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Cure for Mouse Pattern Baldness? 24

superfearo writes "Wired News reports that scientists have found a way to grow new hair follicles on hairless mice using stem cells. Of course, these Howard Hughes Medical Institute researchers hope to use this procedure to grow hair, skin, and even sebaceous glands in humans. The stem cells used in this research were not extracted from embryos, but rather from the skin of the mice. So if the same can be done with humans, this procedure can perhaps avoid any controversy."
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Cure for Mouse Pattern Baldness?

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  • controversy (Score:5, Insightful)

    by nuggetman ( 242645 ) on Friday September 03, 2004 @12:45PM (#10150147) Homepage
    no, there will still be controversy, simply because the words "stem cells" are included. it's just how it is... people will forever associate it with abortion now, and until they can shake that stigma theres no other option.
    • bah... just do like they do with NMRIs... arbitarily change the name... just make up a new name for stem cells from adults, even a non scientific one for press releases and problem solved.
    • I agree. The best way to handle this is to name non-embryo stem cells something else. This was done with MRIs, because calling it "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging" caused people to freak.
    • The real question: Who gives a crap if there's controversy? Isn't it a bit more important to ask whether babies are killed? That fact is much more important than people arguing about it.
    • Re:controversy (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Brandybuck ( 704397 )
      Perhaps if the pro-stem-cell advocates didn't spend so much time arguing that abortions are the only way to get stem cells, there wouldn't be this controversy. Anytime someone would mention other sources of stem cells, a crowd would descend on him with mockery and derision.
      • Re:controversy (Score:3, Informative)

        by RsG ( 809189 )
        Oy, how may times will this ignorance rear it's ugly head.

        Look no-one, and I do mean no one, gets stem cells from abortions. Google it for fucks sake people! Embryonic stem cells are aquired from fertility clinics _not_ abortion clinics.

        The problem is that people associate "clinic" and "embryonic" with abortion; these clinics are for IVF, used to help couples concieve. THEY ARE THE POLAR OPPOSITE OF AN ABORTION CLINIC!!

        The stems cells in question come from the leftover fetralized embryos that don't ge
  • by psyconaut ( 228947 ) on Friday September 03, 2004 @12:55PM (#10150254)
    Coz I'm losing my hair at a rapid rate of knots!

  • Suddenly.. (Score:3, Funny)

    by maddh ( 608481 ) on Friday September 03, 2004 @01:00PM (#10150314)
    .. Dick Cheney [whitehouse.gov] changes the administration's position on stem cells.
  • Avoiding controversy is great.

    Even better, you won't have to take anti-rejection drugs the rest of your life just to get new hair (since you would be using your own body parts to make the stem cells).

    Can you imagine what your head would look like if your body rejected your hair. Oh, I guess we don't all have to imagine ;-)
  • Wonderful (Score:3, Funny)

    by JavaRob ( 28971 ) on Friday September 03, 2004 @02:06PM (#10151178) Homepage Journal
    ...researchers hope to use this procedure to grow hair, skin, and even sebaceous glands in humans.

    ALL NEW! You can have the skin you did as a teenager! Just a simple surgery, and your skin can be 30 years younger... unwrinkled, supple, and as spotty as a flesh-colored cheetah.
  • Real potential (Score:3, Insightful)

    by mcpres ( 643433 ) <mcpres@mcpres.com> on Friday September 03, 2004 @04:14PM (#10152566)
    The real potential with this procedure is in what else may come from his techniques. While finding a treatment/cure for baldness would be great, if the hair follicle stem cells can be induce into differentiating into other cell types it could provide treatments to countless other diseases and medical problems with much less controversy.
    • Re:Real potential (Score:3, Informative)

      by MagicDude ( 727944 )
      Endothelial stem cells from the intestines are the stems cells which have the most potential of differentiating into different tissue types; they are the least differentiated/most undifferentiated stem cells that are found in adults. Follicular stem cells are already partially differentiated in that they can form the different kinds of cells found in follicles, but aren't very capable for turning into nerve tissue or whatever. That's why embrionic stem cells are so important, since they're capable of turn
  • Why mice? (Score:2, Funny)

    by tomee ( 792877 )
    Why do they always do this for the mice, and not for us? How do they deserve it more than us? Furthermore, they probably don't even think about baldness the way we do, it doesn't matter to them, but the scientists always look after their oh-so precious mice like they are better than us. Sheesh.
  • My mouse (Score:3, Funny)

    by SpaceLifeForm ( 228190 ) on Friday September 03, 2004 @04:30PM (#10152718)
    has no hair already. Because if it did, it would really cause problems when I right-click.
  • Finally!!! Stem cells hit home for these fat, balding "pro-lifers". These are the same people who would get an abortion on the way to pick up a six-pack if men were able to get pregnant. If men could get pregant abortion would be a celebrated, embraced ritual. A one-day-old fertilized egg has no face other than the face of scientific hope.

Nobody said computers were going to be polite.
