More On The International Linear Collider 178
paragon_au writes "The UK Independent is reporting that details for a purposed 40km long international Linear Collider have been released by 'An international panel of particle physicists [that] decided the high-energy linear collider - a £3bn machine for smashing matter against antimatter - will use revolutionary superconducting technology to shed light on the origin and nature of the universe. Plans for the International Linear Collider have still to be finalised but scientists hope that construction of the underground machine will begin in six years.'"
Yay No Curves (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Yay No Curves (Score:1)
I mean, we're in the 21th century, no-one will believe you if you say earth is flat.
Re:Yay No Curves (Score:2)
Since when have you needed a flat surface for building a straight _tunnel_ (that word ought to give some hints), you realize these things are built underground, right? No need to follow the curvature of surface.
Re:Yay No Curves (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Yay No Curves (Score:2)
Is this really true when the particle is moving at ultrarelativistic velocities? A 1 TeV electron has about as much mass as a 1 TeV proton (akin to the "pound of feathers vs. pound of bricks" riddle). They're also both moving close enough to C to make the difference in velocity academic.
If I'm overlooking something, please let m
Re:Yay No Curves (Score:2, Informative)
Now, synchrotron r
Re:Yay No Curves (Score:3, Informative)
Yes, and when you accelerate a charged particle, it sheds energy in the form of EM radiation. This is what the parent said.
This is why the pre-quantum model of the atom was absurd:
Orbiting electron bleeds energy due to centripetal acceleration, the orbit decays, and the electron crashes into the
First black hole created at CERN? (Score:2)
Well, according to John Titor [strategicbrains.com] CERN will allow humans to create the first localised black hole in 2007. This leads to new scientific breakthroughs, eventually leading to limited time travel (around 30 to 60 year jumps max).
Of course, if that happens, along with how the US is currently regressing as a society, you can be reasonably certain that in 2015 the US will be devastated by a short but horrific nuclear war.
So, if CERN does indeed create a black hole around 2007, you'd be well advised to move away fro
Ultimate Question... (Score:3, Funny)
That's fine and dandy, but we already know the answer to life, the universe, and everything. What I want to know is, what's the question. Can this thing help?? ;)
Re:Ultimate Question... (Score:2)
Re:Ultimate Question... (Score:2)
Re:Ultimate Question... (Score:3, Insightful)
We already have one of these in Canada (Score:3, Funny)
(It's an immature joke so I'm posting it AC.)
finally! (Score:2, Funny)
Re:finally! (Score:1)
Why not revive the SSC? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Chances of Life (Score:2)
Re:Chances of Life (Score:1)
Re:Chances of Life (Score:3, Funny)
Damn intolerant fool, your anti-americanism is getting the better of you.
Re:Chances of Life (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Chances of Life (Score:3, Interesting)
As for being anti-american at the same time as being American, it's not tough at all. We've always had the most vehement American haters home grown. Their are blacks that are racist against
Re:Chances of Life (Score:2, Insightful)
Suppose the USA builds a great scientific project and invite scientist from all over the world, what will happen? Half of them won't be let into the USA for 'security reasons'.
Re:Chances of Life (Score:1, Funny)
I am sure you are alluding to the well known fact that this is all part of the plan to give Dick Cheney Spidey-Powers and send him back to before the time of the dinosaurs so that he can influence the size of the US oil reserves.
Re:Chances of Life (Score:2)
Quick, start up the conspiracy theories!
Re:Chances of Life (Score:1)
Re:Chances of Life (Score:1, Offtopic)
The Swiss?
But some Swiss Cantons (broadly equivalent to US states) didn't allow women to vote until 1992!
Re:Chances of Life (Score:1)
Straight vs Curved (Score:3, Informative)
Your half built SSC is curved.
We could revisit reactivating the SSC project, but that's a different debate.
Hmm donuts :) (Score:1)
Re:Why not revive the SSC? (Score:1)
Re:Idiot (Score:1)
Re:Why not revive the SSC? (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Why not revive the SSC? (Score:2)
Re:Why not revive the SSC? (Score:5, Informative)
The problem with an electron accelerator is that energy is lost due to the bend radius and unless you have a very large accelerator, you quickly get to the point where energy is coming out just as fast as you can put it in. Solution: an infinite-bend-radius (linear accelerator).
What I haven't seen mentioned here yet is that we use both types of accelerators (proton and electron) for different reasons. Protons colliding give the highest energies and the collisions produce a wide variety of particles and interactions at a variety of interaction energies. Electron collisions are much cleaner, but tend to be at lower energies and rates. (This is because electrons are fundamental particles but protons are made of 3 quarks each and it's really the quarks colliding.) But, if you know the energy (mass) of the particle you want to study, you can produce them reliably and in a very clean environment so you can study them more precisely.
Re:Why not revive the SSC? (Score:2, Informative)
The SSC? (Score:5, Informative)
Despite the incredible importance of this research - not to mention basic research in general - it was dismissed as a boondoggle and sandbox for particle physicists [cato.org].
More reading: Science and Patriotism run amok in Texas [washingtonpost.com]
Re:The SSC? (Score:1, Informative)
It was dismissed because its head administrators had no idea of how to budget an R&D project. They treated all the cost estimates as if they were standard contracts for a mature technology. When their fixed-price fixed-schedule plan did not survive contact with reality, they cooked up a new fixed-price fixed-schedule plan and presented i
Re:The SSC? (Score:1)
After reading the linked text I have this strange impression it's been written by somebody who just hated his high-school physics teacher. Probably also never graduated from it.
Re:Why not revive the SSC? (Score:1)
"This reminds me of the Super Collider, when it was suppose to come to UC Davis. Instead it went to President Bush Sr's home state of Texas. If you remember, that was a boondoggle. The thing was plagued with problems including fire ants that were attracted from miles around whenever the thing was turned on for tests -- then [the ants] would eat the wires down to the core!!!
Re:Why not revive the SSC? (Score:2)
I can hear the planning (Score:5, Funny)
"Okay, we'll make this like, really huge collider and we'll smash matter and anti-matter together really fast, like SSSSKRKKRAASSSH. Oh man, this will be so awesome."
The final frontier (Score:1, Interesting)
Re:The final frontier (Score:5, Interesting)
A simplistic metaphor would be to imagine someone in zero-G trying to move around; then putting them in water and letting them swim. Chemical propulsion means you have to carry all the mass with you that you push against in order to propel yourself. With "Space Drive", you would still need to expend energy; but presumably much less than with current methods.
Nasa: Ideas Based On What We'd Like To Achieve [nasa.gov]
Nasa: Some Emerging Possibilities [nasa.gov]
More news (Score:5, Informative)
German lab wins linear collider contest [physicsweb.org]
Particle physicists have chosen to base the proposed International Linear Collider on superconducting technology developed by an international collaboration centred on the DESY lab in Germany. The superconducting approach was chosen by an international panel ahead of a rival technology developed at Stanford in the US and the KEK lab in Japan. The eagerly-awaited decision was announced at the International Conference on High Energy Physics in Beijing today.
The 30-km-long International Linear Collider (ILC) will collide electrons and positrons together at energies of at least 500 billion electron volts. Particle physicists will use the ILC to make detailed studies of the Higgs boson and any other new particles, such as supersymmetric particles, that might be discovered at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It is envisaged that the ILC will turn on by around the middle of the next decade, about eight years after the start up of the LHC, which is currently being built at CERN in Geneva.
Is this the answer to God, the universe and all that? [guardian.co.uk]
Physicists plan £3bn experiment in a 20-mile long tunnel
They call it the God particle: a mysterious sub-atomic fragment that permeates the entire universe and explains how everything is the way it is. Nobody has ever seen the God particle; some say it doesn't exist but, in the ultimate leap of faith, physicists across the world are preparing to build one of the most ambitious and expensive science experiments the world has ever seen to try to find it.
ITER Impasse Illustrates Challenge of Site Selection [physicstoday.org]
Re:More news (Score:1)
a great way to recognize a poor physics article or book is if it mentions either god or einstein in the title.
Re:More news (Score:2)
dual-nature of light is really "brownian motion"? (Score:3, Interesting)
btw, here's an idea. so string theorists say that electromagnetism and other stuff is caused by extra dimensions that are too small to see. what i was thinking a couple days ago during a heat lightning storm, is that it relates to another part of string theory. namely the idea that our universe is like a soap bubble among a conglomerate. then the extra dimensions could be the axes to adjacent universes. perfect.
keep in mind that cosmology/quantum mechanics are non-intuitive.
Re:dual-nature of light is really "brownian motion (Score:4, Informative)
namely the idea that our universe is like a soap bubble among a conglomerate. then the extra dimensions could be the axes to adjacent universes. perfect.
Do a Google for 'brane theory' -- it is similar to what you appear to be thinking of.
but einstein's special theory of relativity was instigated by the simple idea that acceleration and gravity are equivalent.
That would be 'general theory' -- special relativity deals solely with unaccelerated frames of reference.
Re:dual-nature of light is really "brownian motion (Score:2)
Bad Universe, Bad! *Spank*
How *dare* you do what we don't want you to do!
Sorry, that was a brain fart inspired by my cats, who casually (and occasionally causally) violate our most cherished theories of how things should be
Like another poster put it in his sig once, beware blue cats moving at
Heinlein may have been on to something
Re:dual-nature of light is really "brownian motion (Score:2)
I believe the human outlook on that is to "Take it with a grain of salt" - which is a very broad aphorism, akin to "burning the midnight oil". An ancient scientist put it very well once, in saying that the observer affects the observed. However, he was more or less universally ignored outside of the fields of physics, to the detrime
Re:dual-nature of light is really "brownian motion (Score:2)
Special relativity can handle accelerated frames just fine, just like ordinary Newtonian mechanics can; it just can't handle curved spacetime.
Yep, you're right; I'm so used to considering gravity-induced accelerations that I often interchange the two in my mind.
Re:dual-nature of light is really "brownian motion (Score:2, Informative)
Errr, no. It was General Relativity.
FEL anyone? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:FEL anyone? (Score:1)
Re:FEL anyone? (Score:5, Informative)
The recent announcement is that the accelerator technology that had also been developed for TESLA, using superconducting resonant cavities to support very high intensity microwave standing waves that actually accelerate the electrons has been chosen from among four candidates as the acclerator technology for the ILC project. That may or may not be buolt at DESY, and will not, as far as I know, incorporate an X-ray FEL.
What I see coming out of this project (Score:4, Funny)
Purposed (Score:3, Informative)
That is all.
Re:Purposed (Score:2)
It's the watchword of modern times, indeed.
Oops? (Score:1)
Re:Oops? (Score:1, Funny)
Re:Oops? (Score:2)
Half-Life (Score:2, Funny)
Hollywood disaster movie directors take note... (Score:2, Informative)
Shedding light on the origin of the universe (Score:4, Insightful)
Isn't that ALWAYS what they say about these things? Nobody ever says "This is to help us built anti-matter bombs."
That said, sounds exciting, let me go ahead and echo what the other poster said WTF happened to the SSC?
Re:Shedding light on the origin of the universe (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Shedding light on the origin of the universe (Score:2)
At this point in our technological development, it'd be much cheaper and easier to design spacecraft that could utilize kinetic weapons such as asteroids.
Antimatter weapons are a long, long ways in the future, thank whatever gods who watch over human idiocy, if any
But.. the tech will come. Let's just hope that when it gets here we aren't developing strategy to deal with it years or decades behind the introduction of it, like we did with nuclear weapons.
Right now I'm much more scare
Re:Shedding light on the origin of the universe (Score:2)
Re:Shedding light on the origin of the universe (Score:1)
Re:Shedding light on the origin of the universe (Score:2)
Solar power, wind turbines, geothermal power...
Getting the energy to make antimatter is trivial. The trick is making an efficient production and separation process.
Dr Fish
Location. (Score:3, Funny)
oh, I don't know, maybe 40 or so km from SCO's headquarters?
Circular Colliders (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Circular Colliders (Score:3, Interesting)
Your concerns on waiting to build this are shared by a number of physicists. But, in 6 years we should know about the Higgs if it is where most theories place it. It's important to do the R&D now so the LC when it's needed.
Re:Circular Colliders (Score:5, Informative)
From the physicists' point of view, though, you don't want to wait that long. Say the LHC starts in 2007 (though such projects are often delayed) and discovers something by 2009. Then you start a proposal for the Linear Collider, which you finalize by 2012. Then you build it, and it's working in 2020. That's a LONG wait! These projects take so long that physicists want to get the ball rolling and construction started ASAP.
LHC will see something... (Score:2)
Re:Circular Colliders (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Circular Colliders (Score:3, Informative)
Yes! Well, sort of.
I am a particle physicist (at the Tevatron). It has been my understanding (and it seems to be conventional wisdom in the field) that the (US) decision to actually go ahead and -build- the NLC will be made -after- the first new discovery at either the Tevatron or the LHC. (Right now the NLC is just in the R&D phase, and is far enough a
What do we get out of this? (Score:2, Insightful)
3 billion is a lot of money, and I am sure there are AIDS or cancer researchers who badly need it, and I can actually see a benefit to humanity in those cases.
I am not against spending 3 billion on science just for the sake of improving humanity, in many cases we hav
Answers. (Score:5, Insightful)
For the most part however, these are human problems, with human solutions. We know what causes overpopulation, and that in turn results in environmental damage, starvation etc. We also know what causes AIDs; and its spread is more a result of governmental unwillingness to educate their populations and promote safe sexual practices, than lack of medical technology. Likewise, cancer is largely a Western disease, and diet & lifestyle plays a large part in the likelihood one gets it: it's for the most part preventable.
But here we are, in a Universe. While we've made significant progress, we still don't really know what the hell it is. What are the rules? What makes everything happen? How did it come to be? Pursuing the answers to these fundamental questions is natural human curiosity, and the same drive that has led to many of our other scientific and technological advancements.
Knowing the answers may not be of use to the average person, other than possibly having another neat formula to put on T-shirts. But having a complete model of how the universe works, may result in many spin-off technologies. I'm speculating, but they may include things like quantum propulsion, true nanoscale engineering, new materials development... who knows.
Politicians are going to be idiots and let people die of preventable diseases, breed until they wipe out the natural world, etc. But should particle physicists simple twiddle their thumbs while humanity consumes itself; or busy themselves seeking a better understanding of the cosmos we inhabit, and perhaps giving us better tools to improve our world and ourselves?
Re:Answers. (Score:2)
It says that while people ONCE thought of cancer as a Western disease, developing countries now make up more than 50% of the world's cancer burden.
Yes, it says that the devloping countries' cancer rates are increasing as they adopt tobacco, high-fat diets, and low physical activity levels, but it also states that it's being measured in terms of "the risk of being diagnosed with cancer." None of this is inconsistent with the AC poster's
Because other sciences hang off physics (Score:5, Insightful)
You might also like to consider that $3billion is less than drug companies spend on advertising and promotion every year.
Not quit true... (Score:2)
How about computers? (Score:2)
A lot...cast your mind back 100 years to the period when a strange new science called Quantum Physics was making its debut. This new theory grew out of the need to explain a few strange results from the experiments of the time. Of course at the time this theory was extremely esoteric and not much use to the common person on the street. However application of this theory to semiconductors lead directly to the development of modern computers. Of course, nobody at the time, least o
Re:What do we get out of this? (Score:2)
Short term benefits come in spin-offs from the technologies used to do the physics -- better magnets, materials, cryogenic technology, computing, microwave technologies, and loads more. Experience suggests that spending a proportion of your science budget trying to "push the limits of the possible" with some inspiring, but not necessarily directly useful project, such as landing a man on t
Re:What do we get out of this? (Score:2)
High energy nuclear physicists have jobs. Thus they are not tempted to work on other project that might be somewhat less neutral benifit to their fellow man.
Another sub TeV Collider (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Another sub TeV Collider (Score:1, Informative)
Re:Another sub TeV Collider (Score:5, Informative)
With an electron-positron collider, you can make these new particles singly or in pairs and use up all the energy, so they are great for doing detailed studies of the particle in question.
I Remember... (Score:2)
What they'll probably do first... (Score:2)
Re:What they'll probably do first... (Score:3, Informative)
There will, of course, also be people sifting through the data looking for the things you describe - low-ene
Re:What they'll probably do first... (Score:2)
Of course, we used to have a supercollider project on the board, but alas, it was axed over 10 years ago. The site's still there...they even have signs for it on I-45 just south of Dallas. Yes, they're still there. It's too big of a hole in the ground not to notice.
how this works (Score:5, Informative)
First Why. Natural Science is a lot like mining. Physicists discover things about nature. They attempt to put together an idea of how the fundamental works, both large and small, and create methods to predict phenomena based on these ideas. Applied Physicists and Engineers then take this knowledge and ask themselves the question "How might I use this for mankinds advantage". A simple example is the transister. The transistor could be the most powerful invention of the last century. But, without the knowledge of quantum mechanics discovered by natural physicists the transistor would never be. Natural physicists mine for the knowledge that will be later used for application. Their are countless examples of this from maxwell and wireless applicatons, certainly quantum mechanics and solid state technology, and even general relativity and GPS satellites.
Second Linear Collider vs SSC, etc: The linear collider is not a discovery machine per se. It is a precision measurement machine meant to refine knowledge about discoveries that will be made by the Large Hadron Collider which is being built in Europe. Natural physics isn't about finding a particle alone. This does nothing for us. It's about building and understanding a model of nature that can later be used to predict phenomena as accurately as possible. Neither of these machines is focused on a single particle (HIGGS, SUSY, etc.) Saying so is the equivalent of saying we're building a workbench to put together only rocking chairs. Our 'workbench' is an experiment meant to study interactions spanning the entire current model of nature. It is an expensive tool, but keep in mind once it is built it will last 20-30 years (fermilab as an example). I don't believe it's very expensice considering this keeps the flow of technology rolling.
Superconducting: The magnets proposed are revolutionary because they will be at 2 kelvin. Fermilab operates at 70+.
Re:how this works (Score:2, Informative)
the committee is about superconducting RF
resonators (which are used for particle
Hello, this is CERN... (Score:4, Funny)
One of these days (Score:2)
Sturgeon's Law (Score:2, Funny)
"Last year, physicists accurately measured for the first time how the universe is composed. They found that only 4 per cent of it was made up of visible atoms, with the rest being mysterious dark matter and dark energy - neither of which entities can be seen."
SF author Ted Sturgeon once noted that "90% of everything is crap" (he actually said "crud", but "crap" sounds better). So, according to the article, they refined the estimate to 96%. How many more digits of precision will $5B get
To the Moon!! (Score:2)
Re:OTOH (Score:2)
You sure spent a lot of money on that computer you used to post that message. You could have fed a few African kids with that kind of money.
Re:Small Black Hole? (Score:2)
According to the Standard Model, a lot - many orders of magnitude more than our puny accelerators can do.
On the other hand, there are some new ideas that believe gravity is much stronger at very small scale, if those turn out to be correct, not so lot - well within capabilities of LHC in 2007. Note that if this is correct, collisions of similar energy levels - and the resulting black holes - are already created literally all the tim
Re:Small Black Hole? (Score:2)
And just to put that the frame of reference, the black hole that would be created in a collider would be quite a few orders of magnitude smaller than metric ton, very near the smallest possible (planck mass), which is around 20 micrograms (quite massive for something created in particle accelerator, but hey it is a