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Silicon Seduced From Silica 100

Roland Piquepaille writes "Making silicon is an expensive process, which conventionally involves carbothermal reduction, in which the oxygen is removed from silica by a heterogeneous-homogeneous reaction sequence at approximately 1,700 C. Now, Japanese researchers have developed a new technique which uses electricity to remove the oxygen from silica. Their technique is based on the immersion of silica in a bath of molten calcium chloride salt at 850 C, which should reduce the costs of making silicon -- and other elements, like zirconium. Check this column for a summary or read this article from Nature for additional details."
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Silicon Seduced From Silica

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  • Hey now! (Score:3, Funny)

    by The-Bus ( 138060 ) on Monday May 19, 2003 @08:24AM (#5990643)
    I was going to ask if this was going to make the price of breast implants drop low enough so that the procedure would be available to all the women that would want it; for example, to the point where one could simply hand out gift certificates. Then I realized that modern boobs are now just saline solution, and the high price must come from the "doctors" performing the procedure itself.

    Mmmmm... Brine. Delicious brine.
    • Re:Hey now! (Score:2, Funny)

      by bludstone ( 103539 )
      While implanting them into people's bodies is a sorely bad idea (unsafe!), there is no reason that you couldnt now make an affordable pillow/blanket/bed out of this stuff..

      It would be like sleeping on a giant... ah nevermind. :)
    • Re:Hey now! (Score:5, Interesting)

      by amorsen ( 7485 ) <benny+slashdot@amorsen.dk> on Monday May 19, 2003 @08:38AM (#5990699)
      Have we really come to the point where even Slashdotters don't know the difference between silicon and silicone? It is no wonder that the perfectly good word niggardly is lost forever.
    • Now consumers will have a commpeling reason to choose AMD breast implants over intel ones.

      While AMD breast sizes are just an estimated number based on their equilivent intel sizes, it's been reported they go down far less often, making them the least popular choice in the workplace.
  • interesting stuff, there's enough sand around here (SE FLA), they could start mining the stuff here, make chips literally dirt cheap (or would it be sand cheap ?:( ...
    • Re:3rd post! (Score:3, Informative)

      by Sheetrock ( 152993 )
      Unfortunately, many of the conventional sand deposits (Floridian sand not exempted, I think) contains only a small amount of silica, making the refining process prohibitively expensive. This process might be a little cheaper, but proportionally speaking they're still going to do better with dredged volcanic "supersand".
      • Re:3rd post! (Score:5, Informative)

        by pyr0 ( 120990 ) on Monday May 19, 2003 @10:22AM (#5991236)
        Actually, most volcanic sands don't have much quartz at all, and here is why. If it has been derived from a basaltic volcano (ie Hawaii), the composition of the sand will be extremely high in mafic (very silica poor) minerals since the source magma was low in silica. Then, if you are talking about a volcano whose melt composition is closer to the felsic (silica rich...so much so that you get quartz precipitating) side, these are typically very explosive volcanos that produce lots and lots of fine grained ash but no lava flows to weather from. What you *really* want is a sand eroding from an exposed granite. You get great big fat quartz crystals, and feldspars that turn to clay very quickly. And that's just if you want to find a loose sand that will be quartz rich. What I would do is actually get a hold of some mining rights out in the Southwest US somewhere and start a quarry operation on all the excellent quartz sandstone they've got.

  • ... at least mentioned why this is a good thing.

    My early estimates indicate that this new process (developed by Japanese researchers) will allow synthetic silicon to be cheaper and much more delicate.
    • Delicate silicon (Score:5, Informative)

      by asciimonster ( 305672 ) on Monday May 19, 2003 @08:53AM (#5990770) Journal
      If you just eject oxygen from a structure, it would be likely that you are left with a very brittle structure, if not a powder. Remember the oxigen in the SiO2 (the sand) bridges the silicon atoms therfore the structure must be completely ruined.

      Therefore the collected silicon mus be remelted, drawn, cleaned, sliced into tiny placks, etched, washed and polished. However this is also has to be done with silicon obtained in other ways. Nowadays there are machines who can perform most of these procedures in one run.

      A short explanation of this can be found here [semimat.com]

  • well... (Score:1, Funny)

    by borgdows ( 599861 )
    I am seduced by silicon babes too!
  • Silica defintion (Score:4, Informative)

    by dillon_rinker ( 17944 ) on Monday May 19, 2003 @08:25AM (#5990649) Homepage
    If it's not obvious from the definition, silica is silicon dioxide, SiO2. It is the primary ingredient for making glass. IConsider it as purified sand - all the impurities that color the SiO2 have been removed.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    and misread it to say something about silicone and seduction? :)
  • reduce the costs of making silicon -- and other elements, like zirconium

    Fake diamonds and fake racks drop in price, the pr0n wars begin! Scratching and clawing for territory, kicking for market share, it is an all girl-on-girl cage match!
  • zirconium! (Score:5, Informative)

    by lingqi ( 577227 ) on Monday May 19, 2003 @08:32AM (#5990669) Journal
    Zirconium plays a vital part in metallocene catalysis [usm.edu], which is the method of manufacturing high molecular density polyethylene [usm.edu], in another word, spectra [spectrafiber.com]. (stronger than steel (10x pound for pound), floats, i.e. stronger than KEVLAR [usm.edu] and ~40-45% lighter, better chemical, UV resistance than kevlar, etc).

    not related to silicon, but i like to point that out. in case people are looking for uses for zirconium =).

    for those that thought about it - no spectra is not good enough for space elevator. only 3GPa tensile strength (steel about .25 for cheap ones and 5 for REALLY good ones). space elevator needs ~62GPa. nanotubes ~150GPa theoretical.

    okay. end rant.

    • more zirconium uses (Score:5, Informative)

      by lingqi ( 577227 ) on Monday May 19, 2003 @08:48AM (#5990748) Journal
      okay hate to reply to my self, but there are more uses [lanl.gov] like nuclear reactor stuff... $150/kg, though.

      btw - this kinda shows how bs was bush's little thing about saddam using ALUMINUM tubes for reactors.

      • If you didn't mention nuclear reactor stuff, I would have. I worked at a large nuclear services company and we have many samples of fuel rod samples with lots of zirconium alloy.

        It's pretty neat stuff to look at, though if you didn't know you couldn't tell it from stainless steel or aluminium.

        Also I believe the aluminum tubes Bush was talking about were to be used in fuel refinement, not in a reactor. Still probably mostly bogus but possible considering the tubes the Iraqis were using for their "rock
        • though if you didn't know you couldn't tell it from stainless steel or aluminium.

          I'd figure that weight (specific. grav) would tell a great deal... Steel is at 7.8, Zirconium at 6.5, Aluminum at 3.2 or something. Besides that Aluminum has a tendency to oxidize in normal environments, giving it a hazy looking coat. Okay 7.8 and 6.5 is kinda hard, but I bet with enough practice it's doable. I mean, 20% difference.

          All bets are off if they are alloyed, though...

      • The aluminium tubes were supposedly going to be used for the manufacture of centrifuges needed in a uranium enrichment programme.

        Actually the origin was one of Blair's scare stories to panic the British population into war that was then picked up by the American government.

        Had Blair even bothered to look at the evidence he would have seen that the Iraqis had never managed to get centrifuge cascades up and running and had barely got a single centrifuge working in the lab. They could not have afforded the

    • Re:zirconium! (Score:5, Insightful)

      by simong_oz ( 321118 ) on Monday May 19, 2003 @09:21AM (#5990876) Journal
      okay. start my own rant.

      As an engineer I get fed up with people claiming product X is stronger than steel, etc, etc. You almost always (as in the case of spectra) find that what they are talking about is specific strength, which measures mechanical strength per unit weight. It doesn't mean it's stronger than steel. The modulus of steel (el cheapo low carbon) is roughly 200GPa, spectra is 60-124 or less than half as strong.

      the tensile strength of 3GPa is the UTS - ultimate tensile strength. UTS is where the material catastrophically, and unrecoverably, fails. The material will have yielded (and possibly weakened) well before this stress level is reached.

      Steel will almost always be the basic material of choice, except when weight is important, for the simple reasons that it is strong, easy to work with, easy to manufacture into almost anything and, most importantly, cheap.

      okay. end my own rant :)
      • steel, spectra, etc (Score:5, Informative)

        by lingqi ( 577227 ) on Monday May 19, 2003 @09:39AM (#5990968) Journal
        Hmm, last I checked Spectra 1000 has tensile modulus of 172GPa (older version, Spectra 900 is at 117GPa or so) and steel averages around 210GPa... I wouldn't call that a huge difference. certainly more than half as you claimed.

        impressive especially considering spectra has specific weight of .97 (water at 1) and steel 7.8 or so...

        I mean, I can't imagine that if cost wasn't a consideration, any places where you wouldn't want a lighter material vs. the heavier one (except that polyethylene is not good with fire, so car engines are out).

        but i digress. steel is cheap. but damn, as far as materials go, spectra is about the sexiest we got right now (that's mass-producable, anyway).
        • by simong_oz ( 321118 ) on Monday May 19, 2003 @10:27AM (#5991262) Journal
          well, the specsheets on the website list the modulus (assume they are talking tensile, not bulk/shear/compressive) as 62-79GPA (spectra 900), 98-113GPa (1000) and 113-124GPa (2000) which are the numbers I used.

          I never said it wasn't impressive material; it certainly is, especially when you consider the basic material, UHMWPE, has a modulus of about 40MPa.

          I mean, I can't imagine that if cost wasn't a consideration, any place where you wouldn't want a lighter material vs. the heavier one.

          See that's just the problem. It's great in theory, but in a real-world problem there is almost never a point where cost is not a consideration. In fact, in many everyday, mundane design situations, it is the primary consideration.

          There's some far sexier materials out there though (not really mass-produced) - some of the nano-stuff that's being played with is really interesting (but completely impractical!), metallic foams and some biological materials are turning out to have some pretty impressive (and unique) combinations of material properties. Shape-memory alloys are also pretty neat.
        • Xylon is pretty sweet too.
    • Maybe I'll finally be able to afford those zircon-encrusted tweezers that are so useful for picking dental floss.
  • Prices and Profits (Score:3, Insightful)

    by PSL ( 519746 ) on Monday May 19, 2003 @08:32AM (#5990670) Homepage
    Now prices can remain the same while profits go up...
    • by amorsen ( 7485 ) <benny+slashdot@amorsen.dk> on Monday May 19, 2003 @08:45AM (#5990732)
      Now prices can remain the same while profits go up...

      Right, that is how the semiconductor world typically works. This has kept computer prices at the same level since the seventies and ensured the current situation where there are only a few thousand computers in the world. Imagine if prices on IC's had been allowed to fall - there might have been a computer in front of me now. Or maybe someone would even have managed to create a digital watch!

  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 19, 2003 @08:32AM (#5990671)
    Obviously it will reduce the cost of silicon chips ... a little. In fact a 3 inch Si wafer costs about 3 USD. So you Intel Hexium Pro 10 GHz chip cost will not be much affected by this. However the solar power industry has often used Si cutoffs from teh chips industry, a kind of recycling and there the cost scale is very different.

    As wafers have grown in size (and changed from inches to metrics), up to 300 mm production size today, it means there is effectively less cutoffs available to make cheap polycrystalline solar cells. Sure, mono crystalline solar cells are more efficient but also far more costly.

    This new process then can mean a lot more cheap solar cells. Imagine like all available roof areas being covered, down to the top of all cars.
    • by FuzzyDaddy ( 584528 ) on Monday May 19, 2003 @09:24AM (#5990894) Journal
      Most of the silicon in the world is actually used in processing metal, including steel, of various kinds.

      Only a small fraction is actually turned into wafers, and the expense in that process has less to do with turning silica into silicon, but turning impure silicon into really, really pure, single crystal silicon. [It's actually a really cool process, I wish I could remember the details. It involves bonding the silicon to something, and distilling it.] And this cost is very small compared to the cost of turning a wafer into chips.

      This discovery, if it actually saves money, will have some impact on the steel industry, but practically none on the semiconductor industry.

    • by Lumpy ( 12016 ) on Monday May 19, 2003 @09:25AM (#5990896) Homepage
      This new process then can mean a lot more cheap solar cells. Imagine like all available roof areas being covered, down to the top of all cars.

      I'm more interested in the increase of performance of the solar cells and this means moving away from Silicon based technology.

      If I have to have a 600sq ft array of Si cells to generate 1/5th the power needs of my home being able to buy them cheaper doesnt help me. I can't have 5 20X30 foot panels on my property because I live in the city.

      The most interesting is this process might make the procesing of other materials used in the more efficient solar electric panels either cheaper or easier (thus making it cheaper)

      Although with Si panels themselves... if everyone had 1 panel on their home in this northern midwest town tied to the grid it would make a significant difference in the electrical supply andthe amount of coal we burn every day to make that electricity...

      Although not anywhere as much as simply changing every lamp in your home from Incandesant and regular Flourescent to Compact flourescent.
      • If I have to have a 600sq ft array of Si cells to generate 1/5th the power needs of my home being able to buy them cheaper doesnt help me.

        Sure it does. It makes that array of Si cells cheaper.

        Is there even enough energy coming from the sun and falling on your roof to power your whole house? I'm pretty sure solar power isn't a complete solution for a house in the city without producing it outside the city and piping it in on the grid.

        Although with Si panels themselves... if everyone had 1 panel on th

        • Is there even enough energy coming from the sun and falling on your roof to power your whole house?

          Depends on where you live. Some places get lots of sun (ie, Phoenix, AZ), some places not so much (ie, Seattle, WA.) Depending on the size of your roof, and your power consumption, you could power 100% of your needs with a large enough solar array. Actually, a better (and easier) way of doing solar is to mount your panels on the ground - roof mounts are a pain in the ass to access for maintenance. Most
          • Well, I was talking about any location in the US, but considering an average city-sized roof, and average (or low average) power consumption. Let's even assume orientation is pretty much exactly where you want it, although that's a bad assumption, really.

            I have no doubts that it can be done if you build a house from scratch. But that's not really a viable option for most people.

    • Coincidently, I've just (about 1 hour ago) finished reading the New Scientist edition from the 10th May. It had a nice article about the solar cell industry titled "Sun Block" that quite a bit about this process.

      The article mentions that the current downturn in the microprocessor industry means that solar cell manufacturer's are able to source high grade silicon relatively cheaply, but that an expected upturn in the computer industry in 2004 or so will starve solar cell manufacturer's of their silicon supp
    • This new process then can mean a lot more cheap solar cells.

      I don't know about that. Since solar cell raw materials come from silicon wafer scrap, I don't know how much they would save from the new process. Solar cells don't really have tight specifications that chip makers require. They do need it to be somewhat pure, but considering that they buy scrapped silicon wafers by the ton, it doesn't have to be very pure.

  • A cost reduction of computer equipment in the not-too-distant future?
  • by markus_baertschi ( 259069 ) <markus@NOspAM.markus.org> on Monday May 19, 2003 @08:35AM (#5990684)

    The cost of the silicon wafers has an enormous impact on the cost of silicon solar cells. If this cost can be brought down with this new technology suddenly solar energy becomes competitive !


  • by joneshenry ( 9497 ) on Monday May 19, 2003 @08:46AM (#5990734)
    Actually, the Japanese had similar oxygen destroying technology since 1954 [earthlink.net], unfortunately, the discoverer Dr. Serizawa chose to commit suicide rather than risk having the technology made into a weapon. The technology was rediscovered in the 1990s [gvsdestoroyah.com], unfortunately, the manner in which it was re-revealed to the world led to unfavorable publicity. Only now has the furor died down enough for oxygen destroying technology to finally realize its potential.
  • Seduced? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by turgid ( 580780 ) on Monday May 19, 2003 @08:47AM (#5990739) Journal
    Surely you mean reduced?

    Remember your chemistry? REG and LEO? Reduction is Electron Gain, Loss of Electrons is Oxidation

    The fact that oxygen is being removed from the compound should have given you a clue.

    • Remember your chemistry? REG and LEO? Reduction is Electron Gain, Loss of Electrons is Oxidation

      OILRIG is easier for most people to remember; Oxidation Is Loss, Reduction Is Gain (of electrons)


    • Obviously neither the submitter nor editor have a basic grasp of chemistry as demonstrated by this line:
      reduce the costs of making silicon -- and other elements, (emph. added)
      This proccess is not making any silicon, and can't be used to make any other elements either. To make an element you need to employ either fission or fusion at the nuclear level - not at the molecular level as this process is described.

  • At last a solution to all the trolling problems on slashdot.

    you see trolls are made of silica and other elements found in igneous rocks(the stuff mountains are made of).

    75% to 45% of the average igneous rock is silica http://www.geog.ouc.bc.ca/physgeog/contents/10e.h t ml.

    therefore trolls are more than 45% (and maybe as much as 75%) silica.

    turn the heat up on trolls, and create the raw materials for more computers.


    PS. or alternativly lets just contine to ignore them ;-)
  • by Randatola ( 527856 ) on Monday May 19, 2003 @08:53AM (#5990772) Homepage
    The companies that make silicon wafers for semiconductor production start with what is considered "chemically pure" silicon, and purify it some more until it is "electronics grade" silicon. A billet (I forget their technical term for it) of silicon is grown off of a seed crystal in a furnace, in a process that takes about a month. This is then sliced along a crystal axis into wafers which are polished to a rather extraordinary degree.

    I don't know how much the raw silicon costs, but I suspect that most of the cost of the wafers comes from this month-long crystal growth and planarization. Good (ie, very flat) 200mm silicon wafers for semiconductor production can cost up to $1000 each, although they are probably much cheaper now due to lack of demand. Many processes also don't require the flattest wafers and so one can get by with wafers that cost a small fraction of that.

    • The process described in the article only addresses how to turn silica (glass) into crystalline silicon. In current processes, the purity after this first stage is about 75% pure. The next step takes it to about 99% pure (electronic grade silicon or EGS). So the process described in the article really only affects the first stage.

      A billet (I forget their technical term for it) of silicon is grown off of a seed crystal in a furnace, in a process that takes about a month.

      The time a billet or rod grows

  • by ksan ( 24007 ) on Monday May 19, 2003 @09:24AM (#5990895)
    Zirconium is in the same column in the periodic table so I think it is possible that the researchers are thinking about Titanium too, because it is expensive to produce with the process available and with high potential of money return.
  • and other elements, like zirconium.

    Yes, and get nagged even more after being married that it's not a real diamond.

  • Cheap zirconium.

    Now, I can buy my wife even more "diamonds".

    Oh, boy! I'm gonna get lucky!
  • by Caoch93 ( 611965 ) on Monday May 19, 2003 @10:30AM (#5991278)
    I'm guessing Neal Stephenson was a little bit off...it won't be The Diamond Age for us but instead The Zircon Age, a cheap knockoff of the cyberpunk world Neal envisioned.

    There's something ironic about that... ;)

  • on the immersion of silica in a bath of molten calcium chloride

    I usually bath my silicon babes in water and soap. Does this change the quality of the silicon at all?
  • by apsmith ( 17989 ) on Monday May 19, 2003 @11:42AM (#5991669) Homepage
    Silica is the primary component of the Moon's surface (and Earth's too) - this technique could greatly reduce the cost to produce useful things (like oxygen as a fuel component and for life in space, and silicon for solar cells) out of bulk lunar material.

    Large-scale [space.com] space construction is coming, and will provide one of the major markets for lunar materials. Martin Rees [nytimes.com] has a new book out that is pretty clear on why we need to develop space resources. Here's another enabling technology - now let's go do it!

    By the way, anybody in the SF bay area this coming weekend should check out the International Space Development Conference [nss.org] in San Jose, where we'll be discussing a lot of these ideas, and more! [scifitoday.com]
  • by Doppler00 ( 534739 ) on Monday May 19, 2003 @11:51AM (#5991723) Homepage Journal
    They have been doing this with aluminum for decades. They put aluminum oxide in molten sodium aluminum floride and use electricity to seperate the oxygen from aluminum. I'm suprised that a similar technique for silicon was just recently invented.
    • You're right. The general idea of using electricity to separate silicon isn't new. But the way they are doing it is new.

      The first stage of silicon refinement takes silica and makes it silicon to about 75% pure. The second stage takes the silicon to 99% pure. But this stage involves making silicon into a gas. Electricity is used to charge a small, very pure seed crystal so that the gaseous silicon deposits on it.

      I think why it took them so longer to do it with solid silicon is the fact that aluminum

  • by GreyMage ( 101102 ) on Monday May 19, 2003 @01:19PM (#5992433)
    WOW, a subject where I seem to be the first "expert" to post.

    I work in the semiconductor industry. (actually, for one of he largest producers of semiconductor-grade silicon in the world,) and I'm intimately familiar with the process to turn silicon from sand into wafers for chip manufacture. At my work, we are the middle step. I'll explain:

    Semiconductor-grade silicon is ultra-pure silicon metal (I mean parts-per-billion atomic purity.) All the semi-grade Si in the world is produced in approximately the same way.

    Silica (sand) is reduced to "metallurgical grade" silicon (~99.5% pure) in an arc furnace process, the sand is melted with a reducing agent (often carbon), and the molten metal is poured off. (this is a very cool process. The smelter has a hole in the bottom that is allowed to freeze shut with Si, and when they're ready to pour, someone shoots out the Si plug with a shotgun. Cool job)

    This metallurgical grade Si is sold to intermediate producers who grind it to a fine powder, and react it with gaseous HCl in fluid bed reactors to generate chlorosilanes (H3SiCl, H2SiCl2, HSiCl3, SiCl4.) These chlorosilanes are then distilled to very high purity ~99.999% or more.

    The chlorosilanes (different ones for different manufacturers) are then used in the Siemens process to produce semiconductor-grade POLYCRYSTALLINE silicon. The process works by Chemical Vapor Deposition. Ultra-pure silicon rods are placed in a reactor in an inverted U shape, and each end of the U is connected to an electrical circuit. The atmosphere inside the reactor is purged of all gasses and then chlorosilane vapors are introduced. Huge amounts of electricity are used to heat the U circuits to incandescence (imagen a 600 megawatt lightbulb) and the ultra-pure chlorosilanes decompose into Si and HCl at the surface of the rods.

    The problem with the silicon, at this point, is that it's polycrystalline, not single crystal. In order to produce proper IC's, the crystal structure of the silicon must be perfect 1,1,1 crystal. Polycrystalline silicon (a.k.a. poly) is a random oriented growth where the crystal structures of many crstals have grown together. The poly is reduced in size and sent to a crystal pulling facility (wafer fab) where it is used in the Czoralski process for making wafers.

    The CZ process consists of melting a large amount of poly, then dipping in a "seed" crystal. This perfect single-crystal specimen is "dipped" into the molten silicon while being rotated. The seed is then carefully "pulled" upwards while rotating, and the resulting ingot grows in diameter based on the pull speed, and several other factors (300mm is current state of the art.)

    Once the pull is completed, a ~1000+ kg log of single crystal silicon is made, and is ready for final processing to wafers. The tapered ends are removed (top and tail) and the "log" is shaved down perfectly round and to the proper diameter. Diamond impregnated wire saws are used to slice the log into wafers, the wafers are lapped and polished, and they are ready to have IC's printed on them. (some are further processed, but you get the gist.


    • "WOW, a subject where I seem to be the first "expert" to post."
      I think this is a bit more monumental than you think. This is the first time an expert has commented on ANY /. article!
    • DOH!! I hate to reply to myself, but I realized that I may not have made it clear. The carbothermal process that the article talks about is the process for making metallurgical-grade Si. This is a relatively cheap part of the overall semiconductor process which is overshadowed by orders of magnitude. The purification from 99.5-99.9% to 99.9999999% via all the chlorination and distillations is big, then the electrical costs of re-depositing solid silicon is HUGE by comparison. Then there's the cost of th
  • I am thinking that perhaps the cost of raw silicon is not the rate limiting factor in the manufactre of chips.

    A new processor goes for several hundred dollars...the silicon in it can't be more than a few dollars, with the rest going to pay for the cost of R&D.

    I could be wrong on this, though. Does anyone know for sure?

  • Not.

    So it takes half the power to extract silicon from silica.

    Big whoop.

    It's one step in the thousand-step process from deciding to scoop sand to powering up an integrated circuit.

    Stuff that matters. Says so right up there on the banner. Try to keep it that way.
  • "Their technique is based on the immersion of silica in a bath of molten calcium chloride salt at 850 C ..."

    The secret step in this process involves gently applying a loofa [miriamwebster.com] to the silica while it is bathing. Molten calcium chloride salt sounds irritating, but throw in a naturally occuring sponge and you've got yourself a fiesta!

  • Maybe one day we'll have solar panels that don't require more energy to make than we ultimately get out of them.
  • reduce the costs of making silicon -- and other elements, like zirconium

    So you mean that crappy costume jewelry on the home shopping channel is getting even cheaper? Let the floodgates to the trailer park open.

  • Does this mean breast implants will be more affordable now (not to mention implants of various other parts...) ? :-|


"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
