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China to Build World's First "Artificial Sun" 429

cletuii writes to tell us the People's Daily Online is reporting that China is planning on building the world's first "artificial sun" device. From the article: "The project, dubbed EAST (experimental advanced superconducting Tokamak), is being undertaken by the Hefei-based Institute of Plasma Physics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It will require a total investment of nearly 300 million yuan (37 million U.S. dollars), only one fifteenth to one twentieth the cost of similar devices being developed in the other parts of the world."
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China to Build World's First "Artificial Sun"

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  • Sun Tzu (Score:3, Funny)

    by dotslashdot ( 694478 ) on Sunday January 22, 2006 @03:29AM (#14531175)
    I see the light in Sun Tzu's the Art of War!
  • Gasp (Score:5, Funny)

    by Beren87 ( 754982 ) on Sunday January 22, 2006 @03:31AM (#14531185)
    But Japan is land of the rising sun!
    • Re:Gasp (Score:5, Funny)

      by biocute ( 936687 ) on Sunday January 22, 2006 @03:36AM (#14531214)
      Relax! Japan is still the land of the rising sun, except this sun is made in China.
    • Re:Gasp (Score:3, Interesting)

      by liangzai ( 837960 )
      The land of the rising sun AS SEEN FROM CHINA. You can see this in the Chinese/Japanese characters for Japan (Riben or Nihon): they are a sun plus a root in succession. The Chinese characters were imported by Japan.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      Taiwanese companies will supply most of the core technologies that Beijing needs to build this artificial sun []. In the past, Taiwanese companies have collaborated with Beijing in exporting weapons technology to Iran.
  • by xiphoris ( 839465 ) on Sunday January 22, 2006 @03:32AM (#14531191) Homepage
    "What could possibly go wrong?"
    • Comment removed (Score:4, Insightful)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Sunday January 22, 2006 @04:40AM (#14531421)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by carterhawk001 ( 681941 ) on Sunday January 22, 2006 @03:32AM (#14531192) Journal
    Dr. Otto Octavius recently filed suit against the government of China, damn USPTO lets you patent anything these days....
  • Tokawha? (Score:4, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 22, 2006 @03:32AM (#14531195)
    Wikipedia has some info about Tokamak [] reactors, and fusion power [] in general. I still don't get it ;)
    • Re:Tokawha? (Score:3, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Howstufworks also has a good overview [].
    • That article is but one link away from "Hairy ball theorem" []. I can't decide whether someone trolled Wikipedia again, or someone trolled physics.
      • Actually it's a real diff. geom. theorem (2nd-year math undergraduate stuff) which is indeed applicable to tokamaks, since ionized particles stay (up to diffusion) "stuck" in magnetic field lines.

        The Wikipedia article is indeed accurate, although very terse.

        -- and yes, I AM a plasma physicist (or at least, was one for 4 years)
    • Re:Tokawha? (Score:3, Funny)

      by Heembo ( 916647 )
      Think subatomic particles slamming together fast enough to rip open the surrounding fabric of the universe and KA-BOOM!
    • Re:Tokawha? (Score:5, Informative)

      by roman_mir ( 125474 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @01:07AM (#14536531) Homepage Journal
      TOKAMAK is in Russian: "" (toroidal chamber in magnetic coils).

      Fission is what powers nuclear power plants and atomic bombs. It works by splitting the atom (lot's of energy is released on splitting the atom's nucleus.)

      Fusion is what powers the Sun by combining atoms into bigger attoms (even more energy is released.)

      To combine two atoms together, it is necessary to overcome nuclear forces that are very strong. In the Sun, it happens because the gravity that pulls the Sun together heats up the atoms so much. The atoms become very fast and slum into each-other at huge speeds (above 10,000,000K to do this) and overcome the nuclear forces and join into bigger atoms. This releases more energy than fission (splitting atoms.)

      If we can find out a way to use Fusion to actually generate power, we will have virtually endless supplies of power (just use hydrogen from water to combine it into Helium for example.)

      TOKAMAK is a machine that generates large thoroidal electromagnetic fields ( a donut type of a field), and inside the donut's tunnel, it is possible to hold superfluid material - plasma in a suspended state.

      The plasma is created by speeding up the atoms within the thorus. Fast atoms then will hit into each other at higher speeds, and once the speeds are high enough to merge them, you get a thermonuclear reaction. Until recently it was impractical to use TOKAMAKs for energy generation, because the amount of energy spent on heating up the atoms was greater than the energy retrieved from the reaction.

      1-2 years ago I heard the news that there was a break even somewhere in the world, but I can't confirm it.

      (Some history: Work of Lev Davidovich Landau (a Soviet physicist,) on superfluidity of Helium and plasmas [] allowed further work on TOKAMAKs which were invented in the 1950 by another Soviet - Andrei Saharov) []
  • yay (Score:3, Funny)

    by jibjibjib ( 889679 ) on Sunday January 22, 2006 @03:33AM (#14531198) Journal
    I, for one, welcome our new chinese plasma physics overlords
  • KaBOOM ! (Score:5, Funny)

    by Redshift ( 7411 ) on Sunday January 22, 2006 @03:33AM (#14531201)
    The article says that the reactor "aims to generate infinite, clean nuclear-fusion-based energy".

    Infinite energy?

    Uh .. anyone else a tinsy little bit worried about that word "infinite"?!
    • Re:KaBOOM ! (Score:5, Funny)

      by CDMA_Demo ( 841347 ) on Sunday January 22, 2006 @04:09AM (#14531327) Homepage

      The article says that the reactor "aims to generate infinite, clean nuclear-fusion-based energy". Infinite energy?

      Anything that outlives you can be considered infinite. For example, my honda CRX is infinite.

    • I read the article, and it appears that they extract deuterium from sea water. What is the enviromental impact on the sea? Does it actually "use up" water? Could we, in the long term, run out of water?
      • Re:KaBOOM ! (Score:3, Informative)

        by Anonymous Coward
        Extracting Deuterium from Sea Water is no threat to the sea itself, it exists for a tiny fraction of the total volume of sea water, one so small if all of it were removed, we probably wouldn't notice the sea level change anything outside the margin of error. Deuterium is not essential to the existence of water, so removing it in no way affects the quality or general properties of water.
    • Re:KaBOOM ! (Score:5, Informative)

      by Councilor Hart ( 673770 ) on Sunday January 22, 2006 @05:31AM (#14531555)
      Uh .. anyone else a tinsy little bit worried about that word "infinite"?!

      Nope, because the reporter probably doesn't know what he's talking about.
      When we have a working fusion reactor (expected somewhere in the second part of this century), the reactor itself of course won't provide infinite energy. But there is enough fuel on earth (and by extension on the moon) to last us a few million years. Longer than humans have been around. So in that sense, the first working fusion reactor will provide infinite energy, because we finally figured out how to build one. Once the first one is build, building dozens more is merely left as an exercise for the engineers. :)

      Theoretically, when there is ignition, all the energy generated is pure profit. You don't have to add energy anymore, only fuel. So the energy output/energy input = infinite. But that is not the same as infinite energy. You still needs to add fuel. The amount of fuel injected in a reactor determines how much you get out of it. That is certainly high, but definitely less than infinite. And in practice, there will always be some losses. So the ouput/input ratio may be high, but not infinite.
      There is also no need to worry about something like TMI or Chernobyl. In a classical nuclear reactor, all the fuel needed for years sits inside the reactor waiting to be used. In a fusion reactor, the fuel pellets are injected from the outside on a need to have basis.

      • loss of containment (Score:3, Interesting)

        by dougTheRug ( 649069 )
        Another thing to note about a fusion reaction is that pressure is required to keep it up. In the unfortunate event that the torus breaks open, the plasma will stop reacting.

        Can a knowledgeable person comment about escaping neutrons, gamma rays and stuff in such an event? Could that lead to a nasty cloud of radioactive strontium or something similar to what we think of with "fission gone bad"?
        • by kesuki ( 321456 ) on Sunday January 22, 2006 @06:55AM (#14531792) Journal
          fusion generates a lot of high energy radiation, but almost no radioactive particles. fission on the other hand leaves around all these radioactive isotopes, which will be radioactive for the next billion years. if a fusion reactor lost containment and went kaboom the facility might be destroyed and if so residents of the nearby city would have recieved about 5 years worth of x-rays and, some other hard radiation that few except astronauts have even been close to. but due to the short intense burst, the side effects would likely be nil. contrary to anything you may have heard about bruce bannon, the incredible hulk.
          • by Councilor Hart ( 673770 ) on Sunday January 22, 2006 @09:07AM (#14532123)
            if a fusion reactor lost containment and went kaboom
            What do you mean by losing containment?
            If the chamber bursts, the plasma comes into contact with the outside world. Everything in reach of the plasma is going to have a lousy day, but there isn't an explosion. Also, such an environment isn't exactly beneficiary to fusion reactions.
            If the magnetic fields disappear, the plasma comes into contact with the wall. Again not very positive, for the wall and potentially for everything outside. Again, something which doesn't exactly promotes fusion reactions.
            The only way, as I see it, for such a reactor to explode is to maintain confinement and keep adding fuel and fuel until it explodes.
            An explosion is a lose of containment, but lose of containment doesn't imply an explosion.
            In my other post, I did forgot to mention x-rays. But I have no idea about the amount of x-rays produced in a tokamak or in case of failure or the effect of it on humans, so I won't comment on that.
            As to the radioactive particles from fission. It's the short lived ones that are dangerous, not the ones that are stable for a few billion years. Heck, we are living in a world filled with particles that have a 4+ billion years half live. Everything else has mostly decayed and disappeared since Earth's formation.
        • by Councilor Hart ( 673770 ) on Sunday January 22, 2006 @07:52AM (#14531935)
          I can give it a try.

          Worst cases I can think off. Mind you, I haven't studied fusion reactor disasters, yet. So I could be wide off. However, it is my impression that not many people are worried about this. And that what I write down here is the prevailing knowledge. I have a masters degree in physics and worked on a tokamak for my masters thesis. For my PhD, I will be working on plasma's within a few weeks. So, that you know, I am not a crackpot scientist. English is not my native language, have patience.

          You fill the reactor with as much fuel as you can, and you keep the machine going (i.e. you keep the magnetic field lines on, so that the plasma is confined and fusion reactions are going on.). Once enough fuel is inserted and energy is build up, you get an hydrogen bomb. An hydrogen bomb requires a classical fission bomb to get temperatures high enough so that fusion starts. But this can not happen accidently. In other to use a fusion reactor as a bomb, you intentionally have to add fuel to get it that far that it will explode. Any fusion reactor will have safety mechanisms. Now such things can fail. But since the fuel is sitting outside, safety systems can be designed that no fuel is inserted unless the operator (assisted by a computer) authorises fuel injection.
          Contrast this to a fission reactor (the ones in operation now). All the fuel is present inside the reactor. The only thing operators can do is manipulate the burning rate. When something fails here all the fuel just keeps burning.
          If something goes wrong in a fusion reactor, the reactor simply has to burn out. This happens rather quickly. there is no need to keep fuel inside that is needed more than for a minute or so. (Don't know how much or how long, just below the critical value for a explosion.) Fission reactors have fuel rods inside that lasted for years. Fusion reactors can be designed that fail safe means that no fuel is injected. You have to override such systems just to inject fuel, just to keep it going. In fission, fail save means that carbon rods are inserted between the fuel rods and you hope/pray that the fission reactions stop.

          Okay, so what happens when everything goes wrong. No extra fuel is injected and the operators are no longer in control of the machine. It can not explode because there is not enough fuel inside. So forget Chernobyl and TMI. This means that everything outside the building is safe.

          So, it can not explode. That leaves radiation. These are neutrons, gamma's (high energy light waves), high energy particles (alpha's mostly). There are other particle inside a reactor than alpha particles. Alpha particles (20% of the energy of a fusion reaction, 80% goes into the neutrons) are needed to keep temperaturs high. But this needs to be supplemented by external energy sources (another fail save, stop injecting energy.) Now these other particles, such as helium (this is the waste from fusion reactors. Even the waste has high economical value ! ) and carbon (eroded from the wall) have to be continually extracted from the reactor because the are bad for maintaining the required temperatures and energy levels. Alpha particles are stopped by a piece a paper. Don't worry about them. The neutrons are needed to generate tritium (tritium is radioactive, I think it has a 20 minute halve life inside the human body). But tritium will only be needed in the first few generations. Because using tritium is the easiest way to get towards a working fusion reactor. So the neutrons activate the reactor and the reactor will be stored for 50-100 years as high radioactive waste. Strontium, as you mentioned, although present in carbon and a waste product of coal plants is not present in fusion reactors. So these neutrons hit the wall, generate tritium and heat the wall/water in pipes and exit the chamber. (the water inside the chamber wall is the first water pipe system and generates steam in a secondary pipe system. From here you have a classical power plant of any kind.) Blocking those neutrons coming from the reactor chamb

          • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 22, 2006 @08:47AM (#14532066)
            Councilor Hart, it is posts like yours that have kept me reading slashdot, and enduring (and eventually coming to cherish, to a degree) it's many and various quirks.

            I don't really have any way of knowing that you are who you say you are, or verifying that you know what you say you know, but assuming that you are and you can (respectively), I'd like to tell you that you rock! That was the best explanation of a complex subject to a mostly layman audience I've read in a long time.

            [Posted AC so I don't get a reputation for being complimentary to people]
            • Really? Did you think so? Thanks, that means a lot to me.
              Rest assured I am who I claim I am. In posts as this I am very careful in what I write and I doubt every line. First to make sure I didn't make stupid mistakes, because I don't feel like being made an idiot by someone who knows better, and second because I know myself that there is much knowledge about this and that I still have much to learn about it. It's also easy to make a mistake in a rather quickly written comment.
              At the moment I making a site
              • by HiThere ( 15173 ) *
                To me it sounded like:
                1) An optimistic version of an extreme worst case. My worst case would have had the fuel feed under computer control, and the problem being, say, a virus controlling the computer...and, naturally, falsifying the readouts.
                2) A pessimistic version of an extreme worst case. When the pressure valve lets go (or the containment chamber cracks) all reactions stop immediately. Loss of pressure reduces both heat and pressure below the critical amount.

                OTOH, I'm only a dilitante at physics...a
        • by mako1138 ( 837520 ) on Sunday January 22, 2006 @06:54PM (#14534851)
          Mm, I'm late to this discussion, but...

          Point one: tokamaks run their plasmas at about 1 millionth of atmospheric density; the rule of thumb is 10^20 particles/meter^3. This means the plasma is in a vacuum vessel.

          Point two: for DT fusion, you've always got neutrons coming from the reactions. And they're fast neutrons, which means they'll react with the Nickel in stainless steel to form Cobalt-60, which is a gamma emitter. But that's stuck in the wall, and you'd want to use a different material for your walls anyway.

          Point three: if magnetic containment fails and the plasma hits the wall, the plasma just dumps its thermal energy into the wall, and fusion can no longer be sustained. This happens in experiments all the time, though they try to avoid it. At worst, this could rupture the wall.

          Point four: I haven't studied this in detail, but if the wall ruptures, then there will be air sucked _into_ the reactor to equalize pressure. In a real plant design, you'd probably have separate air circulation for this region of the plant, but for disaster analysis you'd assume a small amount of what's inside the reactor gets outside into the world. The only radioactive stuff would be tritium, which is relatively harmless, but still a problem.

          So if a fusion reactor fails, nothing catastrophic happens. You need extreme extreme density to have an H-bomb. This is what they do with in Inertial Confinement Fusion, compact DT ice with lasers. I don't have my notes right now, but that resultant density is a whole fricking lot more than 10^20 per meter^3.
      • by Decker-Mage ( 782424 ) <> on Sunday January 22, 2006 @06:50AM (#14531776)
        The reactor vessel is not forever. One problem that you will have, just as we have with civilian and military reactors, is neutron embrittlement of the metals that make up the containment vessel and other equipment. What is happening is that the neutron flux from the reaction is not contained by the superconducting field (makes sense since neutrons have no charge) and those fast neutrons literally knock metals and other materials out of alignment as they go through materials. Eventually, depending on the strength of the neutron flux which will be much higher than in a fission reactor, you'll have to shut down and bury the materials as not only will they be structurally weakened but radioactive as well.

        There are no free lunches especially when it comes to nuclear engineering/physics. The promising thing here is that you have the potential to have a much higher power density and cheaper fuel since deuterium, in the form of heavy water recovered from the ocean, is not exactly hard to come by. Desalinization followed by reduction of the water to hydrogen and oxygen and then just gather ye heavy hydrogen in the form of deuterium and tritium. Heck, if they don't use the tritium in the reactor, even though it is a fine lower temperature ignition source, they could always sell it on the open market. It's quite valuable on its own.

  • Hydrogen fusion has fascinated scientists for ages. But till now a break through has not been found. Yes they have made hydrogen bombs. But to control the fusion process to generate clean energy has not been found yet.

    China's experimental device could reveal some breakthroughs and might eventually help tide the energy deficit faced the world over.
  • by MutantHamster ( 816782 ) on Sunday January 22, 2006 @03:35AM (#14531210) Homepage
    I don't know how much longer the real sun's going to last. I mean these days it seems like half the time it's not even up there.
  • So when my dad was a kid (1960s), they said fusion power was 30 years away. Now, they say it's 45 years off. ment []

    Are we looking at a pipe dream here?
    • by Anonymous Coward
      The cure for polio was a pipe dream. Splitting the atom was a pipe dream. Pipe down.
    • by Guppy06 ( 410832 ) on Sunday January 22, 2006 @04:02AM (#14531303)
      When your dad was a kid the Soviets were still offering free delivery of their fusion devices to US cities. Nowadays fusion isn't as big a deal at the DoD, which means fewer resources and slipping goals.
    • The Law of the Hydrogen Fusion (LHF) is therefore this: "No matter what time/date/place it is -- Hydrogen Fusion is only 30-45 years away."

      In pre-historic times: a chimp useses a stick as a tool -- all the other chimps: "Holy Crap, Hydrogen Fusion is only 30 years away! Eep Eep Eep..."

      Exponential fast-forward to 1950s: first H-Bomb is detonated -- everyone else: "Cool, we can bomb the hell out of each other, oh and we almost forgot: Hydrogen Fusion is only 30 years away! Eep Eep Eep Hooray!"

      2006: After

    • They're using the Microsoft countdown timer.

      You have 30 years to go...

      You have 31 years to go...

      You have 45 years to go...

      You ...oh you get the idea!
  • See also (Score:5, Informative)

    by interiot ( 50685 ) on Sunday January 22, 2006 @03:37AM (#14531215) Homepage
    See also the Joint European Torus [], the largest nuclear fusion reactor yet built, and ITER [], the international attempt to build a much bigger one.
  • Title is misleading (Score:5, Informative)

    by ookabooka ( 731013 ) on Sunday January 22, 2006 @03:41AM (#14531236)
    They are building an experimental fusion reactor, a Tokomak []. While I suppose you could call it an artifical sun, I think a better choice of words would be tokomak or fusion reactor.

    On another note, this is not a one of a kind device. Europe has one called JET, and is planning on making another, ITER.
  • 2010... (Score:2, Insightful)

    So the Chinese government will have enough self-replicating black monoliths to compress Jupiter into becoming a new sun in the solar system? Cool! I bet the Russians and Americans will be jealous as hell at this technological feat. Are they on schedule for completion in 2010?
  • uh (Score:5, Funny)

    by lamp540 ( 644770 ) on Sunday January 22, 2006 @03:42AM (#14531242) Homepage
    we have these already, they're called LIGHTBULBS.
  • When it will be available in walmart. I think everything "Made In Chine" is there, maybe not at 1/15 or 1/20
  • Skip Fusion (Score:3, Funny)

    by Nom du Keyboard ( 633989 ) on Sunday January 22, 2006 @03:51AM (#14531270)
    Let the Chinese have their fusion. I say we just skip directly to a ZPM. That will show them.

    This probably also explains the Chinese Moon program. They plan to go up there and steal all the Helium-3 before we can get it for ourselves.

  • propaganda when you see it? The government outlet makes a big deal of what is essentially a small research setup. How's that comparable to ITER? Yeah, "superior Chinese technology can make this 10 times cheaper than primitive Western technology". Utter crap. I can't believe this made it to slashdot.
  • only one fifteenth to one twentieth the cost of similar devices being developed in the other parts of the world.

    Yeah right. If you have to follow Chines safety standards and can pay your workers Chinese wages, of course the thing will be a lot cheaper ...

  • I hope this doesn't somehow indirectly lead to the near-death of Mr. Burns...
  • Siderman II (Score:2, Informative)

    by qualico ( 731143 )
    Surprised no one mentioned it yet.

    The scene with the artificial sun has to be pretty close to what the process looks like.
  • Some confusion? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by massivefoot ( 922746 ) on Sunday January 22, 2006 @04:53AM (#14531467)
    the wonders of chinese slave labor. I guess you can do that when you have a billion people and a ton of them in jail/reeducation camps.

    There seems to be a degree of confusion here. Building a fusion reactor is not like making trainers in a sweatshop. A huge proportion of the work done will simply be in the design. That requires engineers and mathematicians and believe me, engineers and mathmos of this level who aren't getting an acceptable wage in China can find a job damn easily in England.

    Break even will never occur with a Tokamak.

    Need to use pressure,radiation and heat.

    A tokamat is essentially a huge torus covered in magnets to squeeze a ring of plasma (read "gas minus the electrons") as close as possible. That is where your pressure and heat comes from. And no, you do not need radiation.
    • A tokamat is essentially a huge torus covered in magnets to squeeze a ring of plasma (read "gas minus the electrons") as close as possible. That is where your pressure and heat comes from. And no, you do not need radiation.

      My understanding of fusion in the sun is that it never takes place with the density we hope to achive inside a tokamak. In fact fusion events are relatively rare inside the sun, and the heat flow out of the surface is not that great given the volume within which fusion takes place.

      So ar

  • by idlake ( 850372 ) on Sunday January 22, 2006 @04:54AM (#14531470)
    Let's be clear about one thing: we already have a nearly unlimited supply of nearly waste-free nuclear power in the form of breeder reactors []: they destroy most of the radioactive waste and are at least an order of magnitude more efficient than current nuclear power plants in using nuclear fuel.

    Why aren't they being used? Hard to say. The US claims it's because of nuclear proliferation, but that doesn't seem like a particularly strong argument. In light of the hazards of current fission reactors, and the difficulties of achieving fusion, maybe that's the third option.

    Of course, the best solution would be to stick with the fusion power plant in the sky: it provides more than enough energy for our needs, with current technologies, if we only made a concerted effort to capture it.
    • Unfortunately, despite all the advantages of breeder reactors, the first thing the public and especially the eco-freaks think when you say breeder is nuclear weapons material. I don't make the universe, I just take it and engineer solutions within it. The problem with breeders is political, not engineering. Just as the public and some of the eco-freaks hear fusion and start singing hosannas despite the well known engineering problems that they will have (posted above) that they also happen to share with their fission cousins. All politics.

      BTW, I used to belong to several of eco-freak organizations and tried to pound some sense into them about the risk/cost/benefit ratios of various means of energy production with zero success. Which is why I parted ways with them. I'm ecologically minded, and well trained in the science and the economics of same, they weren't. Those people are not rational, sadly. It's all about what feels good.

    • Breeder technology was seen as the way forward here (in the UK) for some decades, but eventually shelved more for technical and economic than environmental and political reasons. To make use of breeders you have to reprocess the spent fuel, and this is not at all easy to do safely or cheaply, let alone both. Also, if you're going to reprocess, some of the nicest reactor technologies (like the bed of carbon/cermaic pebbles) don't work so well. The better the fuel is contained in the reactor, the harder it i
  • probably be like $39.99
  • I'm seeing predictable phaser rays. Stage two emitters activating now. Overhead capacitors to one-oh-five percent. Eeeeeh... its probably not a problem, probably, but I'm showing a small discrepancy... well... no... its well within acceptable bounds. Sustaining sequence.

    Bzzzzzzt! Boom!

    Oh dear! Gordon, get away from the...

    Shutting down, attempting shut down, it's not, it's not shutting down, it's not...

    B O O M!
  • Horribly inaccurate. (Score:5, Informative)

    by edunbar93 ( 141167 ) on Sunday January 22, 2006 @06:26AM (#14531704)
    The article glosses over a few important details, such as the fact that it's highly unlikely it will be able to produce more energy than it consumes. Thus while it might be able to use seawater to produce 300 times the energy per volume of gasoline, it probably takes about 3,000 times as much energy to extract the deuterium and generate that energy (the bit about getting the core temperature up to 300 million degrees is telling).

    Especially if they're only spending $37 million US. I'd expect research and development costs to be at least 1000 times that. Of course, the article is too light on details to even begin to understand what the hell they're talking about.
  • by dexter riley ( 556126 ) on Sunday January 22, 2006 @11:50AM (#14532725) do you say "still twenty years from now" in Chinese?

"The Mets were great in 'sixty eight, The Cards were fine in 'sixty nine, But the Cubs will be heavenly in nineteen and seventy." -- Ernie Banks
