Binary Star EF Eridanus Baffles Astronomers 57
baldinux writes "Reuters is reporting the finding of a new stellar object in the Eridanus constellation that may require the astronomical community to create a new category of stellar entities -- that is, dead ones. In the binary system, one of the stars 'gave too much' (Reuters) of its own resources to its partner white dwarf star, resulting in a breakdown of nuclear fusion, thus producing this 'dead' entity. Researchers at Gemini North (click here for images) and Keck II observatories at Mauna Kea, Hawaii, have been analyzing this unique system."
Re:I'd make a Dark Star reference... (Score:1)
Us getting it is pretty much dependant on you giving it.
Re:I'd make a Dark Star reference... (Score:2)
I would!
</hand up>
Re:I'd make a Dark Star reference... (Score:2)
Re:I'd make a Dark Star reference... (Score:2)
"..and I said ', Doolittle?'"
"He said, ''" *laughs*
"..and I said 'Well, ', and he didn't get it!" *more guffaws* *BOOP*
Re:I'd make a Dark Star reference... (Score:2)
"I went up to Doolittle in the hall today..." *snickers* *guffaws* *points and laughs*
"..and I said '[expletive deleted], Doolittle?'"
"He said, '[expletive deleted]'" *laughs*
"..and I said 'Well, [expletive deleted] [gesture deleted]', and he didn't get it!" *more guffaws* *BOOP*
Re:I'd make a Dark Star reference... (Score:2)
I'd get it.
People in the University theater thought I looked like Doolittle.
But there's some sort of joke going begging here, and the punch line is, "where the Sun don't shine."
In human terms... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:In human terms... (Score:1, Funny)
They should name binary pair... (Score:5, Funny)
So I propose the name: Succubus and the Bitter Old Man.
Re:They should name binary pair... (Score:1)
Damn Loc Ness Monster.
That's About "Three-Fitty" Hz... (Score:1)
Quit the pickle (Score:2)
Probly Classified as an L or a T dwarf (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Probly Classified as an L or a T dwarf (Score:1, Informative)
Re:Probly Classified as an L or a T dwarf (Score:4, Interesting)
Actually, this object is incredibly interesting. Composition-wise, it's a star frozen in time, and without all the nasty chemical-changing properties of nuclear fusion going on. There's a lot that could be learned from objects like that.
Re:Probly Classified as an L or a T dwarf (Score:5, Informative)
From the article...
"Now the donor star has reached a dead end -- it is far too massive to be considered a super-planet, its composition does not match known brown dwarfs, and it is far too low in mass to be a star... There's no true category for an object in such limbo"
The unstar appears to fall between the cracks of current astronomical classification...
OMG we ran out of categories! (Score:2)
Re:Probly Classified as an L or a T dwarf (Score:1)
"Now the donor star has reached a dead end -- it is far too massive to be considered a super-planet, its composition does not match known brown dwarfs, and it is far too low in mass to be a star... There's no true category for an object in such limbo"
The unstar appears to fall between the cracks of current astronomical classification..."
Hmmm... how about having part of the name being the type of star that it used to be before it's binary partner gobbled up too much of it's matter, and
Re:Probly Classified as an L or a T dwarf (Score:4, Informative)
This seems unlikely, as both D and Li burn a lot more readily than p, if I understand correctly. Thus, the star should have used these up very early in its life. If it started life as something larger than a red dwarf, you could argue that there would be deuterium and lithium in its outer layers that wouldn't have mixed with the core material, but a) the outer layers were mostly what was stripped off by the companion star, and b) the star would have passed through a red dwarf stage as it lost mass, resulting in more thorough mixing during that time period.
So, I'm not sure it's a good bet to say that there would still be D or Li left. What do the spectrographs say, for this object?
or its spectral profile might be very dusty or contain methane. In otherwords we might have just seen an L or T dwarf being made but I highly doubt this is a new class of star.
I'm not sure "star" is the correct term any more, as there's no fusion happening (in all likelihood). A few classifications I can think of:
Pretty broad category, so probably not specific enough. Also tends to refer to things like planetary nebula and not stars (we haven't seen anything star-like that's been around long enough to cool down past "white dwarf" levels).
It's a stellar core that can no longer sustain fusion. But this term usually refers to the (as yet unobserved) cooled ashes of a burned-out stellar core (cold white dwarf).
It's a sub-stellar mass that's still massive enough that it probably could sustain deuterium fusion, if it had any deuterium to fuse. That probably makes it a brown dwarf on a technicality, even though it's of a bizzare spectral type compared to other brown dwarfs (as you point out).
This is another category that's probably too broad to be useful. If it's stripped to below the point where deuterium fusion can occur, but is not a planet (i.e. condensed from a nebula directly as opposed to from another star's protoplanetary disk), it probably counts as a MAssive Compact Halo Object, on a technicality.
I'm voting for "brown dwarf" or "black dwarf", but those are still on technicalities.
Re:Probly Classified as an L or a T dwarf (Score:2)
Deuterium and tritium are byproducts of the pp chain - the star constantly regenerates them.
Once the pp chain stops, deuterium burning will continue for a while (stars are *big*, after all) but would, eventually, stop.
Spectrography might be able to detect the relative ratios of deuterium, etc. in the object, but not likely - its core is still quite dense, and there's little light being generated from there.
Pretty broad category, so prob
Re:Probly Classified as an L or a T dwarf (Score:2)
Fair enough. However, these should have been burned very quickly, as when pp fusion stopped, the star would have been *well* within the envelope for rapid DD fusion, and probably a lot of lithium fusion paths as well. This would have occurred while the star was still in pp fusion mode, too; the p + p reaction is the rate limiting step (requires a Weak transformation, which is extremely unlikely compared to Strong i
Re:Probly Classified as an L or a T dwarf (Score:2)
You're right that the D and Li phases wouldn't last much longer afterward pp stopped, though it depends on the mass loss rate. But there would've been a fair amount of D and Li available.
Actually, the D burning would continue probably for quite some time due to hydrodynamics, now that I think about it. While fusion was occurring, the turbulence inside the star would dominate the hydrodynamics, so D would remain mixed thro
Re:Probly Classified as an L or a T dwarf (Score:2)
I'm not convinced of this, for reasons mentioned in my previous post - as pp -> D e+ ve is the rate limiting step, the amount of D present at any given time would be miniscule (it's burned far more quickly than it's produced, so remaining D represents the tail end of the survival time distribution). Any that is left wh
Re:Probly Classified as an L or a T dwarf (Score:2)
I was actually thinking about the unburned D in the outer stellar envelope. I'm not sure how much there would be, though - I can't find measurements of the Sun's deuterium abundance
Re:Probly Classified as an L or a T dwarf (Score:2)
This is only true for stars about the size
See: altruism is evil. (Score:3, Funny)
> much' (Reuters) of its own resources to its
> partner white dwarf star, resulting in a breakdown
> of nuclear fusion, thus producing this 'dead' entity.
A good example to illustrate the evil of altruism.
Re:See: altruism is evil. (Score:4, Funny)
Obviously... (Score:2)
Dead star (Score:3, Interesting)
Could this "re-ignite" the dwarf star? (Score:2, Interesting)
AINAA (I am not an astrophysicist)
IAAAJ (I am an average joe)
Could the dwarf star absorb enough mass that fusion could start again? That would be awesome!
Re:Could this "re-ignite" the dwarf star? (Score:5, Informative)
Could the dwarf star absorb enough mass that fusion could start again? That would be awesome!
This is what novae are (not supernovae, which are different). When a white dwarf star accretes matter, it builds up on its outer shell. Since the white dwarf is incredibly dense, its gravity is incredibly strong, so the layer of matter (hydrogen) is incredibly hot. Eventually the density of hydrogen grows enough that fusion can occur again, and it does - and the star burns off (very quickly - ~few days) what took it several years to build up.
This causes a white dwarf to go from barely visible to extremely bright. In the night sky, it looks like a new star comes out of nowhere, then disappears - hence the word "nova", meaning 'new'.
Re:Could this "re-ignite" the dwarf star? (Score:2)
Except in Chevrolet-importing, Spanish-speaking nations, of course.
Bad headline, not baffling (Score:2, Interesting)
An interesting addition to the stellar zoo, but probably of little scientific signifigance.
Re:Bad headline, not baffling (Score:2)
Re:Bad headline, not baffling (Score:1)
Same diameter, near enough, but much more massive. The article says it has a mass about a twentieth of that of the Sun. Jupiter has a mass about 1/1047 that of the Sun. From which we can conclude that the object has about fifty times the mass of Jupiter and is about fifty times as dense.
That sucks... (Score:1)
Gave? Methinks it was TOOK! (All the telltale signs are there -- oh, sorry, I'm trying wean myself from CSI.)
New category not possible (Score:2, Funny)
What I'd like to know is (Score:2, Interesting)
So what caused the process to stop? Why isn't the vampire still sucking on the donor?
Maybe it is, and we can't see it, (even though I suspect we'd see something as the matter was gravitationally accelerated into the vamp star.
Or maybe the two are farther apart than they used to be, e
Re:What I'd like to know is (Score:3, Informative)
Also, the thing probably has much higher concentrations of "metals" than typical brown dwarfs or gas giants...for a while, it was fusing, and it probably lost lighter elements to the white dwarf more easily.
Re:What I'd like to know is (Score:1)
Since it's a binary system, we'll assume that the two are cosmologically the same age, meaning that whatever generation they are, we're looking at roughly the same elemental mixture at birth (ignition), which we should be able to get from the dwarf's (vampire's) stellar spectra.
I'll further posit that as the vamp star went through the nova phase, between 30 and 50 percent of the expelled mass would have been absorbed by the donor star (they're that close), but this would have been
Re:What I'd like to know is (Score:2)
They're not the same mass, though. And since the white dwarf companion is - well - a white dwarf, it obviously was far more massive. It burned out first, for one.
A white dwarf's elemental composition, moreover, is not a good indic
Re:What I'd like to know is (Score:1)
Re:What I'd like to know is (Score:1)
Suprising? (Score:1)
Re:Suprising? (Score:2)
It's the same size as a brown dwarf. The problem was that no one had found anything that's the same size as a brown dwarf, but not a brown dwarf (i.e., an object condensed from a nebula/disk but not large enough to complete the pp-chain at its core).
Things are classified typically by mass and composition. Almost everything falls into certain classes by those rules (stars, brown dwarves, white dwarves, planets,