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Nuclear Fusion Real Soon Now 604

Mr. A. Coward writes "Researchers at the National Ignition Facility are attempting to produce nuclear fusion. They'll focus 192 amplified lasers on a pellet of frozen hydrogen. 'NIF experiments will be the first to create fusion that gives off more energy than it takes in.' That will have to be quite a bit, since it will take 500 trillion watts to ignite the pellet in the first place. The facility has been plagued with delays, and so far only 4 of the 192 lasers have been completed. Researchers believe they will first achieve fusion sometime around 2014."
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Nuclear Fusion Real Soon Now

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  • by Doogie5526 ( 737968 ) on Sunday March 28, 2004 @10:31PM (#8699656) Homepage
    SimCity said they should be avaliable around 2020, right? I love games that tell the future
  • Real Soon Now... ? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by KRYnosemg33 ( 709857 ) on Sunday March 28, 2004 @10:31PM (#8699659)
    Since when did Real Soon Now translate to 10yrs+ ... ?
    • by BlueCodeWarrior ( 638065 ) <> on Sunday March 28, 2004 @10:35PM (#8699702) Homepage
      When Redmond announced Longhorn.
    • by MavEtJu ( 241979 ) <slashdot@ma[ ] ['vet' in gap]> on Sunday March 28, 2004 @10:55PM (#8699843) Homepage
      Todays world (well, the 'civilized' part of it) suffers from the instant-satisfaction syndrome. Everything has to happen now, now, now.

      Things can take more than a decade, an election-term, a year, a month or a year. And that doesn't make them boring.
    • by Zakabog ( 603757 )
      Real soon was always within the decade, that's no time at all, you go from being 35 to 45 in 10 years (or from 0-10.) It might seem long to you because you're used to some new processor coming out real soon as in a few months, but 10 years is a short time.
    • by deglr6328 ( 150198 ) on Sunday March 28, 2004 @11:30PM (#8700065)
      It's interesting that the NIF first full light is now pushed back to 2014. There's a small chance we may just beat them to ignigion.

      I work at the Omega Laser [](still the most powerfull in the world at 60 Terawatts! ya!) and there is currently construction [] going on here to complete what is called Omega EP(extended performance) by ~2007. Omega EP will produce an astounding 2.6 PETAWATTS(million billion watts!!) of power for a around a picosecond (so about 2-3 Kilojoules per shot which is much less than the NIF's megajoule scale shots) making it, by far the worlds most powerfull laser when complete. The new laser will use what's called chirped pulse amplification [] to produce its incredibly high petawatt scale power.

      Using the current 60 beam 60 Terawatt (~30Kj) laser to compress a pellet of hydrogen fuel and then just before the moment of maximum inward compression and then stagnation; the EP petawatt beam will fire, producing an instant injection of Mev scale electrons directly into the center of the collapsing target and hopefully producing high fusion yeilds and perhaps even approaching ignition. The Gekko XII laser in Japan with its 500 terawatt scale CPA lser has validated this scheme, which is called "fast ignition", reporting that with the CPA laser used at maximum compression with their 12 beam 40 terrawat laser they've achieve an increase in neutron output [](fusion yield) by 1 to 2 orders of magnitude...Can't wait till we can fire ours up!
      • by deglr6328 ( 150198 ) on Sunday March 28, 2004 @11:45PM (#8700143)
        Oops I misspoke, I meant to say the Omega laser is actually the most ENERGETIC UV laser in the world at ~30Kilojoules/shot, Not the most powerfull, as there are a few other chirped pulse lasers [] with higher powers out there but not higher energies(most can only do a few hundred J per shot though this is still enough to do direct laser induced nuclear reactions).
      • I'm glad that progress is being made but I have to ask:

        How good are (computer) simulations at modeling this? I mean the NIF and presumably you are going to spend billions to essentially run experiments. I assume this means that simulations of the physics are not good enough to predict what is the best design. So, what's the problem? Is there a fundamental lack of knowledge (quantum/relativistic effects/high energy densities) at these regimes or are your equations good but you just don't have the comput
        • by deglr6328 ( 150198 ) on Monday March 29, 2004 @12:44AM (#8700474)
          IANAP just a technician on Omega so I'm not exactly sure of the intricate details of the problems with computer simulations etc. but from what I gather the computer simulations of ICF targets are notoriously difficult to match with experiments due to the incredibly complex problem of modeling hydrodynamic instabilities [] in the implosion.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28, 2004 @10:31PM (#8699661)
    In 1960 we where gong to have fusion in 1980.
    In 1980 we where going to have fusion in 2000.
    In 2004 we'll have it in 2014.

    Things are starting to look optimistic!
  • Break Even When? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by expro ( 597113 ) on Sunday March 28, 2004 @10:33PM (#8699677)

    At least cold fusion did not cost that much.

    So when was the break even point that they recover all the money that has been spent developing it?

    • by rokzy ( 687636 ) on Sunday March 28, 2004 @10:39PM (#8699724)
      it doesn't work like that.

      the money hasn't just been going into a big hole with a sign saying "Fusion Power". it's been employing people and adding to our understanding.
    • by fbg111 ( 529550 )
      So when was the break even point that they recover all the money that has been spent developing it?

      Think of it as a long-term investment for the human race, that over the course of human history will pay itself off millions of times over. Clean energy (only byproducts = water & heat, no radioactive byproducts) from the most abundant source in the universe (hydrogen) with significantly less risk than fission power (or arguably even fossil fuels). As far as investments go, it's a no-brainer, even if
      • by stevelinton ( 4044 ) <> on Monday March 29, 2004 @07:12AM (#8701718) Homepage

        Think of it as a long-term investment for the human race, that over the course of human history will pay itself off millions of times over. Clean energy (only byproducts = water & heat, no radioactive byproducts) from the most abundant source in the universe (hydrogen) with significantly less risk than fission power (or arguably even fossil fuels).

        Fusion power generation, as currently being developed is nothing like this. It's still a sensible investment for the next few centuries and as a step to better things, but it's not the panacea you suggest and you harm the credibility of science and technology by claiming it is.

        Likely 21st century fusion power plants will burn tritium and deuterium. While both are isotopes of hydrogen and deuterium is acceptably common in the universe (1 in 10000 or so atoms if I recall correctly) we are not burning hydrogen. Tritium is radioactive with a 12 year half-life, so is basically not found in the universe except where it is being formed (in stars mostly). To make commercial quantities of it, you irradiate lithium 6 with neutrons producing helium and tritium. Lithium is reasonably common on Earth, but not super-abundant. The costs of extracting and purifying lithium, and in particular lithium 6 are not negligible, although we are unlikely to run out for a while.

        So, effective fuel is lithium and deuterium. Both are reasonably plentiful, but neither is cost-free.

        Now the tricky bit. The deuterium-tritium reaction produces a helium nucleus (alpha-particle) which is no problem and a neutron. We need a decent proportion of those neutrons to breed more tritium, but inevitably, some of them will end up hitting things other than the lithium target. When they do, they tend to make what they hit radioactive. Thus, once your reactor has been running for a few years, all of the inner structure, the lithium tanks and so on, are medium-level radioactive waste. The neutron irradiation also weakens these structures, so they need periodic replacement. Gigawatt for Gigawatt, it's a lot less radioactive waste than a fission reactor produces (and no plutonium to manage), but its not nothing, and the cost of the equipment and expertise to manage this periodic replacement with acceptable staff safety and so on is also not nothing.
        Water, by the way, is not a byproduct of fusion reactors.

        The final issue is safety. Here the big win is that there are no realistic disaster scenarios on the scale of a fission reactor melt-down or someone using reactor-produced plutonium to make a fission bomb. There are all the hazards common to fossil fuels and fission associated simply with running a large industrial plant -- things falling on people, leaking chemicals, etc. A tritium leak is still a real hazard, and a molten lithium leak or fire would be pretty unpleasant, and the medium-level waster would need to be managed, but it is a lot better than fission.

        So, not a panacea, but a likely move forward, and I don't think we do any good by describing it as a panacea and rasing false expectations.
    • by Mr. Roadkill ( 731328 ) on Monday March 29, 2004 @12:05AM (#8700252)

      So when was the break even point that they recover all the money that has been spent developing it?

      Who cares? I don't.

      We need cheap, clean power. Fission is cheap and clean if done well, but with past waste disposal practices waiting to bite us on our collective bums in the future and certain incidents like that one in the Ukraine 18 years ago in the public memory, I don't think we can afford to risk it. Oil and coal are dirty and running out. Solar, wind, tidal? Useful adjuncts to conventional generation techniques, but blighted by NIMBY and power storage issues.

      Everything that has been spent on fusion research could be multiplied tenfold, a hundredfold, and the payoff for humanity would still be worthwhile.

      A hundred years from now, I want a fresh set of environmental and social problems. I want our biggest concerns to be the marginal increase in salinity in some ocean currents from desalination plants and some wacky local weather issues due to waste heat from the fusion plants. I want population growth to be a non-issue because of better education of formerly developing and subsistence economies and cultures. I don't even care if my great-great-grandchildren speak Hindi or Arabic or Mandarin so long as the improvement between my life and theirs (materially and in freedoms) is comparable to the improvement between the Middle Ages and now - is it really an issue that I don't speak Middle English, Old Norse, Latin? Or that most of the world doesn't either?I want it to be a world in which pertoleum is seen as too valuable to burn, and as a valuable raw material for manufacturing. I want a world in which it is so cheap to transport and recycle our waste that is easier to "mine" our garbage than process new raw materials.

      The thing is, power that is too cheap to meter (at least in personal-use quantities) is going to shake up things considerably. In the West we have all sorts of neat manufactured goods because power is cheap compared with a century ago. Imagine conveying those benefits to Africa, India, China, Iraq without the environmental downside. Imagine a world in which manufactured goods and food are so easy to produce that it doesn't matter that a significant percentage of the population don't make or grow things. Many Western economies are heading towards being services-based rather than manufacturing-based, but we can only continue to do this at the expense of the developing world - unless we can give everybody the same opportunities. We can turn the advent of fusion power into a golden age. Our descendents can wonder at a world in which it made more sense to build something in Beijing than Boston because the people in Beijing were paid less and lived under worse conditions than those in Boston. Our great-great-great-great-grandchildren can scratch their heads in wonder at the fact that people used to get sick and die because they could not afford to heat their homes in winter. They can stare in history books in disbelief, not comprehending what it would be like to live in a world before Universal Service Obligations extended beyond basic telecommunications to the energy necessary to sustain and enjoy life.

      So, is this some left-wing Utopia? Maybe. But there's no reason it couldn't be shared by all - except that those currently holding the purse-strings will feel threatened - it's only natural that present energy suppliers may feel this way, although the more astute ones will already be diversifying and looking at possible futures. New industries will spring up that we can't even imagine now. Jobs will be displaced - but will we really need a coal miner then any more than we need cloth fullers now? Half the jobs our great-great-great-great-Grandchildren will be doing probably haven't even been invented yet.

      So, when will the great payoff from fusion occur? With the first child's life that it saves. With the better husbanding of the scarce resources of this world, and with access to those of the rest of the solar system (Str

      • by surprise_audit ( 575743 ) on Monday March 29, 2004 @02:41AM (#8700931)
        A hundred years from now, I want a fresh set of environmental and social problems

        A hundred years from now I'd just like to be alive...

    • by timeOday ( 582209 )
      So when was the break even point that they recover all the money that has been spent developing it?
      Probably before we recoup the costs of invading Iraq through cheaper oil prices.
  • by sirdude ( 578412 ) on Sunday March 28, 2004 @10:33PM (#8699682)
    Sounds like an arsonists' boot camp :S
  • by wildchild978 ( 458123 ) on Sunday March 28, 2004 @10:33PM (#8699684)
    There's supposed to be an earth shattering kaboom!
  • first break even?? (Score:5, Informative)

    by thesupraman ( 179040 ) on Sunday March 28, 2004 @10:35PM (#8699694)
    Ahh, hasn't break even been passed experimentally quite some time ago? l

    This claims break even in 1996, and 1.25 power increase in 1998 in the JT-60 tokamak..

    And this article seems to be stating they plan to hit breakeven in 2014 or further out.. hmmm.. perhaps they mean some special kind of break even, like the first ones using our method, or in the US, or something like that..
    • by Hal-9001 ( 43188 ) on Sunday March 28, 2004 @11:15PM (#8699977) Homepage Journal
      From reading the press release from 1998, [] it sounds like they defined the break-even condition as when the output power from the plasma exceeds the power input required to form the plasma. However, one generally would like to keep the plasma confined, and that also requires input power, so while they may have exceeded plasma break-even, they might not have exceeded overall break-even, which is a necessity for a viable power plant.
    • by stevelinton ( 4044 ) <> on Monday March 29, 2004 @07:19AM (#8701734) Homepage
      Break even and ignition are two separate things. Break even means that the total fusion energy produced exceeds the energy put into heating the ingredients. I think JET achieved break even in a tokamak, and it's even easier in laser fusion.

      Ignition means that the energy being produced by fusion and re-absorbed in the plasma is keeping it hot enough to keep on fusing with no external energy inputs until some other factor (like running out of fuel or the plasma blowing itself apart) intervenes. This has only been acheived in bombs.

      As an analogy consider trying to light a recalcitrant campfire. Break even is when the total energy produced by your buring wood before it sputters out exceeds the energy put in by the match. Ignition is when it keeps burning on its own.
  • by sgtsanity ( 568914 ) on Sunday March 28, 2004 @10:35PM (#8699697)
    That would probably be the first to create a net increase in energy using fusion. Either that, or those fusion scientists are pretty good fakers over the last few decades.
  • by Caractacus Potts ( 74726 ) on Sunday March 28, 2004 @10:35PM (#8699701)
    Obligatory nit-pick. The article implies that about 10 Joules of energy hits the pellet. No mention of the laser system's efficiency.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28, 2004 @10:46PM (#8699768)
      As Mr. Potts says, Watts are a unit of power. 500 trillion Watts is the power being put into the reaction by the lasers. Energy is not the same thing as power. Power is energy divided by time.

      According to the article, the beams will be fully on "only for a few billionths of a second". For a naive estimate of the total energy being output by the lasers, we can simply multiply (500 GW) * (2 ns).

      Now, this yields a quantity with dimensions of energy: (500 GW) * (2 ns) = (1 kJ). To get a handle on this, it is the amount of energy that is output in heat and light by a 100W light bulb shining for ten seconds.

      For a scenario Slashdotters are familiar with, it's the amount of heat generated by a 1 GHz Athlon thunderbird in 12 seconds.
    • by deglr6328 ( 150198 ) on Sunday March 28, 2004 @11:38PM (#8700108)
      I can't speak directly for the efficiency of the NIF but the Omega laser [] which is also a Neodymium glass laser is abysmally inefficient. An energy input of many hundreds of Megajoules into the flashlamps that charge up the laser glass only produces ~30 Kilojoules of actual laser output (most of which is absorbed by the target. I suspect the NIF will have Gigajoule scale capacitor banks to fire their flashlamps in order to produce the ~2Megajoules of laser energy on target it is expected to produce.
  • by Engineer Andy ( 761400 ) on Sunday March 28, 2004 @10:36PM (#8699704) Journal
    The cost of the lasers and the associated ancillary paraphernalia associated with the fusion plant. If the cost per kWh from the setup and maintenance of the equipment needs to be x cents / kWh and using renewable / clean sources of electricity can generate at x/5 cents / kWh then it wont fly.

    Great to see that it is now thought probable that fusion can actually be an energy producer though.
    • If the cost per kWh from the setup and maintenance of the equipment needs to be x cents / kWh and using renewable / clean sources of electricity can generate at x/5 cents / kWh then it wont fly.

      Step 1: Figure out if/how it is possible to extract more energy from a fussion reaction than was needed to initiate the reaction.

      Step 2: Figure out how to scale the laboratory apparatus up to something capable of generating a useful amount of energy.

      Step 3: Actually build a commercial scale fusion power plant
  • by inertia187 ( 156602 ) * on Sunday March 28, 2004 @10:36PM (#8699705) Homepage Journal
    Researchers believe they will first achieve fusion sometime around 2014.

    What about my flying cars? I was promised flying cars!
  • More info (Score:5, Informative)

    by daveschroeder ( 516195 ) * on Sunday March 28, 2004 @10:36PM (#8699707)
  • by tomblackwell ( 6196 ) on Sunday March 28, 2004 @10:37PM (#8699718) Homepage
    Fusion happens commonly in research labs. What hasn't happened yet, is getting more energy out than it took to create the fusion, in a controlled, energy-generating environment.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28, 2004 @10:41PM (#8699741)
    We'll certainly need the power of fusion for it.
  • by HawkinsD ( 267367 ) on Sunday March 28, 2004 @10:43PM (#8699752)
    Let's see...

    Assuming that '500 trillion' means 500 x 10^12 watts... They said it would be for a 'few billionths' of a second: maybe 2 x 10^-9 seconds?

    Am I counting wrong, or does that come out to about a million watt-seconds, or 0.277 kilowatt-hours?

    I consume more energy than that makin' coffee.
  • by thellamaman ( 631602 ) on Sunday March 28, 2004 @10:46PM (#8699771) Homepage
    Let's see, we get fusion in abou 10 years. That's 2014. Maybe 10 years later, we have a terrible disaster. That's 2024. So in 2044, I'm predicting we get a slashdot story about a cute biker chick riding around "ghost town," or what used to be Livermore, California.
  • by sam_handelman ( 519767 ) * <samuel DOT handelman AT gmail DOT com> on Sunday March 28, 2004 @10:47PM (#8699780) Journal
    April 1st isn't until Thursday.

    This announcement was supposed to come out simultaneously with the "verified" claim to have found Methane on Mars, and with Condoleeza Rice's hillarious admission of guilt before the 9/11 commission, all on Thursday. Now you've ruined it.
  • Power != Energy (Score:5, Informative)

    by femto ( 459605 ) on Sunday March 28, 2004 @10:49PM (#8699789) Homepage
    >That will have to be quite a bit, since it will take 500 trillion watts to ignite the pellet in the first place.

    Power is not the same as energy. It is energy per unit time. It is rubbish to say there will have to be a large energy output because the input power is high. By way of example, 500 trillion watts for a femtosecond = 500 joules. This is not an unreasonable amount of energy, contrary to the attempt to imply otherwise by shouting '500 trillion'.

  • Acetone (Score:4, Informative)

    by syphax ( 189065 ) on Sunday March 28, 2004 @10:52PM (#8699822) Journal
    I thought all you had to do to get fusion (though not break-even yet, I think) is shake some heavy acetone [].
  • by NovaX ( 37364 ) on Sunday March 28, 2004 @10:55PM (#8699844)
    I know a number of people working on NIF and hear of its progress every few months. It's been plagued with problems largely due to budgeting, as scandals have hit the lab and much of the money was funneled out. The LLNL management was largely replaced due to these activities and for a while the entire laboratory was on the brink of being shutdown.

    The four beams mentioned in the summary are really just a testbed. In the previous system, Nova, there was a smaller machine called Novet that had the same purpose. I always forget the newer machine's name, but this is standard practice versus a major delay. NIF is behind the original schedule, but that's due to problems (e.g. lens issues) and technical challenges always faced in such large R&D projects.

    From what I hear, things will be going pretty well from now on. Since this is an international effort (led by the US), other countries are building their own versions. France has similar system that was brought up last year with help from LLNL personnel and has allowed the lab to avoid many of the same pitfalls the French have faced.

    My main contribution to this thread is simply that NIF doesn't seem to be heading towards cancellation, like many government projects. The people behind it are extremely competent and far smarter than I am. The scandals are behind them and will be making steady progress. It's a really, really impressive effort.
  • by Handpaper ( 566373 ) on Sunday March 28, 2004 @11:10PM (#8699941)
    All credit to Livermore for pursuing fusion research - far too little time and money is being spent on it atm - but this looks like a boondoggle to me. Why? According to the article, fusion experiments are expected to start in 2014, with the aim of liberating more energy than used to initiate the reaction sometime after this.
    Compare this to the efforts of JET [] the Joint European Torus project, which achieved breakeven (Q=1) during 1997 [] (good explanation of fusion milestones here). JET's successor, ITER [] aims to achieve Q of at least 10 [], paving the way for commercial-scale power generation.
    The only thing that worries me about ITER is the level of bureaucracy [] exhibited, but perhaps this is to be expected from a multi-national consortium.
    ITER are standing on the shoulders of giants, NIF are discussing specifications for a step-ladder.

  • Yes... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by The Master Control P ( 655590 ) <> on Sunday March 28, 2004 @11:14PM (#8699967)
    That's what my set of encyclopedias from 1968 say about the new "Stellarator" reactor they're building over at Stanford... "Within 10 or 20 years." But cynicism aside, there's no denying we've made great progress. From energy output/input ratios of .00001 to .3 and .4 since fusion research began.

    My thought is that if you want a way to get unbelievable energy intensities, use the big fusion reactor in the sky. Launch a gossamer thin sheet of aluminized mylar, spin it into a disk, and use a minimal amount of structure to form it into a parabolic mirror. If you use a 500 meter radius piece, that's a constant 740 megawatts focused on the pinhead-sized object of your choice. If you need more, just launch a bigger piece of aluminized mylar.
    • Re:Yes... (Score:4, Informative)

      by djmurdoch ( 306849 ) on Monday March 29, 2004 @12:03AM (#8700245)
      If you use a 500 meter radius piece, that's a constant 740 megawatts focused on the pinhead-sized object of your choice.

      The sun isn't a point source, so you can't focus it onto a pinhead unless you have a very short focal length. If you're planning to focus in the vicinity of the mirror, (say 1km in front with an f/1 mirror), you can only focus it down to an image that's about 9 metres across. If you were planning to beam the sunlight down to the surface of the earth, multiply that size by the distance you're sending it.
  • by NewtonsLaw ( 409638 ) on Sunday March 28, 2004 @11:16PM (#8699980)
    It strikes me that trying to create a fusion reactor is an awful waste of time, effort and money when there's one just just across the road (in space terms) that we can use for free!

    If all the money that's been poured into fusion research so far had been poured into making those "cheap" solar arrays they keep telling us are "just around the corner" then we'd all have roofs made of the stuff that would make us energy self-sufficient and we'd even be driving electric cars that were powered by the sun.

    It seems stupid to try and reinvent the wheel (fusion) when nature has done such a wonderful job about ninety quintillion times over and we can harness the power of at least one of those natural fusion reactors very safely.
    • by rsborg ( 111459 ) on Sunday March 28, 2004 @11:42PM (#8700128) Homepage
      If all the money that's been poured into fusion research so far had been poured into making those "cheap" solar arrays they keep telling us are "just around the corner" then we'd all have roofs made of the stuff that would make us energy self-sufficient and we'd even be driving electric cars that were powered by the sun.

      Perhaps all this "enviro-clean" stuff is just a boondoggle? I mean, what do you get when you've pushed the limits of phyisics to get you a powerful power source? Let's see:

      • General scientific advancment, which gives other possible uses, instead of just "clean energy"
      • Possibility for fast, reliable interplanetary space travel now that you have a powerplant? This is also a way to get at the vast resources that exist on our solar system.
      • Weapons... now here's the biggie. Sure, we can destroy the world 10x over using standard fission-fusion-fission warheads, but what if we could do it for real cheap, and get orbital lasers, etc.... I think this is the big reason the research is moving here, sad to say.
    • by KalvinB ( 205500 ) on Monday March 29, 2004 @01:00AM (#8700562) Homepage
      We're getting a new solar heater for our house and it costs several thousand dollars. It will take a decade or more to recoup the costs in cost savings.

      With fission and fusion the idea is to take a relativly small amount of energy to start a chain reaction that releases a very large amount of energy.

      There is a solar array by the university but it's unsightly. We just don't have the stuff to make solar cells efficient enough to be practical. We can't very well be driving along at 20 miles per hour with 200 square feet of solar cells on the roof of the car that only has room for half a person.

      Using the sun directly as a power source isn't looking very promising. So we make use of it instead to grow crops and whatnot. It's not like the sun's power is just going to waste. Trying to use it make electricity just isn't working out. The sun seems to be a screwdriver that we're attempting to pound nails in with.

      Maybe one day we'll find a material that reaches a practical amount of efficency for solar cells. In the mean time we need power and fussion and fission are the most practical and cost effective.

    • Solar isn't enough (Score:3, Informative)

      by Solandri ( 704621 )
      Average solar power falling on the U.S. (night and day) is about 240 Watts per m^2. Assume there are no clouds. Assume a solar panel is 50% efficient (current best technology is just over 20% efficient). U.S. power consumption rate is about 10^13 Watts. To satisfy that demand with solar power would require 10^13/120 = 8.33x10^11 m^2, or 833,333 square km. U.S. land area is 9,159,000 square km. So to satisfy the U.S.'s power demands with solar, you'd have to pave 9% of its entire land area with solar p
  • by NuWinter ( 688299 ) on Sunday March 28, 2004 @11:24PM (#8700023)
    Billions of dollars have been squandered, decades wasted, careers devoted to a cause that even if successful would not be much better than nuclear fission, as radioactivity is generated in harmful amounts given the fuels used: Deuterium and Tritium. The only logical alternative is the Plasma Focus, a device that works with plasma, rather than attempting to control it via brute force techniques (i.e., intense magnetic fields or laser beams) and uses Hydrogen-Boron for fuel, and can generate electricity safely and directly without the need for power generation using steam and turbines.

    There has been much progress with the plasma focus fairly recently. Taken from the Focus Fusion website []:

    In recently completed test experiments, the researchers were able to achieve temperatures that reached up to two billion degrees in some shots of the plasma focus device, well surpassing previous records of 520 million degrees achieved by the commonly used tokamak device. The much larger and more expensive tokamak has been cornerstone of the US fusion program for 25 years.

    The plasma focus functions in a fundamentally different way from other fusion devices. Tokamaks and most other fusion devices use powerful magnets to attempt to stabilize the plasma - the extremely hot, electrically conducting gas in which the fusion reactions occur. This task has been likened to lifting gelatin with rubber bands. Instead, the plasma focus takes advantage of the natural instabilities of the plasma, so that the plasma's own magnetic fields compress it and heat it. "The plasma focus works with the plasma, not against it," says Lerner.

    Perhaps someone with the foresight to see the best path for future power generation can fund this research fully and cease our pseudo problems concerning concerns about future energy sources. The solution is apparent.

  • by francium de neobie ( 590783 ) on Sunday March 28, 2004 @11:26PM (#8700041)
    Case 1:

    Article: "When all 192 lasers in the NIF are operating, they'll focus 500 trillion watts (everything after this point is non-existent) - more than 1,000 times the power generated in the United States - on their target, albeit only for a few billionths of a second."

    Slashdotter: "500 trillion watts?! You gotta be fuckin' kidding! You're gonna blow up California!"

    Case 2:

    Article: "When all 192 lasers in the NIF are operating, they'll focus a few kilojoules worth of energy on a hydrogen pellet..."

    Slashdotter: "WTF is this all about? Is this good? Or is it whack?"

    Case 3:

    Article: "With this (Dr. Evil style)LA-SER device, we're gonna get FU-SION using less energy then what your Prescott has consumed while you're reading this piece of crap!"

    Slashdotter: "I, for one, welcomes our new fusion power overlord! l33t!!!!"

  • 10 years?! (Score:5, Funny)

    by spamster ( 766232 ) on Sunday March 28, 2004 @11:38PM (#8700105)
    Perhaps we should send a couple of settlers to the capitol and use them to help finish this Great Wonder!
  • Easy one (Score:4, Funny)

    by ElDuque ( 267493 ) <adw5.lehigh@edu> on Monday March 29, 2004 @01:12AM (#8700623)

    In related news, NIF has ordered 192 sharks.

  • by melted ( 227442 ) on Monday March 29, 2004 @01:23AM (#8700679) Homepage
    Boss: When do you expect to finish the project?
    Me: Hmmm, lemme see, I think I'll finish it by year 2014, and then it may not work.
    Boss: OK, here's your paycheck. By the way, we've approved that $20M yearly budget increase.

    Boy, wouldn't that be sweet? Software industry is a wrong domain to work in right now. Those bloodsucking PHBs demand results every freaking week.

Nobody said computers were going to be polite.
