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Education Science

Museum IDs New Species of Dinosaur 79

Uryugen writes "A new dinosaur species was a plant-eater with yard-long horns over its eyebrows, suggesting an evolutionary middle step between older dinosaurs with even larger horns and the small-horned creatures that followed, experts said. The dinosaur's horns, thick as a human arm, are like those of triceratops — which came 10 million years later. However, this animal belonged to a subfamily that usually had bony nubbins a few inches long above their eyes"
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Museum IDs New Species of Dinosaur

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  • I For One (Score:3, Funny)

    by ReidMaynard ( 161608 ) on Monday March 05, 2007 @09:45AM (#18237098) Homepage
    Welcome our new Horny Dinosaur Overlords
  • by eldavojohn ( 898314 ) * <eldavojohn@gma[ ]com ['il.' in gap]> on Monday March 05, 2007 @09:48AM (#18237140) Journal

    yard-long horns over its eyebrows
    <evolutionist's response>
    Humans got the evolutionary shaft.
    Human: "Oooh, look at me! I've got an enlarged Broca's region in my frontal lobe! DE-FENSE!"
    Zuniceratops: "Oh yeah? Well how about this--BAM, the ole' horn in the eye!"
    Good thing we're separated by millions of years...
    </evolutionist's response>
    <creationist's response>
    For thousands of years, lawyers have been laying the foundation for the greatest devil inspired hoax to grace God's earth ... watch the press in all it's evil glory perpetrate it even further!
    </creationist's response>
    • by Quiet_Desperation ( 858215 ) on Monday March 05, 2007 @10:31AM (#18237606)
      Human: "Oooh, look at me! I've got an enlarged Broca's region in my frontal lobe! DE-FENSE!"
      Zuniceratops: "Oh yeah? Well how about this--BAM, the ole' horn in the eye!"

      Human: Oh, we have those, too. They're smaller, but they travel faster from these bow things we invented, and we can hit you from 100 feet away.
      (Arrow "thwip" sound)
      Zuniceratops: Ow! My eye!
      (Arrow "thwip" sound)
      Zuniceratops: Ow! My other eye!
      Human: Ha ha ha! We're going to eat you!
      Zuniceratops: Noooooo!
      Human: And use your balls as an aphrodesiac.
      Zuniceratops: OK, now that was unnecessary.
      Human: And *these* are spears!
      Zuniceratops: Argh!
    • OK then, if evolution has all of the answers, how do you explain that movie with Raquel Welsh in which human beings can clearly been seen interacting with dinosaurs?
  • New bones found! Slightly different than other bones!
  • We have a joke in the earth science biz: the number entities discovered multiplies with the number of reserachers looking to obtain PhDs or tenure.
    • by WED Fan ( 911325 )

      ...reserachers looking to obtain PhDs

      Did you give your resesarch assisatant the day off again?

    • Yeah, just like with computer and modeling languages. Computer science hasn't actually changed in the last 20 years, it is just the nomenclature that keep changing.
  • by Ron Harwood ( 136613 ) <(ac.xunil) (ta) (rdoowrah)> on Monday March 05, 2007 @10:12AM (#18237396) Homepage Journal
    Sorry, anytime I see nubbin I'm going to think of Chandler from Friends.
  • Scientists have been able to produce an image of the ancient beast. [httphttp]
  • Also (Score:2, Funny)

    by liak12345 ( 967676 )
    The first dinosaur categorized as "Herbivore and incidental carnivore" whenever it happened to accidentally spear something tasty hiding behind the plant it was eating.
  • Cool, a new source of oil!

    And you guys said it wasn't renewable. See, that's why I like science. They are always finding new species. More oil. More oil. I'm going to go buy a Hummer.

    Dino-Poop Power for the People.

    Wait...Oh, I see the flaw. Nevermind.

  • won't anybody welcome our new extinct dinosaur overlords?
  • Those were the good ol' days: huge animals with giant horns. We don't get that as much these days, outside of elephant tusks. I am surprised whales don't have horns. When killer wales attack their kids, a common problem for them, if they had spikes of some sort, parents could ward off the killer wales with a good poke or two. The best they can do is flail their tail at them, which is not very effective. I am surprised evolution didn't give them a spike. Time for a Creator to step in :-)
    • Let me introduce you to the Narwhal [wikipedia.org].
    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by kahei ( 466208 )
      I am surprised whales don't have horns.

      You too, huh? I feel the same. It's one of the most surprising things I know. It's just baffling. I'm not even sure I believe it -- it just seems so far-fetched.

      Yet amazingly -- it's true! They don't have horns! Unless you glue one or more horns on! Which is very dangerous to you *and* the whale, trust me on that.

  • 'Lo and behold' (Score:3, Insightful)

    by roman_mir ( 125474 ) on Monday March 05, 2007 @11:05AM (#18238016) Homepage Journal
    "Unquestionably, it's an important find," said Peter Dodson, a University of Pennsylvania paleontologist. "It was sort of the grandfather or great-uncle of the really diverse horned dinosaurs that came after it."

    Ryan named the new dinosaur Albertaceratops nesmoi, after the region and Cecil Nesmo, a rancher near Manyberries, Alberta, who has helped fossil hunters.

    The creature was about 20 feet long and lived 78 million years ago.

    The oldest known horned dinosaur in North America is called Zuniceratops. It lived 12 million years before Ryan's find, and also had large horns.

    That makes the newly found creature an intermediate between older forms with large horns and later small-horned relatives, said State of Utah paleontologist Jim Kirkland, who with Douglas Wolfe identified Zuniceratops in New Mexico in 1998. He predicted then that something like Ryan's find would turn up.

    "Lo and behold, evolutionary theory actually works," he said.
    - Lo and behold? We knew that evolution works for a long long time now, but does anyone know whether these remains can be used for DNA sequencing so an evolution map could be setup for such creatures?
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      Please note the difference between evolution and evolutionary theory. Evolution is a process that we know happens - we can observe it in labs. Its a fact. Evolutionary Theory is our current best understanding of the what's, why's, and how's of process by which evolution (the fact) occurs. People can (and often do) dispute evolutionary theory all day long without disputing the fact that evolution itself happens - and that's fine, that's science in progress. Its the people who debate on whether or not ev
  • Given that dinosaurs (broadly speaking) died out rather a long time ago - it's very unlikely that there are any new species.

    Perhaps there's a newly identified species?

    I'll get my coat.
  • by Hanners1979 ( 959741 ) on Monday March 05, 2007 @11:14AM (#18238124) Homepage
    ...it translated in my head as "Museum Intelligently Designs New Species of Dinosaur".

    I've obviously been getting involved in too many evolution-related debates.
  • A dinosaur with yard-long growths over its eyes--isn't that Andy Rooney?
  • Moo (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Chacham ( 981 )
    Parlimentary inquiry.

    How do we know this is indicative of an entire species, and not just a single freak of nature?
  • IANAP(aleontologist), but this always bugs me about fossil findings. Did they find a whole skeleton, or only the skull fragment pictured? If it's only the fragment pictured, couldn't this just be a triceratops? The "nose" part of the skull appears to be missing.
  • Finally! (Score:2, Funny)

    by mollace ( 751119 )
    Can we call this one a Brontosaurus and settle the whole problem?
  • New species heh? So I take it that the tales of the dinosaur extinction were much over hyped?
  • I must be tired. It took me several reads of the headline -- "Museum IDs New Species of Dinosaur" -- before I realized that the museum had apparently discovered a new species of dinosaur, and not that their identification cards had evolved into an otherwise extinct life-form...

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