Superflu Being Brewed in the Lab 332
Genial Generalist writes "Superflu is being brewed in the lab, an article by Michael Le Page, describes some of the ongoing efforts to genetically modify the different strains of flu, specifically CDC modification of bird flu for the purpose of developing new vaccines."
Oh NO! Worldwide Outbreak!!! (Score:5, Funny)
Point being, haven't we learned any lessons from the movies?!
Create super virus - (and hopefully the corresponding vaccine).
Sell super virus to terrorists - (and act like it got stolen).
Keep vaccine to sell to public when 'Outbreak' occurs (another good movie).
I hope someone can understand the devastation that could arise should this truly happen!
But, if 'Outbreak' does occur or 'Mission Impossible 2' then I'm getting out of the city and heading to the hills!
Re:Oh NO! Worldwide Outbreak!!! (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Oh NO! Worldwide Outbreak!!! (Score:4, Funny)
We're all doomed!
Heads for the nearing sporting goods department and sets up home in a nearby supermarket
The Stand (Score:2)
Here's a bit of lyrics by The Alarm:
"When I looked out the window
On the hardship that I struck
I saw the seven phials open
The plague claimed man and son
Four men at a grave in silence
With hats bowed down in grace
A simple wooden cross
It had no epitaph engraved
Epitaph engraved
It had no epitaph engraved
Come on down
And meet your maker
Come on down
Come on down
And make the stand"
And yes, Stephen King is alive and well.
shouldn't that be? (Score:5, Funny)
2. Create vaccine for said ubervirus
3. ????
4. Profit!
sorry about that...
Re:shouldn't that be? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:shouldn't that be? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:shouldn't that be? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:shouldn't that be? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Oh NO! Worldwide Outbreak!!! (Score:2)
Re:Oh NO! Worldwide Outbreak!!! (Score:3, Funny)
Those pushy people who pounce on you in the mall parking lot are the terrorists, but they don't even know it.Read more. [uncoveror.com]
Re:Oh NO! Worldwide Outbreak!!! (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Oh NO! Worldwide Outbreak!!! (Score:5, Informative)
> to create models of virii and their effects on
> cells.
Not even close! You can only simulate something on a computer that has a model in the first place. That's what this research is about in the first place. Computers do not create models. Computers are driven by models. Humans create those models that drive computers. Humans create those models by validating hypothetical, human-contrived, models against empirical observation (such as come from creating pathological viruses and seeing how deadly they are). Models only predict when they are validated empirically and are only improved by empirically comparison: reality is the only truth.
There are no sufficiently accurate cell or virus models in existence that could begin to realistic assess if a virus can or can not be pathogenic from first-principles (DNA mutations, etc.). Trusting models that exist today to human lives is nearly as dangerous as playing with a pathogenic virus as described in the article. That's how crude they are! It will be decades before sufficiently better models exist. It will only be through these types of experiments that such a model could ever exist.
Currently biologist have the raw data for genomics (DNA sequences) based on the DNA a handful of people out of 5 billion(!), but the actual biological implications of a model aren't simply defined by genomics. The next layer is proteomics (how proteins from some arbitrary source mRNA are created, folded and embued with biological activity), and then the next layer, the total black hole of the hour: enzyme and metabolic "circuits" in N-space. Most of the knowledge of proteomics and enzyme pathways is utterly primitive at best. Actually predicting phenomena theoretically from first principles (which is what you are suggesting can be done in lieu of empirical testing) is utterly impossible now and probably will remain so for many decades to come in the best case scenario.
To put this in perspective: imagine you are a 19th century scientist or engineer with fresh knowledge of Maxwell's and Newton, but no concept of Quantum Mechanics (1920s) or Linear Circuit Theory (1930s) or Semiconductor Physics (1940s) or Computer Design (1950s) or Integrated Circuits (1960s) or Microprocessors (1970s) or OO Software Design (1980s) or the Web (1990s).
Now imagine someone says tells: "Hey you (Mr. 19th Century), you can predict how this Athlon microprocessor can be used by two people on opposite sides of the world to communicate instantly over a network, just based on what you know now and extrapolating from first principles..." You might have an inkling that it might somehow be possible given telegraphy and telephones at the time, but whatever you came up with would never predict spam, porn, identify theft or other pathological/pathogenic outcomes.
Right now, molecular biology is at a similar point to where electronic/electric technology was in the late 19th century. Most stuff is done empirically. Biological procedure is a craft and art as much as a science and process. Theories and systematic procedures exist but they tend to be valid "one-off" only. Automation in biology is almost out of the 18th century rather than the 21st century.
There is an ethical question certainly, but it's not black-and-white, and computers can not be substituted for taking certain risks. The only question is one of risk-assessment and of ethics given those risks.
Whack? Quote from article (Score:4, Funny)
In 2001, for instance, Australian researchers created a mousepox virus far more virulent than any wild strains. This scenario is unlikely, but not impossible, says virologist Earl Brown of the University of Ottawa, Canada.
"You could create something that is right out of whack, but I'd be surprised."
Mousepox virus. Is it good or is it whack?
Looks like this researcher has been reading a little bit too much slashdot.
Good morning, Captain (Score:5, Funny)
I'd better start looking for real estate in either Boulder or Las Vegas. Not sure yet.
Re:Good morning, Captain (Score:2, Interesting)
"The Stand" was the first thing that I thought of upon seeing the article, too.
Right now, the world could be dying off around me, and I wouldn't know it for weeks. Why? Because I live in the world of ONS-Torlan in U
Re:Good morning, Captain (Score:2)
Seriously though, I am hoping that they bring back some of my old favourites, which their marketing suggests they'll be doing. AS Frigate and AS Overlord were awesome, AS OceanFloor and AS Hispeed were also cool if you liked the harder-to-defend style.
Re:Good morning, Captain (Score:4, Insightful)
Bosh (Score:5, Interesting)
That said, I think the dangers of this are exaggerated. No doubt it would be a catastrophe if it were to escape the lab, but life is a lot more resilient than it is usually given credit for. Creating "a virus that could kill tens of millions if it got out of the lab" is a catchy line in an article (or a cheesy plot for a movie), but there is absolutely no basis for it. I think any benefit that comes from this sort of research far outweighs the hypothetical dangers.
Re:Bosh (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Bosh (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Bosh (Score:2, Interesting)
Would it be a catastrophe if it escaped the lab, or is this just run of the mill New Scientist fear mongering?
There are plenty of lethal strains of the flu, and other nasty bugs out in the open. Yet, humanity survives.
Re:Bosh - yes (Score:2)
Re:Bosh (Score:2)
But if the chance is only 1 in 1000, do you want to bet the whole species on it? Do the other 6 billion souls on the planet get a vote?
How about 100 million? 200 million? (Score:5, Insightful)
Given that the world population has more than tripled since then, and given the increases in world travel, a death toll of over 100 million would not be unlikely for a similar flu. I wouldn't be surprised if it went higher (with a similar strain to the 1918 flu).
I heard on NPR a week or two ago, from an author who wrote about the 1918 pandemic, that in one instance a man boarded a trolley. Before the trolley got to the end of the line, the conductor and several passengers were dead.
As far as the benefit outweighing the dangers, I agree. But I don't think the dangers are exaggerated.
Re:How about 100 million? 200 million? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:How about 100 million? 200 million? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:How about 100 million? 200 million? (Score:3, Insightful)
Better medical care assumes that you haven't overrun the capacity of the healthcare system. Many of the who survived SARS only did so because they were put on a respirator at a hospital. How many respirators exist on the entire planet? The number is probably only in the thousands. Once those are used up, along with stocks of antiviral medicines, infected individu
Re:How about 100 million? 200 million? (Score:5, Funny)
Probably because the trolley crashed, he just failed to mention that. Book sales and all.
Re:How about 100 million? 200 million? (Score:5, Insightful)
How long was the journey in the trolley? I doubt it was long enought to cover the incubation period. So the people on the trolley were probably already sick and in an advance state of the infection.
If a virus has a short incubation period and is very virulent (you die quickly) the less likely it will affect a large proportion of people.
The more successfull virus are the one will long incubation period, take the virus that case AIDS for example.
Re:How about 100 million? 200 million? (Score:2, Interesting)
Flu : The Story Of The Great Influenza Pandemic by Gina Kolata.
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0 7 43 203984/qid=1077900610//ref=pd_ka_1/103-9029329-360 3017?v=glance&s=books&n=507846
The book covers much of the 1918 outbreak. It also details recent effort by two teams to exhume 1918 flu victims from permafrost to study the 1918 flu virus. IIRC, the conclusion was that today's flu is genetically similar to the 1918 strain, but that it does
Re: 1918 Pandemic- yes, it WAS that bad... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:How about 100 million? 200 million? (Score:4, Informative)
I had my grandmother tell me her account of living through that epidemic. She lost two brothers then.
The symptoms werent pretty, and everyone was paranoid... even in the rural area she lived in, every family lost members.
I was totally creeped out by the details.
And people were much more community oriented back then... I can only imagine what would happen if such an epidemic occured today in individualistic North America...
Re:How about 100 million? 200 million? (Score:3, Insightful)
You make a good point about the young and old being affected more than healthy adults, but you need to include the immuno-compromised. The flu can be quite deadly to those living with AIDS.
To put the 1918 pandemic in perspective, each year the flu kills about 30,000 people in the U.S. (according to my source that participates in CDC flu studies every ye
Re:How about 100 million? 200 million? (Score:2)
NPR = National Public Radio
Can a virus not kill that fast? I'm not a doctor.
Re:How about 100 million? 200 million? (Score:3, Informative)
No, but some people drowned in their own blood in a matter of hours, which would be perfectly valid if you s/trolley/train/g
I'd stay away from whatever the hell NPR is if I were you - sounds like they haven't a clue about viruses.
I love how people slag on NPR from the hearsay of J. Random Stranger on Slashdot. Very enlightened. Bill Gates is the Devil. I read it here, it must be true!
Re:How about 100 million? 200 million? (Score:5, Informative)
An excerpt from the book Flu by (Gina Kolata) about the pandemic puts the number between 20 - 100 million.
Re:Bosh (Score:2)
Yep, when I read this article the first thing that came to mind was an old black women with psychic powers living in the middle of a corn field.
While we're talking fiction, 28 Days Later also comes to mind.
Dan East
Re:Bosh (Score:5, Insightful)
If you really want to be scared, read this TRUE account of a near outbreak of The Ebola Virus in Reston Virgina. This book is called The Hot Zone [desires.com] by Richard Preston. When you realize how easily viruses ar spread in hospitals, and labs you should be terrified. Superbugs/Superflus/SARS these are the real dangers to mankinds future.
Hell yeah! (Score:2)
Re:Bosh (Score:5, Interesting)
Life may be resilient, and even human life may be resilient, but civilization is somewhat more fragile. Postulate a death rate from an engineered organism similar to the Black Death in Europe: one-third of the population killed in five years. In the US, that's almost 100M deaths, 20M per year. The current US death rate is about 2.4M per year. Disposing of the bodies is going to be a large, but probably managable, task. How much of the rest of the infrastructure will we be able to keep going? Or at least, at what level will we keep it going?
Here's another scenario that you might consider. Suppose it's just the US that gets hit. The US economy would have BIG dislocations -- consider what happens in the housing industry as an example. New construction essentially halts, since we would have an enormous oversupply. Some number (probably large) of banks and other holders of mortgages would fail, since a third or so of their mortgages are now worthless. The fallout is not just domestic. At the present time, US consumption of goods and services is driving the world economy (the Economist bemoans this situation on a regular basis). If the US suffers an epidemic that kills a third of the population, US consumption falls drastically, probably by an even bigger factor. The result would be a world-wide depression as enormous numbers of workers whose jobs depend on sales in the US become unemployed.
Taking a long view, engineered bioweapons scare me more than nukes do. Today building such a bug is still a difficult task, but it's getting easier. At the current rate of progress, how hard/expensive will it be in 20 years? Will a lunatic with the resources of a small country (even a poor one) at his/her disposal be able to do it? There are still going to be a lot of poor countries in 20 years, many with a grudge against the rich countries, and at least a few controlled by lunatics. OTOH, I don't lose sleep over the issue, since (a) there's not much I can do about the risk and (b) the options for trying to protect myself (say by becoming an isolated subsistence farmer somewhere) are unpalatable.
Re:Bosh (Score:3, Insightful)
It more or less annihilated a town downwind of the plant.
Anthrax isn't contagious from person to person and thankfully these people didn't do much traveling.
Want a virus that got out of the lab and is wracking up casualties in the 10s of millions? Try AIDS. Of course, the "l
Re:Bosh (Score:5, Interesting)
The Pandemic flu of 1918-1919 - 10-25% exposed died, 25-37 million victims. They think it was a mutated swine flu.
Bubonic plague (bacteria actually but just to point out a very deadly NATURAL biological agent) - ~90% exposed died, ~137 million victims.
When europeans came to the US the diseases they brought wiped out about 90% of the Native American population simply because they didn't have the resistances the Europeans had.
So you think a genetically engineered flu like what was in The Stand isn't possible?
That it couldn't have a kill rate as high as 90+%?
Genetic engineering of this kind is far worse than radiation. At least radiation will decay and disappear in 50,000 years or so.
Biological agents mutate and get stronger through the standard darwinian evolutionary processes.
They only reason we got rid of smallpox was there was a global effort to vaccinate everyone on the planet for decades. Colds and flu strains are so numerous that we haven't been able to devise a way to get rid of the ones we know of..
And they want to build super versions of something we can't irradicate now?
To paraphase from memory The Stand:
This is how the world ends, not with a bang but a wimper.
Re:Bosh (Score:3, Informative)
Regular Joe flus kill a few million worldwide every year.
Re:Bosh (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Bosh (Score:2, Insightful)
Many have killed more
The "regular joe flu" kills far less than 10's of millions in a "short timespan." Only once (NOT "many") has a disease killed "more" in a "short timespan" (keeping "short" relative).
So while the person you were responding to may have conceeded, he shouldn't have. Its not many, its not more. Tens of millions is NOT a low number.
Re:Bosh (Score:3, Insightful)
The first is total population size. The bubonic plague killed approximately 25 million people of the 75 million people living in Europe at the time [wikipedia.org].
The population of Europe right now, according to these people [internetworldstats.com] is nearly 10 times that. Its true that the more recent consensus may count some countries not counted in the 75 million count, but still it will suffice for our purposes.
Another factor is population density, which is much gr
well, i'm not too terrified (Score:4, Funny)
so they've added one more to the list.
It's the sort of thing you get used to.
Re:well, i'm not too terrified (Score:2, Funny)
SuperFlu! (Score:3, Funny)
Please take a number to administer beatings.
Re:SuperFlu! (Score:2)
Darkest of night
With the moon shining bright
There's a set goin' strong
Lotta things goin' on
The virus of the hour
Has an air of great power
The dudes have envied it for so long
Oooh, Superflu
You're gonna make your fortune by and by
But if you lose, don't ask no questions why
The only game you know is Do or Die (mostly Die)
Second line for beatings to the right, please.
Dangerous research? (Score:5, Insightful)
Refusing to perform research does not preclude others from doing the same for evil purposes.
Re:Dangerous research? (Score:4, Insightful)
Having said that, I agree with this poast.
Going the wrong way (Score:4, Funny)
Yet another post by someone who didn't click-thru to the article
Re:Going the wrong way (Score:2)
They don't need a lab... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:They don't need a lab... (Score:2)
I completely agree - everyone in my family has had something really nasty that knocked us all on our tails for upwards of two weeks - including about five days where it was impossible to get off the bed/couch. Plus, my son and I ended up with ear infections, sinus infections and bacterial conjunctivitis as a result - and the ear and sinus infections were resistant to the first set of antibiotics.
AND we all had the flu shot this year - I'm reluctant to think we all
Superflu (Score:5, Funny)
Oh snap, oooooh snap! Score one for the big I!
Fear psychosis? (Score:5, Interesting)
The tendency of the human race to both improve it's awareness of the world while at the same time endangering itself has been the cause of grief and happiness.
This though, seems to be of little benefit to anyone, unless it guarantees a cure for the common cold!
Re:Fear psychosis? (Score:2, Insightful)
The quarantine levels within these labs are insane, the odds of 'the stand' happening accidentally are very near 0.
old news ... (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:old news ... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:old news ... (Score:4, Informative)
written by a guy who actually RAN part of the former soviet's program to manufacture biological weapons.
Germ Warfare (Score:3, Insightful)
IIRC that's a protozoan, not a bacterium.
But it's not a virus either, so your point stands.
The best biological weapons are the ones that act fast and have cures. You want your own troops to be immune while the disease incapacitates the enemy.
The best biological weapons are non-lethal. They make the enemy so sick they can't fight, while your healthy troops move in and sieze power, set up friendly governments, etc. After the New Boss(tm) is firmly in place,
Is it worth it? (Score:4, Insightful)
I'm not saying it isn't, just a point to ponder.
Re:Is it worth it? (Score:5, Insightful)
Forget that it's worthwhile research that may save millions of lives. We've already killed promising stem cell research in this country with Bush's stupid executive order. In the future we may be buying our Parkinson's treatments from South Korea...
Re:Is it worth it? (Score:4, Insightful)
I get to play the part of Stu! (Score:3, Funny)
The part of the Walking Dude should be played by Darl McBride =]
It's only a matter of time... (Score:5, Interesting)
Human nature is not going to change. We are petty and short sighted, driven by emotion. These things WILL be made, eventually. It is likely sooner or later something really bad will get loose.
I am afraid for the whole Human Race. How do we prepare for this or prevent this?
Re:It's only a matter of time... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:It's only a matter of time... (Score:2, Insightful)
And maybe vaccines are "10 to 20 years" more advanced by then? To make a really devastating disease you'd have to engineer something ingenious -- like an airborne AIDS. That's not your standard high-school science project, even 20 years from now. Also, most viruses have the disadvantage of having a low incubation time, which means that epidemics can be spotted early and quarrentine meassures can be done fast. Technology can cause death, but it can bring protection as well.
Don't be a Prophet of Doom. It su
Re:It's only a matter of time... (Score:3, Interesting)
You forget that by that time a grad student or third world scientist will be able to easily engineer the cure, too. And advanced medicine in a first world country even moreso.
Look, I understand that people want to be all doomsday to knock some sense into people, but really no human invention except the atomic bomb and television has actually had the
Re:It's only a matter of time... (Score:2, Insightful)
How do we prepare for this or prevent this?
The same way we should be preparing for any major world disaster: self-sufficient off-world colonies.
Or, how about creating viruses in legitimate labs right now so that the legitimate grad students and third world scientists (out-sourcing, you know?) will have enough knowledge later to develop vaccines? Now
Re:It's only a matter of time... (Score:3, Interesting)
I wouldn't sell the scientific community short on this. Scientists are well aware of the consequences of their reasearch and the ethical foundations of said research. They are also aware of the various techniques that politicians use to force them into to unethical research and development and how to fight this coersion.
Scientists are not so
mmmm, Captain Trips (Score:2, Funny)
Human Evolution (Score:5, Interesting)
I've read that human evolution has stopped, because modern medicine has eliminated most of the diseases that cause death prior to being mature enough to reproduce.
If one of these superviruses was released, could it be viewed as a way of pushing along evolution, since only those strong enough and with the genetics to survive the virus would live to reproduce?
Re:Human Evolution (Score:4, Interesting)
This reminds me of some of the Animaniacs sketches (Score:5, Interesting)
Bad Idea: Deliberately creating new versions of the flu, to learn how to prevent future outbreaks.
The frightening thought is that they aren't using the highest grade of quarantine level. I suppose though, when it does get out, they'll know how they made it, and theoretically, also how to fight it. At least until it mutates naturally.
CDC Superflu modeling info (Score:3, Informative)
Nature's better at this than we are (Score:5, Insightful)
Fact is, noone brews up a killer virus like Mother Nature. There are thousands of strains of the flu, many fatal to a percentage of their victims.. HIV, Ebola, Smallpox, Anthrax, etc.. Lots of nasty shit out there. There's fecal coliforms on your toothbrush! Eww, I saw it on Mythbusters.
Anyways, humanity survives. We survived the plague, we'll survive AIDS, we'll survive whatever Professor Peabody and his mad, mad test tubes come up with.
After all, we don't know enough to cure the common cold, how could we know enough to create the perfect virus?
Re:Nature's better at this than we are (Score:4, Insightful)
Humanity is very good at coming up with clever methods of killing ourselves and everything around us. Actually doing something to improve the world is a distant second.
Re:Nature's better at this than we are (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Nature's better at this than we are (Score:4, Insightful)
If a script kiddie can create a virus that infects millions of computers, a team of trained biologists can certainly create a virus that can infect millions of humans.
Re:Nature's better at this than we are (Score:3, Informative)
Trained scientists working on a "superflu" have a focus, a goal in mind.
Natural viruses not as deadly as man-made ones (Score:5, Interesting)
For example many of the most deadly viruses which you have practically no chance of surviving such as Ebola are not airborne. Syphilis used to be much more deadly but gradually evolved into a less potent form.
Also you forget that a lot of the diseases we survive (as in the population in general not individual people) because people gradually develop immunity to them especially due to proximity to animals. For example smallpox. For examples of what happens when people are suddenly exposed to diseases just look at aboriginal populations like the Australian Aborigines, the South American or North American Indians.
So a man-made virus:
(1) While a natural virus's main aim is to survive and hence not kill everything in sight, thus either is either difficult to spread (anything that doesn't involve airbourne or a simple touch) or is simply not instantly deadly, a man-made virus does not need to fill this condition and thus can be both deadly and easy to spread. In fact these are the sort of mutations they are working on in the experiments.
(2) The virus escapes suddenly into a population which has none or practically no immunity to it.
So a man-made virus could very well be something that nature has never produced and is not likely to produce - a virus as deadly as Ebola (99% death rate), as easy to spread as the cold (airbourne and touch) released suddenly into a population which has even less immunity to it than the American Indians to smallpox.
Not what you'd want to overhear at a bar... (Score:5, Funny)
Yes? Hmmmmmmm....
The problem with flu vaccines... (Score:5, Informative)
Avian flu, however, would likely kill the egg--Dead Eggs Produce No Antibodies, i.e. no vaccine. Luckily, it's more difficult for avian flu to make the species jump to humans in a virulent form, but the WHO, CDC, and other groups are scared to death some bird flu is going to figure this out soon and we'll be helpless in front of it. It's 1918 [stanford.edu] all over again.
Don't get to cranky about these folks looking at ways to culture flu virii in something other than chickens--they're looking for answers.
Ive got some to sell (Score:2, Funny)
Ive got strains of all kinds of previously unknown shit growing in my fridge at the moment
Ive even tested the human vector factor by eating some greenish ham yesterday, GUESS WHAT ????
Im sick as hell, guess it works !
U.S. i -was- working on it's own version. (Score:4, Funny)
Oh, fer cryin' out loud, relax! (Score:2, Funny)
Virii and toxins (Score:5, Interesting)
That being said, it's still possible to balance all the factors so you have a fairly lethal virus, relatively contagious, that mutates quickly and successfully. It's just not as likely to end up as a Captain Tripps, or even an Ebola.
Toxins, on the other hand, are better for short-term, near-instantaneous death, and are more likely to be "controllable" through judicious application. Again, there are contraindications such as method of application, weather, &tc. that would warrant not using them.
The various death merchants will keep experimenting anyway, but it's nice to know that we're far more likely to be wiped out as a species by a giant asteroid than from a little critter built in a lab.
Comparatively little work (Score:3, Informative)
Needless to say, this knowledge would be incredibly valuable. And, yes, dangerous in the wrong hands -- but the genes which allow human infection in bird flu may not be, and in fact are probably not, the same genes which allow human infection in other viruses.
When will we learn? (Score:4, Funny)
Have Stephen King books taught us nothing?
Crime fighter (Score:3, Funny)
And he'll get all the chicks.
Just wait for it to happen (Score:3)
I wonder if... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Oh Boy (Score:4, Funny)
Nope, sorry.
Re:I smell a movie... (Score:2)
Re:Illuminati: New World Order (Score:2)
[tinfoil hat] This is why I only drink cheap American beer, which I boil first because I don't trust the pasteurization process... I'm thinking of switching to straight bourbon... [/tinfoil hat]
Re:FIRST PISS (Score:2)