Swiping Out Cancer 128
mhackarbie writes "Just read this article over on Wired about a cheap hand scanner which might be able to spot cancer tumors. It took only few seconds of reflection before I decided this could be the killer biotech app which is needed for the dot-bio boom everyone keeps predicting someday." We've mentioned this gizmo before.
Can you say... (Score:5, Funny)
imagine (Score:1, Funny)
What... (Score:2, Funny)
This is not biotech (Score:2, Informative)
This device seems promising, but can't be called biotechnology.
Re:This is not biotech (Score:5, Informative)
Bio, a prefix meaning life/living organisms
tech, short for technology.
OK, we've got a handheld scanner that can be used to enhance/lengthen/improve a persons life. Seems like an application of techology to life/living organisms.
Biotech it is.
Re:This is not biotech (Score:2, Informative)
I understand what you mean with bio=live tech=technology, so this would we biotech. But according to most biotech official definition, biotech is another thing.
Look here:
According to dupont (a industry leader)
"is the application of scientific knowledge to transfer beneficial genetic traits from one species to another to enhance or protect an organism"
According to the Biotechnology Industry Association:
"The use of biological processes to solve problems or make useful products."
This last is more br
Misinformation. (Score:5, Informative)
They are clearly talking about the field of transgenics, which is what you called 'biotechnology', they were merely stating that it is often called biotechnology, but with the implication that biotech refers to a much larger spectrum.
Even further, if you would have followed the link to the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO)'s glossary, you would have found that they describe biotechnology as, "Biotechnology - [bio.org]
The use of biological processes to solve problems or make useful products." under which the product in question would surely fall.
Re:Misinformation. (Score:1)
Re:Misinformation. (Score:1)
Hmmm. Let's take 'killer' in its original sense, mix in some bio-tech...
I don't think I want to be anywhere nearby when the next 'killer biotech' product is released
Re:Misinformation. (Score:1)
Re:Misinformation. (Score:2)
Regardless, it all comes down to how you view 'use a bio process to work'. As I'm sure you've read, the instrument relies on the disordered state of cancerous cells, which resonate to a certain frequency. Is that using a 'bio process to work'? Debatable, but I'd say so. You also seem to be missing the point of their definition, which not only describes exactly the type of products which you described, but also products which work the oth
Re:Misinformation. (Score:2)
Re:Misinformation. (Score:2)
Re:Misinformation. (Score:2)
Great job, but here is (Score:2)
Why are you wasting your time correcting a person who uses the phrase "more broader?"
Re:Henceforth, anyone who says bullpuckey (Score:1)
Re:This is not biotech (Score:2, Funny)
Re:This is not biotech (Score:2)
I'm sure it will do wonders for.. (Score:5, Interesting)
Go to your job interview, pee in this cup, swipe this in your mouth.
In one simple step eliminate drug users, and possible insurance deadweights... Joy!
Re:I'm sure it will do wonders for.. (Score:5, Insightful)
Insurance companies as well.
Go to your job interview, pee in this cup, swipe this in your mouth.
In one simple step eliminate drug users, and possible insurance deadweights... Joy!
Those who subject to drug tests have nobody to blame but themselves for their proliferation to other industries like insurance. If nobody submits to a test, or a signifigant fraction of the exceptional workers refuse, a competitive advantage exists for those companies who do not test.
The process of pre-employment drug testing is rare (and, I think, illegal) in Canada, and our country has not fallen apart as a result. I have no information to assume there is any difference in levels of drug addiction between Canada and the USA.
Drug testing is easily remedied outside the courts if it truely bothers you. It seems most people are content to piss in a cup for a job. To each their own.
Re:I'm sure it will do wonders for.. (Score:2, Interesting)
You should read the latest Eric Schlosser book, "Refeer Madness: Sex Drugs and Cheap Labour" [amazon.com]. He mentions differences between Canada drug strategies and USA ones, at least regarding marijunana.
Re:I'm sure it will do wonders for.. (Score:1, Informative)
Re:I'm sure it will do wonders for.. (Score:1)
Re:I'm sure it will do wonders for.. (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:I'm sure it will do wonders for.. (Score:2)
Everyones principles have a price. My point is that if privacy and principles mattered, the problem would be self-solving.
*HALF* of all fatal road accidents... (Score:2)
If scanning is what it takes to ensure that my food, medicine etc (airliner's wing spars, name it) are not made by people who are (1) stoned; and/or (2) stupid/wilful enough to delibrately impair themselves for kicks, then so be it.
Erm (Score:5, Funny)
The key is if it's better than current detection (Score:5, Insightful)
My Father died from cancer last year. He had a secondary tumor removed a year before, but the specialists who saw him could apparently not detect a primary. It was clear to us that there was one (he was degenerating), but current detection techniques, apparently, couldn't find it. An autopsy was conducted when he died, at which point extensive cancer was located.
Part of the cure for cancer must surely be early, and accurate, detection. Let's hope this is part of it!
That's easy where I'm from. (Score:5, Insightful)
This type of device, if extended for other types of detection, could be exactly what 'Dr. Dad' needs to ensure the family is in general good heath without having to rely on the shady advice of under skilled or under paid health care staff.
Re:That's easy where I'm from. (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:The key is if it's better than current detectio (Score:2)
Best regards,
Discovery Channel (Score:5, Interesting)
Not only would it not require development or be at the hands of some biotech CEO, but dogs have been shown to lower blood pressure in people.
Think of it: Handheld Schnauzer.
You could probably train basset hounds too, just so that PVP would have more material.
Re:Discovery Channel (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Discovery Channel (Score:5, Insightful)
So, why are dogs so heavily relied upon at airports and for other security. Because simply put, security doesn't need to be 100%, it is largely the deterrent that the dogs provide that provides the actual security. Knowing that these dogs are being used will deter the less serious drug smugler or terrorist from the attempt. But with something like cancer screaning you really have to have a high degree of certainty and invariability in order for it to be useful.
So the reason dogs wouldn't be used is that they just add to the cost of diagnosis, but can't rule out cancer to a high enough degree, making additional more invasive diagnostic procedures needed anyway.
If this electronic device can be 99.9% accurate at determining that a person doesn't have cancer when used properly, then you can then focus resources on those remaining. Which is better for those that are shown to be clear of cancer. But it also changes the economics for those devices that require greater capital expenditures, they are only economical when used on larger numbers of people, but if this screaning reduces those numbers of false positives, then a fewer number of truly sick people will be left paying for the more expensive machines. So either the number of expensive diagnostic machines will need to be reduced, the price will have to come down, or the cancer sick individuals will be charged more money.
Re:Discovery Channel (Score:1)
Think of it: Handheld Schnauzer.
LOL- although I once had a Schnauzer and I can tell you they're bred to be watchdogs and aren't very friendly to strangers, at least not for the first 10 minutes or so. The growling and barking wouldn't lower my blood pressure much!Re:Discovery Channel (Score:1)
Progress (Score:4, Funny)
Another slashdot timesaver * teeth glint *
Arnt Microwaves on the body dangerious? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Arnt Microwaves on the body dangerious? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Arnt Microwaves on the body dangerious? (Score:4, Informative)
This isn't because microwaves cause cancer--there still is no consistent corpus of evidence to support that hypothesis and there may never be--but rather because they cause heating. There are proteins within our bodies' cells that begin to denature at around forty degrees celsius. At or above this temperature (which actually isn't particularly warm), the proportion of exposed cells that die is a function of temperature and exposure time. (See, for example, James R. Lepock, "Protein Denaturation During Heat Shock" in Advances in Molecular and Cell Biology, Volume 19, pages 223-259, for an excellent survey of current thought on the mechanisms at work.)
So microwaves are dangerous because they cause heating. Not only that, they can cause deep heating in localized hotspots. In other words, you may actually do damage to the brain, eyes, and other organs very quickly without having to burn through the layers on the surface first. (This is what makes microwaves more threatening than the stovetop. The heating elements don't burn unless you come into close contact, and they can't burn deeply without lengthy exposure.)
How about cancer-sniffing dogs? (Score:5, Interesting)
No Mention of False Negatives (Score:1, Insightful)
Now they can use millions of the CueCat scanners (Score:3, Funny)
I am glad somebody found out what to do with these scanners.
Hopefully now all those millions of CueCat [wsj.com] http://ptech.wsj.com/archive/ptech-20001012.html scanners can be put to some use ....
cancer (Score:5, Insightful)
For the record, neither of my parents were smokers. I think I might know how I am going to die.
Re:cancer (Score:2)
For the record, neither of my parents were smokers. I think I might know how I am going to die.
Smoking is apparently the number two cause of cancer; the number one is diet. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruit, and less processed foods full of chemicals, and less meat! Vitamin supplements don't fill the gap. Make sure you know the origin of what you're eating, and when it was harvested etc. Oranges, for example, can be stored for a few years before appearing on the shelves.
-- Steve
Re:cancer (Score:2, Funny)
Re:cancer (Score:1)
Re:cancer (Score:2)
Um, yes? (Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, though some of my research work has involved medical physics with oncology applications.)
Your parents may be unfortunate victims of statistics, but if there is any other family history of cancer then you might be strongly inclined to consult a genetic counsellor. Your family physician should be able to refer you.
Many cancers now ha
Not convinced (Score:5, Insightful)
I find it difficult to believe that the system it uses will actually produce accurate results. The human body surely has lots of tissues in different structures and densities, and also of course there are lots of different types of cancer. Most importantly, you want to get cancers when they are small - tiny even. I find it hard to believe that this scanner could do that. If you've ever seen a small cancerous mole, for instance, you will understand.
When we're dealing with stuff like cancer, 95% (say) accuracy isn't enough. False positives result in a lot of stress for people until they have proper tests. False negatives of course have even worse consequences.
Complex problems don't have easy solutions. Cancer is complex.
Re:Not convinced (Score:5, Insightful)
I have seen the hardships of a cancer patient, my mother, up close. After the operation was over and she was decleared cancer free, the nightmare began. The semi-annual check-ups. The false positive rate for these check-ups is amazinf. She has been checked 10 times the last 5 years and 8 out of ten times she was called back for confirmation of non-existense of cancer with all the fear you could imagnine. How can this device be any worse?
Re:Not convinced (Score:4, Informative)
For many blood tests, 95% accuracy is considered excellent and essentially means it's 100% accurate for all practical purposes. hCG (pregnancy test) comes to mind. I doubt current single tests for cancer are any better.
Hmmm... a quick googling reveals that current breast cancer methods are around 80% and a new PSA (prostate) test clocks in at 98% best case.
I'd say 95% is pretty damn good.
Re:Not convinced (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Not convinced (Score:1)
Re:Not convinced (Score:2, Interesting)
So I think this scanner will find all the cancers in your body, but it's up to the doctor to determine the evil/growing cancer, and of course make the appropriate decision
Would this work? (Score:2)
It seems that the technique can be expanded upon though.
Perhaps something akin to the x-ray backscatter imagers reported earlier [slashdot.org] on Slashdot.
Fantastic! This will come in eh...'handy' for: (Score:4, Insightful)
(we're talking hands-on experience guys, looking does not count
What have (wonderful wonderful) female breasts got to do with a handheld cancer-scanner?
Well...do you know how they check women's breasts for tumors currently? No? Well...
It involved placing a single breast in a vice-like device, which is then TIGHTENED.
(And yes, the device is made out of COLD metal
(I don't have this from first-hand experience, I am not a woman
Now imagine if you could do the same with a little baton...
"I wave my magic-stick and...voila!"
(For godsake, don't take that out of context
Testicle-cancer in men is (also) often diagnosed too late. I do not know how they confirm that you have it (AFTER the physical examination) but I hope to god it does not involve a vice-like device
Again, bring on the handheld scanner...
BTW some poster mentioned that micro-wave radiation is dangerous...nope, not as far as I can establish...(read up on the HERF gun previously mentioned on
Re:Fantastic! This will come in eh...'handy' for: (Score:1)
Re:Fantastic! This will come in eh...'handy' for: (Score:2, Informative)
> hope to god it does not involve a vice-like device
A vice-like device? You should be so lucky.
Confirmation involves a knife.
Good, but not the killer app (Score:3, Interesting)
Sorry, I don't see it. It doesn't lead anywhere - it isn't the first of a class of devices. Obviously, if it works (lots of qualifiers in the article) it is an extremely good gadget. Many patients will benefit, and the inventors may well become justifiably rich. But apart from a sequence of improving models, all doing the same thing but steadily better, where does it lead to? It detects cancers - full stop. It detects them by detecting the nature of cncerous growth. So it won't do anything about anything else.
I don't want to knock it. $30,000 is cheap enough for every doctors surgery, and therefore for routine use any time there is a worry. If it is simple enough and safe enough, I could see them going into gyms etc, so you have a cancer check along with your fitness check. Even an optional sevice in airport departure loinges to while away those boring hours. (Hey - integrate it with the bomb scanners - get a free cancer check as the price of being scanned for explosives. Paranoia in a worthwhile cause).
Re:Good, but not the killer app (Score:3, Interesting)
The best thing about it (Score:1)
Does that mean.. (Score:1, Troll)
But it hasn't been peer reviewed! (Score:5, Informative)
and from the earlier BBC article:
"The results have yet to be accepted for publication in a major medical journal - and the device will not find favour in hospitals elsewhere until they are."
This is the key point - without peer review, there's no way of verifying the claims of a company that is obviously in marketing mode.
Searching Medline for "Tissue Resonance InterferoMeter Probe" or "TRIMprob" turned up ZERO matches. Without good evidence, there is no reason to take this seriously as other than marketing fluff.
Re:But it hasn't been peer reviewed! (Score:1)
dot-bio boom (Score:2)
Wouldn't it be great if... (Score:5, Funny)
A quick scan and you could rest assured that your phone wasn't giving you cancer.
Until it does, that is.
Re:Wouldn't it be great if... (Score:1)
<AOL_VOICE>You've got cancer!</AOL_VOICE>
Call me old-fashioned, but I think I'd still want to hear it from my doctor.
Looks a little invasive to me (Score:1)
dot everything! (Score:2, Insightful)
dig out your CueCat (Score:1)
The killer biotech app is already there (Score:1, Funny)
It's called predictor.
Maybe not exactly your übercool application of choice. But it is definitively the killer biotech application.
So there's no CPU in it.
This line is here 'cause sensible people usually skip silly sigs.
But what we really need... (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:But what we really need... (Score:2)
Cute, and it might be handy for detecting otherwise hard-to-see lesions. Of course, you're still screwed--and not in that fun way--when it comes to AIDS. Detecting the virus or associated antibodies is going to require some wet chemistry--again, not the fun kind--for the foreseeable future.
Re:But what we really need... (Score:1)
Article smells of hype (Score:3, Insightful)
By speeding up the scans as they've been doing since day one, they get more patients through during a day, allowing the scanners to be more profitable, and for the costs to go down. The $3,000,000 figure is awfully high for even a high-end MRI scanner these days.
This might very well be an interesting, promising device. But, making it look as if it's really good, by presenting deceptive information about the current options, is a huge red flag as far as I'm concerned.
If it's really a useful device, present it as it is - don't lie about the other technologies. If it's that superior, the marketplace will find it and respond accordingly.
Re:Article smells of hype (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Article smells of hype (Score:2)
issue of false-positives (Score:3, Insightful)
Put it right beside my toothbrush in the bathroom (Score:1)
Re:Put it right beside my toothbrush in the bathro (Score:2)
And beside the 'tussin! (Score:1)
"Doh! My cancer is acting up again!"
*reaches for Robitussin Extra Strength Cancer cure*
"These ARE the tumors you're... (Score:1)
*waves TRIMprob*
It's about time that the medical community looks for less invasive ways to detect and treat disease. If there is one disadvantage of modern medicine, it's that it requires more probes, pokes, and pat downs to diagnose illness. Sometimes I'd rather be sick...
That being said, this wand is great for being able to let you know NOW whether or not you have a tumor. That in itself is worth the advance.
Precision and recall (Score:2, Insightful)
In the
Sad (Score:4, Interesting)
Speak for yourself.
In the USA over the last few decades a rather sad mindset has developed amongst certain people. That is that selfishness is normal, natural even. People use this to justify their selfish behavour, or that of the organisations they work for. It is very sad.
Cancer can act as a metaphor for this type of thinking. Our human bodies are made up of millions of individual cells co-operating and working together. A cancer occurs when a cell becomes defective and no longer lives in harmony with the others.
Re:Sad (Score:1)
I just observe a fact.
There was a time when I thought people would be interested in marvels such as this one (I did not say it was not a nice thing) but after careful observation, I realized most of them rather prefer what won't frighten them.
Now, as I mentioned previously, this device would not sell that much, it's like a blood pressure device : one is enough for all the neighbourhood.
[note to the parent's parent moderator] So, how's that a troll if this is just my observation on which bio app would