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Space Science

Birth of Black Hole Possibly Being Observed 32

TheTXLibra writes "Robert Roy Britt reports on that we may now be witnessing the earliest stages of black hole development. Star SN 1986J, began to collapse in 1983 into a neutron star, resulting in a supernova explosion in 1986. If the mass of the neutron star reaches 1.4 times the mass of Earth's Sun, it will theoretically collapse into a black hole, if not, it will stabilize as a neutron star."
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Birth of Black Hole Possibly Being Observed

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  • Not quite accurate. (Score:5, Informative)

    by Eevee ( 535658 ) on Friday June 11, 2004 @06:42PM (#9403430)
    began to collapse in 1983 into a neutron star, resulting in a supernova explosion in 1986.
    If you read the article, the supernova explosion happened in '83, but wasn't detected until '86.
    • by Hungus ( 585181 ) on Friday June 11, 2004 @06:51PM (#9403482) Journal
      You are pissing over 3 years? Read the article and you can derive that it supposedly went nova over 31 million years ago. We are just now seeing/detecting it from 1982/3 on. Oh and the reason it wasn't "seen" was because the frequency of the emmisions.
      SN 1986J was so bizarre that it was serendipitously discovered first in the radio, and afterwards in the optical. Therefore, the precise date of its explosion is not known, but on the basis of the available radio and optical data sn 1986j has been estimated to have exploded around the end of 1982, or the beginning of 1983
    • by beeplet ( 735701 ) <> on Friday June 11, 2004 @07:47PM (#9403821) Journal
      Also, the collapse into a neutron star or black hole would have been almost instantaneous... So we're not exactly watching the NS/BH being born - more like waiting for the dust to clear so we can see what's in there.
  • Holes? (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Aren't they really gravastars rather than holes? Why do people still call them black holes?
    • Re:Holes? (Score:5, Informative)

      by Hungus ( 585181 ) on Friday June 11, 2004 @07:05PM (#9403569) Journal
      Because "Gravastars" [] are still very much a new and thus fringe theory.
  • by Alizarin Erythrosin ( 457981 ) on Friday June 11, 2004 @08:05PM (#9403912)
    Not only is it a cool picture, but this is a pretty interesting thing to witness. In my initial reaction I thought "How can we see this in our lifetimes?" It seems that, as mentioned in the article, "[t]his collapse is extremely fast, and the core collapses into a neutron star in about one second."

    The collapse into a black hole in such a short time (also in the article) is somewhat expected, because the gravity will be so strong. This should be a pretty neat and real way to verify if our view on black hole formation and the associated astro-physics that accompany it are mostly correct.
    • Keep in mind that we are not seeing the formation of a black hole (or neutron star). That was obscured by the supernova remnants. What we [maybe] are now seeing is the youngest black hole (or neutron star) that we have ever observed. 20 years old is barely out of the womb in cosmological terms, but we missed the birth. The only reason that we are getting to see it this early is that we are fortunate enough to line up with a "crack" in the expanding shell of supernova remnants.

      Still, very awesome. It
  • by beeplet ( 735701 ) <> on Friday June 11, 2004 @08:11PM (#9403947) Journal
    The article didn't even mention one of the most important reasons this is interesting - so far the only stellar-mass blackhole candidates are in binary systems (where you can infer the mass of an unseen object from the orbit of the visible star). Otherwise, you can't see find a black hole unless you know where to look - and now we do.

    (I guess you could also theoretically look for black holes by their gravitational lensing effects, but you would have to monitor a huge number of stars and hope that a black hole intercepts your line-of-sight to one of them, so not very practical.)
  • "The star's original mass is not known, so there's a roughly equal chance that the remaining central object is a neutron star or a black hole"

    Just because you don't know whether or not an event occurs doesn't mean that it stands a "roughly equal" chance of occurring and not occurring
    • Yes, it does. Probability is a construct that depends on available information.

      For example, let's say someone flips a coin and you call the result in mid-air. In reality, the result of the coin toss is already determined at this point. However, as far as you're concerned the probability of either result is 50%. Or even better, let's say that you're trying to guess which of two cups holds a ball. The person who placed the ball knows with complete certainty which cup holds it, but as far as you're conce
      • How about a discussion of Bayesian vs. frequentist. I would argue that probability depends on your Baysian prior.
      • Ok, what you say is right, but I didn't think that that's what the original poster was complaining about.

        I think he was trying to say that for "roughly equal" to apply, we must presume to know that P(black hole) ~= P(neutron star). Maybe we do know that, perhaps because that's generally the case (due to distribution of stars of different masses), or because we know something special about this particular case.

        But if not, then the quote in the article is falling into the "either it'll happen or it won't"

        • by Anonymous Coward
          In your example we assume that it's 1/6 because there are six sides on the die because the only factor we know is that it has six sides and we assume that it will land with one side facing up. We don't know if the die's mass is assymetrical so that it tends to land with the same side down. We don't know if there's something about the surface that we are using that might cause it to land one way or another. We don't know if the surface is uneven so that the die could come to rest with an edge facing up.
    • It depends upon the average mass of known stars, for all I know , 50% of them could be below 1.4 suns.

      *Then* it would be a "roughly equal" chance of it being a black hole.
  • by egon ( 29680 ) * on Saturday June 12, 2004 @08:08AM (#9406161) Homepage
    I glanced through the article and was absolutely amazed (not knowing that much about this subject) that the collapse into a neutron star took a mere second. Considering the scale of the event, that's just astounding to me.

    What I didn't see was any indication when they'll be able to determine whether the star is going to remain a stable neutron star or become a black hole. Does anybody with actual knowledge in the subject care to comment?
    • It is been approx ten years since I had astronomy, but if I remember correctly this is how stars operate:

      The stellar furnace operates in several distinct stages where each stage fuses a particular element and the byproduct is the element used in the next stage. The first is hydrogen, the second is helium. The third is the Cargon - Nitrogen - Oxygen cycle (I think this is the third stage). The CNO cycle produces Silicon. This is where things get interesting ... Most stars don't get beyond the CNO cycle
      • this number is because a nuetron star has blow most of its mass off, if after the supernova the mass is 1.4 suns then it may become a black hole. Which if I remember correctly about 50% of a stars mass is lost in supernova making the original star approx. 3 solar masses
      • Incedently, I had always heard that a neutron star was between 1.4 and 3 solar masses. So, the fact that the article discusses it requireing less than 1.4 is curious ...

        1.4 solar masses is the limit for a core supported by electron degeneracy - a white dwarf. Stellar remnants exceeding this mass will collapse to form a neutron star.

        The maximum mass of neutron stars is less well known; the properties of neutronium cannot easily be tested in the laboratory! The absolute maximum, assuming that neutronium i

God made the integers; all else is the work of Man. -- Kronecker
