Mars Express launch today 183
mikerich writes "The European Space Agency and the Russian Space Agency will launch the Mars Express spaceprobe today using a Soyuz-Fregat out of Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
Launch is scheduled for 17.45 UT (18.45 BST), so far all preparations have gone smoothly and the forecast is excellent.
The launch will be streamed over the Web by ESA.
Mars Express consists of two components, a large Martian orbiter which will be searching for sub-surface water and studying the Martian atmosphere. Its seven science packages have been built by teams from Europe, Russia, the United States, Japan, and China. Amongst the science packages is a radar for studying geological structures. Mars Express will map most of the planet in high-resolution colour stereoscopic 3D and perform a high-resolution mineralogical survey of the planet.
Mars Express is also carrying the tiny Beagle 2 lander designed by a team led by Professor Colin Pillinger of the Open University. Beagle 2 is Britain's first planetary space probe and designed specifically to look for life using the most advanced techniques currently available.
For those in the UK, the story of Beagle 2 is being told on BBC 2 on Monday 2nd June at 23:20."
Dan B. writes "The BBC is running an article on the European 'Mars Express', Europe's first interplanetary rocket. This is the first of three probes heading to the Red Planet this Summer, as it nears it's closest point from the Earth in thousands of years."
Mars... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Mars... (Score:3, Funny)
it's at 17:45
Beagle, ESA and .uk (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Beagle, ESA and .uk (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Beagle, ESA and .uk (Score:1)
Re:Beagle, ESA and .uk (Score:3, Interesting)
This may not sound like a big deal, but it can really cut down on the cost
Re:Beagle, ESA and .uk (Score:1)
>This may not sound like a big deal, but it can really cut down on the cost
Wonder if NASA ever heard of "economies of scale".
Re:Beagle, ESA and .uk (Score:4, Informative)
Actually, yes, they did. The basic Mariner design was modified and reused for many of NASA's planetary missions; ESA's reuse of the Express design for Mars and Venus is certainly nothing new.
Re:Beagle, ESA and .uk (Score:2)
Wait, where's Planet Express? Damn I love Futurama...
Re:Beagle, ESA and .uk (Score:2)
But just because British scientists are very frugal doesn't mean that a little bit of additional money will turn into a huge scientific return. A frugal scientist with twice as much funding may not be any more productive than a frugal scienti
Re:Beagle, ESA and .uk (Score:5, Interesting)
A frugal scientist with twice as much funding may not be any more productive than a frugal scientist with his current budget.
Being a frugal British scientist working on a a tight budget I can tell you that while this may be true in some cases, just taking the stress of being so close to the wire away could mean that some people can get more science done. Heck I just blew the last three weeks writing grant proposals, very little science (or anything else, including sleep) got done during that time. For this I got a PhD?
Al.Re:Beagle, ESA and .uk (Score:3, Interesting)
Agreed about the tight budget thing though. It would be nice, just for once, to have a budget that allowed me to just buy, for exa
Real reason for Mars Express (Score:2)
This is why Mars Express is a much smaller spacecraft, small enough to rely on the well-proven launch rocket that carries the Soyuz spacecraft to orbit.
In other words (Score:3, Funny)
Translation: "Our Secret Soviet Weather control machine is working perfectly. Now, where are Moose and Squirrel?"
If anything goes wrong... (Score:4, Funny)
Let's hope the ESA engineers haven't been barkin' up the wrong tree.
The search (Score:5, Funny)
In the best British tradition the probe will lay out a tea set and some cucumber sandwiches to attract alien lifeforms.
Re:The search (Score:5, Funny)
Re:The search (Score:4, Funny)
Actually in the best British tradition, the probe will be wearing an England/Millwall/Arsenal shirt, will be p*ssed out of it's mind and will start broadcasting threatening messages to any lifeform it detects for "looking at it funny".
We are not going to Mars just to find life but to kick the living daylights out of it...
Re:The search (Score:3, Funny)
So, not too far off the mark.
Now all we need is a Mars excusion robot shaped like a ball, with appropriately shaped black solar cells positioned over its surface and, BINGO! - Mars football...
Re:The search (Score:1)
Re:The search (Score:3, Funny)
Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough, or
Engerlund, engerlund...
Re:The search (Score:2)
And if said aliens turn out to be hostile, all those cricket bats and football hooligans can finally come in handy.
Re:The search (Score:1)
And if said aliens turn out to be hostile, all those cricket bats and football hooligans can finally come in handy.
No, we actually use baseball bats, they're more suitable. Nobody in Britain plays baseball but every sports shop has a good selection of baseball bats despite that.
Re:The search (Score:1)
Presumably he's interested in looking for coal on Mars, but watch out for vacuum leeks...
I think there's something wrong with Mr. Poslow (Score:2, Funny)
Re:The search (Score:1)
Re:The search (Score:4, Funny)
In the best British tradition the probe will lay out a tea set and some cucumber sandwiches to attract alien lifeforms.
No, with the thin Martian atmosphere the water would boil at too low a temperature, so you can't make a decent cup of tea on Mars. Frightfully important to make a good first impression on the blighters, so we sent it up with some of our real ale instead. Wouldn't want them to get ticked off for sending awful tasting stuff - like your beer - wot! :o)
We are getting so much closer now... (Score:3, Funny)
Obligatory Futurama joke (Score:3, Funny)
Prior to this, the name Uranus will be changed to Urectum.
Re:We are getting so much closer now... (Score:2)
Any guesses?
Re:We are getting so much closer now... (Score:1)
Re:We are getting so much closer now... (Score:1)
Re:We are getting so much closer now... (Score:2)
watch the launch, live (Score:3, Informative)
Re:watch the launch, live (Score:2, Funny)
Damn it.... (Score:4, Funny)
Now with the link to the streaming page published on
But is the Beagle Horny? (Score:3, Funny)
People of Earth, hear us. We, the people of mars, grow tired of your repetetive probings!
You must cease and desist with this probing, especially with one named after a dog. (We've watched what your dogs do on your planet, and have no wish to undergo the same "leg" treatment.)
And you must stop this photography of our martian mounds. This blatant harrassment will only lead to a hostile relationship between us.
Perhaps with some beating, and bondage thrown in...
krystal_blade... No martians were harmed during the posting of this comment....
Re:But is the Beagle Horny? (Score:2, Informative)
FYI the Beagle2 probe is named after [beagle2.com] the HMS Beagle that carried Darwin on his world travels, whence he galvanised his ideas on the origin of species [amazon.co.uk]
The HMS Beagle though, was named after a dog
The Mars Express.... (Score:2)
Re:The Mars Express.... (Score:1)
Most intense period of planetary exploration ever (Score:5, Informative)
In addition to these missions, also keep an eye on the NASA/ESA Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn and Titan, arriving later this year, as well as ESA's SMART-1 mission to the moon to be launched soon. Future plans include NASA's Mercury Messenger [jhuapl.edu], and ESA's Venus Express [esa.int] and Bepi-Columbo [esa.int].
Re:Most intense period of planetary exploration ev (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Most intense period of planetary exploration ev (Score:4, Interesting)
Alternative to web broadcast (Score:5, Informative)
Reception frequency: 10832 MHz
Polarisation: Horizontal
Symbol rate: 22 Msymb/s
FEC: 5/6
Service ID: 61950
Service name: ESA
TXT: none
Start of launch transmission: 19:15 CEST (17:15 GMT/UT)
Re:Alternative to web broadcast (Score:2)
In 2003, War was beginning... (Score:2, Funny)
Engineering Drone: Somebody set up us three probes.
Signals Drone: We get signal.
Martian Overlord: What!
Signals Drone: Main screen turn on.
Martian Overlord: It's You !!
Beagle: How are you gentlemen !!
Beagle: All your base are belong to us probes.
Beagle: You are on the way to destruction.
Martian Overlord: What you say !!
Beagle: You have no chance to survive make your time.
Beagle: HA HA HA HA
Martian Overlord: Take off every 'zig'!!
Martian Overlord: You know what
Re:In 2003, War was beginning... (Score:2, Funny)
> Beagle: You are on the way to destruction.
As opposed to:
Generic NASA Mars Lander: We are on the way to destruction.
Good luck Europe! (Score:3)
I know many of you hate us, and have even wished us ill-will recently, but rest assured, I don't hate you, and I wish you the best of luck in this endeavor.
New York, out...
Re:Good luck Europe! (Score:5, Insightful)
It is certainly true many Europeans are not major fans of your current leadership, but frankly most of us hope you will eventually regain your senses and vote someone more sensible into the white house.
I'm disturbed that you felt you needed to post this. I didn't realize American perception of Europe can be so wrong. What do you think of when someone mentions Europe?
Re:Good luck Europe! (Score:2)
France almost elected Le Pen (a "radical"), and Austria elected a radical too, but that doesn't mean that the country is
Re:Good luck Europe! (Score:2)
As for France and Austria, they were extremely foolish (in the case of France) and irresponsible (in the case of Austria) to elect Le Pen (almost) and Haider. And that too is criticism, rather than hatred.
Re:Good luck Europe! (Score:2)
Re:Good luck Europe! (Score:2)
Re:Good luck Europe! (Score:2)
Re:Good luck Europe! (Score:2)
If I am
Re:Good luck Europe! (Score:2)
So this is my last reply to you. (Unless you feel like posting a non-AC reply or you want to give me an email and we can have an off-site discussion).
Re:Good luck Europe! (Score:2)
You should get a tackle box, son - cuz you're reeeeeeally fishing here...
Re:Good luck Europe! (Score:2)
Just to point out a couple of things - it was not "Europeans" as a whole that elected Hitler or Mussolini, most of us were on the opposing side, fighting him whilst Shrub's grandpa was busy making money with the Nazi party. If it had been all of Europe that was bent on world domination under one leader t
Re:Good luck Europe! (Score:1)
Re:Good luck Europe! (Score:1, Offtopic)
Gee, I don't know. . . maybe all of the snotty Europeans posting about how we deserved the WTC attack? Or the ones who feel the need to remind us about American imperialism in every other thread (conveniently ignoring the far worse effects of European imperialism)? Or the ones who like to tell me I'm living in a police state? The level of contempt I see is appalling. I've known and worked with a number of Europeans, and even though they'd come to the
Re:Good luck Europe! (Score:1, Offtopic)
I'd challenge you to find any normal European who said that the US deserved 11/9. I'd also challenge you to find a European who would justify historic European imperialism and who would support it now. The fact that most Brits were not behind their own government in i
Gods Damn it.. get a grip (Score:1)
The Europeans are as bad as the Americans except they dont get on the high horse about unlike the post that this is attached to....
it is also unfair to compare schroeder to bush, the reasons why the europeans hate bush is he is a war mongering idiot that could not outwit a yoghurt, but for the same reason people hate blair becuase he is a sycophantic war mongering manipula
Re:Good luck Europe! (Score:2, Interesting)
well i can tell you that you're not going to find what you're looking for. i moved to Saint Petersburg, Russia 3 months ago (born and raised in Calfornia). when i'm in a busy public place, i don't dare utter a single english word in fear that i will be jumped immediately.
hell, even the Mac
Re:Good luck Europe! (Score:1)
As the only Brit working a PhD group of very wide ranging ethnisity, i have on a number of occasions had the oportunity to argue the pros and cons of european (especially British) imperialism.
Overall the general conclusion that is generally reached is that although we did some pretty naughty things (slavery, cultural clensing, resourse stealing, etc). The beneficial effects conveyed to the countries, in the long run, allowed the countr
Re:Good luck Europe! (Score:2)
A mix of German fairy tales, carbonated beverages, and African-influenced music.
Re:Good luck Europe! (Score:1)
And Danish, and Swedish...
Re:Good luck Europe! (Score:2)
True enough, I was just alluding to Disney's blatant (and royalty-free) plagiarazing of the Grimm brothers. Whose stories, of course, were not of exclusively German origins.
Re:Good luck Europe! (Score:1, Funny)
Re:Good luck Europe! (Score:1)
Re:Good luck Europe! (Score:2)
Re:Good luck Europe! (Score:2)
Re:Good luck Europe! (Score:1)
The blustering about Syria is a bit disturbing, but no worse than Bush's "Axis of Evil" stupidity. I'm not sure what went wrong between the Clinton and Bush PR regimes, but I think they should sto
Re:Good luck Europe! (Score:2, Offtopic)
However, until I meet a majority of Europeans that don't openly say they hate us, we're imperialistic, we deserved 9/11, we're shallow and ignorant, then I will have to think that the majority of Europeans truly do hate us. Consider it my own personal straw poll.
I'll bite. (Brit living in the US).
"they hate us"
Nope, never met an individual American that I've hated. I have mixed feelings about America as a as a political entity, but (a) that's a long way from hate, and (b) also true for any country
Re:Good luck Europe! (Score:1)
How could we hate the country that helped to remove Hitler? How could we hate the country that spent a lot of money rebuilding the German economy after the war? There has been a history of friendship between the US and Germany until less than 4 years ago and this will not change so fast.
Please try to ignore the occassional strong german leftist trying to
Re:Good luck Europe! (Score:2)
Re:[yeah we hate you] Re:Good luck Europe! (Score:2)
I personally hate the Italians as they invaded my country in 300 BC. I also hate the Normans, the Angles, the Saxons and anyone else who oppressed the brave Celts. I would take it out on their descendants and hate them - if only I could work out who they were...
Time in the US (Score:2, Informative)
First world aeronautics (Score:2)
Re:First world aeronautics (Score:2)
Well, I guess there isn't much second world anymore outside of Cuba and N. Korea. So what do we call them? Former second world countries?
Success! (Score:3, Informative)
Well it's off the ground (Score:2)
One notable cock-up was the UK's ITN news channel which had been advertising it's live coverage of the launch all day and just as it happened it cut to a commerical break. Professional journalism indeed. Fortunately the other stations also covered it.
Water on Mars (Score:2)
What I wonder is how likely these areas actually were flooded.
I know they say there is a fair amount of forzen water on mars but other than that and the fact it "looks" like surface shaped by water, do they have any other proof of this? I am not trying to say that there were no oceans, im just wondering how they came up with "probably". I thought
For those more interested in the delivery veicle.. (Score:2)
Interestingly enough, it's a new generation of launchers (well, an incremental upgrade
that IIRC were first used in 2000.
Looks good at about 1915 UCT (Score:2)
Textbook launch - well, that's what you expect from Soyuz - and now the departure from Earth orbit has succeeded as well.
Fingers crossed. Hopefully there will be some wide smiles round about Christmas this year when we hear that "The Beagle has landed". (No offense whatever intended to the US lunar program: I saw the tv broadcasts of the first landing in the early hours of the morning when I was still at university.)
User manual... (Score:3, Interesting)
Troll Alert - Launch at 19:15 CEST (Score:2)
It is now 13:05 CEST.
So what the hell are you talking about?
Re:Troll Alert - Launch at 19:15 CEST (Score:1)
A tremendous wheeze where everyone pretends to themselves their NOT getting up an hour earlier every morning in summer by pretending its an hour ealier than it really is.
Definition: Central European Summer TIme (CEST)
Central European Version of same. aka GMT +2
I'm not a morning person
Re:Two space probes enter a bar... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Two space probes enter a bar... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Two space probes enter a bar... (Score:2, Informative)
The use of the U.K. Blue Streak launcher by the European Launcher Development Organisation (ELDO) was probably a mistake, but as the basis for developing
Re:Two space probes enter a bar... (Score:1)
Boeing's Sea Launch initiative ought to give us this information within a few years.
Re:Two space probes enter a bar... (Score:1)
Re:Where's Ariane? (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Where's Ariane? (Score:2)
There's also the small matter of reliability. The Russian rockets just work, every time.
Re:Where's Ariane? (Score:2)
Re:Where's Ariane? (Score:2)
Plus Arianespace was in the process of moving from Ariane-4 (well-understood, pretty reliable) to Ariane-5 (track record not particularly good so far) while the program was being planned. I'd say the project leads called it right. (In any case, ESA also subcontracts Soyuz launches from Starsem [starsem.com] where that makes commercial sense.)
Re:Other uses for the powerful technology? (Score:2)
Soyuz has the Fregat.
Best wishes,
Re:Where's Ariane? (Score:2)
Re:Isn't it sad... (Score:3, Funny)
mod parent up funny (Score:2)