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Moon Space Biotech Science

Apollo Bacteria Destroying the Moon 93

Rob Carr writes "According to the online version of the journal Nature, the moon is being rapidly destroyed by bacteria left behind during the Apollo missions. According to the article: 'There really is less Moon up there than there used to be. If the process continues, he adds, the Moon could eventually crumble away to nothing. Researchers are not yet certain what is causing the erosion. Kawalkowizc suggests that bacteria left behind by the Apollo Moon landings of the 1960s and 1970s may be responsible.' Satellite images show cracks in the moon - the image in the article shows the amazing amount of devastation. The Moon is slowly outgassing and will be destroyed in our lifetime. Speculation is that the ultraviolet radiation mutated the bacteria into it's present ravenous and destructive form. The article does not deal with several important topics. Will a ring system form around Earth? Will this bacteria destroy satellites and quarantine humanity to Earth? Can this bacteria survive entry into Earth's atmosphere, dooming our planet as well?"
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Apollo Bacteria Destroying the Moon

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