, print it on toilet paper and wipe my ass with it. I can do whatever you want with this number so long as I don't identify it as the decryption key for YOUR encrypted data.
Here's another example: A tennis racket. By itself, a tennis racket is made for whacking tennis balls. However, I could whack YOU with the racket, and suddenly its role changes from "sporting equipment" to "deadly weapon". But it's the same piece of equipment, and yes, a tennis racket is a plenty good enough weapon to kill somebody with.
It's not the racket itself that's deadly, it's the context for how its used or presented. There's a world of difference between "I'm going to whack the ball" and "I'm going to whack your balls"...
By publishing this number along with phrases like "decryption key for NNN", you've crossed the line from just some random number to establishing the context of the number as somehow important.
So please, please PLEASE get the point - having and/or publishing a number, any number, isn't illegal. Publishing that this number (instead of the billions/trillions of others like it) is the decryption key for $FOO is what's illegal.
Re:But context IS IMPORTANT!!! (Score:5, Insightful)
Even so, I'll grant you that such logic might sell in court. That doesn't matter to me, I feel that one's free speech rights should only be limited by what actually harms others... not merely could be used to harm others. Anything can be abused.
Re:But context IS IMPORTANT!!! (Score:4, Insightful)
>However, I could whack YOU with the racket, and suddenly its role changes from "sporting equipment" to "deadly weapon".
You don't charge mystery writers for murder just because they show in detail how to do so.
You don't charge news reporters with breaking-and-entering because they communicate to the public how breaking-and-entering was performed.
You don't censor history books because they outline how to commit acts of genocide.
Re:But context IS IMPORTANT!!! (Score:5, Insightful)
I'm not arguing that it SHOULD be illegal, only that it is. Don't confuse "legal" with "right". Lots of things are legal that are unethical, and lots of things are ethical but illegal. But let's spend our time discussing reality instead of some contrived misunderstanding, OK?
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Absolutely wrong. Context is not important at all here. According to what you say, I can post the DeCSS code, so long as I don't say what it is? (DeCSS and the AACS key are both treated the same under the DMCA's n
Re: (Score:3, Interesting)
Google seriously overestimates the number of results it returns.
For example, on page 1:
Results 1 - 10 of about 417,000 for 5D 09 7F B4 60 B8 FB BD D0 2B 6A A3 F2 F6 AB CA
But clicking to the end:
This isn't as obvious in other queries when the engine won't let you go past 1000 results, but in queries such as this, it's very telling.Results 471 - 473 of 473 for 5D 09 7F B4 60 B8 FB BD D0 2B 6A A3 F2 F6 AB CA
3F 42 2D 7C AA 69 FA EA 86 DC ED 48 95 F6 8E F0 (Score:2, Funny)
Re: 3F 42 2D 7C AA 69 FA EA 86 DC ED 48 95 F6 8E F (Score:3, Funny)
Mine's 09F911029D74E35BD84156C5635688C0. I wonder
Re: (Score:2)
Please sue me for copyright infringment slashdot!
ok then (Score:5, Funny)
We WILL see about that Krabs !!! (Score:3, Funny)
sooooooooo, it has come to this !!!!!
Re: (Score:2)
One in 13256278887989457651018865901401704640? Who's infringing who?
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Quoting MiB flick... (Score:2)
So I wonder... (Score:2, Interesting)
Why stop there (Score:5, Interesting)
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Then it won't be called encryption. Duh
Re: (Score:3, Interesting)
DMCA says circumvention of protection schemes, not encryption schemes.
Re:Why stop there (Score:4, Insightful)
If you had encrypted your haiku with any 128bit number then it would most probably be deemed that someone with a 128bit IP address was using your number by co-incidence. If however your 128-bit haiku encryption number appeared on a "how to decrypt encrypted haikus" website, then you would have a case however.
The answer (Score:5, Funny)
Then I will own the answer to life, the universe, and everything.
I am not a number! (Score:3, Insightful)
I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered.
My life is my own.
Re: (Score:2, Funny)
Re: (Score:2)
I will not be indexed or numbered.
Life is my own.
*This number is mine though and you can't use it.
Re:I am not a number! (Score:5, Funny)
Re: (Score:2)
ridiculous... (Score:2)
Kudos to Heavy Metal Jacket (Score:5, Funny)
This is my 128-bit integer. There are many like it but this one is mine. My 128-bit integer is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my 128-bit integer is useless. Without my 128-bit integer I am useless.
Above content protected under DMCA, DRM and AACS (as a trade secret) by Johnny F.
Oh, drat, I spilled the bean.
MINE (Score:5, Funny)
I have noticed that some pirates have converted this note to a tone, they are calling it C sharp (277hz). My number is to be represented as a digit only, this is obviously an encryption circumvention technique and will not be tolerated. Please fork over 5 trillion dollars and your first born child.
Re: (Score:2)
Trust me on this, make them keep their first born, nuthin' but trubbel, I tell ya
I call dibs... (Score:2)
Here's my key: 09 S9 11 02 9Q 74 R3 5O Q8 41 56 P5 63 56 88 P0
13256278887989457651018865901401704640 no no no (Score:2)
13256278887989457651018865901401704640 is mine - don't touch it - I warn ya ! Nor do you touch 718624318471594843*2^64 + 15582831591453788352 which is also mine. Mine MINE MINE.
In fact any arithmetic expression or part thereof that evaluates to 13256278887989457651018865901401704640 is mine too !!! - oh wait ...
I claim the number 3 (Score:2, Funny)
Dfwxdoob L fdq'w uhdoob eh erwkhuhg wr vhqg dqb wdnhgrzq qrwlfhv. Dqg lw'v xqolnhob wkdw wklv vkruw ri d zrun fdq eh frsbuljkwhg, exw li brx fdq uhdg wklv, wkhq brx'yh frpplwhg wkh dfw ri flufxpyhqwlrq dqbzdb. (F) Gdqlho I. Vplwk, 2007
My key... (Score:5, Funny)
"Service Temporarily Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later."
I'm worried that someone will try to claim prior art though...
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Tagged... (Score:2)
Oh, and this seems to be slashdotted.
96 51 0F ED DF EC 61 18 D5 19 7E E9 74 48 72 D8 (Score:4, Funny)
It's mine! Stay away!
Microsoft is Good!
NetBSD is slow!
OpenSource licensing is for idealistic hippies!
Hmm... Let's see now:
It seems like the infamous "Step 2" is "Trick slashdotters into including a DMCA DRM Circumvention Scheme in the Subject of their replies.
Re: 96 51 0F ED DF EC 61 18 D5 19 7E E9 74 48 72 D (Score:2)
It is really phase 2.
I did find out what it is though.
Find someone dumb enough to buy it.
Like Japanesse buisnessman buying schoolgirl's underwear.
Re: 96 51 0F ED DF EC 61 18 D5 19 7E E9 74 48 72 D (Score:5, Funny)
damn lamness filter
screwing up my silly
visual slashdot jokes!
Why are the editors
such humorless clods?
Wait, was that a
Haiku? I should encrypt
It, so that I can enjoy
ownership of a 128-bit
Which integer? (Score:4, Insightful)
de ad be ef fa ce fa de (Score:2, Redundant)
There are many like it, but this one is MINE.
My 128-bit key is my best friend. It is my life.
I must master it as I must master my life.
My 128-bit key without me is useless. Without my 128-bit key, I am useless.
I must use my 128-bit key true.
I must encrypt better than my enemy who is trying to pwn my network.
I must root him before he roots me. I will...
My 128-bit key and myself know that what counts in war is not the physical layer,
the data link layer, nor the network layer.
We know it
Well, it is a dead end (Score:5, Insightful)
At the same time, you cannot protect numbers. They do not belong to anybody.
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DeCSS as a number (Score:3, Interesting)
I deftly own all of you (Score:2)
Go Ahead, Make My Day (Score:3, Funny)
Your proposal is acceptable.
But what if we run out? (Score:2)
If everybody starts taking their own 128-bit number, so that no one else can use it, what are we going to do when we run out of 128-bit numbers?
I just got... (Score:2, Funny)
Let's see.. (Score:2, Funny)
i own the answer to everything (Score:5, Funny)
thats right suckers! I own the answer to life, the universe, and everything. Please, don't all send your checks to me at once.
Re: (Score:2)
I own the question.
Clearly the answer must be a derivitive of the question. Pay up.
Re:i own the answer to everything (Score:5, Funny)
Why not all of them? (Score:2)
Great ! (Score:2)
Civil War Anyone? (Score:2)
Well hey let's just not stop at Civil War... let's go all out World War 3! Viva la resistance, er something.
If you can work a scientific calculator and your VCR (DVD/DVR, car, watch, cat, etc) isn't flashing 12:00, come with me!
Turn it into an image (Score:4, Interesting)
Life Mirrors Art (Score:3, Interesting)
I never thought there would *actually* be a campaign to use up all the GUIDs [f8d.org].
My 128 bit number, to AACS programmers with love (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Typical of liberals... (Score:5, Funny)
Isn't it great?!?!?!?!?!
Re:Typical of liberals... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Typical of liberals... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Typical of liberals... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Typical of liberals... (Score:4, Funny)
oh wait...
Re:Typical of liberals... (Score:4, Interesting)
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Re:Typical of liberals... (Score:4, Informative)
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He said 'Criminal' and not 'thief'. Therfore he is correct.
The governmen A.K.A the people have granted the right of copyright as per the constitution.
What it is not in an inaliable right.
Re: (Score:3, Insightful)
No, it means breaking a criminal law.
That's a rather unusual definition of rights. A more typical definition of a right would be "a just claim or title, whether legal, prescriptive, or moral." (the first noun definition [reference.com].)
You are
Re: (Score:3, Insightful)
What is a criminal? (Score:5, Insightful)
DRM is not about copyright infringement, it is about criminalizing not letting some one control how you use what you actually buy and pay for.
I am sick of hearing that not paying some media giant every time you hear some song, or watch some movie is piracy. I do not think it is, and I do not think there is naything wrong with sharing it for free.
What I think copyright piracy is, it to make counterfeit CD's DVD's etc and selling them for money.
I see nothing at all wrong with sharing software, movies, songs, books, etc as long as you are not representing them to be original or charging for them.
Is this the way the laws are today? , nope, cause we have corrupt politicos doing the bidding of the big media companies that finance their campaigns.
So if my conscience tells me some law is wrong, unfair, or unjust, oh well.
Bad laws need to be broken often enough to make them change.
Looks at the 09 f9 thing, people have just had enough silliness with this.
Re:Typical of liberals... (Score:5, Interesting)
First off, we're talking about DVD's and movies, not music.
Secondly then if you want to live in a world where a corporation has the power to determine IF you are allowed to watch a movie you purchased, how many times, and on what equipment - then so be it. Most of us resent the very thought, much less this feeble and poorly thought out attempt at implementation.
Thirdly, copyright infringement has only recently been made a "crime", in the US. In many other countries it's a civil matter. You know, I have never driven under the speed limit - mostly I have driven 15 to 20% over. Should I go to jail for that, too?
I go to movies. I pay to go to the movies. Why do I have to sit through a 5 minute sermon on how evil piracy is when I paid to get there? Then again, when I buy a DVD, why the hell should I be FORCED to watch trailers and nowadays even ads? So I rip it, and get my right of choice back.
While this code can be used to rip things and publish them on the internet, it's useful to me mostly to be able to see the movies I bought in the format I want. Call me a criminal if you will. I will call you a mindless consumer. Take what you're given and shut up. Leave those of us who want to DO something about the situation alone - when the REAL information revolution happens you'll have us to thank.
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Re:Interference (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Interference (Score:5, Funny)
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DMCA prevents circumventing copy-protection techniques. It covers the private keys, which are usually just really long random integers.