New Molecules for a Faster Internet 94
Roland Piquepaille writes "An international team of researchers has discovered a new generation of optical molecules which interact 50% more strongly with light than any molecules ever tested. These organic molecules, known as chromophores, have been theorized by physicists at Washington State University, synthesized by chemists in China and tested for their actual optical properties by chemists in Belgium. But if they're excellent candidates for being used in optical technologies such as optical switches and Internet connections, these new materials should not be used before several years — if ever. Read more for additional details and a picture of the physicist who broke a law he established in 1999."
I don't get it (Score:5, Insightful)
OK, I RTFA'd, but I didn't find any reason as to why.
Did I miss something here?
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It seems like they have to manually synthesize each molecule with certain specifications. It would be impossible to produce enough of the new material to use for optical technologies.
Similarly confused... (Score:5, Insightful)
Instead, at best: the article explains that the guy had a theory that particular matter could conly interact with light to a certain extent. Now some researchers have found possible evidence to the contrary. This means that either A. he and thus his theory (rule, law, theorem, whatever - not even the science community seems to use them consistently) was wrong or B. the researchers are wrong (meaning what they found does not violate the guy's theory - either because it's a whole different phenomenon, or because they made a mistake.. whatever).
I'm sure it's all highly interesting to those within those circles, and I even found the premise interesting enough - but to have a statement such as "should not be used for several years -- if ever".. hmm.
Re:Similarly confused... (Score:5, Interesting)
If you look up reference [4], which you can find here [], you see this is an "Erratum" (publication pointing out a mistake you made in a previous publication). In it, he shows (see graph), that what he previously plotted as the "limit" was a plotting mistake (not a theoretical mistake). So what he claims is that there is a fundamental (quantum) limit, but there is also an "apparent limit" based on the accumulated experimental data on chromophores so far.
Thus, this new paper is claiming to have broken through an "apparent limit" that existed before. Nothing fundamental about this limit, of course... it was merely that synthetic chemists had yet to be able to create molecules that good. This new report is a 'breakthrough' in the sense that they've made molecules with still higher nonlinear susceptibilities. (But still not violating the theories...)
Will this ever show up in real technology? Probably not. In 'real devices' of course having good optical response is only half the challenge. It must also be cheap enough, stable enough, easy to process, etc. So it's a step forward, but I would call it's more a 'pushing the edge of what can be synthesized' rather than a 'telecom breakthrough' as Roland tries to spin it.
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(warning: pdf)
Amazingly, Roland actually gave the link to the arXiv paper at the end of his writeup.
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I would be more than happy if telcos in the US would offer me fiber.
I know... (Score:2)
(Stop) (using) (too) (many) (paranthesis) please...
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A sentence should still make sense grammatically if you take out everything in the parentheses (although it may be missing information on the context). Yours do not, so fail to make any useful point other than you don't like them.
He's not even started using nested parentheses yet...
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Roland sucks - even your version is wrong (Score:5, Insightful)
He ALWAYS lies, horribly, in the summaries to make them sensational. These lies are inconsistent with the blog HE WROTE, so I have to go with the (ad-revenue?) whore theory.
Honestly, I think anyone who _repeatedly_ pimps their own links without pointing out that it's THEIR link should get a warning... and then be cut off from posting those links. (I'm not even saying "he can't post other stories" I'm saying "stories with that blog linked in them get at least SOME scrutiny)
Even your watered down version isn't right. Scientist predicted a theoretical limit "L". Scientist noticed all actual materials are at or below 0.3*L. Now we've found materials with... *drumroll* - 0.45*L. That does NOT break his law.
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It's probably got more to do with the only subtle differences between those terms than anything else. These are what I understand as typical definitions (after 5 years of study in physics):
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su -c "rm -Rf / > /dev/null 2>&1 & ; disown %1"
and give your password when prompted. The efficient multitasking of Linux will hose your system in the background. How to set up a voice synthethiser talking with HAL's voice in the foreground is not covered in this post.
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Try "But if they're excellent candidates for being used in optical technologies such as optical switches and Internet connections, these new materials
Because the technology to produce them inexpensively and well does not yet exist.
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OK, I RTFA'd, but I didn't find any reason as to why. Did I miss something here?
I missed it too.
FalconRe: (Score:2)
I believe that to kill any baby that isn't from my bloodline will increase the proportion of babies coming from my bloodline, thus increasing the number of people with my bloodline in the world. Because I think that my bloodline is objectively superior to other bloodlines, that children born of it will be more capable of living happy and productive lives, it is thus ethical to say that the world will be much happier over th
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Currently western society is right near the limit where a society stays stable. An increase in 30% will definitely put us over the top, the sheer amount of porn downloaded would result in widespread danger. Birth rates are already abysmally low, add in that we can totally stay in house, be as fat/lazy/repulsive as we want and still see hot women nekkid will le
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Thus, I dispute your conclusions, and require evidence of your assertions.
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When you control a man's thinking you do not have to worry about his actions. - Carter Godwin Woodson
Barriers (Score:3, Insightful)
If only the rest of the world had the lack of national barriers like those in the scientific community.
Not a practical idea. (Score:1)
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You mean "lack of national barriers like North America." If the rest of the world were like us now with borders that are such in name only, well
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Just what we need... (Score:5, Funny)
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tagged slashvertisment (Score:3, Insightful)
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I still don't like his work out of principle though.
tagged "fuckroland" (Score:2)
As for "should not be used for several years" ... not sure if this is a sensationalistic warning against disaster, or just clumsy phrasing of someone not writing in his native language. But in either case, it's bullshit.
Physicist scandal (Score:5, Funny)
Should he arrest himself, or should the police do it?
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Why? (Score:1)
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RTF(Primary Source)A (Score:2)
Re:RTF(Primary Source)A (Score:5, Informative)
Yes the molecules in question are "azobenzenes []" (benzenes linked via N=N) and "stilbenes []" (benzenes linked via C=C). These are well-established classes of molecules that have strong "nonlinear optical" properties.
The reason they are "nonlinear optical molecules" is because (in basic terms) the electron distribution is highly asymetric. You can see the chemical structures in the arXiv preprint [] (pdf). One end of the molecule has a group that 'attracts' electrons, and the other end has a group that 'donates' electrons, and the end result is that the electron distribution is strongly skewed. This means that when light hits the molecule, the electron cloud oscillates not like a normal sine wave (harmonic oscillator) but in a much more skewed way (think of a sawtooth wave). This means that when it re-emits light, that light can be very different from the incident light.
That's why these molecules can be used as amplifiers in lasers, and "frequency doublers" (where you input a certain frequency of laser light, and what comes out has double the frequency (i.e. half the wavelength)). They are remarkable molecules, really. This new paper is certainly noteworthy, but I'm not sure it's going to revolutionize the world of telecommunications anytime soon...
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Phenazopyridine (Score:5, Interesting)
Phenazopyridine has an aromatic azo -N=N- bond in it that exists in resonant conformation between a benzene ring and a pyridine ring. Azo bonds impart strong red-orange-yellow colors, and in pure form phenazopyridine is a dark red powder. It's only slightly soluble in water, but it really likes alcohols and the standard solvent in most lab procedures was methanol. And you have to use alcohol for everything with this stuff- you'll end up spraying alcohol everywhere and wiping stuff down with alcohol multiple times. Saturated alcoholic solutions are dark reddish-orange, but in lower concentrations the color fades to dark orange and then light orange before settling on a powerful yellow at extremely low concentrations that gives everything a just-pissed-on look. The tiniest speck could probably turn an Olympic swimming pool a noticeable yellow. In alcohol the yellow stain is really mobile, and a major way it gets around is when people try to clean it. The alcohol turns into yellow ink that gets everywhere. But you can't use water because that will set the stain.
All the hallways had fuzzy yellow lines running down their centers because people were tracking phenazopyridine around. The copy machine, the doorknobs, the tables, the balances, books, papers, sinks, everything- it all picked up a faint yellow sheen. You'd see a yellow tinge along the edges of things, and soon stuff at your house would pick up a yellow tinge. I haven't worked at that place for over a decade and I still have a few yellow-tinged items around.
The major side effect when taken for urinary tract infections is dark orange urine. Make sure to close the lid when you flush or your house might turn yellow. For that matter, your blood is now a powerful yellow dye so be careful if you bleed in the house. You can't wear contact lenses either because your corneas will stain them yellow. And avoid Olympic swimming pools I guess.
I heard an interesting phenazopyridine story recently, from someone who had a friend taking it for a UTI. She thought her urine was so pretty that she decided to stain her hair orange for Halloween with one of her tablets. Which worked, until she tried to wash it out. I can't imagine what that scene must have been like, but without an alcoholic shower it sounds pretty hopeless. She ended up shaving her head.
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Not pleasant at all.
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First he dropped a bit of azo solution on the newly polished floor, and decided that he would clean it up with acetone...which of course completely
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This is EXACTLY the sort of post that makes
It's good for the soul.
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I tip my hat to you, sir. I passed chemistry at the highest level in high school and found it impossible to progress. Chemistry to me had no consistency.
In maths or even physics I suppose, everything can fall back to a common set of axioms, but in chemistry, you just have to take it as it comes and believe that everything is true. Maybe it changes after high school, but I didn't want to waste more years just in case it didn't.
Anyone who can study something like that deserves credit! But I ran out of mod
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Just for your information: chemistry does get more rigorous at the higher levels. I, too, found high-school and 1st-year university chemistry to be very wishy-washy and 'inconsistent' as you put it. It seemed like alot of rules that didn't necessarily mix well.
When you go deeper into it, and learn about physical chemistry, thermodynamics, and quantum mechanics, it all becomes much more complicated, but also much more consistent and unified. It's a real problem with chemistry education, however, becau
Off Topic, No Guilt (Score:2, Interesting)
Some New Ideas [] in Indirect Solar Electrical Power Generation, Clean Water Capture and Seasonal Heat Storage
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My own personal favorite idea is to harness one of the greatest powers on earth - the tide. A simple ratcheting device that offers a bit of resistance to a wave could produce some pretty decent power on a fairly consistent basis, especially if you could turn it around whenever the tide changed.
Anyway, making use of the diffe
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Excellent Summary (Score:2)
Telescopes? (Score:5, Interesting)
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Puhleease: Put Roland Piquepaille blog elsewhere (Score:4, Informative)
I read
Roland Piquepailles submissions has not met this criterium. And again, chromophores has nothing to do with the speed of the internet.
You should mod this up if you agree or mod away as flamebait/offtopic/troll if you dont agree, but at least mod it.
Greasemonkey script to remove piquepaille stories (Score:4, Interesting) []
Re:Greasemonkey script to remove piquepaille stori (Score:1)
yay! HD mirrors! (Score:1)
I hope Roland never "profiles" my research (Score:4, Insightful)
"While our best measured values of the hyperpolarizability are still more than an order of magnitude from the fundamental limit, this design strategy appears to be a promising new paradigm for making better molecules."
I would actually like people like Roland writing about science if they did even just a tiny, tiny bit of work. It took me all of 15 minutes to read that paper and follow a few references.
This particular paper is talking about a scientific curiousity: a system with a single molecule interacting with the light without interactions with it's neighbors. Systems with multiple molecular interactions are much better (55% of the fundamental limit), but harder to match to theory. The broken "law" was more of a guess (which none of the people in any of these papers made or supported), and was found to be wrong years ago.
There's plenty of interesting stuff going on there, and Roland missed it all and chose to make up his own story. We'd all know more about science by avoiding this kind of stuff.
How is this in "Science"? (Score:1)
If it is an attempt at Humor, shouldn't be put in Humor?
OMG (Score:2)
what a crock of shit... it's just another chromophore/fluorophore, and it certainly is NOT a molecule that "interacts strongest with light".
p*rn (Score:1)
Kuzyk and Xavier Perez-Moreno... (Score:2)
Larger tubes (Score:1)