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Space Science

Total Lunar Eclipse This Week 47

dacarr writes " has informed us that a lunar eclipse will happen on Wednesday evening, 2004-Oct-27. Baseball fans will note that this is the first time a lunar eclipse will have happened during the course of the World Series."
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Total Lunar Eclipse This Week

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  • A better link... (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 26, 2004 @09:46AM (#10630791)
    Here is a link [] to a better article on with a viewer's guide and timing for each stage of the eclipse (with local timezone info). Good for those of you who care about the eclipse but could give a rat's ass about baseball.
  • by tod_miller ( 792541 ) on Tuesday October 26, 2004 @09:48AM (#10630807) Journal
    But don't forget it will be the first time it will have, had, erm, have, had, happened on that wednesday evening as well.

    And also the first time since I brushed my teeth this morning. [Anyone interested can cmoe and examine my toothbrush to find correlations between the two events]

    Does Baseball have anything to do with lunar/planetary/solar alignment?

    Or are you just mad on baseball? I am not even from the US of Baseball, so lets call it Cricket and have oranges at half time.

    Thank you please.
  • by tod_miller ( 792541 ) on Tuesday October 26, 2004 @09:53AM (#10630848) Journal
    Some dates up until 2012 [] Is it me or are lunar eclipses no very exciting?

    Perhaps because I never witnessed one deliberately. The last solar eclipse I wanted to see actually woke me up, the sun dimmed on my bed, I slumbered over to window, saw a freaky sight, then toddled off to bed. I think it was about 11:30am where I was.

    I mean, during any visible solar event you can feel the size and presence of the solar bodies (phwoar!) and it makes you feel tiny [I have some spam to cure that] in the whole run of things...
    • I agree that solar events are generally more awe-inspiring, but I also think that a lunar eclipse is fun to watch, if only to see the moon turn that pretty orange/red color...

      I plan on busting out the 'ol telescope this Wednesday night, in any case.
    • Thanks for the link. Though it is kind of depressing. No solar elcipse for North America on the list at all.

      Wait, a different list [] says I will get one on August 1 2008. YAY!
    • Why does everyone's calendar end at 2012?
    • Solars are far more exciting. I've only witnessed a very-nearly-but-obviously-not-total eclipse, and that's because my parents didn't want to shell out the money to fly to the Big Island back in 1991 (grr!)

      Anyways, This site [] has links to images where they show the path of the eclipse on the world map. Kinda nice.

      Of course, NASA's [] is far more comprehensive, but it doesn't show which individual cites are blessed by such eclipses.
  • might this be the intervention of god to break the curse of the bambino?
  • oh no... (Score:5, Funny)

    by Darth_Burrito ( 227272 ) on Tuesday October 26, 2004 @10:24AM (#10631147)
    Baseball fans will note that this is the first time a lunar eclipse will have happened during the course of the World Series."

    Ah crap, this is going to open up a whole new set of meaningless statistics. I can just see the announcers now.

    Well Bob, this should be an interesting match up because Ramirez has never given up a hit in post season play on Tuesday night games against left handed batters during a lunar eclipse.
    • Re:oh no... (Score:1, Redundant)

      by Idarubicin ( 579475 )
      Well Bob, this should be an interesting match up because Ramirez has never given up a hit in post season play on Tuesday night games against left handed batters during a lunar eclipse.

      And it's unlikely that he ever will, given that the eclipse is on Wednesday....

  • Time in UTC (Score:3, Informative)

    by david.given ( 6740 ) <> on Tuesday October 26, 2004 @11:06AM (#10631598) Homepage Journal
    That's from 0114 to 0223 UTC, if I've worked out correctly.
  • by xmas2003 ( 739875 ) on Tuesday October 26, 2004 @12:59PM (#10632825) Homepage
    Here's some lunar eclpse pictures [] that I shot of the last one on November 8th, 2003. I was just shooting random pictures of the moon, and didn't realize until I looked at 'em afterwards that I had caught a kinda neat sequence showing the movement of the moon through the branches.

    Weather forecast is looking good for tomorrow night in Boulder, Colorado ... so I'll be shooting a few pictures and be curious what I end up with.

  • There are seveal links detailing that there will be an eclipse, and one of them indicates that the coverage area is Europe, W. Asia. Africa (except extreme E), Iceland. Greenland, Arctic, the Americas. ...

    Can some kind amateur astronomer indicate if the eclipse will be in totality for all of the above places, or some subset within?

    I'd really like to find out if my particular location (Ottawa, Canada) will be total or only partial.

    • Ummm...if you can see the moon during the "total" eclipse time, then it's a total eclipse.
      • Ummm...if you can see the moon during the "total" eclipse time, then it's a total eclipse.

        Since that doesn't apply to Solar eclipses, and not all lunar eclipses are total in all areas, that is not always necessarily so.

        Which is why I asked.

        Unless, of course, it's all or nothing with a lunar eclipse meaning it's visible and total or someplace else altogether.

        • In a moon eclipse, the earth's shadow is cast *on the moon*, so no matter where you are, if you see the moon, you'll see a "total" eclipse. You may not see the event it in its entirelly because the moon will either rise already eclipsed or will set before the show is over.

          With a sun eclipse, the moon's shadow is cast on earth, and since it's a tiny (in proportions) shadow, only those places along the path of the shadow experience an eclipse.

          This image helps how the places on earth that will have the moon
    • by Anonymous Coward
      Ottawa will be in totality. Sky & Telescope [] have an article [] with a map of when it rises and sets. ip ses/article_1340_1.asp
    • It's a lunar eclipse. Totality will be on the moon.
  • As I write this post, the Red Sox are now within a single game of reversing the curse and winning the world series.

    Thereby proving that Space-Curse-Time is curved and can be inverted.

    Though, as a Red Sox Fan, I must state for the record that I am hopeful but remain cautiously pessimistic.

The best defense against logic is ignorance.
