Living Without a Pulse 759
SteamyMobile writes "Can you live without a pulse? Yes, now you can. The reason why we have a pulse is because it's hard for evolution to result in turbines or continuously spinning things. The next generation of artificial hearts may have no pulse. They also have no bearings, so they should last much longer than previous attempts. In fact, engineers don't give a predicted lifespan on these models. How would your life be different without a pulse?"
Hmm (Score:5, Funny)
How would your life be different without a pulse?
I would have had much more in common with my ex-wife.
Re:Hmm (ex wife, but seriously...) (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Hmm (ex wife, but seriously...) (Score:4, Interesting)
it only has one moving part, a spinning impeller that drives a continuous stream of blood.
Surely the human body is not designed for a continuous stream of blood ?.
Saying that I am sure that this has all been researched thorougly to get to this stage and my limited medical knowledge probably isn't very useful.
mdiarmspafpothama (Score:5, Insightful)
mdiarmspafpothama (My dad is a retired medical school professor and former president of the heart association midwest affiliate) and he agrees with you.
I told him about a woman in england that had an earlier version of one of these for several days while waiting for a real (human) heart (this was a few years ago). His imediate reaction was that pulsitile flow probably slows the build up of plaques in the arteries, and that people without a pulse would, IHNSHO (in his not so humble opinion), be more likely to experience blockages.
Of coarse that was just his gut reaction and he has not researched the topic...
Re:mdiarmspafpothama (Score:5, Interesting)
1. I don't believe we'll see increased atherosclerotic plaque deposition due to non-pulsatile flow. I'm currently subscribing to the theory that plaque is related in chronic bacterial infection of the vascular intima.
2. There was some evidence, but poorly followud up in the past, that renal function was on the short list of critical elements requiring pulsatile flow. One reason for inadequate continuing studies was that the problems with on-pump anticoagulation, infection and anesthesia tended to introduce enough variables to make isolation of the pulse issue too obscure.
3. There have been a number of reports in the past, some as long as 15 years ago, of surgeons using the Biomedicus BioPump, a similar design, for extracorporeal bridging support to transplantation, or similar to the anecdote below, to place the heart at rest to allow its recovery. I'm aware of many cases (I participated in at least 10) of multiple-day attempts, and at least 2 or 3 trials of several weeks. Realize that the patients were already moribund, so supporting them in bridging, awaiting a suitable donor, was their last and sole chance for survival. And, no, most of them didn't survive to transplant.
I'm intrigued. I'm out of the business now, but I'm convinced that we're overdue for some real breakthrough to make implantable artificial devices for continuous perfusion a viable alternative to transplantation with the limited pool of donors.
Re:lack of pulsatile flow and coronary vessles (Score:5, Interesting)
A major problem with continous flow would seem to be the diastolic part of the cardiac cycle (when the heart is refilling) is critical for back-flow from the body (arteries do not have valves) into the coronary artieres (the arteries that feed the heart). The aorta (main artery from the heart to the body) is elastic, so a large bolus (fluid surge) of blood is ejected into the aorta, stretching the aorta during systole (contraction of the heart). When the heart then relaxes (diastole) the stretched aorta recoils, and squeezes blood both forward and backwards. The heart has an output check valve at the aorta (aortic valve) which prevents it from completely flowing back; however a small takeoff (the sinus of valsalva) allows the blood to surge into the coronary arteries, and since the heart is relaxed, flow all the way to the muscle of the heart. I don't know if someone has looked into coronary blood flow during these continous pumps, but it might be useful to see, since these hearts are in bad enough shape without becoming ischemic (oxygen starved)
Re:lack of pulsatile flow and coronary vessles (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:lack of pulsatile flow and coronary vessles (Score:5, Interesting)
But if future studies were to show that a pulsing system really does something useful, it shouldn't be too hard to put a controller chip that has the impeller spin up and spin down at some reasonable rate.
BTW, just because it's different from nature doesn't mean it's harmful. For example, it may have taken 50 years (largely due to politics) but it's now considered medically safe for women to take continuous contraceptives and go without menstrual cycles for all or most of the year.
Re:lack of pulsatile flow and coronary vessles (Score:4, Insightful)
Chronic bacterial infection? (Score:3, Interesting)
I'd say the classical risk factors for heart disease still hold; smoking, hypertension, diabetes, the bad gene (usually a triglyceride or cholesterol metabolism problem), etc. This
Re:Chronic bacterial infection? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Chronic bacterial infection? (Score:5, Informative)
Your dad has a valve problem in his heart, and dental work does cause a transient bacteremia (bacteria being released into the bloodstream). Most of the time your immune system will clear out those bacteria, no problem... most of the time.
If you have a damaged heart valve, those bacteria can infect the valve, leading to a condition called Bacterial Endocarditis. The bacteria grow on the valve, and can destroy that valve, as well as throwing infected bits downstream in your circulation, leading to brain abscesses, kidney and lung infections, and general sepsis.
Endocarditis is a nasty, nasty condition... probably most of the cases I've seen were IV drug users. It's a hell of a life; some of those folks will shoot up anything they can find, regardless of what's in it (ie. foreign material loaded with bacteria). Also, when they are re-using needles, the needles will eventually dull, and sometimes barb (painful!). To detect a barb, addicts will sometimes lick the needle tip, then shoot up if no barb is felt with the tongue... you can see where I'm going with this. The human mouth is only slightly less dirty than the human anus... they end up injecting tons of bacteria, and develop Endocarditis. To make matters worse, they never go to the doctor, except when they try to scam more narcotics, or inadvertantly overdose. By the time they do show up, their valves are shot, and they're almost dead. If they survive, they end up needed open-heart surgery and valve replacement.
Anyway, that's probably more than you wanted to know... but as far as dental procedures go, the antibiotics your dad takes are effective in preventing Endocarditis. He'd be well-advised to keep taking them as prescribed.
I don't think the original poster was referring to Endocarditis though... I'm fairly sure he was referring generally to Atherosclerotic Disease.
Re:mdiarmspafpothama (Score:5, Funny)
You don't have to spell it out, we're all familiar with that acronym.
Re:mdiarmspafpothama (Score:3, Funny)
You don't have to spell it out, we're all familiar with that acronym.
Well now I feel like an idiot for going "em-dia-rmspaf-pothama... what the hell is that?" *click shortcut to open dictionary.com in new tab*
Re:mdiarmspafpothama (Score:3, Interesting)
Perhaps, though people should remeber that these artificial hearts are meant for people in extremely dire straights. Their life expectancy, even with the artificial heart, probably isn't long enough to allow the build up of plaques.
I noticed that the pump still has external wires for
Re:mdiarmspafpothama (Score:3, Interesting)
The wires running to the heart, called 'pacer leads', are not replaced, though, so it's just a simple matter of slicing open the skin and hooking up
Re:Hmm (ex wife, but seriously...) (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Hmm (ex wife, but seriously...) (Score:5, Interesting)
She lived quite well with the device and the stopping of her heart actually let the heart muscle repair itself. It turned out that resting the muscle was very good for it. She was eventually taken off the device and her heart restarted.
So no, there are not the adverse effects doctors had theorized about.
Re:Hmm (ex wife, but seriously...) (Score:5, Interesting)
You don't stop the heart. Even today, with cardioplegic solutions significantly advanced, supplemented with NAD-compounds and amino acids, stopping the heart bears the significant risk that you can't get it restarted again.
Cardioplegia for cardiac surgery involves infusing a potassium-rich solution into the coronary arteries, which stops the heart in diastole. Further, the solution is cold, and the heart is bathed in an iced saline slush to cool it further and diminish its metabolic requirements. At this point, the heart is *NOT* getting a blood rich perfusion (barring the use of blood-based cadioplegia, which I'm still not sure is as good an idea as some others think) medium.
If you were to start reperfusing the arrested heart with blood, with a normal electrolyte composition, the extra potassium would be washed out, the heart would rewarm, and if it has sufficient energy stores, and a sufficiently normal physiology, it would begin to contract again.
So: To put the heart at rest, you unload it, keep the blood chemistry as normal as possible, maintain good nutrition status (parenteral alementation), and see if the heart muscle recovers.
Re:Hmm (ex wife, but seriously...) (Score:3, Informative)
But a flowback prevention device is only needed because of the pulsed flow. Without flowback prevention, blood could never reach the head as it would keep running back down the arteries as the heart cycled. As long as a continuous flow is of sufficient pressure, this problem is eliminate
Re:Hmm (ex wife, but seriously...) (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Hmm (ex wife, but seriously...) (Score:5, Funny)
Good thing your patients' lives don't depend on your ability to create acronyms.
You might be right (Score:3, Funny)
Whereas for a pulseless heart the blood pressure has to be at the peak continuously.
There are also other issues to do with general plumbing - I read somewhere that heart surgeons have found putting a slight twist in a bypass vein makes it less likely to clog up. Theory is that it causes the blood to
Re:Hmm (ex wife, but seriously...) (Score:5, Interesting)
Huh? Yeah...push on your fingernail. The nailbed turns white. The time it takes to go back to pink/red is your capillary refill time. Should be 1-2 seconds max, or you've got problems....not necessarily low bp....dehydration and low o2 saturation will do it too.
That being said, no pulse....how the hell do I get a BP? I'm guessing my pulseox won't work either. Do they have an LCD control panel mounted on their chest so I can check and adjust their BP with a little screwdriver? I can see this type of thing really compilcating/confusing emergency medicine.
He's Dead, Jim. (Score:5, Funny)
They had better put an obvious port on it so paramedics know it's there before sending voltage through.
I can see the first really drunk guy with one of these taking a nap on the beach:
"Oh my GOD! He's Dead, Jim!!!"
"He's got no pulse! Call an ambulance!"
(ambulance arrives, 10min later)
"This man has no pulse! I've been giving him CPR since I called you guys and I can't get a signal!"
"CLEAR!!!!!!!!!!!" "ZZZZAPP!!!!"
Re:He's Dead, Jim. (Score:3, Funny)
If they are so drunk they don't react in any noticable way to 10 minutes of CPR then they need the ambulance (probably just to cart of the body.)
Re:He's Dead, Jim. (Score:3, Funny)
Reminds me of an article I read about an old lady who doesn't want to be revived if her heart stop (she seems to think that that's probabaly a good time to call it quits). The problem is no-one's going to check your wallet for a consent card for CPR, so she's had her chest tatooed with a warning saying something like "Get thos f*cking this away from my f*cking chest. If you revive me I'll sue your arse off!". No, what wasn't quite it.... but I wonder if she could sue someone for savi
Re:He's Dead, Jim. (Score:5, Interesting)
Kind of remindes me of my EMT instructor, She has three tattoos
There is an "X" two fingers above her zyphoid process (where you put your hand for chest compressions)
and underneath is says push here.
She has the outline of two fingers on her right wrist.
And a circle around her vein in her arm.
Lets just say that if she didn't train them she doesn't trust them.
Then again she is of the opinion that no matter how far along a woman is in labor when you pick them up in an ambulance if the baby is not born in a hospital your driver is to slow.
Re:He's Dead, Jim. (Score:3, Informative)
Re:He's Dead, Jim. (Score:3, Informative)
Re:He's Dead, Jim. (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:He's Dead, Jim. (Score:3, Interesting)
Apparently many people are very poor at checking for a pulse, and it was unreliable.
Re:He's Dead, Jim. (Score:5, Informative)
While ths scenario is pretty funny...most CPR certified professionals check for breathing, not a pulse. And if they didn't, then they shouldn't be certified. Yes, they also check for a pulse, but not before they check for breathing. Depending on the body fat on a person, the pulse isn't always easily detected.
Re:He's Dead, Jim. (Score:5, Informative)
Yup, ABC, Airway, Breathing, Circulation. One of the fist things they teach in First Aid class. You can have a hearbeat while not breathing, but you can't breathe without a heartbeat.
Re:He's Dead, Jim. (Score:4, Informative)
ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support, a program by the American College of Surgeons) expands that to ABCDE: Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Deficits in neurologic function, and Exposure (remove/cut off all clothing... easier to find injuries and wounds that way).
Also, the "C" in the old "ABC" acronym is also supposed to stand for Cerebral protection in addition to circulation. I've also heard CPR termed "cerebral pulmonary resuscitation." That's probably a fair substitution, since your main goal in CPR is to protect the brain by creating a low-flow rather than a zero-flow state (contrary to what some folks think, CPR doesn't restart the heart from a V-fib/V-tach arrest... generally only electricity can do that).
Once your brain's dead, you're dead... even if your heart, lungs, kidneys, etc are all working normally. Those folks become organ donors, or should...
Let me put in a plug here... PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING YOUR ORGANS. Please... talk to your family about it, get it on your driver's license or living will. Lots of people need organs, and if you don't need yours anymore (and you have no deep religious/philosophical objection), why not donate them? Just a thought...
A valid fear (Score:5, Informative)
In the US there's so much oversight that I can't see it even being possible. Many transplants aren't even done in-house... the organ gets flown to where it needs to go (I've flown on a couple of those... you get to jump to the front of the line on the taxiway, even if there are 30 planes waiting to take off).
Seriously, there are so many ethical questions, paperwork to be filled out, different physicians involved... declaring someone brain-dead and pulling the plug is a big deal, even more so if it's an equivocal case; it requires multiple physicians to sign off, consultation with the family (and their physician), appropriate consultations and diagnostic testing, and often a review from the hospital ethics committee. Hell, half of the doctors that sit on those committees don't even like one another... they just tolerate each other. There's NO WAY they'd all agree, in some nepotistic star-chamber fashion, to something as evil as wrongfully terminating someone's life and harvesting their organs. No way.
I can't see that caper ever being pulled off and not coming to light.
Re:He's Dead, Jim. (Score:3, Informative)
You can have a heartbeat while not breathing, but you can't breathe without a heartbeat.
Yes you can have breathing without a pulse. It is called agonal respiration [cityofhinesville.org].
Re:He's Dead, Jim. (Score:3, Interesting)
You're referring to adenosine (Score:3, Informative)
It can induce asystole for a few seconds... I've never seen it last for 30 seconds.
Patient reports of the adenosine experience vary greatly. Some don't mind it... others would rather have you cut their heart out than get adenosine. I'll never forget a biker guy I saw a couple of times for recurrent SVT (SuperVentricular Tachycardia). He hated adenosine (though it always worked); said it made him feel like he was dying. He was a great big muscular tattoo-covered man,
so what you're saying (Score:4, Funny)
So basically most Americans effectively have no pulse already? I swear, we're always ahead of the curve.
But seriously... (Score:4, Informative)
If they answer "yes," you're done.
I realize you were only joking, but the entire clinical picture needs to be taken into account.
My favorite EMS call is the patient with a minor head injury who is rushed in with a "blown pupil." When you go see the patient, they're awake and alert, not vomiting, not somnolent, etc. It's usually someone who's new, and doesn't understand the pathophysiology behind Uncal Herniation and 3rd nerve compression.
Back to the topic at hand... I wonder if the lack (or blunting) of the systolic peak and diastolic trough in the blood pressure would lead to any physiologic problems? According to the article, the device is actually a Left Ventricular Assist Device (the ole' intra-aortic balloon pump is the classic example of such a device). It steals blood from the left ventricle and steadily pumps it into the aorta... but I wonder if it has any effect on the coronary arteries?
The coronary arteries mainly fill during diastole, when the aortic valve closes and blood floods the coronary sinuses on the aortic side of said valve... since this device essentially "steals" blood from the left ventricle and injects it somewhere downstream, I wonder if the coronaries get the same filling? (I suppose it's a question of where you place the downstream catheter.) It might not make a difference if you have clean coronaries, but if you've got a Left-main stenosis, it could be bad to drop that filling pressure...
In a perfect hydraulic system, it wouldn't matter, since pressure injected in one location would increase pressure in all locations... but arteries have compliance, and they can flex.
Interesting device... it'd be nice to know some more details.
Re:But seriously... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:He's Dead, Jim. (Score:3)
Why would he die?
Running electricity through where his heart used to be would not affect the insulated pump.
However, there should be a label: "Normal blood pressure 90 psi. Check oil every two years. Turn off this switch before autopsy or burial. Press red button before vigorous exercise."
Re:He's Dead, Jim. (Score:3, Funny)
Checks pulse "He has no pulse, start CPR."
"Get the hell off me."
What will Nurses do... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:What will Nurses do... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:What will Nurses do... (Score:3, Informative)
You've never used the UK's National Health Service.
The nurses don't take your pulse while you wait for a doctor in our hospitals - after 4 hours of pulse taking, they would probably not have learnt a great deal more.
And that's the emergancy patients.
Re:What will Nurses do... (Score:3, Funny)
On the other hand, "My net blood flow through my impeller turbine surges when I think of you" just doesn't really sound all that romantic.
Nature's solution is best in at least a few ways. (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Nature's solution is best in at least a few way (Score:3, Insightful)
Well yeah, but this is for when natures's solution fails. Kidneys and bone marrow solve the blood cell damage problem. :-)
I'm wondering about the little one-way valves throughout the body which aid the pulse. Does such a system damage or suffocate those valves?
Aren't there other systems in the body which depend on the pulse? Could the move to a pulseless heart make a later transplant less likely to be successful?
Re:Nature's solution is best in at least a few way (Score:5, Interesting)
Also, the heart isn't the only pump in the body - the muscles in your legs help return blood to the heart when you run. That why if you run then stop abruptly you feel faint, because suddenly the load on your heart has suddenly increased and it needs to ramp up to pump blood all the way up to your head at a usable pressure (which is one reason you should warm down properly after exercising). How would the impeller interact with "pulses" from the legs?
Red October of the Heart (Score:4, Interesting)
Lol. As a former nuclear/plasma physics graduate student, it makes me laugh even more. Do you know how that caterpiller drive actually works? The field of study is called magnetohydrodynamics and is one of the most @*#%$!* involved things I've studied...
Basically, you have an electric field of some sort or readily available ions (think, salts in the ocean water), apply some strong magnetic fields of differing strength, and cause a forceful ion drift in the direction perpendicular. I just call it Evil Fluid Dynamics With 50 Other Variables.
As an aside, since there are relatively fewer dissolved salts, the Red October's caterpiller drive wouldn't work in fresh water. Neat eh? Not that there are terribly many huge bodies of fresh water where you'd worry about silent submaries.
At any rate, there are dissolved salts in blood, aren't there? So you could theoretically do this for a heart pump. But who knows what the heck it'd do to the patient and I'm guessing you'd need a whole lot of auxiliary equipment.
variable speed (Score:5, Insightful)
I wouldn't be able to tell how hard I'm exercising. Which brings up the point that these turbines are going to have to be variable speed if they're going to accommodate humans' varying oxygen needs.
Re:variable speed (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:variable speed (Score:5, Informative)
Re:variable speed (Score:4, Informative)
I've been with my Dad when they check the programming of the resting and exercise rates on his pacemaker, and set them, and the transition point - It's all done with an inductive coil that is places over the main module of the pacemaker - they can even check the settings by phone
Re:variable speed (Score:5, Funny)
Re:variable speed (Score:3, Interesting)
If I had no pulse... (Score:4, Interesting)
Pulse (Score:5, Interesting)
Loud Pulse? (Score:3, Interesting)
I wouldn't know; In high school, my BP tended in the uncomfortably low 80/50 range... which caused at least one school nurse much consternation, as she couldn't find my pulse in wrist or throat. "Dear, are you sure you're breathing?" Since getting out from my mother's obsessively healthy "low salt/low fat" c
cosmetic surgery? (Score:5, Funny)
Problems (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Problems (Score:5, Interesting)
These issues may also be important for maintaining cardiovascular fitness as well as recovering from myocardial infarcts, and because the alternating pulse pressure is eliminated in turbine models, I would worry about possible losses of negative feedback which might result in runaway blood pressure which could lead to hemorrhagic strokes, kidney damage and other such unpleasantries.
Oh, and since the Slashdot crowd appears to be preoccupied with sex, there is some evidence that penile erections are dependant upon alternating pressures to, ahem.....get the job done.
Re:Problems (Score:5, Insightful)
Interesting (Score:3, Interesting)
* Very technical here.
still a pulse (Score:3, Informative)
"LVADs are not designed to replace the heart but are implanted alongside it under the rib cage."
Therefore your heart is still there beating. This is just a supplement to it.
Apologies... (Score:3, Insightful)
You have to rtfa (Score:3, Insightful)
Internal Metronome (Score:3, Funny)
Semi-seriously, though, would this eliminate the possibility of things, uh, throbbing?
'Detecting a pulse' for those who don't have one (Score:5, Interesting)
Basically, you pinch their earlobe. This forces the blood out of the lobe, and then you let go. If colour returns to the lobe, then the heart is beating and blood has been pumped back in. If it does not then blood is no longer moving around the body.
This technique would probably also work for those with no pulse.
Re:'Detecting a pulse' for those who don't have on (Score:5, Funny)
Re:'Detecting a pulse' for those who don't have on (Score:3, Informative)
Obviously the pulse check is only used after you've already checked for breathing.
Whatever You Do...Don't. Fall. Asleep. (Score:3, Funny)
What would be worse though...I imagine most of the people getting these will be rather up in years. And, as old people and dads do, they will inevitably fall asleep in front of the TV.
The first 6 or 7 times they do this, their family will think they're dead and will start going through his pockets. But then it becomes a "boy who cried wolf" scenario, and they think he's just sleeping when he's actually dead. Next thing you know, ol' grandpa has funked up the Lazy Boy, and they have to take him out in a bucket.
predicted lifespan (Score:5, Funny)
Swoosh... Swoosh... Swoosh... (Score:3, Informative)
How would the body react? (Score:4, Insightful)
Also, it is possible that our organs aren't capabale of handling blood in a constant stream and they need those precious milliseconds of rest in between beats.
Perhaps I should've stayed in medicine and then I'd know these answers, but since I didn't, anyone know or have a better theoretical idea?
Time to lower /. dating standards (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Time to lower /. dating standards (Score:3, Funny)
Oh no, the porn industry! (Score:3, Funny)
Could be good, could be bad. Hmm.
Had it in the lab, years ago... (Score:4, Insightful)
When I took my freshmen chemistry courses in college, we had electronic stirs - you'd drop this plastic coated magnetic "plug" in a beaker, and then set the beaker on the machine. An alternating magnetic field would cause the plug to spin, stirring the fluid.
And now, 15 years later, someone finally figured out that you could apply the same principle to moving blood. Amazing.
I've always wondered why people bleed to death on the operating room table from trauma. When I worked as a mechanic, I had a supply of various diameter tubings readily available so I could plug a vacuum leak when diagnosing a carburetor malfunction. I've never understood why surgeons can't do the same with blood vessels - the patient is bleeding from a major artery, and it never occurs to them that the could slice the artery in half and connect the ends with surgical tubing?
I had always thought that there must be some really scientific reason for this, but now it occurs to me that it might just be ignorance. It took medical science 15 years to figure out that a lab stir would work better than bearings? I knew that as a freshmen! Ask the hubble designers - it uses frictionless magnetic bearings - maybe they could have clued someone in?
Re:Had it in the lab, years ago... (Score:3, Informative)
say an artery is transected and the operating field fills with blood. They are bleeding out faster than 2 suckers can handle and you can't see to stop the bleed.
say there is a arterial-venous malformati
With no pulse... (Score:3, Funny)
This would have really messed up Star Trek (Score:5, Funny)
BP and pulse are issues (Score:4, Insightful)
So... it appears we'll have to come up with a new way to measure blood pressure, particularly. Presumably, the best way to do this is to fit the turbine with inlet and discharge pressure sensors, and a flow meter. Step 2 is to establish some sort of numbers for what is "normal" for turbine heart patients.
This ups the ante for health care professionals by a bit. Not only do you need to know normal ranges, consequences, and treatments for standard BP and pulse ranges, you would need to be familiar with turbine pressure and flow ranges as well.
Mechanical or Cloned Heart? Decisions,decisions... (Score:3)
So to me, this device looks pretty darn cool. The cloned hearts grown from your own cells method is also pretty darn neat. The prospect of being an actual Borg is enticing, but the reservations about secondary effects of not having a pulse do give one pause. Yet if going with a cloned heart encourages the cloning of other organs, then perhaps that would be a better way to go. Decisions, decisions...
no pulse, no school? (Score:3, Funny)
Whole Heart Version? (Score:5, Insightful)
Apparently a small nuclear pellet was used in the battery, which was in a lead-lined container about the size of half a D-size battery. The battery could be implanted completely, unlike the Jarvik, which requires a dangerous (susceptible to infection) tube running through the skin to a suitcase sized pneumatic pump. The issue they focused on was the danger of the radioactive pellet. Apparently concern had been raised about the possibility of an artificial heart recipient being in a plane crash. The fear was that the radioactive battery would leak. So they went to great pains to test it, including shooting it out of a gun, to show it was safe.
IIRC, the concept of being without a pulse, and the need for more research about this, was mentioned almost as an afterthought. But I've wondered ever since then what happened to this type of artificial heart. A completely self-contained apparatus would seem to be a godsend. But I always assumed that lack of pulse was the gotcha.
I even discovered that Marilyn Vos Savant, whose Q&A column appears each week in the national Parade insert to many Sunday newspapers. is married to Robert Jarvik, and consdered writing him in care of her about this device. But I never got a round tuit [passco.com].
Does anything depend on a pulse? (Score:5, Insightful)
In biological systems, we often see unusual dependencies. I think I read somewhere that certain birds can't swallow without gravity. And why not? It's there! Make use of it! That's the way evolution works. Nothing is more redundant than it needs to be (well, we can talk about transposons later). In humans, bone density is dependent on load, which is why our bones atrophe in weightlessness.
So, given that we HAVE a pulse, I would be surprised if some part of your body didn't take advantage of it.
Living Without A Pulse (Score:5, Insightful)
Old Science Show . . . (Score:3, Interesting)
Not that I'm 100 percent sure about this. I like my ticker. I mean, with a non-pulse heart, if I were to pass out, they'd think I was dead.
Marine snipers could take longer shots (Score:5, Interesting)
I imagine there are other tasks besides shooting that are impacted by pulse. I'm sure there are types of micro-surgery for example that could be negatively impacted by the surgeon's pulse.
Mean Arterial Pressure (Score:5, Informative)
Athletic performance (Score:3, Interesting)
No pulse.... (Score:4, Insightful)
One of the things doctors/surgeons have noticed with heart patients that have their hearts stopped is that they lose all sense of time. I noticed it after my surgeries. I don't know if anyone has done research into the beating of the heart and the mechanisms in the brain that allow us to perceive the passage of time. Does the beat of the heart interact with the area(s) of the brain that perceive the passge of time? Do other bodily processes require a heartbeat for a "timeing signal"? I'm sure there are other questions to ask about this subject.
Show me a man with a song in his heart and I'll show you a man with an AM/FM pacemaker!
Re:Well (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:What? No MD's here? (Score:5, Funny)
The golf course hasn't put in WiFi yet.
Re:Zombies, obviously (Score:3, Funny)
Plausible explanation (Score:5, Interesting)
You said: Can anyone offer a plausible explanation for how any one of the pieces of a bacterial flagellum would offer that bacterium some sort of advantage?
Why yes, I think we can! [talkdesign.org]
A nice quote from the conclusion: ...the very fact that a step-by-step Darwinian model can be constructed that is plausible and testable significantly weakens the suggestion that extraordinary explanations might be required.
Nice try though...
Classic example of creationist dishonesty (Score:4, Informative)
Well, this is a well-deserved flame.
Darwin doesn't even mention mousetraps in the chapter from which the individual whose propaganda you are parroting lifted this passage.
It's pretty clear that calebb is just another not-so-honest creationist who has taken (probably nth-hand) out-of-context a passage from a book he's possibly never even seen. Even if he has seen it, he certainly hasn't read it for comprehension.
Now, let's look at the rest of that passage, shall we? (emphasis added)
If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down. But I can find out no such case. No doubt many organs exist of which we do not know the transitional grades, more especially if we look to much-isolated species, round which, according to my theory, there has been much extinction. Or again, if we look to an organ common to all the members of a large class, for in this latter case the organ must have been first formed at an extremely remote period, since which all the many members of the class have been developed; and in order to discover the early transitional grades through which the organ has passed, we should have to look to very ancient ancestral forms, long since become extinct.
We should be extremely cautious in concluding that an organ could not have been formed by transitional gradations of some kind. Numerous cases could be given amongst the lower animals of the same organ performing at the same time wholly distinct functions; thus the alimentary canal respires, digests, and excretes in the larva of the dragon-fly and in the fish Cobites. In the Hydra, the animal may be turned inside out, and the exterior surface will then digest and the stomach respire
It's absolutely appalling to see such worthless rubbish like calebb's post here modded up to a score greater than -1.
BTW, "On the Origin of Species..." can be found in its entirety on-line at http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/origin.html.