Genetic Research In The Heart of Amish Country 299
FrenchyinOntario writes "Insular, inbred communities like the Ashkenazi Jews and Indian tribes can be a bonanza of genetic information for researchers, and the Amish & Mennonite communities in the United States are proving to be fertile ground as well for scientists who want to better understand the nature of genetic diseases and how rare illnesses occur more frequently in such closed-off communities. The Amish, famous for their renunciation of a lot of technology, are embracing a lab that has been built in the centre of their community because their faith teaches them to "help their fellow man", recognizing that helping scientists better understand the genetic causes of diabetes, mental retardation, and some of the rarer diseases in their families, helps themselves as well as others. For a better understanding of the Amish and their approach to technology, Wired magazine ran an excellent story a few years back better illustrating why they are not just mindless kneejerk technophobes."
Duh (Score:5, Insightful)
Somewhat informed? (Score:5, Insightful)
I'm not criticizing the Amish here. I have no doubt that they mean well by doing this, but it is not a fair way to do the comparison.
Re:Somewhat informed? (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Somewhat informed? (Score:3, Informative)
Yes. I was raised Mennonite. Amish and Mennonites both come from the Anabaptist (which means they baptize again) movement. It began around 1525 or so as some people were convicted that many pracitces of the church of the day (both the Catholic and to a lesser extent later on the Protestant churches) were not lining up
Re:Somewhat informed? (Score:2)
A Lancaster countian perspective... (Score:5, Interesting)
According to the bishop, the primary reason for avoiding technology had to do with 'idle hands'. Anything that takes them away from the community or their families is considered 'not good' and there really didn't have to be a specific reason for a bishop to disallow something.
BUT... As much as the Amish outwardly show compliance, the truth is that many of them push the boundries with things like cell phones, solar cell recharging units (some roof-sized panels used to recharge batteries for electicity at night), and even computers. Clearly the letter of the law and the spirit of it are two different things.
In later years I worked for a small computer store in Ephrata. We catered to the Amish and Mennonite communities as they are often VERY wealthy and shrewd business people (uneducated does not mean stupid), and if the technology is considered necessary, they will not hesitate using it. In most instances, we would end up selling a computer to a farmer who used it for their milking machines or keeping track of finances, or in one instance, an egg counting machine that ran Windows NT!
One fine day however, we had a rather nervous looking young man come by on his bike and purchased (in cash) a brand new, top of the line, Acer laptop. Upon leaving he put the laptop in the cardboard box on the back of his bike, covered it up, and rode off.
A few days later a buggy pulls up and its this poor fellow and his bishop. The bishop appologized for his parishner's mistake and asked politely if he could get a refund. All this, and the purchaser never looked up once. Of course we gave him one - our relations with the local community demanded that, but I sure felt sorry for that kid.
Re:Somewhat informed? (Score:5, Insightful)
They lack the correctly formed tools to cope with basic aspects of the mainstream social world, things like dealing with separation and boundaries/emotional distance, the need to be assertive or to tolerate assertiveness in others, the "sixth sense" that most urban and even suburban dwellers develop about crime and dangerous situations, the expectations about what the rights/responsibilities of friendships and coupline relationships are, etc. It's not that they don't have any social tools or skills, it's just that theirs are all applicable to a very different society.
It's rather like traveling to another country--you think it's nice to visit, but for most people, nothing feels as "comfortable" as being "home," for the very same reasons. Of course the difference is that for religious groups, visits outside the group aren't constructed as visits just to "other people" as they would be if an American visited New Zealand, but rather they are constructed as good vs. evil--you are leaving the "good" people to visit and explore the structurally opposed world of "apostates" or "heretics" or "nonbelievers," so the experience is in no way value-neutral, but rather begins with the expectation that the outside world isn't just different (and hence always at least a little uncomfortable), but that it is uncomfortable because of the presence of various kinds of evil presumed to be a property of the outside world, and conversely absent within the group.
Thus, even for the most outgoing, life outside the community, while potentially exciting at first, ultimately seems both frightening and hollow, since nothing (including relationships and interpersonal communication) seems to respond safely in a manner that they expect, understand, or need as social beings, and they attribute this mismatch to nefarious forces.
The problem isn't unique to the Amish, it's seen in children from nearly any intensively lived faith organized into insular communities, i.e. Mormonism, or hare krishna, etc. Even when someone decides that they want to leave the faith, life outside it can be so difficult to navigate and their methods of social interaction and personal development so dependent on its structures that it's easier just to stay inside the group as a nonbeliever.
Re:Somewhat informed? (Score:5, Insightful)
>with basic aspects of the mainstream social
>world, things like dealing with separation and
>boundaries/emotional distance
Right. They don't need to know about "emotional distance," because they live in a society where people from outside an immediate family group actually give a shit about each other. Strange concept, I know.
>the need to be assertive or to tolerate >assertiveness in others,
Yep. Again, because they have a consistent social structure, they don't need to learn how to communicate in an environment where the heirarchical position of individuals is constantly in flux, depending on context. Each individual has a consistent position in the social pecking order, which makes life much easier.
>the "sixth sense" that most urban and even >suburban dwellers develop about crime and >dangerous situations
Again, their society doesn't include things like illegal drug use (and hence, no drug-related crime.) They don't have expensive consumer electronics as an incentive for theft, and being agriculturally based means that virtually anyone is able to get a job, regardless of lack of skill...so there is little incentive to steal.
The bottom line is that in a vast multitude of areas, mainstream contemporary (corporate) American society is sick, degenerate, and unjustifiable. It is also primarily based in nearly every aspect on the concept of weakening and impoverishing the individual almost to the point of death, so that there is no possible chance of said individual being a threat to the homocidal parasites at the top of the heap. Sure, there's a whole heap of *talk* about the importance of individuality...but the intention behind that is actually the weakening of social cohesion...which again, leads indirectly to the weakening of the individual.
By contrast, most non-mainstream indigenous or technologically regressive societies are based on the concept of *strengthening* both individuals and communities, and as such they form methods of achieving this over time. So yeah...anyone coming from one of those societies will experience problems...they'll need to undergo a paradigm shift...From being in a society where the emphasis is on doing things that *do* work to benefit human beings, to being in one (the mainstream one) where the specific intention is to emphasise doing things which are detrimental to human beings.
Re:Somewhat informed? (Score:5, Insightful)
If our society is detrimental to human beings, why do they depend on us for medical care? They get their idyllic society at the cost of being dependent on our society. They don't have to fight, because we provide the military that protects them. And anyone too disruptive can be exiled to the real world. They need us to keep their world running.
A Debian view on the Amish (Score:4, Insightful)
Think of it like a Debian user does.
Debian has several repositories:
* SID -- contains the latest and greatest, but it can be unstable and things may be
* Testing -- contains those parts of SID that have been around a while don't seem to break anything
* Stable -- contains those parts of Testing that have been around for a while and don't break things. Stable isn't updated that often, but receives constant security patches.
Given this, let's describe how the Amish see it:
* SID -- Geek enthusists who'll by anything new and shiny
* Testing -- the rest of society who'll only use stuff that's actually useful
* Stable -- Amish-like communities who'll only use generally available technology that is both useful and has a positive impact on their society.
Now you might claim that the people who rely on Stable are in this privileged position because of all the people who use SID or Testing. You'd be right. But who cares? SID users are happy on the cutting edge, Testing users are happy with the less wild and wooly pace, Stable users are happy with the tried and true. Everyone wins.
Re:Somewhat informed? (Score:5, Insightful)
They don't depend on us for medical care, if we withdrew it, they'd go on much as they have before modern medicine was available. They pay for it too, or do you think the AMA sends out doctors to Amishland to treat people for free, because they're all a bunch of big freeloaders? That they choose not to go to medical school themselves means little, did you insist that one of your own family go? Or maybe you're pissed that they don't do any medical research (hey bonehead, this article says that they're participating, in case you didn't notice). Well, if our superior capitalist system is doing its job, the cost of that research is factored in to the care that they pay for.
They don't have to fight, you say? I know, I know. Everyone is nervous that Iraq will invade, and the Amish, well, they'll be sitting ducks. Wouldn't suprise me if that asshole Saddam launches scuds at them filled with kurdish nerve gas.
And what about this exile thing? You obviously don't have a clue, but it's going to be so hard to inform you against your will. They allow people to voluntarily leave. They don't force anyone. Those that are disruptive (which happens very rarely) are usually shunned as I understand it. As long as they're willing to put up with that, nothing more happens. They don't do it for 3 weeks, and if the behavior still hasn't ended, they don't form a lynch mob and storm their house at night.
They don't need us.
Re:Somewhat informed? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Somewhat informed? (Score:4, Informative)
Again, their society doesn't include things like illegal drug use (and hence, no drug-related crime.)
Unfortunately, not quite true. [rickross.com] And while the perps may be idiosyncrasies, note who their customers were.
Re:Somewhat informed? (Score:2)
The Amish, like all societies, have their problems. Gender issues, for example, are a big one. I hear that abused women face huge social stigmas if they try to seek help.
I'm sure there's plenty of emotional distance in the Amish community.
Re:Somewhat informed? (Score:2)
http://www.amishabuse.com/ [amishabuse.com]
The punishment for it is that no one speaks to the offender for a month. If a victim seeks "English" justice (as in lock up the SOB and throw away the key....) they are apt to be excommunicated. Since the Amish have good PR as moral and upstanding, the courts tend to go easy on them when this sort of thing DOES wind up in court.
Re:Somewhat informed? (Score:3, Interesting)
Take, for example, the young man mentioned in a comment above who bought a laptop, and whose bishop took him and
Re:Somewhat informed? (Score:2)
Not true. I live about 20 minutes from "Amish country". A few years ago, a very large crystal meth operation was busted... it was run by the Amish.
Re:Somewhat informed? (Score:2)
Re:Somewhat informed? (Score:4, Interesting)
However, the Amish aren't so entirely isolated as you may think, you can't really escape the outside world, at least not anymore. They even retire to Florida like every other person in this country over a certain age does, there's a pretty large Amish community in Sarasota, Florida (not all retirees), a lot of the men work in construction jobs, which pay really well if you're a skilled craftsman. Incidentally, two of the people who went on Amish In The City had ties to Sarasota, one girl used to live there, another guy has been living there for a number of years, and given the quotes his friends gave the Sarasota paper, he definitely didn't have trouble adapting to life outside of the community (one friend was quoted as saying her first question to him when he got back was "who did you hook up with?")--that happens to be why I think the show was a joke, they pretended that the Amish on the show had never seen a city or seen the beach, but then they cast people who were living in a city right on the Gulf Coast of Florida, with beaches that people travel all the way from Europe just to visit.
Re:Somewhat informed? (Score:2)
Re:Somewhat informed? (Score:3, Informative)
I know I alot of people that grew up there that played regularly with amish kids. The amish and mennonites would go to the local schools and participate in things like sports and other activities that were deemed acceptable. They know more th
Delicious irony. (Score:2)
And this, seems both frightening and hollow. I'm an atheist, and I'd never dream of giving up technology, but anyone who hasn't thought our society is hollow at least once
Re:Somewhat informed? (Score:2)
A little bit of reference, I am a Mennonite myself, I'm not Old Order but I have spent a number of years in close proximity to them plus a couple months learning specifically about their beliefs and values.
It's not about good vs evil. Yes, the rest of the world are 'the others', people who do not believe as they do but it isn't about seeing them as evil or unenlightened. It wou
Re:Somewhat informed? (Score:2)
Ishmael Boorg: Whatcha doin', Mr. Munson?
Roy: Flossin'.
Ishmael Boorg: Flossin? Where the hell did I get "Munson"?
Roy: The name's Munson, what I'm doin' is flossin'.
God I love it!
Re:Duh (Score:2)
Be careful out among the English, Ishmael [imdb.com].
are people allowed to join? (Score:5, Interesting)
a search on google gave me this:
http://www.800padutch.com/atafaq.shtml#join [800padutch.com]
"Can an outsider join the Amish church/community?"
"A local Amishman recently remarked, "You do not need to move here to adopt a lifestyle of simplicity and discipleship. You can begin wherever you are." Yes, it is possible for outsiders, through conversion and convincement, to join the Amish community, but we must quickly add that it seldom happens. First, the Amish do not evangelize and seek to add outsiders to their church. Second, outsiders would need to live among the Amish and demonstrate a genuine conversion experience and faith that results in a changed lifestyle. Third, it is extremely difficult for anyone who has not been raised without electricity, automobiles, and other modern conveniences to adjust to the austere lifestyle of the Amish. And to truly be a part of the Amish community one would need to learn the Pennsylvania Dutch dialect."
Re:Duh (Score:2)
Pneumnatic tyres, internal combustion engine, electricity...
Another isolated group to study... (Score:2)
Re:Another isolated group to study... (Score:2)
"Hey, who closed the light? I was right in the middle of my sangwich, heyna? Where's that bah'el (bottle) of medsin? I got a sore troat! I got it when I went to Catlick church last week and I gotta go to da U (University of Scranton) for da Eetalyun (Italian) Festivahl!"
Sadly, those outside of the coal region can't understand, but if they did they'd know that this would be +5 Accurate.
Evil plot? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Evil plot? (Score:3, Interesting)
According to the wikipedia article on the Amish, there was a 60 Minutes [cbsnews.com] piece some time ago about a clinic the Amish themselves set up in Ohio in o
Re:Evil plot? (Score:2)
First hand knowledge (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:First hand knowledge (Score:5, Interesting)
No, I don't work for any Amish marketing board. Really.
Re:First hand knowledge (Score:4, Funny)
Nice. :) (Score:2)
Re:Nice. :) (Score:4, Funny)
-- Terrorism may have turned the United States into a nation of fear and aggression, but it won't succeed in Europe.
Impressive workmen. (Score:5, Interesting)
He mentioned in passing to one of them that he was thinking of remodeling his kitchen. The amish man immediately stated "we could do that for you."
I was there when they came to redo the place... it was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. Two truckloads of people, men and women, and they worked from sunup to sundown, breaking only briefly for lunch. The workmanship was incredible... everything fit perfectly. They also put in all kinds of clever little gadgets; sliding racks for table leaves, concealed hangers for towels, pivoting shelves and rack for dishes and pots... I've been in million-dollar homes that didn't have a kitchen as nice.
Whatever criticism are leveled at the amish, there's definitely nothing wrong their work ethic.
Re:Impressive workmen. (Score:5, Funny)
Did they consider Tasmania? (Score:2, Funny)
There is even rumoured to exist the infamous "two-headed" Tasmanian which were thought to have been exterminated by the early settlers though the odd unconfirmed sighting is reported now and then.
The Amish (Score:5, Insightful)
Peak Oil (Score:5, Insightful)
So yeah, it's not a good time to buy a new car, but the gears of industry aren't exactly about to come to a screeching halt.
Of course, depending on how rough the transition is, the Amish very well could have a lot to teach us.
Re:Peak Oil (Score:2)
Let's say I'm making solar cells. The materials used much energy to produce, from refining to transporting workers to making factories and mining equipment. 9 out of fifteen calories on the workers plates came from oil based fertilizer. Some of this energy came from other sources, but most came from oil.
My point is, if oil is sitting at $300 a barrel, all these costs propagate do
Re:Peak Oil (Score:2)
Over time even if the panels cost shitloads to make they'll pay for themselves, by producing energy at far lower running cost than the oil based alternatives (which would continue to increase in price in your doomsday scenario).
OTOH they've been saying oil will run out for decades and they just keep finding more of it... I don't believe them this time either.
Re:Peak Oil (Score:2)
Perhaps not but watching the gas prices odometer up in a whirring blue tends to be a powerful convincer. The other thing you're missing that large so-called "second world" countries have large populations that want the big SUV too. Oil may not be about to run out but production can only be increased so much. So the supply may be fine but the demand is something else again
Re:Peak Oil (Score:2)
It's not that they are running out, just that what stocks remain are harder to extract, rasing the production costs dramatically. They went for the easy stuff first, obviously. Peak Oil is real, and WILL happen. The debate is simply when.
Re:Peak Oil (Score:2)
But I think this is a good time to buy a new car and house and regfrigarator.
Because (especially for Americans) chances are great you can get a car with like double the mileage, that you can get a house build that needs hardly any heating and a fridge that's considerably more afficient.
Every time I visit the southern US I am amazed if not disturbed at how badly most buildings are insulated, they'll moan about the
Re:The Amish (Score:5, Insightful)
Every member of the Amish community is very much like every other member, religiously, ethnically, even gentically(hence this article). Those who disagree with their way of life probably leave the society, there is little conflict, but there is little difference also.
Re:The Amish (Score:3, Insightful)
Their lifestyle also has numerous sociological benefits as well. It's fairly self-evident that the level of communal interaction is higher among less technologically oriented societies, as well as overall levels of apathy being a good deal lower. People from such communities tend to care a great deal more about their fellow man, and on a day to day basis, as well...not just when disaster hits. The rest of human society could learn a lot from them.
A professor mine used to say that if you used things like
Re:The Amish (Score:2)
Which means that to get a valid argument you have to put the word after the leap of logic, obviously.
-- Terrorism may have turned the United States into a nation of fear and aggression, but it won't succeed in Europe.
Re:The Amish (Score:2)
I've been in small communities in Central America and have seen the lifestyles of people who don't have much, but have each other. IMHO they probably have far richer lives overall than most Ame
Re:The Amish (Score:2)
Re:The Amish (Score:2)
Re:The Amish (Score:2)
Embarrassing? Can't you just throw a party or something and get to know each other?
-- Terrorism may have turned the United States into a nation of fear and aggression, but it won't succeed in Europe.
Re:The Amish (Score:3, Insightful)
True, the picture of a low-technology lifestyle isn't *entirely* rosy...They have a much higher birthrate on average, and as the article points out, a much smaller population compared to t
Possibly lower average intelligence? (Score:2, Insightful)
Amish and Mennonite intelligence is applied differently maybe. And in some sense even the ones that try to assimulate into the larger culture are always on the outside looking in. Its not a bad thing. It gives great perspective.
Re:The Amish (Score:2)
Amish Paradise (Score:3, Insightful)
As opposed to mindless kneejerk slashdot technophiles?
Anyway time to get out Weird Al's Amish Paradise. [com-www.com]
Re:Amish Paradise (Score:2)
Now please... (Score:3, Interesting)
...seriously, tell us how you really feel.
Inbred diseased folks... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Inbred diseased folks... (Score:3, Informative)
It would be appreciated by all if you did not call the Mormons Protestant. I will start by saying that no one considers them Protestant: Christians by and large consider them to be non-Christians (and therefore non-Protestant); they consider themselves a unique denominational class and neither Protestant, Catholic, Coptic, nor Orthodox.
I hope you noticed that I was neutral in the above paragraph: I pulled their claim to be non-Protestant off of their own website and I'm trying to be informative and not
who's zoomin' whom (Score:2, Interesting)
The above statement means little. Creationists of belief X usually consider Creationists of belief Y (where Y != X) to be lost sheep, damned, etc.
A Google search for "are mormons christians" leads to some interesting reading. They seem to consider themselves to be Christians but the bigger kids on the block would rather not invite them to play.
Re:Inbred diseased folks... (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Inbred diseased folks... (Score:3, Interesting)
Yeah, everyone is disgusted with incest and it's built into everyone. Why would the Hutterite females need a super sense?
Marriage and mating is the most intricate of all social practices. Maybe the Hutterite has a mate selection system that minimizes the effects of interbreeding.
Interbreeding is
Re:Inbred diseased folks... (Score:2)
Re:Inbred diseased folks... (Score:2)
Re:Inbred diseased folks... (Score:2, Interesting)
Widely believed to be a result of thimerosol (Largely Mercury) in vaccines. One Amish community studied for Autism had only 4 cases. 1 child had large exposure to mercury while really young, and the other 3 had been vaccinated when they were babies.
http://salon.com/news/feature/2005/06/16/thimerosa l/index_np.html [salon.com]
On Topic post - heart disease (Score:2)
HCM means - hypertrophic=increased, cardio=heart myopathy=sick muscle, so patients have a heart who's muscle becomes so thick , that it interpheres with its normal function, and the people can get cond
Yeah right - help their fellow man (Score:2)
The Amish, famous for their renunciation of a lot of technology, are embracing a lab that has been built in the centre of their community because their faith teaches them to "help their fellow man", recognizing that helping scientists better understand the genetic causes of diabetes, mental retardation, and some of the rarer diseases in their families, helps themselves as well as others.
From the article it says, "To the Amish, many of whom travel the few dozen miles or so from their homes by horse and
Re:Yeah right - help their fellow man (Score:2)
better understand the genetic causes of diabetes
Have SEEN how much candy and sweets these people eat? I would not be surprised if the result of this study was the finding that mass consumption of sweets was as genetically altering as smoking tobacco products. It seems that society replaces one vice with invented others.
Women? (Score:2, Interesting)
It would shed a great deal of light on the Amish if we were told what modern technology is considered acceptable for hou
The Gentle People (Score:4, Interesting)
The article tells of systematic rape and abuse with no punishment, and with generations of incest producing an inbred and backwards society, condoned by the american govt. giving them the legal right to police themselves, dealing out their own justice where they see fit.
After reading the entirety of the article, it would be hard to dismiss this as an isolated case, but if you do and still consider that they represent some noble return-to-basics society and that their rejection of technology is somehow endearing, there are other [abcnews.com] sources [go.com], and a dedicated blog [myblogsite.com] that may help to change your mind.
Re:The Gentle People (Score:2)
No matter where you go in the world, some communities have more problems than others. I know of an Amish community near to where I lived that in that in 20 years the biggest crime that occured was one incident of spousal abuse that was dealt with by due process and resulted in excommunication and expulsion from the community of the offending individual.
There are bad examples, and there are good examples, don't
"That's What It Means to Be Amish" (Score:5, Informative)
I remember reading a story - I believe it appeared in the Plain Reader [amazon.com] - that talked about the Amish approach to technology:
Amish (Score:3, Informative)
The main misconception is the Amish hate technology. This is not true. They just do not want technology to control them.
I'll give an example, if a vehicle can go faster than a horse it is banned. Why is this? Because people can then travel great distances and migrate away. Why is this a problem? Its a problem because it breaks up families. You know what, looking at my family that is precisely what happened! This is the main intention to take the rubber off the wheels of wagons
The Amish do not like electricity because it comes from the grid. In other words, it makes people dependent on others. So, you can go into a store and the ceiling fan will be run from air pressure. Yep, there is a gas pump pumping air to make the fan go around. Little tubes all over the ceiling. The pump might be running vegetable oil. Or they can store fuel
What is interesting is I saw some Amish using power tools. Yet, the tools were plugged into a portable generator and not the grid.
If there is a telephone it is outside the home. Why is that? Because strangers are not allowed inside the home. You have to get permission to use the phone and go outside. You see, technology is not in control again. Having a t.v. in the house is like inviting in a child abuser...and it is!
In the 60s, the US government tried to take over Amish schools and force their children to public schools. They fought that and won. See, more control...there was another school system in place before the feds and the 60s school take overs.
Its very nostalgic to see a horse drawn cart harvesting a field of corn. No gas used and totally independent.
They still have 5-6 children per family. So, in another century they will probably be a majority of the population in their state. Not dependent on immigrants to flip burgers. Again they are in control.
What's great is $60 oil, electric grid going out, router down
Mennonites (Score:2)
Weedstock, the Amish, and Hemp (Score:3, Interesting)
The County authorities reluctantly acknowledged our 1st Amendment right to hold the event, but sought ways to agressively enforce the marijuana laws with "traffic' stops of those entering and leaving. They sought to use the Amish neighbors' land as staging and surveillance posts, but were refused.
I later heard from our host that he'd met with the 80 odd year old bishop, who, on hearing of our advocacy of reintroducing hemp as a fiber crop, went on a tirade against the Federal Government's ban on this useful plant, which his people had used extensively, especially for handwoven clothing.
Re:A question. (Score:5, Informative)
Or you can just say "Pennsylvania Dutch" and be done with it... *smirk
Not all Pennsylvania Dutch are Amish though. I come from a Pennsylvania Dutch family, and while my great grandparents spoke low-german, and were farmers, my great-grandfather also worked in a commercial dairy for an hourly wage. My great-grandparents was buried in a lutheran church, in York, PA. Amish have much stricter(simpler?) religious convictions, but on the outside, I can see how people confuse the two. My grandfather joined the Navy out of high school, and then went to college, as did most of the males from his community (WWII), and took a government job. He was a member of a lutheran church, and later an alderman of a methodist church for many years. If you met him on the street, you would have no idea, other than he is very careful about how he spends money (not cheap, but thrifty), tends to shun anything more than the basics, and values education over pretty much anything else.
Don't forget the Mennonites (Score:5, Informative)
The Mennonites are a non-orthodox denomination; however, to see them on the street together you'd have no idea which is the Amish and which is the Mennonite. Mennonites still hold onto the traditions except that they accept "modern" lifestyles - they own cars, TVs, computers, and so forth, but still honor the traditional dress and religious beliefs. My wife works with a Mennonite at a local grocer, and he's always in his straw hat and overalls whenever he works. It was actually a shock to see him in a "regular" suit and tie at the company Christmas party last year.
I live about 45 minutes from Strasburg and go through that area often. There are Mennonite churches all over the place, even as far out as Carlisle and as far north as Selinsgrove (not that those names mean anything to people who are not from the area).
Basically, if they own a buggy, they're Amish. If they own a car, they're Mennonite.
More on the Mennonites--to further complicate it (Score:4, Insightful)
And, to make things more complicated, you also have to factor in the various Brethren groups, which may be more or less plain (my grandmother grew up plain brethren, I think it was after she married my grandfather that she became lutheran, which is what my dad grew up). Then there was the United Brethren, which was the first American grown denomination and was started by a Mennonite preacher in my great-great-great-great-great uncle's barn in the 1767, and which much of my mom's side of the family belonged to(at least those who didn't marry Mennonites). The best I can gather, at some point in the late 1800s they split, some of them joined up with the Evangelical Brethren to become the Evangelical United Brethren, which later merged with the Methodists to create the United Methodists. And so, in a nutshell, much of American religious history can in some way tie itself back in history to the Amish by way of the Mennonites (which are of course an offshoot of the Amish).
Don't forget the hutterites either (Score:2)
Re:Don't forget the Mennonites (Score:4, Interesting)
Within the Anabaptist groups, both Amish and Mennonite, there are a number a distinct sub groups. While the Mennonites are generally the more liberal of the two, the polar end of Amish can appear like Mennonite to an outsider.
There are even Anabaptist groups that are much more modern than basic Mennonites, but outsiders often assume they are typical Mennonite and don't understand where the lines are. Unless you're part of the community, you'd never really know, anyway.
Research in the "heart of Pennsylvania", that's Lancaster County. Used to be a nice quiet place were Amish and non Amish farmers lived peacefully together. Now it's a tourist trap. They bus people in, there are outlet stores and stores full of plastic crap selling authentic Pennsylvania Dutch drek. Amish are, quietly and systematically, fleeing this area in droves.
Note, many posters assume the Amish is the base orthodoxy, with Mennonite being the relaxed offshoot. Curiously, it's slightly backwards from that. Menno Simons, an extremely early German protestant formed the group later called Mennonites. Jakob Ammann, a Mennonite, later branched off to form the Amish. He didn't think his group was being strict enough.
Re:Don't forget the Mennonites (Score:3, Informative)
The traditional dress bits are choices, as with most things in the Mennonite church. So some Mennonites will wear traditional dress (like my grandmother) and some will not (like my aunt).
As for technology, same thing goes - some Mennonites use cars. Others don't. It's pretty much just a very "cautious" view of tech
Re:Don't forget the Mennonites (Score:2)
Not true.
I live in an area of Southern Ontario that was settled initally by Mennonites from Pennsylvania.
There is a wide spectrum of Mennonites here. From old order who use horse driven buggies, women wearing all black, and girls in flowery dresses, all the way to "regular" folks who are indistinguishable from the rest of city folk.
In between there are those who drive cars AND wear a symbolic head bonnet, and dress.
Re:Don't forget the Mennonites (Score:2)
Are you guys kind of like Mormons in the sense of closely-knit community, but with a less insane theology?
Re:Don't forget the Mennonites (Score:2, Funny)
Sure you can. Offer them both a free iPod.
Re:A question. (Score:2, Interesting)
I guess valuing education very highly is a trait shared by the Brahmins of India. I come from a brahmin family and I assure you they're fanitical about education. Nothing's valued higher - not even money (although with globalisation that's changing). You could be rich as hell, but a pauper who's well educated will be respected much more than you.
Over the years, the brahmins have been
Re:A question. (Score:2)
sounds like a lot of asian families i know. i was born into an chinese family which i'd consider lower middle class. i remember in elementary school when we did projects and all the kids purchased poster boards to do theirs on, my dad would find large cardboard boxes for me to use instead. though i felt jealousy toward the other kids, i understood our economic situation and how much m
Re:A question. (Score:2)
That's what I tell my dates. They don't buy it. Maybe I should date Amish chicks?
Re:+5 Irony (Score:2)
Re:Indians? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Indians? (Score:3, Funny)
Lisa: You know, in a way, all Americans are immigrants. Except, of course Native Americans.
Homer: Yeah, Native Americans like us.
Lisa: No, I mean American Indians.
Apu: Like me.
Re:Indians? (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm sorry you dislike it when people, usually citizens of the United States (notice I am being politically correct here too and not using the term Americans which one might argue includes Canadians, Mexicans, and Latin Americans), use the term "Indians" to refer to the people who were native to the land when Columbus arrived. I even agree with you that people should use the term "Native Americans" more often because it minimizes genuine confusion. If I had to speculate, the reason the term is still used i
Re:Indians? (Score:2)
Is it not "Cowboys and Indians"? Perhaps that's just what we've called the game here in the UK, but if not and it's a change, you gotta really question the pollitical correctness of it. Cover-up the indiscresions of the white folks with a double-think name, while leaving in the incorrect name for the Native Americans? Sheeesh!! ;-)
Re:Indians? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Indians? (Score:2)
Yes. Look at any article mentioning "outsourcing" and the majority of the posts will be racist. Likewise, any article involving the Chinese or French gets similar treatment. Some here accuse you of "stealing" their jobs, if such a thing were possible. I wonder if they are the same ones who push the "copyright infringement is not theft" ideal, probably; hipocracy is a regular theme here.
Re:Indians? (Score:2)
Some people get used to it, others don't notice a difference, but it's likely that a majority of us can't understand a damn thing.
Re:It's drumroll please... (Score:5, Informative)
More entirely on topic, I think it's a good thing that the Amish evaluate technology and its impact on community instead of chasing after every new thing without thinking. There are both negative and positive consequences to technology, but in our culture we are driven only to look at the positive. The case can be made that the Amish methods of farming are much more environmentally friendly, there's less environmental impact farming with horses than tractors, and there have been particularly rainy seasons where the Amish were able to plant their crops much earlier than farmers using tractors because horses don't sink in the mud nearly as much as a tractor. But, that doesn't mean that even in farming, they don't use technology, they're able to get much higher crop yield today than a hundred years ago because they're willing to use high tech fertilizers (the case can be made that they get the best of both worlds that way). It makes perfect sense that they'll allow genetic research, they see how diseases are affecting them, and research on understanding those diseases will benefit their communities and everyone else.
Re:natural selection? (Score:2)
The real problem is simply that you need a certain gene pool size (and thus diversity) for long-term survival; the smaller the pool is, the more likely it is that you'll see genetic defects, and if it's small enough, those defects may ultimately prove fatal (for example, some biologists believe that cheetahs will die out in the (biological) short-term