Renaissance Potters Were Nanotechnologists 145
Roland Piquepaille writes "In this article, Nature says that "tiny metal particles give 15th century Italian ceramics lustre." Nature adds that iridescent glazes -- changing colour when viewed from different perspectives -- were achieved by using "particles of copper and silver of between 5 and 100 billionths of a metre across." And the story becomes even more interesting. Nanotechnology meets alchemy! "The ability to change colour was regarded as an alchemical property, making iridescence magic too." Read this summary for more details. And for more information, you can read the abstract of this research paper, "Copper in glazes of Renaissance luster pottery: Nanoparticles, ions, and local environment," published by the Journal of Applied Physics."
Change color ... (colour, whatever) (Score:5, Funny)
Yep, I can attest to that. Just take a look at all of the magical leftovers in my refrigerator.
Slightly offtopic... (Score:1, Funny)
I wouldn't have known the color if it were not for that!
Re:Changing Copper into Gold (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Change color ... (colour, whatever) (Score:2)
Does that make... (Score:5, Funny)
Re: (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Does that make... (Score:5, Funny)
Only if you were somehow able to encase the entire thing in flesh, as cyberDyne Systems have proven, you can't send inorganic material back in time without encasing it in living tissue.
I really don't wanna think about what that would look like.
Re:Does that make... (Score:1)
Holy crap that's funny. I'm sitting in the library right now trying not to bust a gut.
Re:Does that make... (Score:1)
oh well, suspension of disbelief i guess.
Re:Does that make... (Score:4, Funny)
Granted a spear is designed to fly, but it makes its designers no more aerospace engineers than my cat. They may however qualify for any of the following positions:
Experimental projectile theorist
Advanced weaponry specialist
Long range warfare expert
Overt combat engineer
Specialized weaponry designer
Multi-component weapon composer
Tatical physics engineer
Of course, simply telling your opponents that you have tatical physics engineers ready to attack them is likely to just cause them to surrender. For added effectiveness, let them know your TPE's are going to show them a Shock and Awe attack.
Re:Does that make... (Score:4, Informative)
Spears do not fly, they follow a ballistic path which has nothing to do with flight. There are no surfaces on a spear that produce significant lift (and I am an Aerospace engineer ;-)
Re:Does that make... (Score:1)
I am an Aerospace engineer ;-)
Run around, scream and shout, breathe real hard till we all pass out.
I certainly hope you don't design passenger aircraft.
Britney (Score:1)
There are no surfaces on a spear that produce significant lift
Perhaps nothing on a spear, but something on a Spears?
Re:Does that make... (Score:2)
An instinctual understanding perhaps was had of the "center of pressure" (air pressure created during flight)and adjusting it either back behind the center of gravity or in front of it would effect the length of flight, and the orientation of the spear at the end of said flight; a expert spearmaker could perhaps be said to be a Aerodynamics Expert.
Re:Does that make... (Score:1)
drag != lift Unless your spear is ceating significant lift on its aerodynamic surfaces, its mearly a drag modified ballistic curve, and not flight.
Re:Does that make... (Score:2)
Proto-Ari Fleischer (Score:1)
Obviously, the person delivering this information to an eagerly awaiting (enemy?) tribe would be some sort of proto-Ari Fleischer wherefore only haphazard approximations to the truth should be expected.
Re:Does that make... (Score:2)
The first Cruise Arrow is tested...
Monkeys Fling Poo (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Does that make... (Score:1, Insightful)
Meh (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Meh (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Meh (Score:3, Funny)
Yeah it is (Score:3, Informative)
Yes it is. Nanotech is the ability to control feature size on a nanometer level, generally considered to be smaller than 200nm. They had the ability to do that, whether they knew it or not, as the iridescent patterns depend on the regular ordering of features around that size. Had they not had the ability, they would have ended up with some crappy glaze that didn
In Other News... (Score:5, Insightful)
Seriously; we all use nanoproperties of materials to achieve macro results; just this morning I used nanotechnology in the form of nano-molecular-structure surface tension in my coffee, preventing spillage. I think this is very interesting but in the interests of linguistic integrity, having words actually *mean* something through exclusion, I question the spin that 'Renaissance Potters Were Nanotechnologists'; that implies a level of conceptual or technological understanding of nanophenomena which simply wasn't there.
Were Renaissance Potters clever? Yes. Were they 'Nanotechnologists'? No.
Re:In Other News... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:In Other News... (Score:1)
Cheers about the conceptual structure the phrase 'the arts we call science' implies as well.
I think we're in agreement!
Re:In Other News... (Score:2, Insightful)
Comparing today's quantum physicists to Renaissance potters is a little rough on physicists, don't you think? Despite the constant reminders that if you think you understand quantum, you don't, I would like to think we understand it bet
Re:In Other News... (Score:2)
I always like to think about that. Here's a great example: All those ugly ass cars in the 70s were pimp-mobiles. Now we have cars with a fettish for black plastic, instead of fake wood.
In 50 years, who will make fun of us for what we do and develop.
In 500 years, who is going to sit and think "Why didn't
Re:In Other News... (Score:1)
And when that time comes there will be new words and terms for the things done in that age. People will say "just because our ancestors didi things that alters quantum coherence domains doesn't mean they were Phasespace Engineers."
The arts we're doing today are the kernals of science tomorrow.
I like this trend. (Score:2, Funny)
Let's see
Bio-technologist - pet goldfish
Forensic expert - dead goldfish
Multitasker - can walk and chew gum concurrentyly
Scholar - knows what concurrentyly means
Web-user - can't spell
Re:I like this trend. (Score:2)
Re:In Other News... (Score:2, Funny)
I'm not sure if that means I'm only very slightly a loser, or just a very tiny one. Ah well, a question for the the Renaissance potters, for sure.
Re:In Other News... (Score:4, Informative)
You know birds don't actually use blue pigments to achieve blue colorings? They use nanoscale keratin particles to contructively interfere in the blue range. If we believed slashdot editors, every bird with blue feathers should get a tenured position in nanotech.
You can't call something a nanotechnologist if they don't know they're working on a nano-scale.
Re:In Other News... (Score:1)
In defence of the slashdot editors, it was the story submitter and the article itself which gave this story the slant we're being critical of, not the editors themselves. Approving something for posting does not imply asserting all that is asserted within the story.
Yeah, sounds like typical new-age cr@p (Score:2)
"Ancient nanotechnoligsts" is condescention. It is analogous to "noble savage".
Q: Why is it necessary to shoehorn our understanding of an alien culture (alien in time or viewpoint) into the context of our "culture" of the moment?
A: The popular press--by necessity of appeal and accessibity to the general populace--must provide glib explanations of fact in terms of trendy misunderstings.
This is the sacrifice of critical thought on the altar of market share.
nanomagicians (Score:3, Informative)
but the actual title of the article is
And there's no reference to nanotechnologists in the abstract, so this seems more the submitter being poetic. Welcome to /.
Anyway, since Rennais
Re:In Other News... (Score:2)
Using a fine powder is NOT nanotechnology (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Using a fine powder is NOT nanotechnology (Score:1, Funny)
Re:Using a fine powder is NOT nanotechnology (Score:1)
If you think stuff like this is easy, ask yourself why we can't make the enameled glass you see in old cathedrals anymore; while we obviously did know how to make them in medieval times...
Re:Using a fine powder is NOT nanotechnology (Score:1)
No offense, but could you provide some links to back that up? I find it a little hard to believe, but would be very interested in reading more about it. Thanks.
Re:Using a fine powder is NOT nanotechnology (Score:2, Interesting)
We know what ingredients and pigments where used to produce those glasses, but the exact production process is lost. What makes the glasses so special is their "controlled imperfection"; there are bubbles of air and other gasses in the glass that break the light shining through it. It was done by controlling the heat and airflow to the glass while firing, but exactly how it was done is lost for some colors.
Nature schools us again... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Nature schools us again... (Score:2)
Reminds me of my molecular biologist friend, who is from an Italian family. He once described to me, while cooking an excellent pasta sauce, that the reason they slow-cooked vegetables was to keep the flavor in.
He then told me that only recently have they been able to describe why the flavor is kept in: it's becau
Decopauge! The 1970's Nanotech revival! (Score:3, Troll)
This article is a biiiiiiig stretch; sounds like someone read an article about nano-tech somewhere and decided that just because they found some dust someplace it's related....geesh.
Same (?) principle is used in some currency (Score:5, Informative)
Some currency now has a "hologram" printed on it which appears to use the same principle.
For example, some of the newer Canadian bills have a hologram in the corner that was introduced to foil counterfeiters. My understanding is that these were created by crushing up the stuff used to make laser-cut holographic images and applying it to the paper as a printing process.
This process sounds similar to the one described in the article.
Re:Same (?) principle is used in some currency (Score:4, Interesting)
A company attempted to put a hologram on a bill. However, one of the tests it had to pass was a test that crushed the currency. This broke down the intereference pattern, destroying the hologram. So, they got the idea of chopping up the hologram into tiny bits, mixing it into an ink-type base and applying it to the bill that way.
Voila! Color-shifting ink.
"Nanotechnology" is an overused term (Score:4, Interesting)
People have been using finely ground substances of one sort or another at least since the mortar and pestle were invented.
Re:"Nanotechnology" is an overused term (Score:2)
Nanotech is about engineering things on a much lower level to make things better, faster, and cheaper (all three, not pick two).
Not a new principle (Score:4, Informative)
The repeated beating of metal causes imperfections in the crystal structures which makes it harder. Japanese sword smiths knew what they were doing (or rather, did not know what they were doing) when they in a ritualistic manner repeadetely beat the metal, put it underground for a number of years, etc, etc.
Yeah, right... (Score:5, Funny)
The point of the article is that (Score:2, Interesting)
the same technique is used today when creating similar materials.
They seem to have used silver and copper salts and a mix of other things that turned the salts into metal at 600 degrees.
Whats next? (Score:3, Funny)
Prehistoric Particle Physics Experiment Discovered!!
Archeologiest find great hint for colliding experiments utilizing Atoms of Si,C and O in a compound material.
Only because incas used piss to etch a copper gold compound doesnt mean they knew about electron gases in metals or electronegativity.
Same goes here....
That's how stained glass works too (Score:5, Informative)
It's a mosaic.... (Score:2)
Should any of this surprise anyone? Mankind has been interested in small things forever... take my wife...
Re:It's a mosaic.... (Score:1)
ba dum bum
thanks folks, ill be here all week.
Re:It's a mosaic.... (Score:1)
Re:It's a mosaic.... (Score:1)
bad attempt to make story interesting (Score:5, Insightful)
Forget terminology (Score:5, Interesting)
I suppose we still do the same thing current day - people are ever searching for perpetual motion machines and researching anti-gravity. Every time someone puts together a device the layman can't figure out, funding pours in and our modern alchemists continue employment in various potentially unsolvable problems.
Myself, I prefer Feymann's approach: considering how likely you are to solve a problem as well as how valuable the solution is (not to mention how many others could solve the problem).
Re:Forget terminology (Score:2)
Easy, they became plumbers--everyone knows that's the only trade that can turn lead into gold!
Re:Forget terminology (Score:2)
A true alchemist would call that gold "fools gold". European alchemy was a mix of a strongly magical religious philosophy called hermetism and medieval science. The main axiom of heretism is "as above, so below", or what happens on earth reflects what happens in heaven; where heaven was a state of mind (hemetism as a whole is a mind-oriented religion).
The ultimate goal of hermetic alchemism was the "Transmutation". Th
Re:Forget terminology (Score:2)
So in the end this is what truely religious people (like monks) do, they try to reach an ultimate goal that seems impossible to the rational mind, but (some of) the byproducts of the process are quite usefull to society as a whole
Don't underestimate the power of this mindset, in particular that of thes hermetic alchemists, they where furocious explorers due to their philosophy/faith. Take a look at this timeline [levity.com] of famous alchemists, some of the people on there are the foun
nanotechnology now means materials science (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:nanotechnology now means materials science (Score:2)
reminds me of the ricers (Score:1)
Supposedly that type of paint is the most exspensive kind. Has many small metal flakes of the different colors in there.
All I know is that I can't imagine wanting that on a car, but I have seen so many with it.
Although I suppose that maybe, much like the people of lore in this article, these fellows think the changing colors makes the car magic, and therefore able to actually be fast.
Re:reminds me of the ricers (Score:2)
Romans Were First here. (Score:5, Insightful)
I suspect when our descendents 1000 years from now look back, they'll say "look: Those 20th century yahoos were practicing picotechnology and they didn't even know it"
Re:Romans Were First here. (Score:1)
Re:Romans Were First here. (Score:2)
My comment was an analogy, not meant to be taken literally, and our descendents in the 30th century may still well make the above statement...or not.
Re:Romans Were First here. (Score:2)
Re:Romans Were First here. (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Romans Were First here. (Score:2)
Didn't know Harry was that good. (Score:4, Funny)
Hacking Matter (Score:3, Interesting)
that's not nanotechnology (Score:4, Insightful)
I suppose given the utter failure of nanotechnology to achieve anything to date, it's not surprising that people are retreating on their claims. Even the staunchest proponents are weakening the requirement for self-assembly, but to call iridescent paints "nanotechnology" is going too far for even the weakest definition.
This must be a typo. (Score:4, Funny)
Re:This must be a typo. (Score:1)
I still wonder how to post a comment on the highest-level (as a non-reply)...
Low standards? (Score:5, Funny)
All those stench molecules! Wow! Im a nanotech engineer!
I just sneezed (Score:5, Funny)
Buzzword alert!
What about Damascus steel? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:What about Damascus steel? (Score:4, Interesting)
In either case, I don't know if the structures involved are down to a true nanometer scale, and I suspect they are not, since the patterns are quite visually obvious.
WTF is NANOtech about this?! (Score:1, Insightful)
Magic & Alchemy (Score:1, Interesting)
Magic and Alchemy continue to be greatly misunderstood by the masses.
From the layman's perspective, magic may be defined as:
Magic - That which has no logical explanation, but yet was manifested. Beyond reality and defying all explanation - An illusion. A miraculous act. Trickery!
Such meanings are complete a
alchemy (Score:2, Interesting)
Considering something to be "alchemic" implied it to be man-made, not magical; magic came from god(s).
Order of magnitude (Score:2, Insightful)
Better yet, express it in fractions of a light year! That way you can call them astrophysicists as well!
Re:Order of magnitude (Score:1)
or international Sci units
Islamic lustreware predates Italian by centuries (Score:3, Informative)
Muslim potters invented the lustre process, which eventually worked its way into Spanish pottery in via the Moors. Only then did the process find its way to the Italian potteries of Umbria.
A very short google search turned up these interesting links:
Early Muslim Wares at artsofislam.org [artsofislam.org]
11th century Egyptian lustre plate [touregypt.net]
Adding sand is not "Nanotechnology" (Score:2)
Kill Piquepaille! (Score:2)
changing the definition (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:changing the definition (Score:1)
Because of stupid stuff like the original story, "nanotechnology" as a term is useless. After all, I at the "nanoscale" turn spaghetti into /. posts. Does that mean I'm exploiting nanotechnology? Sure! Guess I better IPO my digestive system while the market is hot.
Please change the name (Score:1)
If the name isn't changed quickly, we will have no other option but to sue for 100 BILLION DOLLARS! </dr. evil>
Thank You for your co-operation
JK Rowling
GreedyBitch Inc.
dang... (Score:1)
Heh. Arthur C. Clarke was right! (Score:2)
It's true. Any sufficiently advanced technology really IS indistinguishable from magic!
Okay, maybe I'm being just a little sarcastic. My point is, just because the Renaissance potters didn't know how the feat was accomplished makes it no less skillful. We're just now coming to the technological point where we can analyze some of these achievements - like the ceramic glaze - and figure out how to replicate them.
Our grandcestors would h
They did what? (Score:1)
Re:Obligatory Bezos Joke (Score:2)
Re:Obligatory Bezos Joke (Score:1)
Re:stravarious had crushed gems in the varnish (Score:2, Interesting)
I'm going a little OT here, but here's my take on that (caveat: IANAL where L = Luthier):
I don't buy the "special formula" theory on Stradivari. There were plenty of great luthiers of his era (as well as before and after) who took a different approach than that of Stradivari, and yet produced equally great results. Stradivari is the most famous because he made a cr