The Law of Disassembly 195
An anonymous reader writes "Smalltimes has a story by Douglas Mulhall, author of Our Molecular Future, which discusses molecular nanotechnology (MNT) disassembly, and argues for what he calls the 'Law of Disassembly,' that 'every MNT product must be disassemblable by at least one [of several possible methods].' The article ends with some good suggestions for raising awareness of this important issue. Gratuitous quote: This is disturbingly reminiscent of "nuclear power will give us clean limitless energy, and don't worry, we'll deal with the byproducts later because we'll have the tools by then.""
The other day I saw... (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:The other day I saw... (Score:2, Insightful)
Writing your own bootloader is a pointless endeavour.
Writing your own OS is pointless.
Rebuilding a 1970s MOPAR classic is pointless.
In the first days of crude oil refinement, gasoline was considered a waste product. People eventually found a use for it.
There are literally thousands of exapmles in history of a product being completely useless (or producing a useless by-product) that later turned out to be more valuable than what the inventor ori
Re:The other day I saw... (Score:2)
It was quite the fun book for those paranoid about technology, especially nano/bio stuff.
Clarify (Score:3, Insightful)
And weren't they right? Nuclear power does give us clean, limitless engery and we can deal with the byproducts no problem.
Re:Clarify (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Clarify (Score:3, Interesting)
And we have said hole in the ground selected, and already have the security tech and plans to make sure nobody goes near it for a few millenia.
What's interesting about the protests about the project is that the political types that represent the area where the hole is are fine with the project... it brings plenty of jobs to their area, and they're convinced of the safety. Therefore, the FUD-s
Nuclear waste issue and The Bomb (Score:5, Interesting)
Now President Carter has had his share of critics, but his worry about reprocessing is opening up more avenues for diversion of atomic materials and making the Bomb available to more people. Yeah, yeah, the plutonium that is cooked in a LWR is the wrong isotope for the Bomb compared to the plutonium cooked for shorter times under different conditions up at the old Hanford reactor. I guess there is some controversy as to whether with enough technical smarts you could make a bomb from LWR plutonium.
I say we forget about Yucca Mountain and just store the spent fuel rods "on site" and build more storage, whether it is more "swimming pools" or perhaps "dry cask storage."
OK wait, would everyone here agree that compact fluorescent lamps (CFL's) are a Good Thing -- saving on coal and nuclear power and saving the Earth and everything? Is there any Amory Lovins disciple out there with anything bad to say about CFL's? Guess what, they have mercury in them, and no, they don't last forever -- I have had enough of them long enough to see them burn out. For years, the City of Madison wouldn't take them in the garbage, telling us to pile them up in our basements. Oh, and I have dropped more than one of those things, so I suppose I am brain damaged from the mercury by now.
The City of Madison now collects CFL's and fluorescent tubes if you wrap them and separate them from other garbage -- have no idea what happens to them. I say lets just stockpile spent fuel rods until some future markets develop for what is in them.
Re:Nuclear waste issue and The Bomb (Score:2)
Now President Carter has had his share of critics
His biggest liability was that he couldn't delegate properly (because of staff bickering, he ma.
On the plus side, apart from his humanitarian effors, because of his nuclear submarine background and training he was the only president that knew what a Bessel function was.
Re:Clarify? (Score:3, Insightful)
You are so fucking wrong it boggles the mind. I'll challenge you to read this article [ewg.org] and think before you support bullshit like this in the future.
And as a resident of Las Vegas, may I personally say, fuck you.
Re:Clarify (Score:2)
Re:Clarify (Score:5, Insightful)
Which is more dangerous: a few kilograms of nuclear waste, or a few kilograms of concentrated weird chemical byproducts from heavy industry?
It would be a good idea to really look at the whole cost/benefit analysis for nuclear power vs. other things we have that don't contain the word "nuclear".
Re:Clarify (Score:4, Interesting)
I guess it comes down to which is better: A 100% chance your health is being harmed slowly, or small chance your health could be harmed drastically.
Re:Clarify (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Clarify (Score:3, Interesting)
Googling a bit gives us the statistics [friendsofcoal.org] of West Virginia Coal association (around 164 million tons in 2003), and trace info [wvnet.edu] on west virginian trace amounts of uranium in coal (1.59ppm mean value). This might be a small fraction, but it's probably accurate.
So we have 1.59 mol uranium per million mol coal. I'll also assume that a ton is a metric ton and that coal exists entirely of carbon.
164M tons at 12.0107 g/mol gives us 13654491411824 mol. At 1.59ppm, we have 21710641 mol of uraniu
Re:Clarify (Score:2, Informative)
Chemical energy is what you get when e.g. you burn something: this is the energy from interatomic bonds (electromagnetic force).
Atomic energy is different, it comes from the bonds between protons / neutrons inside of the nucleus (I'd say it's the strong force but I'm not sure).
I think the mass loss for fission is 1/1000, 4/1000 for fusion (for chemical probably in the order of
Re:Clarify (Score:5, Insightful)
You can't nuke New York. There's a big difference between dropping a nuclear weapon on New York and spreading radioactive dust around New York.
In any case, you can easily steal this material? And then pulvarize it (without killing yourself) and attach it to a bomb that can distribute it throughout a city? This seems way more complex then the most complex attack that terrorists have ever carried out.
the waste will still be there when your grandchildren walk this earth
So? A lot of waste will still be here when my grandchildren walk this earth.
Take a look at the sun, and you'll see a huge clean efficient way of getting about 90-99% of the chemical energy stored in molecules
In other words, you know nothing the subject. Burning releases chemical energy. Nuclear reactions release energy bound in the nucleus of the atom, not chemical energy stored in molecules.
I am very much in favor of nuclear fusion, NOT fission
And I'm in favor of opening a wormhole to another universe and directly sucking the energy through. But that, like nuclear fusion, isn't possible today. So we have to use real-world power generation. So far, fission is one of the few pratical means of generating the power we need anywhere on Earth.
Re:Clarify (Score:2)
Re:Clarify (Score:2)
You could also take a bunch of asbestos (from an old building, say), and make a dirty asbestos bomb. Both will really suck for the people who breathe near where they went off. How much worse would the nuclear waste be compared to the asbestos? How do you know -- have you really compared them?
Neither one can kill the whole city. A "dirty nuclear bomb" does have the word "nuclear" in it, so it will be scarier, though.
Re:Clarify (Score:2, Informative)
I suppose the parent has a point in that a fusion bomb does produce enough energy to further itself, at least for a little while, and we simply don't have the technology to contain all the energy required to sustain a reaction of that type.
Re:Clarify (Score:2)
I invite you to visit the other 95%. I have. There's about as many people wearing safety equipment overseas as there are Democrats supporting George Bush.
Re:Clarify (Score:2)
If the rods are still radioactive, then why are they considered waste?
The material in these rods has been in the ground for longer than man has been on the planet. Why are they considered waste after a year of being in a reactor?
At the very least, we could have smaller reactors designed to deal with the lower energy output.
If people weren't such tools about plutonium, we could use breeder reactors. Build one amd run it till it produced enough waste to power a second. T
Open Source? (Score:5, Informative)
But in reading the article, I found this is not what he's talking about. Instead he is talking about how to decommission various molecular nanotechnology (MNT) creations, and e.g. the difficulties that are created by shields and shells created around various small scale entities.
I think both of these sides to "disassembly" seem pretty damn important.
Nuclear plants are just fine... (Score:4, Interesting)
All those isotopes came from somewhere down there anyhow, right?
Nuclear power seems pretty damn clean to me, and I live about 15 miles from a nuc plant that produces my power, far cheaper (per Kwh) than anything else with no polution that I can see.
Re:Nuclear plants are just fine... (Score:2)
Re:Nuclear plants are just fine... (Score:5, Interesting)
Because to get it in an effective locations, you'd have to bury it insanely deep, and it would still only get drawn down below the plate at an incredibly slow rate. The plates move at most an inch or so a year.
I live about 15 miles from a nuc plant that produces my power, far cheaper (per Kwh) than anything else
Your doing better than we are here in the UK then. The entire nuclear industry would be bankrupt if it weren't for the government pouring millions and millions of pounds of taxpayers money into privately owned companies. And even then, it's still virtually bankrupt, and producing power that's more expensive per Kwh than virtually any other method. If we had a true free market in the UK power industry, we'd have no nuclear power.
with no polution that I can see
Yeah, you can't see it, but that's because it's really dangerous, and it's therefore stowed away under armed guard somewhere. Still, it will give your children a good steady job keeping it safe. And your childrens children. And your childrens childrens children. And your childrens childrens childrens children. And so on and so forth for the next ten thousand or so generations.
Re:Nuclear plants are just fine... (Score:3, Insightful)
People keep forgetting that all this so called waste is recycleable, for more power than the orignal action to produce it.
I know nothing about the state of UK's power, but I find it hard to belive that you couldn't make a profit in the free market with nuclear power. What other choices do you have for your power? Wind and tide sound like good ideas, but just don't produce that much. Import coal/gas/oil? Not enough sun to make solar worth trying on a large scale. Not enough land to grow a renewable
Re:Nuclear plants are just fine... (Score:2)
The problem with trying to make a profit on nuclear power is, I'd imagine, mostly a problem of PR. Nuclear energy has such a horrible reputation with the average person (with people I know, at least) that it'd be an uphill battle to get anyone to buy power from you.
I'm playing armchair sociologist here, but I'd wager it might be due in part to the current generation of power buyers having grown up under the spectre of the cold war. I mean, sure, it's prob
Re:Nuclear plants are just fine... (Score:2)
Despite having less incentive than th
Re:Nuclear plants are just fine... (Score:2)
"Yeah, you can't see it, but that's because it's really dangerous,"
Yeah, that nuclear waste might just come creeping through my bedroom window and night a
Re:Nuclear plants are just fine... (Score:2, Informative)
You're idea is nevertheless charming, but in order to get them into a region that really gets subducted completly you would have to dig a very deep hole. It'll be very expansive if at all doable. If you don't get deep enough y
nanotechnology (Score:2, Interesting)
Apart from making computers smaller and making tasks that previously required either parallel processing or supercomputers - eg modelling nuclear explosions, weather prediction, orbital calculations, areas of mathematical research - what are the future applications of this researc
one answer: teleportation (Score:2)
Re:one answer: teleportation (Score:2)
Some other guy that looks remarkably like you doesn't.
And if you're the xerox, you don't remember going sky diving... or you still need risky surgery...
Industrial revolution (Score:5, Interesting)
Imagine having a factory unit that fits in your hand and with a supply of air and water it could make more of itself or make any structure or electronics gizmo you have a program for. Connect yourself to the internet and get free programs to build housing, greenhouses, furniture, computers, wireless nodes for the new internet, cars, solar cells, all without significant human intervention and costing nothing more than water, air, and power, or for the extra cheap using only your own solar cells.
This is the extremely conservative vision, assuming that we will only be able to produce a few basic things with nanomachines (but assuming we can build a nanofactory that reproduces itself), not assuming we will be able to make foodstuffs, cybernetic enhancements, or any of the obvious things that would be handy to have as microscopic machines (blood cleaning & oxygenating machines, cancer finding & eating machines, machines to be the roto-rooter to your clogged arteries, etc).
Oh yeah, and once the technology is mature enough that a self-reproducing version escapes the lab, imagine getting all of this for next to nothing, and giving them away to your friends just because it costs you basically nothing to do so. Oh yeah, and don't forget to save the third world while you're at it.
And don't forget, that's the conservative vision. I cannot imagine that within the next 50 years we won't have nanomachines that do that. If we can avoid everyone killing everyone else in the power struggle that ensues, we will be trading in virtually all of the old problems that aren't social for new ones.
Re:Industrial revolution (Score:3, Informative)
Considering it is imposssible to create macrobots that can reproduce themselves, the prospect of microbots that can do it is practically inconceivable to me.
As a chemist who works in the area of nano-composites and nano-patterning the smallest self replicating robots I can imagine already exist...they are called single celled organisms. The chemistry involved in making nanobots is equally as complicated as that of organic life, no matter what elem
Re:Industrial revolution (Score:2)
I'm sorry, what? You are a self-replicating macrobot. (Well, ok, you are self-replicating given a fertile member of the opposite sex.) Nature is full of self-replicating machines of all sizes. By example, we know that it is physically possible to construct self-replicating machines at least as small as the smallest bacteria and at least as large as a
What's it good for? Everything. (Score:3, Informative)
Imagine if the only real cost to build a product (such as a rocket engine or a child's toy) were only the design (and then self-replicating nano-bots would take-over given a supply of common elements).
Yes, yes. This seems to be a long way off, but the scientific principles are sound even if we don't have the engineering know h
Re:What's it good for? Everything. (Score:2)
http://www.foresight.org/EOC/ [foresight.org]
Lots of free resources available at foresight.org:
http://www.foresight.org/NanoRev/index.html [foresight.org]
By the way, the reason Engines of Creation rocks so hard is because it's all about existance proofs. K. Eric Drexler claims that we will be able to build little machines to do this or that, and then he shows how there are already bacteria, or viruses or something in nature that does some
Build bugs to build bugs (Score:2, Funny)
Some nanotech shouldn't be disassembled. (Score:5, Interesting)
Some nanotech shouldn't be disassembled, and we should know how to make it that way.
There are some nanotech applications where this "Law Of Disassembly" would be a generally bad plan, because there are some things that we want to stay made.
Space elevators and other similar tech come to mind... leaving easy dissassembly possibilities in megastructures is a pretty horrendous risk from a security perspective.
Or... to toss his own ideas back at him, the possibility of long-term nuclear waste storage in virtually-indestructible nanotech containers.
We don't want them breakable, and we don't want them to have flaws that can be exploited by unscrupulous individuals or groups.
An analogous situation would be the single-molecule spacecraft hull postulated by Larry Niven-- completely invulnerable to nearly any conceivable force until it encountered enough antimatter to destabilize the structure and reduce the entire hull to powder. In interstellar space, unfortunately...
I still agree that easy disassembly is a good idea for most purposes, but there are few laws that should always be applied without exception.
Re:Some nanotech shouldn't be disassembled. (Score:5, Funny)
As for waste storage, I'm all for the ago old plan of sending it to Jersey COD.
Re:Some nanotech shouldn't be disassembled. (Score:1)
That is only true if we depend on static structures. If nanomachines are dynamically maintaining a structure, it should be possible to have it be both extremely strong and degradable.
Nanotechnology is probably only feasible through the use of self-reproducing (or mutually-reproducing) machines. For such machines to be at all safe, we'll have to create entire "ecosystems" of such machines such that the actions of any
Oh, heck - terrorist disassemblers (Score:2)
Terrorist unleashes rogue disassemblers. Biggest obvious threat would be structures, as you say. But IMHO the more logical early use of nano would be medical diagnosis and implants. (There's already the M2A camera, named for the ingress and egress points.) Imagine unleashing disassemblers on diabetics with nano-based implanted insulin dosers, or cancer patients with nano-based, self-targeting chemo dosers. In the former case, they'd probably figure out something's wrong soon, hopefully before goi
Re:Oh, heck - terrorist disassemblers (Score:2)
Short form, we shouldn't be worried about the next generation of UBL'oids thinking along these lines, but that still leaves the n
Re:Some nanotech shouldn't be disassembled. (Score:2, Interesting)
I don't believe that your examples (space elevator, nuclear waste repositories) apply to the article. What he is arguing is that self-replicating devices be dissambleable (If I just coined that word, I'm sorry cause it is way ugly). If I'm wrong and such examples would require self-replicating devices to construct, them I'd have to say sorry, b
Re:Some nanotech shouldn't be disassembled. (Score:2)
Given that the entire idea of nanotechnology is designer molecules and tiny particles with interesting properties, it's a very valid concern.
The 3 laws of Nanotechnology (Score:5, Funny)
1. A nanite may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2. A nanite must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A nanite must be microwavable and explode in a flurry of sparks and smoke
Nano-pollution (Score:5, Interesting)
Imagine, in the future, teen-age kids creating badly-designed nano-assemblers and turning them loose into the wild. I'm a bit worried about this.
One of the first things we will try to do with assemblers is make medical nanites that make us all live longer. It may turn out that resistance to natural diseases isn't as important as resistance to brand-new designed diseases.
The flawed but interesting novel The Diamond Age pictured cities in the future as pockets of safety, ringed with clouds of defensive nanites that were constantly repulsing attacks by destructive nanites. Poor kids would try to make a little bit of money by running out into the clouds with capture devices, trying to bring back interesting/useful samples of nanites, to sell to researchers. (Breath masks recommended, if you didn't want to die young with nano-scale junk in your lungs.)
That may never happen, but we can already make artificial diamonds for use on tools. Imagine diamond-tipped chisels. Imagine tiny flakes of diamond dust in the air... tiny, sharp flakes of diamond. Could this be a problem in the near future? (Not a rhetorical question; I don't know enough about artificial diamonds, or the properties of diamond dust, to answer it.)
Re:Nano-pollution (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Nano-pollution (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Nano-pollution (Score:5, Interesting)
Another 'big if' I keep seeing that seems somewhat unfounded is the 'won't the nanomachines kill us once we breath them in'- Laser toner is molecular scale, while that stuff isin't great for you (possible carcinogin) you don't get 'black lung' from getting a whiff of it, it dosen't poke millions of tiny holes in your cellular system, and it's actually the fact that it's easy to break down that makes it dangerous (your cells can process it, and that's where the carcinogen factor comes in).
As for worries about bizarr 'grey goo' scenarios- EMP, and if that dosen't work; Nuke with associated EMP- then all you have are a bunch of inert bits of metal dust that'll rust soon enough, and otherwise pass harmlessly through your system.
Re:Nano-pollution (Score:2)
Re:Nano-pollution (Score:2)
Yes, if you take a nail and try to scratch a diamond-tipped chisel, you will scratch the nail if anything. But if you start pounding on the chisel with a hammer, are you certain that the diamond will perfectly stay intact? I'm not.
I just did a google
Inevitable Evolution of Explosive Growth (Score:5, Insightful)
Attempts to build in self-limiting features (replication delay clocks, kill switches, error-correcting DNA ROMs, special only-replicates with a special nutrient, etc.) will only present an obstacle to evolution, not an insurmountable barrier. You can add 9s to the probablity that gray goo won't happen, but you can never get to 100% if self-replication is permitted.
That said, you could also create a balanced nano-organism ecosystem with both predators and prey and boost human/animal/plant immune system to fight off nanoorganism attacks. (There is a reason that bacteria have never taken over the world.)
Re:Inevitable Evolution of Explosive Growth (Score:5, Interesting)
But it would be bad enough if someone designed a nanite that was very efficient at eating, say, grass and making copies of itself. Call it Nanite.MyDoom.A. Next is Nanite.MyDoom.B, that eats trees. Next...
You know, I'm much more worried about humans designing bad nanites, than about nanites evolving in scary ways. If we design a nanite to make solid-diamond rocket motors by swimming around in a vat full of special chemicals, what are the odds it will suddenly evolve to be able to live outside the vat? Not too scary. (What was K. Eric Drexler's comment? It would be like our cars suddenly evolving to drive themselves and run off of tree sap instead of gasoline.)
But nanites actually designed to live on their own in the wild could be just a mutation or two away from a "cancer" form that runs wild.
I'm actually hoping that some large, responsible organization will release defensive nanites before the ability to make nanites becomes generally available.
Re:Inevitable Evolution of Explosive Growth (Score:2)
I think maybe I'm more worried that someone will genetically engineer some bacteria and give them machine tools.
(Of course, the bacteria must hold some vague resemblance to sharks and the tools must be lasers attached to their heads...)
Dumb example (Score:2)
Cars are made of hundreds of thousands of parts and hundreds of materials. Cars are not designed to build things, much less themselves.
Ergo...stupid example.
Re:Dumb example (Score:2)
Cars exist in small numbers. There'
Re:Inevitable Evolution of Explosive Growth (Score:2)
Not quite. (Score:2)
Re:Not quite. (Score:2)
I think once you have replication, the possibility of at least some mutation occuring, albeit very infrequently, and an environmental selection mechanism, then you have all the ingredients for evolution to occur. That doesn't mean these things are going to evolve into something interesti
Re:Not quite. (Score:2)
Nature doesn't seem to be "trying" to avoid evolving better copying, it's just gotten as good at it as it can, and there's only so much one can do to avoid errors with a chemical encoding method, when most of those errors proceed from more fundamental physics. (In simpler words, when a carbon 14 atom that is actually part of a DNA molecule decays, or
Quite.... (Score:1)
You have to keep in mind that the "mutation rate" of a nanite would be subject to evolution as well as all of the other morphological features discussed earlier. Nanites designed to replicate with 100% fidelity could easily evolve to mutate at a constant, favorable rate. It might take a million generations, but if the doubling time for the nanites is on the order of seconds or minutes, a million generations isn't inconcievable.
Re:Inevitable Evolution of Explosive Growth (Score:5, Insightful)
The laws of darwinian evolution require random mutation as well as replication. Computer viruses, which are perfectly able to self replicate, for example, don't evolve. New computer viruses (virii?) are designed by someone and let loose, but old ones do not randomly mutate and transfer mutations down to descendents. They do not evolve into more efficient virii by themselves or by the laws of evolution you imply.
Re:Inevitable Evolution of Explosive Growth (Score:2, Insightful)
They're called bacteria. Amazingly, they've been around and evolving for billions of years. Yet, somehow, the planet has not already become grey goo (or black goo, or blue goo, or green goo, or what-goo-have-you). They're subject to all the various evolutionary pressures that you speculate would influence nanomachines.
If grey goo were as likely as some alarmists have predicted, then I'd think it would have already have occured. The f
No! (Score:5, Funny)
Nuclear power (Score:3, Insightful)
Hey cummon, nuclear power will provide us will clean limitless power, once we have fusion. And if the-powers-that-protest hadn't given the world nuclear such an ugly stain, we'd probably have it by now, as there'd be a shed-load more research being done.
Re:Nuclear power (Score:2, Interesting)
Nuclear waste solution (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Nuclear waste solution (Score:3, Informative)
"Shouldn't cost any more than getting [uranium ore] in the first place."
And what do you suppose mining uranium costs? Yellowcake currently sells for about $10 a pound, and at that price the world's uranium producers are making a very decent profit.
I know many dozens of people in the industry from exploration crews to miners to management.
By "Reversing the mining process" I assume you mean burying it in the ground. Well, that's exactly what they
Re:Nuclear waste solution (Score:3, Informative)
The amount of radiation emitted by a mole of material is inversely proportional to its half-life. Thus, the stuff you put in the ground is a million times more radioactive than what was pulled out.
Re:Nuclear waste solution (Score:2)
Not to mention that before it was mined it was probably locked up in solid rock; mixing it into loose dirt isn't exactly a good way to immobilize it.
Re:Nuclear waste solution (Score:2)
A fleck of Fermium or Mendelyevium big enough to see with the naked eye will emit enough radiation to kill you in minutes at 10 yards. However, its half life is a small fraction of a second, so it won't stay that hot long enough for you to get it out of the particle accelerator where it was made and get exposed to it.
Re:Nuclear waste solution (Score:2)
Re:Nuclear waste solution (Score:2)
What you're describing there is a seperate issue, and maybe a more significant one, from concerns such as marki
yeesh! (Score:1)
This is idiotic (Score:5, Informative)
and argues for what he calls the 'Law of Disassembly,' that 'every MNT product must be disassemblable by at least one [of several possible methods].' The article ends with some good suggestions for raising awareness of this important issue. Gratuitous quote: This is disturbingly reminiscent of "nuclear power will give us clean limitless energy, and don't worry, we'll deal with the byproducts later because we'll have the tools by then.
This is idiotic. Any reasonable MNT device will be mostly carbon in a form very like diamond. Yes, diamond is cool; it's hard, light weight, etc. But it isn't some SciFi ubermatter. For instance, it burns pretty much the same way coal and graphite do.
As for the products of MNT, it depends a heck of a lot on what is beeing made. Is he seriously suggesting that we shouldn't be allowed to use MNT to produce clean drinking water for third world countries unless we have a way to disassemble it? Or he just techo-fearmongering without bothering to be serious?
I will agree though, it is disturbingly reminiscent of the FUD that was spread about nuclear power by the fossil fuel industry that has done so much for the environment (not to mention world peace).
-- MarkusQ
practicality (Score:4, Interesting)
Some useful methods (Score:5, Interesting)
Just a few thoughts. Basically, if you keep the nanites dependent on an unusual environment or disrupted by an easily-achieved environment, you'll be going a long ways toward preventing a grey goo disaster.
Re:Some useful methods (Score:3, Interesting)
Nanotech bends a few of the rules, but it doesn't bend all of them. While you can make nano-scale machines hard to physically destroy, it's going to be a lot of generations before we have a machine that is still "nano", and can function in direct sunlight, a wide range of pH, and a wide range of temperatures. (It is unlikely that we'll ever get away from "environmental nutrient" as a requirement, ever; that's a
we WILL know how to decommission them (Score:5, Interesting)
From the article:
We will know how to decomission them. This is not to say that it will be easy, or that the results between then and now will be pleasant, which if anything is the argument for this "law". (I think a "law" should be something that cannot be sidestepped. This is more of a rule that we wish would be a law. If anything, call it an edict. If you can get anyone to call it anything.
Backing up a bit,
Another problem which should be easily solved by sufficient advances in nanotechnology :) You can take the stuff apart bit by bit and do whatever must be done to make it entirely safe. Also, it should let you build sufficiently advanced machines not necessarily small ones) to stop and contain a meltdown, should something that unnecessary occur. I think that the advances in materials technology would allow that, especially given a reasonable design to start with. I might be wrong here, but in general it does seem like something you could do. I know this is a broad dodge sideways but the real issue with nanotechnology is that someone somewhere who really should not have their hands on nanotechnology will one day get it. Arguably, the military or government of any current world power would be a bad force to have in control, but I guess it's inevitable and it will be better than some. Nothing could possibly be better or worse, however, than a lone genius who believes that it's their right to decide for everyone what path to take, with that kind of power.
Given that it's bound to happen eventually, what can we do about it? The author is talking about a convention that he's expecting people to follow. Well, they won't. At the very least some military and paramilitary organizations, who will have nanotechnology, will use it without any controls like this whatsoever. Therefore, at the very least, organizations like this are going to be interested in the proper disassembly of these items. In short, the stuff of a large number of science fiction novels, and very peripherally, one or two episodes of a certain television show that had way too many episodes and changes of neckline.
Aristoi [google.com], a book by Walter Jon Williams [thuntek.net] contains a lot of material on this topic. I haven't read any of the "official" literature on this topic but it sounded, at the very least thoughtful, and it was pretty entertaining. The question of how to make maximally efficient nanomachines while still keeping them under control, which is to say physically contained, at least during testing, is definitely of great interest.
Regardless, we will have to know how to decommission them. Therefore we will know, or die trying to find out. I know it sounds overly dramatic, but it is certainly a real issue.
food for thought (Score:3, Informative)
This monster called technology is a force we have to deal with. "Deal with" being the operative words: it is not something we control, at least not anymore. It is way too big, powerful, and important to be arbitrarily restricted, and any efforts to implement controls would have to be quick, effective, and global, i.e., practically impossible. In light of this, what the author of the article proposes is eminently reasonable and foresighted.
There has been much talk of the dangers of nanotech, for example from Bill Joy and others, and it is, or should be, a point well-taken. What the author proposes is twofold: when designing replicable nanotech devices, implement constraints on reproduction rates, and second and probably most important, design in disassembly through, for example, the ability to take the thing apart, or by biodegradabilty, or by oxidation susceptibility. In other words, prepare in advance an "achille's heel" that would allow a dangerous development to be easily disabled. I would only argue here that mutliple achille's heels should be designed in.
And, to quote from the article (yup, I read it, sorry):
No doubt there is much to argue with and discuss at this point, but that is the whole idea - let the discussion begin. The future is coming and the time to plan for it is now.Reminiscent of Benford's Galactic Center series (Score:2)
Sentient mechlife (robots) has proliferated in the galaxy, and are driving biological life, including humans, toward extinction. Eventually it's discovered that there's a backdoor in the mechlife that rips through their 'sentience net' killing most of them and giving bio-life a chance to come back. Kind of a cross between disassemblers and the Iraqis' French Exocet missiles during GulfWarI.
Speaking of Nuclear Energy... (Score:2, Interesting)
RTFA ? This is a summary (Score:2)
1.a. You can take something apart element by element.
1.b. You can make it biodegradable.
1.c. You can incinerate it.
2. (1.a), (1.b) and (1.c) should be incorporated into a law which will be called "Law of Disassembly", which says every MNT product must be disassemblable by at least one of these three alternatives.
Well... Easy, then to have a MNT pass the "Law of Disassembly". Throw MNT in question in a high temperature furnace, prove it gets dest
You can't fight *everything* with fire (Score:2)
Carbon dioxide. How do you oxidate something that's *already* the product of oxidation?
To answer your forthcoming objection -- CO2 is obviously not a very complex compound, and presumably you *meant* "a sufficiently complex compound created by nanotechnology" when you referenced 'what'. But it *is* one of a class of compounds (like, say, the chlorides -- I'm thinking of dioxin) that has such a high binding ene
Science marches on... (Score:2, Insightful)
Nanomaterials vs. Nanorobots (Score:4, Interesting)
A crucial distinction that is not being made in this discussion is the one between nanomaterials in general and nanorobots particularly. It is possible that one day we will be able to build functional nanobots that can live freely and replicate. We can cross that bridge when we come to it.
What is more relevant and has been less well-discussed by /. is nanomaterial remediation. Carbon nanotubes are very tough and have been demonstrated to be very toxic in mice [nih.gov]. Thought has not been given about how to dispose of materials such as these without creating a public health hazard. It is clear that nanomaterials will be used in greater and greater quantities due to their exceptional properties. Therefore, we can work to solve the inevitable disposal problem now or later. It will cost less to address disposal now.
I, for one, welcome our new Gray Goo Overlords! (Score:2, Funny)
We did it! (Score:2, Insightful)
And we did it too! We now have ways to safely dispose of nuclear waste. Unfortunately, the politics of the situation means that we are forced to continue storing it in leaking metal drums...
Nuclear waste can be handled by breeder reactors (Score:2)
Discrediting the 'grey good' myth (Score:2, Insightful)
I hope what I type here might help dispel some of this parasitic meeme!
In the event that we mannage to make 'room temprature' nanmachines that are not instantly destroyed by a slight breeze, can break down even terminally simple matter for use in replication, and somehow get released into the world with a malicious intent (or through a gli
more immediate worries (Score:4, Interesting)
Fortunately, this particular worry is a marketing gimmick: we are about as likely to be overwhelmed by non-degradable nanomachines as we are to fall into a black hole. We don't need a "center for responsible nanotechnology" because there isn't any nanotechnology and there likely won't be, ever. Unless, of course, you are referring to paint manufacturers and biotechnology companies.
Technology "With" Sanity... (Score:4, Insightful)
In most cases, a little simple planning might have prevented these wrecks, in others, a thoughtful application of technology might have prevented the possibility of disaster. We're at the threshold of being able to do amazing things with matter and energy, and we've already been seriously burned by technodisasters from Chernobyl to Bhopal. The real possibility of global disaster, demands that the intelligence be put in the technology from the beginning. The technology must be;
We've already constructed technologies that have left behind environmental disasters. It's not like we don't already know how that process works. The threat is to do precisely the same thing with a technology that is perfectly capable of sterilizing a city, state, or nation. We can no longer afford the trade of expediency over sanity. The cost just got too high.
Genda Bendte
--"Don't come running to me when the gray goo eat's yer feet off!!!"
Re:Technology "With" Sanity... (Score:2)
Only if the customer wants to pay for it.
Too expensive.
Too expensive, but we'll be sure to run commercials about how we're working hard to clean up the environment.
Only if the customer wants to pay for it.
Don't worry, free-mar
You Arrogant Humans - Kill Mode Activated! (Score:2)
Please don't disassemble me! [johnny-five.com]
Generalise it to Reversability (Score:4, Interesting)
Any autonomous/self-replicating device, organism or other material that is to be released into the environment, must be reversible, i.e. it must be at least possible to disable it within a reasonable period, and ideally possible to remove all significant traces of it from the environment.
It is not enough to simply say "Well, we've done tests and it doesn't seem to harm anything as far as we can tell so far".
If anything people need to learn how many times such statements have proved to be false from the software industry, e.g. "Well, we've done tests and the software seems to work fine - no bugs left as far as we can tell" - yeah... unleash it baby!
This law should also apply to the Internet, i.e. release of autonomous/self-replicating software.
Every potential poison we create must have an antidote.
If anything we need to develop skills/technology at disabling these things just as much as the skills to create them in the first place.
No doubt there will be those quite happy to unleash grey-goo...
Re:The first corollary of reassembly (Score:2)
Re:Something Being Ignored (Score:2)
Re:Disassemble? (Score:2)