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Pillows Dangerous for Your Health 444

Roland Piquepaille writes "I guess we shouldn't be surprised by the fact that our pillows are miniature zoos containing millions of fungal spores, with some species able to cause diseases and even death. Researchers at the University of Manchester have studied the fungal contamination of our pillows for the first time in seventy years and discovered that these pillows were hot beds of fungal spores. After dissecting both feather and synthetic pillows in regular use between several months and 20 years, they've "identified several thousand spores of fungus per gram of used pillow -- more than a million spores per pillow."
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Pillows Dangerous for Your Health

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday October 15, 2005 @02:29PM (#13798464)
    As a challenge for my immune system. If I am weak, I shall die... but if I strong, I shall live and reproduce! My genetic information will spread!
    • Were you inspired by this interesting thread? []
    • by KiloByte ( 825081 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @02:40PM (#13798533)
      Even worse, if you remove all the germs, your immune system will stay defenseless. You do need to be in contact with the spores if you want to be able to resist them -- and you will have to resist these sooner or later.
      • by Jesus_666 ( 702802 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @05:59PM (#13799409)
        Which is why it's important that kids play outside, get themselves dirty and come back to a home where it's not SOP to treat every spot with antibacterial spray. The more exposure to germs you get as a child, the stronger your immune system becomes.
        I know people who barely sneezed once during their childhood and who now can catch a cold from the temperature shift when they get out of bed in the morning, while people who spent half of their childhood sick tend to be more robust.
    • Slashdotters are well aware that there's a big step between living and reproducing. Good luck.

  • by yagu ( 721525 ) * <yayagu&gmail,com> on Saturday October 15, 2005 @02:29PM (#13798465) Journal

    Well as one who has struggled with asthma forever I find this interesting news and could offer potential explanations for the ratcheting up of symptoms when going to bed (always, weird). It would have been nice if the article offered up more ideas about approaches to attenuate the exposure and risk of the fungi. For those who scanned, the best and only tidbit I could find in the entire article was this indirect advice: " Fortunately, hospital pillows have plastic covers and so are unlikely to cause problems, ..."

    • It would have been nice if the article offered up more ideas about approaches to attenuate the exposure and risk of the fungi.

      How about washing your bedding every once in a while? Buy white sheets so you can use lots of bleach.

      • by xSauronx ( 608805 ) <> on Saturday October 15, 2005 @02:59PM (#13798649)
        im a drycleaner and im here to tell you that using excessive amounts of bleach is going to cause any fabrics to wear out faster. use whatever amount the directions on the bottle tell you to, and be sure to rinse thoroughly after bleaching anything. hot water boosts the strength of bleaches, though if you prefer, a lukewarm or cool soak can be effective (though not always to the same extent), but will require a longer bath before rinsing to do the job.
    • Fungus AmongUs (Score:5, Insightful)

      by drgonzo59 ( 747139 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @02:56PM (#13798630)
      My wife has bad asthma so we :
      1.make sure to buy new pillows every year or so (the cheap synthetic kind)
      2.wash them often in hot water
      3.wash the pillow cases in bleach and hot water every week
      4.use protective dust mite covers (not sure if these work for fungual spores?). The plastic ones should work too.

      All in all it works pretty well. This article though seems to fall into the "let's play on people's fear of the invisible deadly germs" category. Everyone has been sleeping on old pillows made from animal feathers for centuries and millenia probably and we seem to have survived. So people who are healthy could just continue sleeping the way they did before. There are probably other problems in the world to worry about other than fungus in pillows.
      • by Bastian ( 66383 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @03:06PM (#13798698)
        There are probably other problems in the world to worry about other than fungus in pillows.

        You're right.

      • Re:Fungus AmongUs (Score:5, Informative)

        by MagicDude ( 727944 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @03:29PM (#13798814)
        Something I want to point out is that spores are different from bacteria. A spore is structure of protein encapsulating bacterial DNA. It is formed by certain species of bacteria in conditions of low moisture, nutrients, temperature, etc. They are metabolically inactive and are incredibly tough to destroy. Once a spore finds itself in a suitable environment (like your nose or throat), it will germinate into a single bacterium and attempt to multiply. Getting back to killing spores, bleach is a good sporicide, but your solution should be about 1:5, or at least 1:10 (You want a minimum of 2500 ppm of chlorine in your solution, and normal household bleach is 5% available chlorine). Hot water will not kill spores. Boiling water will not kill spores. Spores require a temperature of about 121 C to be destroyed, and boiling water only reaches 100 C. Hospital supplies have to be autoclaved for 15 minutes to be sterilized. Basically, autoclaving involves superheated steam at high pressures to reach the required temperatures. Also, remember that there are various levels of disinfectants. A cleaning agent doesn't kill spores unless it specifically says its a sporicide, which is different from it being "antibacterial".
        • Re:Fungus AmongUs (Score:3, Informative)

          by Wilson_6500 ( 896824 )
          Uh? I thought this article was about fungal spores, not bacterial spores.
        • by DrYak ( 748999 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @07:57PM (#13799971) Homepage
          They are metabolically inactive and are incredibly tough to destroy.

          On the other hand, I don't think the parent poster wanted to destroy the spores.
          He said his wife was asthmatic and AFAIK (im not allergologist, only MD), Acari [] are much more common allargen causing asthma and therefor I think that's what they targeted in their cleaning method.

          Like he said : people are living with all these bacterial spores for ages without much problems. There's no point at all in sleeping in a surgical-grade sterile bed. Only some people have asthma problems and must pay a little attention.

          Reasons why sterile bed sheets are stupid :
          - There's litteraly millions of bacterial spore around. A few more or less in the bed aren't making change at all.

          - Out of the incredible amount of bacterial species, only a really tiny fraction are pathogens. The biggest fraction don't harm the human body at all. Mostly because they just don't reproduce well in "body environnement" (for exemple : most bacteria have an optimal temperature of 20C or less, whereas pathogenes are usually among the few that work better around 37C)

          - TFA is about fungal spores (Aspergillus in this case). Normally, fungi *are completly harmless*, except in some very *special* occasion, like reduced immunological function (the article mentions leukemia, AIDS and drugs like steroids and drugs used for transplantations) and/or free sterile niche (we human aren't sterile at all. But most of the time we are covered with completly harmless bacteria, that just sit here and take the place, so there's no more free room for pathogens. - Example : when taking antibiotics that are to strong and not enough specific, too much of the normal harmless bacteria may die and thus leaving place for Candida to proliferate). Healthy people shouldn't care.

          - Allergies (and asthma) don't develop just like this by themself. For an allargen to create a new allergy, there must be always some chemical that triggers the immune system, usually an irritating one (in case of Acari, it's the protease that they secrete in their feces. In case of animal fur, it's other enzymes that are present in the saliva and that the animal spreads on his/her fur when cleaning him/herself). But spores are, as you said, an inactiveted form of the bacteria, sleeping and waiting for better time. And thus, they don't secrete much, so they cannot produce irritating chemicals that could trigger an immune reaction. Therefor, they cannot create a new allergy on their one. There's only an allergic reaction if something else has previously created an allergy and if antibodies of this new allergy can also cross-react with the non-irritating stuff.

          - Some evidence tend to show that sterile environnement *may* be bad for allergy. Because allergy is a form of immune system malfunction, and in non sterile environnement you keep one's immune system busy with other things, therefor preventing allergy to happen in those people who have such allergic immune system. ...

          Once again, I'm not an allergologist, so maybe there's some revelent detail that I haven't studied.
      • Since one of the other posters has given what bleach concentrations are needed to kill fungi, I am curious as to what effectivness laundry detergent has on killing fungi? Isn't detergent made to make dirt, bacteria etc "slippery" and washes off the fabric? Would it wash away some of the fungi or does the fungi attach itself to the fabric quite well?
    • by tolkienfan ( 892463 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @03:04PM (#13798682) Journal
      Time to start microwaving pillows, everyone!
    • How to treat this? With pencils [] of course.
    • microwave you pillow (Score:3, Interesting)

      by max born ( 739948 )
      I wonder if putting your pillow in the microwave for a few seconds would help?
    • vacuum your pillows. vacuum your mattress. clean your bedroom weekly. don't eat in/on your bed.

      get rid of things that can harbor dust (drapes, carpeting) or that bring on allergens (ie animals).

      oh, and eat your veggies too, like mom always told you to :)

      yeah, i suffered through asthma for most of my childhood. till we figured out i was allergic to just about every animal with hair there is (and we had dogs) till I was 15.

  • by MetalliQaZ ( 539913 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @02:30PM (#13798468)
    And how many spores do I inhale just by walking outside my front door? How many live in the rugs at my place of work? How many may be found in the seats at the movie theater? Millions. Thats why he have an immune system IIRC.

    • by madprof ( 4723 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @02:32PM (#13798478)
      Exactly. If this was worth panicking over then why are we not all dying en masse due to the widepread use of pillows across the globe?
  • 20 years? (Score:5, Funny)

    by grinwell ( 138078 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @02:31PM (#13798472)
    The real question is who uses a pillow for 20 years. That fungus could be older than your kids.
    • Re:20 years? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by DarkBlackFox ( 643814 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @02:38PM (#13798517)
      Hey, I'm 21 and have been using the same pillow since I was 3 or 4. It's hard to break a pillow, so it makes sense that they can last many years. Just like with a computer- as long as it keeps doing it's job, there's no reason to replace it (Unless you want more power, but I dare you to find me a more powerful pillow than the one I've been using for 18ish years.)
    • The real question is who uses a pillow for 20 years. That fungus could be older than your kids.

      What about pillows in guest rooms or sofa throw pillows. Those could be around for a very long time.
    • by Jamu ( 852752 )

      The real question is who uses a pillow for 20 years. That fungus could be older than your kids.

      Hmmmm, I really need to buy some new pillows...

    • Re:20 years? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by EnderWigginsXenocide ( 852478 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @03:14PM (#13798741) Homepage
      The real question is who uses a pillow for 20 years. That fungus could be older than your kids.

      Frack pillows. Stuffed animals are made of similar construction. How many of us have grandma's first stuffed animal in their child's crib. My mother-in law had this elephant. My wife had it as a child. Now our oldest child is the new keeper of the elephant. People throw pillows because they have little emotional investment in them. The same isn't true for our beloved animal shaped pillows/stuffed animals.
    • Re:20 years? (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Bill Dog ( 726542 )
      I, for example, am prone for some reason to muscle spasms in my neck, and have settled on a combination of two pillows, one extremely old and probably irreplaceable, that I've found prevents them in me. I take these with me when I'm traveling, and throw the hotel's or host's pillows on a chair. I will keep them until they are pried from my cold dead fingers.
  • by dshaw858 ( 828072 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @02:31PM (#13798474) Homepage Journal
    Although I have no doubt that our pillows are "hot beds of fungal spores", I don't think that not using a pillow would make it any better. I mean, short of sterilizing your bed after each "use" (daily), there's really no way we can avoid this problem. Well, short of a self-sterilizing pillow... but that's yet to be invented.

    - dshaw
    • The solution to fungal-spore producing pillow mites was discovered thousands of years ago in ancient Egypt: the stone pillow [].

      NOT to be confused with this chinese knock-off [].
    • Well, short of a self-sterilizing pillow... but that's yet to be invented.

      I can imagine one of these pillows going into self-sterilization mode while someone is sleeping on it. Someone waking up to their pillow autoclaving the side of their face.
    • Well, I'm probably guilty of not cleaning or discarding my pillow often enough, but I think a regular wash would do the trick. How many people clean their bathrooms every day? And they aren't cesspools of disease. I'm willing to admit that I only clean my bathroom when needed (usually a quick clean every 1 week, and a thorough clean every 2 weeks), but it isn't used all that often, and only by 1 person (me). But still, there are no fungus colonies running rampant in there. Weird stenches from rogue bacteria
      • To get rid of dust mites, there was one company that offered to nitrogen-freeze your bed and fabrics. They would seal the bed in plastic, then pump in chilled nitrogen - above absolute zero, but below -30C. Enough to kill off all the dust mites (and maybe the spores as well?).
  • by aliens ( 90441 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @02:32PM (#13798477) Homepage Journal
    They should have studied my Calc 2 text book from college. I caught myself asleep and drooling on that poor book more times than I can remember.
    • They should have studied my Calc 2 text book from college. I caught myself asleep and drooling on that poor book more times than I can remember.

      Did you sell it back?
  • by Fluffy_Kitten ( 911430 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @02:32PM (#13798480) Homepage
    Maybe we should use that bacteria killing pencil to kill all that fungus!!!
  • Goodnight (Score:5, Funny)

    by smvp6459 ( 896580 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @02:32PM (#13798482)
    Goodnight Timmy and don't let the fungal spores cause you respiratory distress.
  • by ForestGrump ( 644805 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @02:32PM (#13798483) Homepage Journal
    adopt a dog from the SPCA. Great companions, and great pillows too!*

    I used to have a german shep/rot mix. loyal as can be and a great companion to the end. He also made a great pillow too!


    *until it farts or wants to get up and leave.
  • by SirChive ( 229195 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @02:36PM (#13798502)
    Aren't there some kind of Japanese pillow filled with Barley husks or somethig like that. Wonder if that would be any more resistent to fungus.
  • Indeed (Score:2, Insightful)

    This is why every couple of weeks or so I bleach the hell out of my pillow and wash it.
  • Just like the news (Score:5, Insightful)

    by pellik ( 193063 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @02:37PM (#13798508)
    A lot of this comes accross as scare tactics, imo. Fungal spores are very, very small things. So you have several thousand per gram, and a million of em on your pillow. How does this compare to other non-pillow personal objects? Is this unusual? It would have been nice if the reporter commented on data from the negative control such as a pillow nobody sleeps on. Furthermore, what percentage of these million fungi are actually pathogenic?
  • I'd have something to say about this, but I think I just contracted a terminal illness from my pillow...
  • Wrap 'em (Score:5, Interesting)

    by PhotoGuy ( 189467 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @02:39PM (#13798526) Homepage
    My son has dust allergies, and the Dr. recommended wrapping his pillow in polyethlyene and taping it. With a good thick pillow case over it, you barely notice it, yet retain the comfort of the pillow.

    I would imagine that would go a long way towards reducing fungus and other pillow-dwellers.
    • I've had pretty bad alergies to dust mites for the past 10 years. I have found a few simple things work the best for controlling my allergies, one of which is a pillow cover. I can notice the difference when I use it, and they easily to clean, hardly noticeable when on a pillow, and not that expensive. I would really suggest ordering a set from any respectable home store. Just keeping the amount of dust down in the bedroom also does wonders. With limited dust the amount of dust mites is reduced. Another key
  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday October 15, 2005 @02:45PM (#13798569)
    Health experts are now warning of population explosions of foreign life forms able to subsist upon only sunlight and air. These dangerous beings, dubbed "plants" by leading scientists, pose a grave new threat to humanity.

    An excerpt from the Journal of Science quotes Dr. Hys Tarea of the University of New Dehli: "With unlimited energy sources, these plants will cover every corner of arable land and consume large quantities of the earth's atmosphere if left unchecked, expelling only oxygen waste. These life forms have been living among us for millions of years and only now is the danger apparent. We must move quickly if we are to save lives."
  • by Futurepower(R) ( 558542 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @02:45PM (#13798573) Homepage
    The article fails to mention that there are bacteria, funguses, and viruses everywhere.

    Probably the article is a public relations effort. Probably the Fungal Research Trust [] is a money-making scheme of one or more large pharmaceutical companies, a way to preserve deniability.

    The web site says it is a "not-for-profit charity". However, there are many ways that those who control the "charity" can use general research for profit. If there's some social cost, however, a "charity" provides a barrier between the work and the pharmaceutical companies.

    Maybe people will spend more money on fungus medicine because of the article.

    The fact that the article has no balance or perspective indicates the real purpose is different than telling the truth, in my opinion.
    • by Futurepower(R) ( 558542 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @03:13PM (#13798736) Homepage
      Here is a list of contributors [] to the Fungal Research Trust: Fujisawa Corporation, Oxford Glycosciences, F2G Ltd, Chronic Granulomatous Disorder Research trust, Aventis, Janssen Research Foundation, Roche, Schering Plough Corporation, The Liposome Company, Merck Inc, Imedex Inc, Bristol Myers Squibb, Aronex Ltd, Vestar Inc, Eli Lilly, BioMerieux, Alza Corporation, Pfizer Inc, Zeneca Pharmaceuticals, Novartis, Phairson Ltd, GlaxoWellcome, The Gossett Trust, The Clear Group, British Medical Association, Basilea, Valeant, Orthobiotech.

      Question: Are the pharmaceutical companies funding the Trust out of the kindness of their hearts, or is the Trust a way of maximizing shareholder value?

      If a pharmaceutical company wants to do some research that is risky to people, the company can avoid liability by having the work done by a "charitable" trust.

      The Trust can even collect money from the public [], and use it to fund research that will eventually end in a profitable product.
  • by ZachPruckowski ( 918562 ) <> on Saturday October 15, 2005 @02:47PM (#13798580)
    Oh, great. now I have a serious case of insomnia. Check your mail for the lawsuit for about a dozen years of psychologist's bills.
  • phew (Score:5, Funny)

    by Joe the Lesser ( 533425 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @02:47PM (#13798582) Homepage Journal
    First I thought this danger was related to pillow fights!
  • by bushboy ( 112290 ) <> on Saturday October 15, 2005 @02:48PM (#13798589) Homepage
    ... of your towel, the nutrients will take out those nasty pillow bugs.
  • There are pillows in my parents house that are 10 years old and still in use. I can't believe my mother refuses to throw them out and still uses them.... Pillows are not washed.... Thus, they would seem like something that should be replaced once every couple years at least....
  • by geekpuppySEA ( 724733 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @02:53PM (#13798617) Journal
    *1950's housewife* Why, I never knew I could throw away everything in my house, every day, and get fresh, new things! And it seems every product works this way. My family will never be happier. Thanks, capitalism!
  • by Tandoori Haggis ( 662404 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @02:55PM (#13798625)
    Protect yourself from breathing household poisons:

    Also at d-chemicals.html

    Air Friendly Household Products:

    Solid fuels seem to be a primary contibutor to fatalities. This pdf lists other health affecting materials: 18%20IAP%20from%20Soid%20Fuels.pdf

    A useful sheet on exposure points out that as we know, different people have different sensitivity to differnt exposure levels and methods of differnt substances: ure.htm

    Oh, I guess thats enough exposure to URL's in this posting.
  • by Y-Crate ( 540566 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @03:01PM (#13798662)
    I was hoping that perhaps the editors had finally broken their unspecified "arraignment" with Roland Piquepaille due to the enormous outcry, but alas, they waited until things cooled-down from his 50 submissions a week, and are now once again accepting anything he submits.

    This time, the only link to his "news" site is the link for his name, but I don't think that will last for long. By his 40th story this time next week we can be assured that a quick"overview" will quietly slip in again, and multiply from there.

    To think, I almost became a regular /. reader again.

    The really interesting thing is that if the editors came clean on a lot of things from the outset, it would allay a lot of concerns, instead they give us a wall of silence except when it comes time to ask for subscriptions.
  • The feather pillow (Score:4, Interesting)

    by kaos.geo ( 587126 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @03:02PM (#13798672)
    I read this in school when i was a child.
    It's Horacio Quiroga's short story The Feather Pillow. []

    So much for fungal spores...try this and you will throw your pillow out the window (or buy synthetics, like the one I have ;))
  • by brxndxn ( 461473 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @03:05PM (#13798692)
    I have an old expensive 100% down pillow that is more than 15 years old. It's never really been washed. It has a nice 'musk' smell to it - like an old tent. I have 3 other pillows - all newer - and they're all 100% down, but they just don't feel near as nice. I like my old pillow.. it's yellowish/tan in color (used to be pure white).

    I read this article and then hugged my old pillow.

    Next thing you know, I'm gonna read an article that says "OMG OMG STOP EVERYTHING.. There's fungi in cheese!"

    • Screw the woosies who can't handle a classic pillow.

      Synthetics are for old women.

      Nobody with half a nad washes a pillow. That's what pillow cases are for.

  • and not to mention pillows are capable distorting the neck when you sleep.
  • by going_the_2Rpi_way ( 818355 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @03:12PM (#13798730) Homepage
    ... just drench your pillow in a cocktail of fungicide and DDT and a few other nerve agents. That should lower your risk substantially.

    Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees.

  • by perrin5 ( 38802 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @03:21PM (#13798777) Homepage
    This appears to have been a decent, if pointless bit of research. They found fungus in pillows. Then some idiot came up with stuff like this:

    "Aspergillus fumigatus, the species most commonly found in the pillows, is most likely to cause disease; and the resulting condition Aspergillosis has become the leading infectious cause of death in leukaemia and bone marrow transplant patients. Fungi also exacerbate asthma in adults."

    The reason aspergillus is the leading cause of death in leukaemia patients is because their immune systems are comprimized. This is similar to Candida Albicans (see: yeast infections), which is THE leading cause of death in transplant patients, IIRC, due to its buildup on cathoders, and on implant devices. For normal people, Aspergillus has only minor effects.

    This article continues to raise the areas of danger including this gem:
    "Invasive Aspergillosis occurs mainly in the lungs and sinuses, although it can spread to other organs such as the brain, and is becoming increasingly common across other patient groups. It is very difficult to treat, and as many as 1 in 25 patients who die in modern European teaching hospitals have the disease. "

    Wow. 4% of deaths can be attrubuted to aspergillis species. Pardon me, but this is not particularly impressive.

    My best guess is that this press release is either because the researchers are working with a pillowcase disinfectant company, or because they're trying to play up the importance of their research to get more funding.

    All in all, unimpressive, and I expect better of slashdot than to blindly believe headlines.
  • That explains why I heard high pitched screaming last time I torched one of my pillows.
  • by simetra ( 155655 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @03:23PM (#13798788) Homepage Journal
    ...are available for less than $10.00 USD at Target, and other places. They're supposed to keep bad stuff from leaking out of your pillow. I got some for my 20+ year-old pillows because my wife and kids seem to have allergies. Whatever.

  • While the thought may be uncomfortable to many techies, people aren't sterile machines, and we don't live in sterile environments. You have more bacteria in your gut than you have cells in your body. Your body is full of persistent viral infection. There are fungi and parasites growing on your skin and in your hair. If you are a normal adult, your body has no trouble coping with it, and many of those microorganisms actually also have beneficial functions, not the least of which is to keep more harmful o
  • Way to spread the FUD there guys. Scream the sky (or pillow) is falling and NOT give us any recommendations on how to mitigate the circumstances.
  • Of course, the study was funded by the Pillow Industry.

    I, for one, welcome our toxic pillow overlords!

    Actually, I do sleep on the same pillow I have had for about 30 years - it is urethane foam, I think. I never got rid of it because it is just right - not too soft, not too hard. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

  • by localman ( 111171 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @05:40PM (#13799318) Homepage
    You know, we are evolved (or designed, heh) to live in a world with bacteria, viruses, and fungus. How did we get to the point where we fear our natural environment so much? I grew up with a mother who constantly disinfected everything including me. I had alergies and I had regular sickness. My immune system never got to develop immunity.

    I'm still a clean person and people (women even!) tell me so. But I shower without soap and rarely use deodorant... I've found my skin works better. I don't disinfect everything around me. I don't get sick often anymore, and when I do it is mild and brief. I've been doing this more than five years now.

    Anyways, I don't really care what's in my pillow. I'm sure it's full of fungus, dust mites, electrons and protons even. Who cares? There's also billions of bacteria multiplying in my colon. It's the way the world works.

    I get the sense most people here know this already, but I just get surprised when I hear these kinds of stories -- like the one where they said there are more bacteria on a keyboard than on a toilet. And your mouth has more bacteria than your genitals. But it seems to work out okay.

  • Breasts (Score:4, Funny)

    by rossdee ( 243626 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @07:47PM (#13799920)
    make great pillows.

    (I realise this is not an option for most /. readers)
  • by The OPTiCIAN ( 8190 ) on Saturday October 15, 2005 @08:54PM (#13800218)
    And people - did you know = that there are *germs in the air we *breathe**!!! Oh my God! Why does the government do nothing?!
  • by GRW ( 63655 ) on Sunday October 16, 2005 @12:32AM (#13801195) Homepage Journal
    The latest scientific research has just discovered that anyone who has been born will eventually die. Medical professionals report that there is no cure, but suggest taking lots of drugs or joining a Buddhist monastery.

"I've seen the forgeries I've sent out." -- John F. Haugh II (jfh@rpp386.Dallas.TX.US), about forging net news articles
