Murphy's Law Rules NASA 274
3x37 writes "James Oberg, former long-time NASA operations employee, now journalist, wrote an MSNBC article about the reality of Murphy's Law at NASA. Interesting that the incident that sparked Murphy's Law over 50 years ago had a nearly identical cause as the Genesis probe failure. The conclusion: Human error is an inevitable input to any complex endeavor. Either you manage and design around it or fail. NASA management still often chooses the latter."
Mark my words (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Mark my words (Score:5, Insightful)
When a computer program crashes it's usually down to the human(s) who programmed it, and in the rare occasions it's a hardware glitch and it was humans who designed the hardware, so we're still to blame either directly or indirectly.
I suppose it's like the argument about whether bullets kill or the human who pulled the gun's trigger.
Re:Mark my words (Score:5, Funny)
Let me restate what he said,
Someday all errors will be made by machines. We'll just sit back while they do all the work. Then, no more human error.
Re:Mark my words (Score:4, Funny)
Color me medieval, but I prefer the following analogy:
Crossbows don't kill people, quarrels kill people.
Re:Mark my words (Score:2)
Are you implying that Microsoft programmers are *human*?
Taco...remove this infidel!
Re:Mark my words (Score:2)
Re:Mark my words (Score:2)
Mark my words (Score:2)
Re:Mark my words (Score:2)
Re:Mark my words (Score:2)
It can be a very heavily weighted coin, but it is a coin nonetheless.
Re:Mark my words (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Mark my words (Score:2)
Ah, but first, we must program a machine to find a competent human to program the decision-making machine!
Re:Mark my words (Score:3, Insightful)
Easy to answer... (Score:2, Insightful)
These people are quite *insane*. they may be brilliant, but still bonkers. They have the most power and money of everyone on the planet. They hire the smartest people they can find, and reseaqrch advanced weaponry. All governments spend a huge amount of time and money and resopurc
Re:Mark my words (Score:3, Insightful)
Funny. When I read the article, I had exactly the same sentiment, but for the opposite reason:
"As long as humans build/program the machines, the machines will fail/crash before they can kill too many people" :)
interesting but it's not really true (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:interesting but it's not really true (Score:5, Informative)
Re:interesting but it's not really true (Score:3, Informative)
Re:interesting but it's not really true (Score:4, Informative)
Also, there was some kind of semi-critical problem in EVERY SINGLE Apollo mission except Apollo 17, the very last one.
Re:interesting but it's not really true (Score:4, Informative)
No, but it came damn close. The 'pogo' problem on one of the launches, for example, almost lead to the loss of the Saturn V: if I remember correctly it would have broken up in a few seconds, but one of the engines shut down due to excessive forces and that saved the rocket.
The sad thing is that by the time we launched the last Saturn the worst of the bugs had been resolved, just in time to stop flying them...
Re:interesting but it's not really true (Score:2)
Sounds like most soft- and hard-ware. About the time the bugs are ironed out, its time for the next version with new bugs.
Re:interesting but it's not really true (Score:2)
Indeed. And it's interesting to look at the root causes: Apollo 1- poor design, poor managment, poor craftsmanship. Apollo 13-poor managment (the cockup regarding the thermostat switch) and foulups by the workers on the floor (damaging the tank that would later explode because of the damage and the switch).
While it's fashio
Re:interesting but it's not really true (Score:5, Insightful)
Then I remember Apollo 1, that killed 3 astronauts, and Apollo 13, that nearly killed 3 more.
To invoke Heinlien, Space is a harsh mistress.
To invoke Sun Tsu, success in defense is not based on the likelyhood of your enemy attacking. It is based on your position being completely unassailable.
Re:interesting but it's not really true (Score:4, Informative)
Take a look at Chapter 5 [speedera.net] of the CAIB Report. You might be especially interested in Section 5.3 - "An Agency Trying To Do Too Much With Too Little." And since you're comparing Apollo era NASA with today's program, look at diagrams 5.3-1 and 5.3-3. In short, the Apollo program enjoyed considerably more funding.
Re:interesting but it's not really true (Score:5, Insightful)
Second, the stable of competent contractors that existed in the 1940-1960 time frame is gone. North American, Grumman, McDonnell, dozens of others that could be named have been absorbed into 2-3 borg-like entities. The result is less competition, less choice, less innovation, few places for maverick employees to go, and in the end worse results from outsourcing.
Re:interesting but it's not really true (Score:2)
Onward to Wayland-Yuatani
Re:interesting but it's not really true (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:interesting but it's not really true (Score:5, Insightful)
Then you double check the checkers, and so on... that's the point of the article... humans will err... Like Demming said... "you can't inspect quality into a process."
Re:interesting but it's not really true (Score:5, Insightful)
Now suppose this output is double-checked by another engineer, who also has a 5% chance of error. 95% of the first engineer's errors will be caught, but that still leaves a .25% chance of an error getting through both engineers.
No matter what the percentages, no matter how many eyes are involved, the only way to guarantee perfection is to have someone with a zero percent chance of error...and the chances of that happening are zero percent. Any other numbers mean that mistakes will occur. Period.
I remember reading a story somewhere about a commercial jet liner that took off with almost no fuel. There are plenty of people whose job it is to check that every plane has fuel...but each of them has a probability of forgetting. Chain enough "I forgots" together, and you have a plane taking off without gas. At the level of complexity we're dealing with in our attempts to throw darts at objects xE7 kilometers away, it is guaranteed that mistakes will propagate all the way through the process.
Re:interesting but it's not really true (Score:3, Interesting)
Re: interesting but it's not really true (Score:3, Insightful)
That doesn't follow. It's only true if the two errors are completely independent, which is a very big 'if'. In practice, the chances are that some types of error are more likely than others, and that the pro
Re: interesting but it's not really true (Score:3, Insightful)
Obviously, the trick is to minimize the odds, but you can't eliminate them.
Re: interesting but it's not really true (Score:3, Interesting)
If you have four computers, there's an outside chance that two will fail, and you will have to choose between
It's not number of errors caught but importance (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:The Gimli Glider (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:interesting but it's not really true (Score:2)
Your sig, happens explain this more than enough. Computers should never trust humans.
Re:interesting but it's not really true (Score:3, Interesting)
Your sentiment is correct, but your details are a little off. For example the Saturn V rocket was built by "scattered teams" (and committees were heavily involved, despite the mythology around Von Braun)-- the first stage was built by Boeing, the second by North American, the third by Douglas Aircraft, the Instrument Unit (the control system) by IBM, the LEM by Grumman and the CSM
Re:interesting but it's not really true (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:interesting but it's not really true (Score:2, Funny)
Rockhound : You know we're sitting on four million pounds of fuel, one nuclear weapon and a thing that has 270,000 moving parts built by the lowest bidder. Makes you feel good, doesn't it?
And it will have flaws, no matter how often and thorough you check.
Re:interesting but it's not really true (Score:2)
Re:interesting but it's not really true (Score:3, Interesting)
They certainly couldn't have tested the circuit here. The circuit detonated a ballistically launched chute. Not exactly the sort of thing you want to be doing in the lab on a fully built craft you're about to launch. Yes, they could have tested the integration of the chute with the craft electronics, but then to justify that, you'd need to justify testing *every* integration made on the craft. And you people alrea
Re:interesting but it's not really true (Score:2)
There's certainly a balance to be found between too much testing and too little. But -- as the Columbia Accident Investigation Board report harshly criticised -- at NASA, the pendulum had swung too far from physical testing towards simulation, extrapolation, and pure guess-work.
Let the NASA-bashing thread continue.
NASA does appear to be working on its management issues. But
Cost Effective (Score:5, Interesting)
From this [scienceblog.com] article:
"Swales engineers worked closely with Space Sciences Laboratory engineers and scientists to define a robust and cost-effective plan to build five satellites in a short period time."
Plan for Software Project Failure (Score:3, Interesting)
What large corporations have been doing is Soviet style central planning. What happe
Good Point (Score:5, Insightful)
This is a very good point, and I wish more people would realize it.
For software development, the application is: Just because you can write 200 lines of correct code does not mean you can write 2 * 200 lines of correct code. Always have someone verify your code (not yourself, because you read over your errors without noticing them).
You'd think so. (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:You'd think so. (Score:3, Insightful)
Not only that, but it's actually beneficial to produce and ship buggy software. Bugs have to be fixed, and who can fix them better than the people who wrote the code? So, it makes sense for programmers to leave flaws in their programs. Companies that ship flawed products can make customers pay for upgrades that also
Re:Good Point (Score:2)
That's right (Score:4, Funny)
Re:That's right (Score:3, Informative)
Anyway, has anyone else ever thought an article is based on a Slashdot post one made? [slashdot.org] I was thinking about the exact same similarities last week.
That is NOT correct. (Score:5, Insightful)
This is hindsite at its best, and is the classic comment by beareaucrats who have no concept of what cutting edge design is about. F1 race cars, Racing Sailboats, Nuclear Reactors - NO design is failsafe, and NO design is foolproof. Especially a one off design that isn't mass produced. Even mass produced designs have errors, like in the Auto Industry. It is a simple fact of life that engineers and managers balance Cost and Safety constantly.
What you SHOULD be comparing this against is other space agencies that launch a similar number of missions and sattelites - i.e. other real world examples.
Expecting perfection is not realistic.
Re:That is NOT correct. (Score:3, Informative)
Sure we've been to the moon. But we haven't done a damn bit of fundimental research since then. (A lot of improvements to our unmanned rocket technology have been bought/borrowed/stolen from the Russian program.)
Re:That is NOT correct. (Score:3, Insightful)
Well,part of one out of four isn't bad. Let's examine these in detail shall we?
Re:That is NOT correct. (Score:3, Insightful)
But this isn't about design. It's about implementation. In each of the examples, the failure occurred because of incorrect assembly of key components.
Having said that - there IS an issue of design brought up by the article. That is, the design of a system should not al
Re:That is NOT correct. (Score:5, Insightful)
You only get to play the hindsight card the first time this kind of screw-up happens. If you actually read the article you'll see that Oberg (who isn't a beauracract but a 22-year veteran of mission control and one of the world'd experts on the Russian space program) is indicting NASA for having a management structure that leads to technical amnesia: the same type of oversight failure keeps happening again and again.
Oberg is not alone in this. The Columbia Accident Report despairingly noted the similities between Columbia and Challanger: both accidents where caused by poor management but what was worse with Columbia was that NASA had failed to really internalise the lessons of Challanger, or heed the warning flags about management and technical problems put up by countless internal and external reports.
Sure, space is hard. But it's not helped by an organization that has institutionalised technical amnesia and abandoned many of its internal checks and balances (at least this was the case at the time of the Columbia report, maybe things have changed).
And if you really want to compare against other agencies, NASA's astronaut bodycount does not compare favorably against the cosmonuat bodycount...
Sadly, your post is a classic comment by slashdotters who have no concept what effective technical management of risky systems looks like. (Hint: not all cutting edge designs get managed the same way. There's a difference between building racing sailboats and spaceships. This is detailed in the Columbia accident report. Read it and get a clue).
Re:That is NOT correct. (Score:2)
This advice better applies to yourself. Why does NASA use "one
Re:That is NOT correct. (Score:3, Interesting)
With the small difference that Scaled Composites is benefitting from 30 years of technology advancements. I don't think that an equivalent company of the 60s could build three SpaceShipOnes for
Re:That is NOT correct. (Score:3, Insightful)
You've got good points. But you're being unfair on this one. Even the Rutan notes [thespacereview.com] that the X-15's capabilities far outstrip Spaceship One. That, and X-15 provided some of the basic building blocks in aero and astronomics on which Spaceship One could be built. Furthermore, Spaceship One enjoyed numerous high-performanc
Re:That is NOT correct. (Score:2)
NASA usually doesn't use "one off" designs its work. There were five shuttles built. Voyager one and 2, and the two mars rovers are examples of "build two, so that its more likely that one will work".
The commercial launch business also has a few standard designs and tested optional configurations that get used over and over again.
Re:That is NOT correct. (Score:3, Interesting)
Not true: there are failsafe nuclear reactor designs that even a genius couldn't manage to melt down, let alone a fool... you just have to design them with safety guaranteed by the laws of physics, not the control systems. General Atomics built a lot of them decades ago, and the Chinese are developing modern versions today.
Good design prevents a heck of a lot of problems. If nothing else, you'd have thou
Re:That is NOT correct. (Score:3, Interesting)
Hah! Engineers are the most intelligent bunch of idiots you'll ever find. The problem with engineers is that often their own cleverness and/or familiarity with the item they're designing blinds them to the viewpoint of someone who's "not clever" or totally new to the item. With (for example) the classic non-reversable, yet perversely symmetrical acc
Isn't that... (Score:3, Funny)
Why be different than any other management?
Re:Isn't that... (Score:2)
NASA deserves more chances at failure (Score:2, Insightful)
There's a contradiction in that above statement
That said nothing wrong with building in redundancy and failsafes
In space probes redundancy comes at the cost of number of unique mission goals and financial cost.
Sometimes you just have to eat t
Re:NASA deserves more chances at failure (Score:2)
What is is calling for is a management structure that allows solutions to problems that have occured before to be implemented properly. Columbia was destroyed for almost the same root causes that were exposed after Challanger. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect people to have elimiated those problems, and kept them eliminated.
The Columbia Accident
Circular reasoning (Score:3, Interesting)
I think I just sprained my brain thinking up that one.
Human error is a factor in ALL work... (Score:2)
1. change
2. error
The problem with errors (Score:4, Interesting)
if (my_design_contains_any_errors) while(1);
else exit;
Feed this into a program that halts on all input and see what happens. You can't, because we know it is impossible for it to always return an answer. QED: errors are unavoidable. No need to sniff derisively in the direction of NASA's "middle management". Let's see if YOU can do a better job!
Re:The problem with errors (Score:2)
We're not talking about some unknown unknowns that crop up as the inevitable residue of your halting problem analogy.
We're talking about a class of errors that have happened before. We already know about them, they've already been detected. And yet, because of management failure, they continue to persist. The Columbia Accident Board identified this as NASA's key problem, not the weakeness of Reinforced Carbon Carbon leading wing e
Re:The problem with errors (Score:2)
This is the thinking that provided an opportunity for the Japanese to become economic giants.
Granted - it didn't start that way. Early Japanese production methods were error-prone to say the least. Then an American statistician named Dr. W. Edwards Deming taught a post-war reconstruction Japan how to improve quality. Ironically, Deming developed these ideas to improve production of military products.
where would we be without mistakes... (Score:5, Insightful)
Recently I took a class on AI (insemination, not intelligence) and apparently the two biggest breakthroughs by Dr. Polge, in preserving semen were due to mistakes. First, his lab mislabeled glycerol as fructose and they were able to find a good medium for suspension. Secondly, he blew off finishing freezing semen to go get a few pints and didn't make it back to the lab until the next day thus discovering that it was actually better to not freeze the stuff right away.
Mistakes are some of the best parts of science and life in general. It's best to try to make more mistakes (i.e. take risks) than it is to try and always be right. (unless you are obsessive compulsive).
Re:where would we be without mistakes... (Score:2, Funny)
you can't, possibly, have written that with a straight face. can you?
In Science it is $Serendipity ... (Score:2)
Re:where would we be without mistakes... (Score:2)
Re:where would we be without mistakes... (Score:2)
I completely agree that a lot of good has come from making mistakes and finding something new out.
Still, I'd prefer my multi-million dollar spacecraft be programmed with the right units and not crash headlong into a planet. I'm picky that way though.
I not so sure its just Murphys law (Score:2)
Re:I not so sure its just Murphys law (Score:2)
Human Factor (Score:4, Insightful)
Unless you consider the fact that often in large organizations, the left hand typically has no clue what the right hand is doing. I work at Lockheed Martin, and typically I'm involved in situations where one group makes an improvement that then none of the other groups know about, changes/decisions are poorly documented (if at all) so nobody knows where the process is going, people making poor decisions due to lack of proper procedures from management about what to do, teams not being co-located, poor information about which people have the necessary knowledge to solve a particular problem, or any number of things that confuses the engineering process, to the detriment of the product. Most of these situations are caused by a lack of communication throughout the organization as a whole.
This is a serious problem, and it needs to be acknowledged by the people in a position to make a difference.
Re:Human Factor (Score:2)
Nasty Remark (Score:3, Insightful)
I find this remark very unfair. It is a really nasty snide attitude to it, like "we are perfect - why can't you be."
Come on guys, NASA is trying to do some really difficult and ground breaking stuff here. Cut them some slack.
Re:Nasty Remark (Score:2)
We're talking about a class of errors that have happened before. We already know about them, they've already been detected. And yet, because of management failure, they continue to persist. The Columbia Accident Board identified this failure as NASA's key problem, not the weakeness of Reinforced Carbon Carbon leading wing edges.
Unknown errors are unavoidable, but ignoring solutions to known errors is unforgivable.
During his 22-years at Mission Contro
armchair rocket science (Score:5, Insightful)
For anyone wanting to yack about poor performance... put your money where your mouth is. I just get sick of all the constant nagging.
Re:armchair rocket science (Score:2)
"Can't you even fling a 2 tonne piece of incredibly delicate scientific apparatus a billion miles across space without one thing going wrong? Call yourself a scientist?"
Re:armchair rocket science (Score:2)
Except that everything he's saying here is an echo of what the Columbia Accident Investigation Board said about NASA's manned space program.
Except that, if you'd bother to read the article, you'd see that the criticism is not of "engineer's efforts", but of management.
Except that "are human, and they will do stupid things" is the whole point of Oberg's article, and he's talking about the failure of NASA to provide oversight to catch these inevitab
John Galls Systemantics (Score:4, Interesting)
Here are some of the highlights:
Comforting quote from the article. (Score:4, Informative)
Very comforting to know how easy it is to wire the safeties on nuclear weapons up backwards.
If Murphy knew what was going on today (Score:2)
After all this post has GENESIS and outer space in it.
Anyone else find this sobering quote? (Score:2)
"After all, these switches were reportedly developed as a nuclear warhead safety device, so one could just assume that they were properly wired."
Nice to know those safety devices are foolproof.
Time for grass-roots action? (Score:2)
KISS... (Score:3, Interesting)
However, with that being said I really do not believe Engineers are the problem at NASA. Bureaucracy is the enemy at NASA. NASA needs a complete top to bottom overhaul.
The REAL REAL Reason for Errors! (Score:5, Funny)
"Well, you're sitting on top of this rocket, about to be flung into the most hostile environement know to man, and you keep thinking, 'Everything here was supplied by the lowest bidder.'"
In testing, you WANT it to fail! (Score:3, Insightful)
NASA does test everything. He didn't mention in the article, but I would be almost certain that the accelerometers were tested, and passed the tests; but that the tests themselves were improper.
Re:In testing, you WANT it to fail! (Score:2)
That is why he is holding managements feet to the fire here, as did the CAIB.
And NASA doesn't test everything. In fact, NASA's relience on simulation and extrapolation and just plain guess work was harshly criticized in CAIB report, which is free for anyone to read.
Most people choose the latter. (Score:2, Insightful)
If you want to see this in action, find your favorite developer and ask the following: "What does your program do, and how doe it do that?" Prepare for a long response
Then ask: "How doe
A History of Murphy's Law... (Score:2)
is here [improb.com].
(This paper won a prestigious 2003 Ig Nobel [improb.com] award for engineering.
The Murphy myth: what really happened? (Score:3, Funny)
George Nichols: "The Law's namesake, was Capt. Ed Murphy Jr., a development engineer... Frustrated with a strap transducer which was malfunctioning due to an error in wiring the strain gauge bridges caused him to remark-- 'if there is any way to do it wrong, he will'-- referring to the technician who had wired the bridges. I assigned Murphy's Law to the statement and the associated variations..."
David Hill: "Murphy was kind of miffed off. And that gave rise to his observation: 'If there's any way they can do it wrong, they will.' I kind of chuckled and said, that's the way it goes. Nothing more could be done really."
John Paul Stapp: "we do all of our work in consideration of Murphy's Law. [defined as] the idea that you had to think through all possibilities before doing a test."
Dr. Dana Kilanowski: "at the time I believe Stapp said something like, 'If anything can go wrong he'll do it.' A couple days later there was a press conference in Los Angeles and Stapp said something like, 'it was Murphy's Law -- if anything can go wrong, it will go wrong.' [...] I have heard that Murphy claimed he invented Murphy's Law, but Stapp is the one noted for his witticisms, his haikus, and his plays on words."
Ed Murphy: "I didn't tell them that they had positively to orient them in only one direction. So I guess about that time I said, 'Well, I really have made a terrible mistake here, I didn't cover every possibility.' And about that time, Major Stapp says, 'Well, that's a good candidate for Murphy's Law'. I thought he was going to court martial me, but that's all he said. [Stapp reeled off a host of other Laws, and said] 'from now on we're going to have things done according to Murphy's Law'."
Chuck Yaeger: "Look, what you're getting into here is like a Pandora's Box. Goddamn it, that's the same kind of crap...you get out of guys who were not involved and came in many years after."
And in the end it wasn't as extreme a failure as Genesis:
According to Nichols the failure was only a momentary setback --"the strap information wasn't that important anyway," he says -- and regardless good data had been collected from other instruments. The Northrop team rewired the gauges, calibrated them, and did another test. This time Murphy's transducers worked perfectly, producing useable data. And from that point forward, Nichols notes, "we used them straight on" because they were a good addition to the telemetry package. But Murphy wasn't around to witness his devices' success. He'd returned to Wright Field and never visited the Gee Whiz track ever again.
Shouldn't the title be "Nasa 0wn3d by Murphy?" (Score:3, Funny)
Note the "law" doesn't just torture NASA exclusively, it just rears its head very visibly in their case.
HOW IT HAPPENS (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:we're living in an impefect world (Score:4, Insightful)
I'm not sure I buy that completely. While it certainly would help to have a single SME go over the entire vehicle, I doubt such a person could exist and complete the checks in a reasonable amount of time. The guy who checks the computer code is probably not going to be an expert in metal fatigue, nor electrical engineering. Even if you could find some sort of uber-genius who had expert knowledge of every system, he or she would have to work serially. If they started at component "1" of 654224166 and went down the line in order, the checks they started with would be out of date by the time they finished.
Re:Wisdom (Score:2)
This is bullshit. Sometimes people can't be made to understand something, and they are in a position above you so you can't do anything about it. For example, I once found a big problem with some inhouse software I was helping develop. I couldn't fix t